path: root/loader/resource.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'loader/resource.c')
1 files changed, 478 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/loader/resource.c b/loader/resource.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1c5b4654d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/loader/resource.c
@@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
+ * Resources
+ *
+ * Copyright 1993 Robert J. Amstadt
+ * Copyright 1995 Alexandre Julliard
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <wine/winbase.h>
+#include <wine/windef.h>
+#include <wine/winuser.h>
+#include <wine/heap.h>
+#include <wine/module.h>
+#include <wine/debugtools.h>
+#include <wine/winerror.h>
+#define CP_ACP 0
+WORD WINE_LanguageId=0x409;//english
+typedef struct _HRSRC_ELEM
+ HANDLE hRsrc;
+ WORD type;
+typedef struct _HRSRC_MAP
+ int nAlloc;
+ int nUsed;
+ HRSRC_ELEM *elem;
+static HRSRC RES_FindResource2( HMODULE hModule, LPCSTR type,
+ LPCSTR name, WORD lang, int unicode)
+ HRSRC hRsrc = 0;
+ LPWSTR typeStr, nameStr;
+ WINE_MODREF *wm = MODULE32_LookupHMODULE( hModule );
+ if(!wm)
+ return 0;
+ /* 32-bit PE module */
+ if ( HIWORD( type ) && (!unicode))
+ typeStr = HEAP_strdupAtoW( GetProcessHeap(), 0, type );
+ else
+ typeStr = (LPWSTR)type;
+ if ( HIWORD( name ) && (!unicode))
+ nameStr = HEAP_strdupAtoW( GetProcessHeap(), 0, name );
+ else
+ nameStr = (LPWSTR)name;
+ hRsrc = PE_FindResourceExW( wm, nameStr, typeStr, lang );
+ if ( HIWORD( type ) && (!unicode))
+ HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, typeStr );
+ if ( HIWORD( name ) && (!unicode))
+ HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, nameStr );
+ return hRsrc;
+ * RES_FindResource
+ */
+static HRSRC RES_FindResource( HMODULE hModule, LPCSTR type,
+ LPCSTR name, WORD lang, int unicode )
+ HRSRC hRsrc;
+// __TRY
+// {
+ hRsrc = RES_FindResource2(hModule, type, name, lang, unicode);
+// }
+// __EXCEPT(page_fault)
+// {
+// WARN("page fault\n");
+// return 0;
+// }
+// __ENDTRY
+ return hRsrc;
+ * RES_SizeofResource
+ */
+static DWORD RES_SizeofResource( HMODULE hModule, HRSRC hRsrc)
+ DWORD size = 0;
+ HRSRC hRsrc32;
+// HMODULE16 hMod16 = MapHModuleLS( hModule );
+// NE_MODULE *pModule = NE_GetPtr( hMod16 );
+// WINE_MODREF *wm = pModule && pModule->module32?
+// MODULE32_LookupHMODULE( pModule->module32 ) : NULL;
+ WINE_MODREF *wm = MODULE32_LookupHMODULE( hModule );
+ if ( !hModule || !hRsrc ) return 0;
+ /* 32-bit PE module */
+ /* If we got a 16-bit hRsrc, convert it */
+// hRsrc32 = HIWORD(hRsrc)? hRsrc : MapHRsrc16To32( pModule, hRsrc );
+ if(!HIWORD(hRsrc))
+ {
+ printf("16-bit hRsrcs not supported\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ size = PE_SizeofResource( hModule, hRsrc );
+ return size;
+ * RES_AccessResource
+ */
+static HFILE RES_AccessResource( HMODULE hModule, HRSRC hRsrc )
+ WINE_MODREF *wm = MODULE32_LookupHMODULE( hModule );
+ if ( !hModule || !hRsrc ) return HFILE_ERROR;
+ /* 32-bit PE module */
+ FIXME("32-bit modules not yet supported.\n" );
+ hFile = HFILE_ERROR;
+ return hFile;
+ * RES_LoadResource
+ */
+static HGLOBAL RES_LoadResource( HMODULE hModule, HRSRC hRsrc)
+ HGLOBAL hMem = 0;
+ HRSRC hRsrc32;
+ WINE_MODREF *wm = MODULE32_LookupHMODULE( hModule );
+ if ( !hModule || !hRsrc ) return 0;
+ /* 32-bit PE module */
+ /* If we got a 16-bit hRsrc, convert it */
+// hRsrc32 = HIWORD(hRsrc)? hRsrc : MapHRsrc16To32( pModule, hRsrc );
+ if(!HIWORD(hRsrc))
+ {
+ printf("16-bit hRsrcs not supported\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ hMem = PE_LoadResource( wm, hRsrc );
+ return hMem;
+ * RES_LockResource
+ */
+static LPVOID RES_LockResource( HGLOBAL handle )
+ LPVOID bits = NULL;
+ TRACE("(%08x, %s)\n", handle, "PE" );
+ bits = (LPVOID)handle;
+ return bits;
+ * RES_FreeResource
+ */
+static WIN_BOOL RES_FreeResource( HGLOBAL handle )
+ HGLOBAL retv = handle;
+ return (WIN_BOOL)retv;
+ * FindResourceA (KERNEL32.128)
+ */
+HANDLE WINAPI FindResourceA( HMODULE hModule, LPCSTR name, LPCSTR type )
+ return RES_FindResource( hModule, type, name,
+ WINE_LanguageId, 0);
+HANDLE WINAPI FindResourceW( HMODULE hModule, LPCWSTR name, LPCWSTR type )
+ return RES_FindResource( hModule, (LPCSTR)type, (LPCSTR)name,
+ WINE_LanguageId, 1);
+ * FindResourceExA (KERNEL32.129)
+ */
+HANDLE WINAPI FindResourceExA( HMODULE hModule,
+ LPCSTR type, LPCSTR name, WORD lang )
+ return RES_FindResource( hModule, type, name,
+ lang, 0 );
+HANDLE WINAPI FindResourceExW( HMODULE hModule,
+ LPCWSTR type, LPCWSTR name, WORD lang )
+ return RES_FindResource( hModule, (LPCSTR)type, (LPCSTR)name,
+ lang, 1 );
+ * LockResource (KERNEL32.384)
+ */
+LPVOID WINAPI LockResource( HGLOBAL handle )
+ return RES_LockResource( handle );
+ * FreeResource (KERNEL32.145)
+ */
+WIN_BOOL WINAPI FreeResource( HGLOBAL handle )
+ return RES_FreeResource( handle );
+ * AccessResource (KERNEL32.64)
+ */
+INT WINAPI AccessResource( HMODULE hModule, HRSRC hRsrc )
+ return RES_AccessResource( hModule, hRsrc );
+ * SizeofResource (KERNEL32.522)
+ */
+DWORD WINAPI SizeofResource( HINSTANCE hModule, HRSRC hRsrc )
+ return RES_SizeofResource( hModule, hRsrc );
+INT WINAPI LoadStringW( HINSTANCE instance, UINT resource_id,
+ LPWSTR buffer, INT buflen );
+ * LoadStringA (USER32.375)
+ */
+INT WINAPI LoadStringA( HINSTANCE instance, UINT resource_id,
+ LPSTR buffer, INT buflen )
+ INT retval;
+ INT wbuflen;
+ INT abuflen;
+ LPWSTR wbuf = NULL;
+ LPSTR abuf = NULL;
+ if ( buffer != NULL && buflen > 0 )
+ *buffer = 0;
+ wbuflen = LoadStringW(instance,resource_id,NULL,0);
+ if ( !wbuflen )
+ return 0;
+ wbuflen ++;
+ retval = 0;
+ wbuf = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, wbuflen * sizeof(WCHAR) );
+ wbuflen = LoadStringW(instance,resource_id,wbuf,wbuflen);
+ if ( wbuflen > 0 )
+ {
+ abuflen = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,wbuf,wbuflen,NULL,0,NULL,NULL);
+ if ( abuflen > 0 )
+ {
+ if ( buffer == NULL || buflen == 0 )
+ retval = abuflen;
+ else
+ {
+ abuf = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, abuflen * sizeof(CHAR) );
+ abuflen = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,wbuf,wbuflen,abuf,abuflen,NULL,NULL);
+ if ( abuflen > 0 )
+ {
+ abuflen = min(abuflen,buflen - 1);
+ memcpy( buffer, abuf, abuflen );
+ buffer[abuflen] = 0;
+ retval = abuflen;
+ }
+ HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, abuf );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, wbuf );
+ return retval;
+ * LoadStringW (USER32.376)
+ */
+INT WINAPI LoadStringW( HINSTANCE instance, UINT resource_id,
+ LPWSTR buffer, INT buflen )
+ HGLOBAL hmem;
+ HRSRC hrsrc;
+ WCHAR *p;
+ int string_num;
+ int i;
+ if (HIWORD(resource_id)==0xFFFF) /* netscape 3 passes this */
+ resource_id = (UINT)(-((INT)resource_id));
+ TRACE("instance = %04x, id = %04x, buffer = %08x, "
+ "length = %d\n", instance, (int)resource_id, (int) buffer, buflen);
+ /* Use bits 4 - 19 (incremented by 1) as resourceid, mask out
+ * 20 - 31. */
+ hrsrc = FindResourceW( instance, (LPCWSTR)(((resource_id>>4)&0xffff)+1),
+ if (!hrsrc) return 0;
+ hmem = LoadResource( instance, hrsrc );
+ if (!hmem) return 0;
+ p = LockResource(hmem);
+ string_num = resource_id & 0x000f;
+ for (i = 0; i < string_num; i++)
+ p += *p + 1;
+ TRACE("strlen = %d\n", (int)*p );
+ if (buffer == NULL) return *p;
+ i = min(buflen - 1, *p);
+ if (i > 0) {
+ memcpy(buffer, p + 1, i * sizeof (WCHAR));
+ buffer[i] = (WCHAR) 0;
+ } else {
+ if (buflen > 1) {
+ buffer[0] = (WCHAR) 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+#if 0
+ WARN("Dont know why caller give buflen=%d *p=%d trying to obtain string '%s'\n", buflen, *p, p + 1);
+ }
+ TRACE("String loaded !\n");
+ return i;
+/* Messages...used by FormatMessage32* (KERNEL32.something)
+ *
+ * They can be specified either directly or using a message ID and
+ * loading them from the resource.
+ *
+ * The resourcedata has following format:
+ * start:
+ * 0: DWORD nrofentries
+ * nrofentries * subentry:
+ * 0: DWORD firstentry
+ * 4: DWORD lastentry
+ * 8: DWORD offset from start to the stringentries
+ *
+ * (lastentry-firstentry) * stringentry:
+ * 0: WORD len (0 marks end)
+ * 2: WORD flags
+ * 4: CHAR[len-4]
+ * (stringentry i of a subentry refers to the ID 'firstentry+i')
+ *
+ * Yes, ANSI strings in win32 resources. Go figure.
+ */
+ * LoadMessageA (internal)
+ */
+INT WINAPI LoadMessageA( HMODULE instance, UINT id, WORD lang,
+ LPSTR buffer, INT buflen )
+ HGLOBAL hmem;
+ HRSRC hrsrc;
+ int i,slen;
+ TRACE("instance = %08lx, id = %08lx, buffer = %p, length = %ld\n", (DWORD)instance, (DWORD)id, buffer, (DWORD)buflen);
+ /*FIXME: I am not sure about the '1' ... But I've only seen those entries*/
+ hrsrc = FindResourceExW(instance,RT_MESSAGELISTW,(LPWSTR)1,lang);
+ if (!hrsrc) return 0;
+ hmem = LoadResource( instance, hrsrc );
+ if (!hmem) return 0;
+ mrd = (PMESSAGE_RESOURCE_DATA)LockResource(hmem);
+ mre = NULL;
+ mrb = &(mrd->Blocks[0]);
+ for (i=mrd->NumberOfBlocks;i--;) {
+ if ((id>=mrb->LowId) && (id<=mrb->HighId)) {
+ mre = (PMESSAGE_RESOURCE_ENTRY)(((char*)mrd)+mrb->OffsetToEntries);
+ id -= mrb->LowId;
+ break;
+ }
+ mrb++;
+ }
+ if (!mre)
+ return 0;
+ for (i=id;i--;) {
+ if (!mre->Length)
+ return 0;
+ mre = (PMESSAGE_RESOURCE_ENTRY)(((char*)mre)+(mre->Length));
+ }
+ slen=mre->Length;
+ TRACE(" - strlen=%d\n",slen);
+ i = min(buflen - 1, slen);
+ if (buffer == NULL)
+ return slen;
+ if (i>0) {
+ lstrcpynA(buffer,(char*)mre->Text,i);
+ buffer[i]=0;
+ } else {
+ if (buflen>1) {
+ buffer[0]=0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (buffer)
+ TRACE("'%s' copied !\n", buffer);
+ return i;
+ * EnumResourceTypesA (KERNEL32.90)
+ */
+ LONG lParam)
+ /* FIXME: move WINE_MODREF stuff here */
+ return PE_EnumResourceTypesA(hmodule,lpfun,lParam);
+ * EnumResourceNamesA (KERNEL32.88)
+ */
+WIN_BOOL WINAPI EnumResourceNamesA( HMODULE hmodule, LPCSTR type,
+ /* FIXME: move WINE_MODREF stuff here */
+ return PE_EnumResourceNamesA(hmodule,type,lpfun,lParam);
+ * EnumResourceLanguagesA (KERNEL32.86)
+ */
+WIN_BOOL WINAPI EnumResourceLanguagesA( HMODULE hmodule, LPCSTR type,
+ LONG lParam)
+ /* FIXME: move WINE_MODREF stuff here */
+ return PE_EnumResourceLanguagesA(hmodule,type,name,lpfun,lParam);
+ * LoadResource (KERNEL32.370)
+ */
+HGLOBAL WINAPI LoadResource( HINSTANCE hModule, HRSRC hRsrc )
+ return RES_LoadResource( hModule, hRsrc);