path: root/libvo/Attic/SHIT/video_out_x11.c.thread
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Diffstat (limited to 'libvo/Attic/SHIT/video_out_x11.c.thread')
1 files changed, 466 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libvo/Attic/SHIT/video_out_x11.c.thread b/libvo/Attic/SHIT/video_out_x11.c.thread
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2214a4cc92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libvo/Attic/SHIT/video_out_x11.c.thread
@@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
+#define DISP
+ * video_out_x11.c,X11 interface
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright ( C ) 1996,MPEG Software Simulation Group. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Hacked into mpeg2dec by
+ *
+ * Aaron Holtzman <>
+ *
+ * 15 & 16 bpp support added by Franck Sicard <>
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "config.h"
+#include "video_out.h"
+#include "video_out_internal.h"
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#include <X11/Xutil.h>
+#include <X11/extensions/XShm.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include "yuv2rgb.h"
+static vo_info_t vo_info =
+ "X11 ( XImage/Shm )",
+ "x11",
+ "Aaron Holtzman <>",
+ ""
+/* private prototypes */
+static void Display_Image ( XImage * myximage,unsigned char *ImageData );
+/* since it doesn't seem to be defined on some platforms */
+int XShmGetEventBase( Display* );
+/* local data */
+static unsigned char *ImageData;
+/* X11 related variables */
+static Display *mDisplay;
+static Window mywindow;
+static GC mygc;
+static XImage *myximage;
+static int depth,bpp,mode;
+static XWindowAttributes attribs;
+static int X_already_started=0;
+static int windowwidth,windowheight;
+#define SH_MEM
+#ifdef SH_MEM
+#include <sys/ipc.h>
+#include <sys/shm.h>
+#include <X11/extensions/XShm.h>
+//static int HandleXError _ANSI_ARGS_( ( Display * dpy,XErrorEvent * event ) );
+static void InstallXErrorHandler ( void );
+static void DeInstallXErrorHandler ( void );
+static int Shmem_Flag;
+static int Quiet_Flag;
+static XShmSegmentInfo Shminfo[1];
+static int gXErrorFlag;
+static int CompletionType=-1;
+static void InstallXErrorHandler()
+ //XSetErrorHandler( HandleXError );
+ XFlush( mDisplay );
+static void DeInstallXErrorHandler()
+ XSetErrorHandler( NULL );
+ XFlush( mDisplay );
+static uint32_t image_width;
+static uint32_t image_height;
+static uint32_t image_format;
+extern void vo_decoration( Display * vo_Display,Window w,int d );
+static Bool mEvents( Display * display,XEvent * Event,XPointer arg )
+ int i;
+ char buf[100];
+ KeySym keySym;
+ XComposeStatus stat;
+ unsigned long vo_KeyTable[512];
+ switch( Event->type )
+ {
+ case ConfigureNotify:
+ windowwidth=Event->xconfigure.width;
+ windowheight=Event->xconfigure.height;
+ break;
+ case KeyPress:
+ XLookupString( &Event->xkey,buf,sizeof(buf),&keySym,&stat );
+ vo_keyboard( ( (keySym&0xff00) != 0?( (keySym&0x00ff) + 256 ):( keySym ) ) );
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static XEvent mEvent;
+static void mThread( void )
+printf("thread okey!\n");
+ XIfEvent( mDisplay,&mEvent,mEvents,NULL );
+static uint32_t init( uint32_t width,uint32_t height,uint32_t d_width,uint32_t d_height,uint32_t fullscreen,char *title,uint32_t format )
+ int screen;
+ unsigned int fg,bg;
+ char *hello=( title == NULL ) ? "X11 render" : title;
+ char *name=":0.0";
+ XSizeHints hint;
+ XVisualInfo vinfo;
+ XEvent xev;
+ XGCValues xgcv;
+ Colormap theCmap;
+ XSetWindowAttributes xswa;
+ unsigned long xswamask;
+ image_height=height;
+ image_width=width;
+ image_format=format;
+ if ( X_already_started ) return -1;
+ if( !vo_init() ) return 0; // Can't open X11
+ if( getenv( "DISPLAY" ) ) name=getenv( "DISPLAY" );
+ mDisplay=XOpenDisplay( name );
+ if ( mDisplay == NULL )
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr,"Can not open display\n" );
+ return -1;
+ }
+ screen=DefaultScreen( mDisplay );
+ hint.x=0;
+ hint.y=0;
+ hint.width=image_width;
+ hint.height=image_height;
+ if ( fullscreen )
+ {
+ hint.width=vo_screenwidth;
+ hint.height=vo_screenheight;
+ }
+ windowwidth=hint.width;
+ windowheight=hint.height;
+ hint.flags=PPosition | PSize;
+ bg=WhitePixel( mDisplay,screen );
+ fg=BlackPixel( mDisplay,screen );
+ XGetWindowAttributes( mDisplay,DefaultRootWindow( mDisplay ),&attribs );
+ depth=attribs.depth;
+ if ( depth != 15 && depth != 16 && depth != 24 && depth != 32 ) depth=24;
+ XMatchVisualInfo( mDisplay,screen,depth,TrueColor,&vinfo );
+ theCmap =XCreateColormap( mDisplay,RootWindow( mDisplay,screen ),
+ vinfo.visual,AllocNone );
+ xswa.background_pixel=0;
+ xswa.border_pixel=1;
+ xswa.colormap=theCmap;
+ xswamask=CWBackPixel | CWBorderPixel |CWColormap;
+ mywindow=XCreateWindow( mDisplay,RootWindow( mDisplay,screen ),
+ hint.x,hint.y,
+ hint.width,hint.height,
+ xswa.border_pixel,depth,CopyFromParent,vinfo.visual,xswamask,&xswa );
+ if ( fullscreen ) vo_decoration( mDisplay,mywindow,0 );
+ XSelectInput( mDisplay,mywindow,StructureNotifyMask );
+ XSetStandardProperties( mDisplay,mywindow,hello,hello,None,NULL,0,&hint );
+ XMapWindow( mDisplay,mywindow );
+ do { XNextEvent( mDisplay,&xev ); } while ( xev.type != MapNotify || xev.xmap.event != mywindow );
+ XSelectInput( mDisplay,mywindow,NoEventMask );
+ XFlush( mDisplay );
+ XSync( mDisplay,False );
+ mygc=XCreateGC( mDisplay,mywindow,0L,&xgcv );
+#ifdef SH_MEM
+ if ( XShmQueryExtension( mDisplay ) ) Shmem_Flag=1;
+ else
+ {
+ Shmem_Flag=0;
+ if ( !Quiet_Flag ) fprintf( stderr,"Shared memory not supported\nReverting to normal Xlib\n" );
+ }
+ if ( Shmem_Flag ) CompletionType=XShmGetEventBase( mDisplay ) + ShmCompletion;
+ InstallXErrorHandler();
+ if ( Shmem_Flag )
+ {
+ myximage=XShmCreateImage( mDisplay,vinfo.visual,depth,ZPixmap,NULL,&Shminfo[0],width,image_height );
+ if ( myximage == NULL )
+ {
+ if ( myximage != NULL ) XDestroyImage( myximage );
+ if ( !Quiet_Flag ) fprintf( stderr,"Shared memory error,disabling ( Ximage error )\n" );
+ goto shmemerror;
+ }
+ Shminfo[0].shmid=shmget( IPC_PRIVATE,
+ myximage->bytes_per_line * myximage->height ,
+ IPC_CREAT | 0777 );
+ if ( Shminfo[0].shmid < 0 )
+ {
+ XDestroyImage( myximage );
+ if ( !Quiet_Flag )
+ {
+ printf( "%s\n",strerror( errno ) );
+ perror( strerror( errno ) );
+ fprintf( stderr,"Shared memory error,disabling ( seg id error )\n" );
+ }
+ goto shmemerror;
+ }
+ Shminfo[0].shmaddr=( char * ) shmat( Shminfo[0].shmid,0,0 );
+ if ( Shminfo[0].shmaddr == ( ( char * ) -1 ) )
+ {
+ XDestroyImage( myximage );
+ if ( Shminfo[0].shmaddr != ( ( char * ) -1 ) ) shmdt( Shminfo[0].shmaddr );
+ if ( !Quiet_Flag ) fprintf( stderr,"Shared memory error,disabling ( address error )\n" );
+ goto shmemerror;
+ }
+ myximage->data=Shminfo[0].shmaddr;
+ ImageData=( unsigned char * ) myximage->data;
+ Shminfo[0].readOnly=False;
+ XShmAttach( mDisplay,&Shminfo[0] );
+ XSync( mDisplay,False );
+ if ( gXErrorFlag )
+ {
+ XDestroyImage( myximage );
+ shmdt( Shminfo[0].shmaddr );
+ if ( !Quiet_Flag ) fprintf( stderr,"Shared memory error,disabling.\n" );
+ gXErrorFlag=0;
+ goto shmemerror;
+ }
+ else
+ shmctl( Shminfo[0].shmid,IPC_RMID,0 );
+ if ( !Quiet_Flag ) fprintf( stderr,"Sharing memory.\n" );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ shmemerror:
+ Shmem_Flag=0;
+ myximage=XGetImage( mDisplay,mywindow,0,0,
+ width,image_height,AllPlanes,ZPixmap );
+ ImageData=myximage->data;
+#ifdef SH_MEM
+ }
+ DeInstallXErrorHandler();
+ bpp=myximage->bits_per_pixel;
+ fprintf( stderr,"X11 color mask: R:%X G:%X B:%X\n",myximage->red_mask,myximage->green_mask,myximage->blue_mask );
+ // If we have blue in the lowest bit then obviously RGB
+ mode=( ( myximage->blue_mask & 0x01 ) != 0 ) ? MODE_RGB : MODE_BGR;
+ if ( myximage->byte_order != MSBFirst )
+ if ( myximage->byte_order != LSBFirst )
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr,"No support fon non-native XImage byte order!\n" );
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if( format==IMGFMT_YV12 ) yuv2rgb_init( ( depth == 24 ) ? bpp : depth,mode );
+ XSelectInput( mDisplay,mywindow,StructureNotifyMask | KeyPressMask );
+ X_already_started++;
+ printf("init thread!\n");
+ vo_initthread( mThread );
+ return 0;
+static const vo_info_t* get_info( void )
+{ return &vo_info; }
+static void Terminate_Display_Process( void )
+ getchar(); /* wait for enter to remove window */
+#ifdef SH_MEM
+ if ( Shmem_Flag )
+ {
+ XShmDetach( mDisplay,&Shminfo[0] );
+ XDestroyImage( myximage );
+ shmdt( Shminfo[0].shmaddr );
+ }
+ XDestroyWindow( mDisplay,mywindow );
+ XCloseDisplay( mDisplay );
+ X_already_started=0;
+static void Display_Image( XImage *myximage,uint8_t *ImageData )
+#ifdef DISP
+#ifdef SH_MEM
+ if ( Shmem_Flag )
+ {
+ XShmPutImage( mDisplay,mywindow,mygc,myximage,
+ 0,0,
+ ( windowwidth - myximage->width ) / 2,( windowheight - myximage->height ) / 2,
+ myximage->width,myximage->height,True );
+ XFlush( mDisplay );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ XPutImage( mDisplay,mywindow,mygc,myximage,
+ 0,0,
+ ( windowwidth - myximage->width ) / 2,( windowheight - myximage->height ) / 2,
+ myximage->width,myximage->height );
+ XFlush( mDisplay );
+ }
+static void flip_page( void )
+{ Display_Image( myximage,ImageData ); }
+static uint32_t draw_slice( uint8_t *src[],int stride[],int w,int h,int x,int y )
+ uint8_t *dst;
+ dst=ImageData + ( image_width * y + x ) * ( bpp/8 );
+ yuv2rgb( dst,src[0],src[1],src[2],w,h,image_width*( bpp/8 ),stride[0],stride[1] );
+ return 0;
+void rgb15to16_mmx( char* s0,char* d0,int count );
+#if 1
+static uint32_t draw_frame( uint8_t *src[] )
+ if( image_format==IMGFMT_YV12 )
+ {
+ yuv2rgb( ImageData,src[0],src[1],src[2],image_width,image_height,image_width*( bpp/8 ),image_width,image_width/2 );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int sbpp=( ( image_format&0xFF )+7 )/8;
+ int dbpp=( bpp+7 )/8;
+ char *d=ImageData;
+ char *s=src[0];
+ //printf( "sbpp=%d dbpp=%d depth=%d bpp=%d\n",sbpp,dbpp,depth,bpp );
+#if 0
+ // flipped BGR
+ int i;
+ //printf( "Rendering flipped BGR frame bpp=%d src=%d dst=%d\n",bpp,sbpp,dbpp );
+ s+=sbpp*image_width*image_height;
+ for( i=0;i<image_height;i++ )
+ {
+ s-=sbpp*image_width;
+ if( sbpp==dbpp ) memcpy( d,s,sbpp*image_width );
+ else
+ {
+ char *s2=s;
+ char *d2=d;
+ char *e=s2+sbpp*image_width;
+ while( s2<e )
+ {
+ d2[0]=s2[0];
+ d2[1]=s2[1];
+ d2[2]=s2[2];
+ s2+=sbpp;d2+=dbpp;
+ }
+ }
+ d+=dbpp*image_width;
+ }
+// memcpy( ImageData,src[0],image_width*image_height*bpp );
+ if( sbpp==dbpp )
+ {
+ //Display_Image( myximage,s );return 0;
+#if 1
+ if( depth==16 && image_format==( IMGFMT_BGR|15 ) ){
+ // do 15bpp->16bpp
+#ifdef HAVE_MMX
+ rgb15to16_mmx( s,d,2*image_width*image_height );
+ unsigned short *s1=( unsigned short * )s;
+ unsigned short *d1=( unsigned short * )d;
+ unsigned short *e=s1+image_width*image_height;
+ while( s1<e )
+ {
+ register int x=*( s1++ );
+ // rrrrrggggggbbbbb
+ // 0rrrrrgggggbbbbb
+ // 0111 1111 1110 0000=0x7FE0
+ // 00000000000001 1111=0x001F
+ *( d1++ )=( x&0x001F )|( ( x&0x7FE0 )<<1 );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { memcpy( d,s,sbpp*image_width*image_height ); }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ char *e=s+sbpp*image_width*image_height;
+ //printf( "libvo: using C 24->32bpp conversion\n" );
+ while( s<e )
+ {
+ d[0]=s[0];
+ d[1]=s[1];
+ d[2]=s[2];
+ s+=sbpp;d+=dbpp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //Display_Image( myximage,ImageData );
+ return 0;
+static uint32_t query_format( uint32_t format )
+ if( !vo_init() ) return 0; // Can't open X11
+ if( ( format&IMGFMT_BGR_MASK )==IMGFMT_BGR && ( format&0xFF )==vo_depthonscreen ) return 1;
+ switch( format )
+ {
+ case IMGFMT_YV12: return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;