path: root/help/help_mp-en.h
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-// $Revision$
-// MASTER FILE. Use this file as base for translations.
-// Translated files should be sent to the mplayer-DOCS mailing list or
-// to the help messages maintainer, see DOCS/tech/MAINTAINERS.
-// The header of the translated file should contain credits and contact
-// information. Before major releases we will notify all translators to update
-// their files. Please do not simply translate and forget this, outdated
-// translations quickly become worthless. To help us spot outdated files put a
-// note like "sync'ed with help_mp-en.h XXX" in the header of the translation.
-// Do NOT translate the above lines, just follow the instructions.
-// ========================= MPlayer help ===========================
-static const char help_text[]=
-"Usage: mplayer [options] [url|path/]filename\n"
-"Basic options: (complete list in the man page)\n"
-" -vo <drv> select video output driver ('-vo help' for a list)\n"
-" -ao <drv> select audio output driver ('-ao help' for a list)\n"
-#ifdef CONFIG_VCD
-" vcd://<trackno> play (S)VCD (Super Video CD) track (raw device, no mount)\n"
-" dvd://<titleno> play DVD title from device instead of plain file\n"
-" -alang/-slang select DVD audio/subtitle language (by 2-char country code)\n"
-" -ss <position> seek to given (seconds or hh:mm:ss) position\n"
-" -nosound do not play sound\n"
-" -fs fullscreen playback (or -vm, -zoom, details in the man page)\n"
-" -x <x> -y <y> set display resolution (for use with -vm or -zoom)\n"
-" -sub <file> specify subtitle file to use (also see -subfps, -subdelay)\n"
-" -playlist <file> specify playlist file\n"
-" -vid x -aid y select video (x) and audio (y) stream to play\n"
-" -fps x -srate y change video (x fps) and audio (y Hz) rate\n"
-" -pp <quality> enable postprocessing filter (details in the man page)\n"
-" -framedrop enable frame dropping (for slow machines)\n"
-"Basic keys: (complete list in the man page, also check input.conf)\n"
-" <- or -> seek backward/forward 10 seconds\n"
-" down or up seek backward/forward 1 minute\n"
-" pgdown or pgup seek backward/forward 10 minutes\n"
-" < or > step backward/forward in playlist\n"
-" p or SPACE pause movie (press any key to continue)\n"
-" q or ESC stop playing and quit program\n"
-" + or - adjust audio delay by +/- 0.1 second\n"
-" o cycle OSD mode: none / seekbar / seekbar + timer\n"
-" * or / increase or decrease PCM volume\n"
-" x or z adjust subtitle delay by +/- 0.1 second\n"
-" r or t adjust subtitle position up/down, also see -vf expand\n"
-// ========================= MPlayer messages ===========================
-// mplayer.c
-#define MSGTR_Exiting "\nExiting...\n"
-#define MSGTR_ExitingHow "\nExiting... (%s)\n"
-#define MSGTR_Exit_quit "Quit"
-#define MSGTR_Exit_eof "End of file"
-#define MSGTR_Exit_error "Fatal error"
-#define MSGTR_IntBySignal "\nMPlayer interrupted by signal %d in module: %s\n"
-#define MSGTR_NoHomeDir "Cannot find HOME directory.\n"
-#define MSGTR_GetpathProblem "get_path(\"config\") problem\n"
-#define MSGTR_CreatingCfgFile "Creating config file: %s\n"
-#define MSGTR_BuiltinCodecsConf "Using built-in default codecs.conf.\n"
-#define MSGTR_CantLoadFont "Cannot load bitmap font: %s\n"
-#define MSGTR_CantLoadSub "Cannot load subtitles: %s\n"
-#define MSGTR_DumpSelectedStreamMissing "dump: FATAL: Selected stream missing!\n"
-#define MSGTR_CantOpenDumpfile "Cannot open dump file.\n"
-#define MSGTR_CoreDumped "Core dumped ;)\n"
-#define MSGTR_FPSnotspecified "FPS not specified in the header or invalid, use the -fps option.\n"
-#define MSGTR_TryForceAudioFmtStr "Trying to force audio codec driver family %s...\n"
-#define MSGTR_CantFindAudioCodec "Cannot find codec for audio format 0x%X.\n"
-#define MSGTR_TryForceVideoFmtStr "Trying to force video codec driver family %s...\n"
-#define MSGTR_CantFindVideoCodec "Cannot find codec matching selected -vo and video format 0x%X.\n"
-#define MSGTR_CannotInitVO "FATAL: Cannot initialize video driver.\n"
-#define MSGTR_CannotInitAO "Could not open/initialize audio device -> no sound.\n"
-#define MSGTR_StartPlaying "Starting playback...\n"
-#define MSGTR_SystemTooSlow "\n\n"\
-" ************************************************\n"\
-" **** Your system is too SLOW to play this! ****\n"\
-" ************************************************\n\n"\
-"Possible reasons, problems, workarounds:\n"\
-"- Most common: broken/buggy _audio_ driver\n"\
-" - Try -ao sdl or use the OSS emulation of ALSA.\n"\
-" - Experiment with different values for -autosync, 30 is a good start.\n"\
-"- Slow video output\n"\
-" - Try a different -vo driver (-vo help for a list) or try -framedrop!\n"\
-"- Slow CPU\n"\
-" - Don't try to play a big DVD/DivX on a slow CPU! Try some of the lavdopts,\n"\
-" e.g. -vfm ffmpeg -lavdopts lowres=1:fast:skiploopfilter=all.\n"\
-"- Broken file\n"\
-" - Try various combinations of -nobps -ni -forceidx -mc 0.\n"\
-"- Slow media (NFS/SMB mounts, DVD, VCD etc)\n"\
-" - Try -cache 8192.\n"\
-"- Are you using -cache to play a non-interleaved AVI file?\n"\
-" - Try -nocache.\n"\
-"Read DOCS/HTML/en/video.html for tuning/speedup tips.\n"\
-"If none of this helps you, read DOCS/HTML/en/bugreports.html.\n\n"
-#define MSGTR_NoGui "MPlayer was compiled WITHOUT GUI support.\n"
-#define MSGTR_GuiNeedsX "MPlayer GUI requires X11.\n"
-#define MSGTR_Playing "\nPlaying %s.\n"
-#define MSGTR_NoSound "Audio: no sound\n"
-#define MSGTR_FPSforced "FPS forced to be %5.3f (ftime: %5.3f).\n"
-#define MSGTR_CompiledWithRuntimeDetection "Compiled with runtime CPU detection.\n"
-#define MSGTR_CompiledWithCPUExtensions "Compiled for x86 CPU with extensions:"
-#define MSGTR_AvailableVideoOutputDrivers "Available video output drivers:\n"
-#define MSGTR_AvailableAudioOutputDrivers "Available audio output drivers:\n"
-#define MSGTR_AvailableAudioCodecs "Available audio codecs:\n"
-#define MSGTR_AvailableVideoCodecs "Available video codecs:\n"
-#define MSGTR_AvailableAudioFm "Available (compiled-in) audio codec families/drivers:\n"
-#define MSGTR_AvailableVideoFm "Available (compiled-in) video codec families/drivers:\n"
-#define MSGTR_AvailableFsType "Available fullscreen layer change modes:\n"
-#define MSGTR_UsingRTCTiming "Using Linux hardware RTC timing (%ldHz).\n"
-#define MSGTR_CannotReadVideoProperties "Video: Cannot read properties.\n"
-#define MSGTR_NoStreamFound "No stream found.\n"
-#define MSGTR_ErrorInitializingVODevice "Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device.\n"
-#define MSGTR_ForcedVideoCodec "Forced video codec: %s\n"
-#define MSGTR_ForcedAudioCodec "Forced audio codec: %s\n"
-#define MSGTR_Video_NoVideo "Video: no video\n"
-#define MSGTR_NotInitializeVOPorVO "\nFATAL: Could not initialize video filters (-vf) or video output (-vo).\n"
-#define MSGTR_Paused "\n ===== PAUSE =====\r" // no more than 23 characters (status line for audio files)
-#define MSGTR_PlaylistLoadUnable "\nUnable to load playlist %s.\n"
-#define MSGTR_Exit_SIGILL_RTCpuSel \
-"- MPlayer crashed by an 'Illegal Instruction'.\n"\
-" It may be a bug in our new runtime CPU-detection code...\n"\
-" Please read DOCS/HTML/en/bugreports.html.\n"
-#define MSGTR_Exit_SIGILL \
-"- MPlayer crashed by an 'Illegal Instruction'.\n"\
-" It usually happens when you run it on a CPU different than the one it was\n"\
-" compiled/optimized for.\n"\
-" Verify this!\n"
-"- MPlayer crashed by bad usage of CPU/FPU/RAM.\n"\
-" Recompile MPlayer with --enable-debug and make a 'gdb' backtrace and\n"\
-" disassembly. Details in DOCS/HTML/en/bugreports_what.html#bugreports_crash.\n"
-#define MSGTR_Exit_SIGCRASH \
-"- MPlayer crashed. This shouldn't happen.\n"\
-" It can be a bug in the MPlayer code _or_ in your drivers _or_ in your\n"\
-" gcc version. If you think it's MPlayer's fault, please read\n"\
-" DOCS/HTML/en/bugreports.html and follow the instructions there. We can't and\n"\
-" won't help unless you provide this information when reporting a possible bug.\n"
-#define MSGTR_LoadingConfig "Loading config '%s'\n"
-#define MSGTR_LoadingProtocolProfile "Loading protocol-related profile '%s'\n"
-#define MSGTR_LoadingExtensionProfile "Loading extension-related profile '%s'\n"
-#define MSGTR_AddedSubtitleFile "SUB: Added subtitle file (%d): %s\n"
-#define MSGTR_RemovedSubtitleFile "SUB: Removed subtitle file (%d): %s\n"
-#define MSGTR_ErrorOpeningOutputFile "Error opening file [%s] for writing!\n"
-#define MSGTR_CommandLine "CommandLine:"
-#define MSGTR_RTCDeviceNotOpenable "Failed to open %s: %s (it should be readable by the user.)\n"
-#define MSGTR_LinuxRTCInitErrorIrqpSet "Linux RTC init error in ioctl (rtc_irqp_set %lu): %s\n"
-#define MSGTR_IncreaseRTCMaxUserFreq "Try adding \"echo %lu > /proc/sys/dev/rtc/max-user-freq\" to your system startup scripts.\n"
-#define MSGTR_LinuxRTCInitErrorPieOn "Linux RTC init error in ioctl (rtc_pie_on): %s\n"
-#define MSGTR_UsingTimingType "Using %s timing.\n"
-#define MSGTR_NoIdleAndGui "The -idle option cannot be used with GMPlayer.\n"
-#define MSGTR_MenuInitialized "Menu initialized: %s\n"
-#define MSGTR_MenuInitFailed "Menu init failed.\n"
-#define MSGTR_Getch2InitializedTwice "WARNING: getch2_init called twice!\n"
-#define MSGTR_DumpstreamFdUnavailable "Cannot dump this stream - no file descriptor available.\n"
-#define MSGTR_CantOpenLibmenuFilterWithThisRootMenu "Can't open libmenu video filter with root menu %s.\n"
-#define MSGTR_AudioFilterChainPreinitError "Error at audio filter chain pre-init!\n"
-#define MSGTR_LinuxRTCReadError "Linux RTC read error: %s\n"
-#define MSGTR_SoftsleepUnderflow "Warning! Softsleep underflow!\n"
-#define MSGTR_DvdnavNullEvent "DVDNAV Event NULL?!\n"
-#define MSGTR_DvdnavHighlightEventBroken "DVDNAV Event: Highlight event broken\n"
-#define MSGTR_DvdnavEvent "DVDNAV Event: %s\n"
-#define MSGTR_DvdnavHighlightHide "DVDNAV Event: Highlight Hide\n"
-#define MSGTR_DvdnavStillFrame "######################################## DVDNAV Event: Still Frame: %d sec(s)\n"
-#define MSGTR_DvdnavNavStop "DVDNAV Event: Nav Stop\n"
-#define MSGTR_DvdnavNavNOP "DVDNAV Event: Nav NOP\n"
-#define MSGTR_DvdnavNavSpuStreamChangeVerbose "DVDNAV Event: Nav SPU Stream Change: phys: %d/%d/%d logical: %d\n"
-#define MSGTR_DvdnavNavSpuStreamChange "DVDNAV Event: Nav SPU Stream Change: phys: %d logical: %d\n"
-#define MSGTR_DvdnavNavAudioStreamChange "DVDNAV Event: Nav Audio Stream Change: phys: %d logical: %d\n"
-#define MSGTR_DvdnavNavVTSChange "DVDNAV Event: Nav VTS Change\n"
-#define MSGTR_DvdnavNavCellChange "DVDNAV Event: Nav Cell Change\n"
-#define MSGTR_DvdnavNavSpuClutChange "DVDNAV Event: Nav SPU CLUT Change\n"
-#define MSGTR_DvdnavNavSeekDone "DVDNAV Event: Nav Seek Done\n"
-#define MSGTR_MenuCall "Menu call\n"
-// --- edit decision lists
-#define MSGTR_EdlOutOfMem "Can't allocate enough memory to hold EDL data.\n"
-#define MSGTR_EdlRecordsNo "Read %d EDL actions.\n"
-#define MSGTR_EdlQueueEmpty "There are no EDL actions to take care of.\n"
-#define MSGTR_EdlCantOpenForWrite "Can't open EDL file [%s] for writing.\n"
-#define MSGTR_EdlCantOpenForRead "Can't open EDL file [%s] for reading.\n"
-#define MSGTR_EdlNOsh_video "Cannot use EDL without video, disabling.\n"
-#define MSGTR_EdlNOValidLine "Invalid EDL line: %s\n"
-#define MSGTR_EdlBadlyFormattedLine "Badly formatted EDL line [%d], discarding.\n"
-#define MSGTR_EdlBadLineOverlap "Last stop position was [%f]; next start is [%f].\n"\
-"Entries must be in chronological order, cannot overlap. Discarding.\n"
-#define MSGTR_EdlBadLineBadStop "Stop time has to be after start time.\n"
-#define MSGTR_EdloutBadStop "EDL skip canceled, last start > stop\n"
-#define MSGTR_EdloutStartSkip "EDL skip start, press 'i' again to end block.\n"
-#define MSGTR_EdloutEndSkip "EDL skip end, line written.\n"
-#define MSGTR_MPEndposNoSizeBased "Option -endpos in MPlayer does not yet support size units.\n"
-// mplayer.c OSD
-#define MSGTR_OSDenabled "enabled"
-#define MSGTR_OSDdisabled "disabled"
-#define MSGTR_OSDAudio "Audio: %s"
-#define MSGTR_OSDVideo "Video: %s"
-#define MSGTR_OSDChannel "Channel: %s"
-#define MSGTR_OSDSubDelay "Sub delay: %d ms"
-#define MSGTR_OSDSpeed "Speed: x %6.2f"
-#define MSGTR_OSDosd "OSD: %s"
-#define MSGTR_OSDChapter "Chapter: (%d) %s"
-#define MSGTR_OSDAngle "Angle: %d/%d"
-#define MSGTR_OSDDeinterlace "Deinterlace: %s"
-// property values
-#define MSGTR_Enabled "enabled"
-#define MSGTR_EnabledEdl "enabled (EDL)"
-#define MSGTR_Disabled "disabled"
-#define MSGTR_HardFrameDrop "hard"
-#define MSGTR_Unknown "unknown"
-#define MSGTR_Bottom "bottom"
-#define MSGTR_Center "center"
-#define MSGTR_Top "top"
-#define MSGTR_SubSourceFile "file"
-#define MSGTR_SubSourceVobsub "vobsub"
-#define MSGTR_SubSourceDemux "embedded"
-// OSD bar names
-#define MSGTR_Volume "Volume"
-#define MSGTR_Panscan "Panscan"
-#define MSGTR_Gamma "Gamma"
-#define MSGTR_Brightness "Brightness"
-#define MSGTR_Contrast "Contrast"
-#define MSGTR_Saturation "Saturation"
-#define MSGTR_Hue "Hue"
-#define MSGTR_Balance "Balance"
-// property state
-#define MSGTR_LoopStatus "Loop: %s"
-#define MSGTR_MuteStatus "Mute: %s"
-#define MSGTR_AVDelayStatus "A-V delay: %s"
-#define MSGTR_OnTopStatus "Stay on top: %s"
-#define MSGTR_RootwinStatus "Rootwin: %s"
-#define MSGTR_BorderStatus "Border: %s"
-#define MSGTR_FramedroppingStatus "Framedropping: %s"
-#define MSGTR_VSyncStatus "VSync: %s"
-#define MSGTR_SubSelectStatus "Subtitles: %s"
-#define MSGTR_SubSourceStatus "Sub source: %s"
-#define MSGTR_SubPosStatus "Sub position: %s/100"
-#define MSGTR_SubAlignStatus "Sub alignment: %s"
-#define MSGTR_SubDelayStatus "Sub delay: %s"
-#define MSGTR_SubScale "Sub Scale: %s"
-#define MSGTR_SubVisibleStatus "Subtitles: %s"
-#define MSGTR_SubForcedOnlyStatus "Forced sub only: %s"
-// mencoder.c
-#define MSGTR_UsingPass3ControlFile "Using pass3 control file: %s\n"
-#define MSGTR_MissingFilename "\nFilename missing.\n\n"
-#define MSGTR_CannotOpenFile_Device "Cannot open file/device.\n"
-#define MSGTR_CannotOpenDemuxer "Cannot open demuxer.\n"
-#define MSGTR_NoAudioEncoderSelected "\nNo audio encoder (-oac) selected. Select one (see -oac help) or use -nosound.\n"
-#define MSGTR_NoVideoEncoderSelected "\nNo video encoder (-ovc) selected. Select one (see -ovc help).\n"
-#define MSGTR_CannotOpenOutputFile "Cannot open output file '%s'.\n"
-#define MSGTR_EncoderOpenFailed "Failed to open the encoder.\n"
-#define MSGTR_MencoderWrongFormatAVI "\nWARNING: OUTPUT FILE FORMAT IS _AVI_. See -of help.\n"
-#define MSGTR_MencoderWrongFormatMPG "\nWARNING: OUTPUT FILE FORMAT IS _MPEG_. See -of help.\n"
-#define MSGTR_MissingOutputFilename "No output file specified, please see the -o option."
-#define MSGTR_ForcingOutputFourcc "Forcing output FourCC to %x [%.4s].\n"
-#define MSGTR_ForcingOutputAudiofmtTag "Forcing output audio format tag to 0x%x.\n"
-#define MSGTR_DuplicateFrames "\n%d duplicate frame(s)!\n"
-#define MSGTR_SkipFrame "\nSkipping frame!\n"
-#define MSGTR_ResolutionDoesntMatch "\nNew video file has different resolution or colorspace than the previous one.\n"
-#define MSGTR_FrameCopyFileMismatch "\nAll video files must have identical fps, resolution, and codec for -ovc copy.\n"
-#define MSGTR_AudioCopyFileMismatch "\nAll files must have identical audio codec and format for -oac copy.\n"
-#define MSGTR_NoAudioFileMismatch "\nCannot mix video-only files with audio and video files. Try -nosound.\n"
-#define MSGTR_NoSpeedWithFrameCopy "WARNING: -speed is not guaranteed to work correctly with -oac copy!\n"\
-"Your encode might be broken!\n"
-#define MSGTR_ErrorWritingFile "%s: Error writing file.\n"
-#define MSGTR_FlushingVideoFrames "\nFlushing video frames.\n"
-#define MSGTR_FiltersHaveNotBeenConfiguredEmptyFile "Filters have not been configured! Empty file?\n"
-#define MSGTR_RecommendedVideoBitrate "Recommended video bitrate for %s CD: %d\n"
-#define MSGTR_VideoStreamResult "\nVideo stream: %8.3f kbit/s (%d B/s) size: %"PRIu64" bytes %5.3f secs %d frames\n"
-#define MSGTR_AudioStreamResult "\nAudio stream: %8.3f kbit/s (%d B/s) size: %"PRIu64" bytes %5.3f secs\n"
-#define MSGTR_EdlSkipStartEndCurrent "EDL SKIP: Start: %.2f End: %.2f Current: V: %.2f A: %.2f \r"
-#define MSGTR_OpenedStream "success: format: %d data: 0x%X - 0x%x\n"
-#define MSGTR_VCodecFramecopy "videocodec: framecopy (%dx%d %dbpp fourcc=%x)\n"
-#define MSGTR_ACodecFramecopy "audiocodec: framecopy (format=%x chans=%d rate=%d bits=%d B/s=%d sample-%d)\n"
-#define MSGTR_CBRPCMAudioSelected "CBR PCM audio selected.\n"
-#define MSGTR_MP3AudioSelected "MP3 audio selected.\n"
-#define MSGTR_CannotAllocateBytes "Couldn't allocate %d bytes.\n"
-#define MSGTR_SettingAudioDelay "Setting audio delay to %5.3fs.\n"
-#define MSGTR_SettingVideoDelay "Setting video delay to %5.3fs.\n"
-#define MSGTR_SettingAudioInputGain "Setting audio input gain to %f.\n"
-#define MSGTR_LamePresetEquals "\npreset=%s\n\n"
-#define MSGTR_LimitingAudioPreload "Limiting audio preload to 0.4s.\n"
-#define MSGTR_IncreasingAudioDensity "Increasing audio density to 4.\n"
-#define MSGTR_ZeroingAudioPreloadAndMaxPtsCorrection "Forcing audio preload to 0, max pts correction to 0.\n"
-#define MSGTR_CBRAudioByterate "\n\nCBR audio: %d bytes/sec, %d bytes/block\n"
-#define MSGTR_LameVersion "LAME version %s (%s)\n\n"
-#define MSGTR_InvalidBitrateForLamePreset "Error: The bitrate specified is out of the valid range for this preset.\n"\
-"When using this mode you must enter a value between \"8\" and \"320\".\n"\
-"For further information try: \"-lameopts preset=help\"\n"
-#define MSGTR_InvalidLamePresetOptions "Error: You did not enter a valid profile and/or options with preset.\n"\
-"Available profiles are:\n"\
-" <fast> standard\n"\
-" <fast> extreme\n"\
-" insane\n"\
-" <cbr> (ABR Mode) - The ABR Mode is implied. To use it,\n"\
-" simply specify a bitrate. For example:\n"\
-" \"preset=185\" activates this\n"\
-" preset and uses 185 as an average kbps.\n"\
-" Some examples:\n"\
-" \"-lameopts fast:preset=standard \"\n"\
-" or \"-lameopts cbr:preset=192 \"\n"\
-" or \"-lameopts preset=172 \"\n"\
-" or \"-lameopts preset=extreme \"\n"\
-"For further information try: \"-lameopts preset=help\"\n"
-#define MSGTR_LamePresetsLongInfo "\n"\
-"The preset switches are designed to provide the highest possible quality.\n"\
-"They have for the most part been subjected to and tuned via rigorous double\n"\
-"blind listening tests to verify and achieve this objective.\n"\
-"These are continually updated to coincide with the latest developments that\n"\
-"occur and as a result should provide you with nearly the best quality\n"\
-"currently possible from LAME.\n"\
-"To activate these presets:\n"\
-" For VBR modes (generally highest quality):\n"\
-" \"preset=standard\" This preset should generally be transparent\n"\
-" to most people on most music and is already\n"\
-" quite high in quality.\n"\
-" \"preset=extreme\" If you have extremely good hearing and similar\n"\
-" equipment, this preset will generally provide\n"\
-" slightly higher quality than the \"standard\"\n"\
-" mode.\n"\
-" For CBR 320kbps (highest quality possible from the preset switches):\n"\
-" \"preset=insane\" This preset will usually be overkill for most\n"\
-" people and most situations, but if you must\n"\
-" have the absolute highest quality with no\n"\
-" regard to filesize, this is the way to go.\n"\
-" For ABR modes (high quality per given bitrate but not as high as VBR):\n"\
-" \"preset=<kbps>\" Using this preset will usually give you good\n"\
-" quality at a specified bitrate. Depending on the\n"\
-" bitrate entered, this preset will determine the\n"\
-" optimal settings for that particular situation.\n"\
-" While this approach works, it is not nearly as\n"\
-" flexible as VBR, and usually will not attain the\n"\
-" same level of quality as VBR at higher bitrates.\n"\
-"The following options are also available for the corresponding profiles:\n"\
-" <fast> standard\n"\
-" <fast> extreme\n"\
-" insane\n"\
-" <cbr> (ABR Mode) - The ABR Mode is implied. To use it,\n"\
-" simply specify a bitrate. For example:\n"\
-" \"preset=185\" activates this\n"\
-" preset and uses 185 as an average kbps.\n"\
-" \"fast\" - Enables the new fast VBR for a particular profile. The\n"\
-" disadvantage to the speed switch is that often times the\n"\
-" bitrate will be slightly higher than with the normal mode\n"\
-" and quality may be slightly lower also.\n"\
-" Warning: with the current version fast presets might result in too\n"\
-" high bitrate compared to regular presets.\n"\
-" \"cbr\" - If you use the ABR mode (read above) with a significant\n"\
-" bitrate such as 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320,\n"\
-" you can use the \"cbr\" option to force CBR mode encoding\n"\
-" instead of the standard abr mode. ABR does provide higher\n"\
-" quality but CBR may be useful in situations such as when\n"\
-" streaming an MP3 over the internet may be important.\n"\
-" For example:\n"\
-" \"-lameopts fast:preset=standard \"\n"\
-" or \"-lameopts cbr:preset=192 \"\n"\
-" or \"-lameopts preset=172 \"\n"\
-" or \"-lameopts preset=extreme \"\n"\
-"A few aliases are available for ABR mode:\n"\
-"phone => 16kbps/mono phon+/lw/mw-eu/sw => 24kbps/mono\n"\
-"mw-us => 40kbps/mono voice => 56kbps/mono\n"\
-"fm/radio/tape => 112kbps hifi => 160kbps\n"\
-"cd => 192kbps studio => 256kbps"
-#define MSGTR_LameCantInit \
-"Cannot set LAME options, check bitrate/samplerate, some very low bitrates\n"\
-"(<32) need lower samplerates (i.e. -srate 8000).\n"\
-"If everything else fails, try a preset."
-#define MSGTR_ConfigFileError "config file error"
-#define MSGTR_ErrorParsingCommandLine "error parsing command line"
-#define MSGTR_VideoStreamRequired "Video stream is mandatory!\n"
-#define MSGTR_ForcingInputFPS "Input fps will be interpreted as %5.3f instead.\n"
-#define MSGTR_RawvideoDoesNotSupportAudio "Output file format RAWVIDEO does not support audio - disabling audio.\n"
-#define MSGTR_DemuxerDoesntSupportNosound "This demuxer doesn't support -nosound yet.\n"
-#define MSGTR_MemAllocFailed "Memory allocation failed.\n"
-#define MSGTR_NoMatchingFilter "Couldn't find matching filter/ao format!\n"
-#define MSGTR_MP3WaveFormatSizeNot30 "sizeof(MPEGLAYER3WAVEFORMAT)==%d!=30, maybe broken C compiler?\n"
-#define MSGTR_NoLavcAudioCodecName "Audio LAVC, Missing codec name!\n"
-#define MSGTR_LavcAudioCodecNotFound "Audio LAVC, couldn't find encoder for codec %s.\n"
-#define MSGTR_CouldntAllocateLavcContext "Audio LAVC, couldn't allocate context!\n"
-#define MSGTR_CouldntOpenCodec "Couldn't open codec %s, br=%d.\n"
-#define MSGTR_CantCopyAudioFormat "Audio format 0x%x is incompatible with '-oac copy', please try '-oac pcm' instead or use '-fafmttag' to override it.\n"
-// cfg-mencoder.h
-#define MSGTR_MEncoderMP3LameHelp "\n\n"\
-" vbr=<0-4> variable bitrate method\n"\
-" 0: cbr (constant bitrate)\n"\
-" 1: mt (Mark Taylor VBR algorithm)\n"\
-" 2: rh (Robert Hegemann VBR algorithm - default)\n"\
-" 3: abr (average bitrate)\n"\
-" 4: mtrh (Mark Taylor Robert Hegemann VBR algorithm)\n"\
-" abr average bitrate\n"\
-" cbr constant bitrate\n"\
-" Also forces CBR mode encoding on subsequent ABR presets modes.\n"\
-" br=<0-1024> specify bitrate in kBit (CBR and ABR only)\n"\
-" q=<0-9> quality (0-highest, 9-lowest) (only for VBR)\n"\
-" aq=<0-9> algorithmic quality (0-best/slowest, 9-worst/fastest)\n"\
-" ratio=<1-100> compression ratio\n"\
-" vol=<0-10> set audio input gain\n"\
-" mode=<0-3> (default: auto)\n"\
-" 0: stereo\n"\
-" 1: joint-stereo\n"\
-" 2: dualchannel\n"\
-" 3: mono\n"\
-" padding=<0-2>\n"\
-" 0: no\n"\
-" 1: all\n"\
-" 2: adjust\n"\
-" fast Switch on faster encoding on subsequent VBR presets modes,\n"\
-" slightly lower quality and higher bitrates.\n"\
-" preset=<value> Provide the highest possible quality settings.\n"\
-" medium: VBR encoding, good quality\n"\
-" (150-180 kbps bitrate range)\n"\
-" standard: VBR encoding, high quality\n"\
-" (170-210 kbps bitrate range)\n"\
-" extreme: VBR encoding, very high quality\n"\
-" (200-240 kbps bitrate range)\n"\
-" insane: CBR encoding, highest preset quality\n"\
-" (320 kbps bitrate)\n"\
-" <8-320>: ABR encoding at average given kbps bitrate.\n\n"
-// codec-cfg.c
-#define MSGTR_DuplicateFourcc "duplicated FourCC"
-#define MSGTR_TooManyFourccs "too many FourCCs/formats..."
-#define MSGTR_ParseError "parse error"
-#define MSGTR_ParseErrorFIDNotNumber "parse error (format ID not a number?)"
-#define MSGTR_ParseErrorFIDAliasNotNumber "parse error (format ID alias not a number?)"
-#define MSGTR_DuplicateFID "duplicated format ID"
-#define MSGTR_TooManyOut "too many out..."
-#define MSGTR_InvalidCodecName "\ncodec(%s) name is not valid!\n"
-#define MSGTR_CodecLacksFourcc "\ncodec(%s) does not have FourCC/format!\n"
-#define MSGTR_CodecLacksDriver "\ncodec(%s) does not have a driver!\n"
-#define MSGTR_CodecNeedsDLL "\ncodec(%s) needs a 'dll'!\n"
-#define MSGTR_CodecNeedsOutfmt "\ncodec(%s) needs an 'outfmt'!\n"
-#define MSGTR_CantAllocateComment "Can't allocate memory for comment. "
-#define MSGTR_GetTokenMaxNotLessThanMAX_NR_TOKEN "get_token(): max >= MAX_MR_TOKEN!"
-#define MSGTR_ReadingFile "Reading %s: "
-#define MSGTR_CantOpenFileError "Can't open '%s': %s\n"
-#define MSGTR_CantGetMemoryForLine "Can't get memory for 'line': %s\n"
-#define MSGTR_CantReallocCodecsp "Can't realloc '*codecsp': %s\n"
-#define MSGTR_CodecNameNotUnique "Codec name '%s' isn't unique."
-#define MSGTR_CantStrdupName "Can't strdup -> 'name': %s\n"
-#define MSGTR_CantStrdupInfo "Can't strdup -> 'info': %s\n"
-#define MSGTR_CantStrdupDriver "Can't strdup -> 'driver': %s\n"
-#define MSGTR_CantStrdupDLL "Can't strdup -> 'dll': %s"
-#define MSGTR_AudioVideoCodecTotals "%d audio & %d video codecs\n"
-#define MSGTR_CodecDefinitionIncorrect "Codec is not defined correctly."
-#define MSGTR_OutdatedCodecsConf "This codecs.conf is too old and incompatible with this MPlayer release!"
-// fifo.c
-#define MSGTR_CannotMakePipe "Cannot make PIPE!\n"
-// parser-mecmd.c, parser-mpcmd.c
-#define MSGTR_NoFileGivenOnCommandLine "'--' indicates no more options, but no filename was given on the command line.\n"
-#define MSGTR_TheLoopOptionMustBeAnInteger "The loop option must be an integer: %s\n"
-#define MSGTR_UnknownOptionOnCommandLine "Unknown option on the command line: -%s\n"
-#define MSGTR_ErrorParsingOptionOnCommandLine "Error parsing option on the command line: -%s\n"
-#define MSGTR_InvalidPlayEntry "Invalid play entry %s\n"
-#define MSGTR_NotAnMEncoderOption "-%s is not an MEncoder option\n"
-#define MSGTR_NoFileGiven "No file given\n"
-// m_config.c
-#define MSGTR_SaveSlotTooOld "Save slot found from lvl %d is too old: %d !!!\n"
-#define MSGTR_InvalidCfgfileOption "The %s option can't be used in a config file.\n"
-#define MSGTR_InvalidCmdlineOption "The %s option can't be used on the command line.\n"
-#define MSGTR_InvalidSuboption "Error: option '%s' has no suboption '%s'.\n"
-#define MSGTR_MissingSuboptionParameter "Error: suboption '%s' of '%s' must have a parameter!\n"
-#define MSGTR_MissingOptionParameter "Error: option '%s' must have a parameter!\n"
-#define MSGTR_OptionListHeader "\n Name Type Min Max Global CL Cfg\n\n"
-#define MSGTR_TotalOptions "\nTotal: %d options\n"
-#define MSGTR_ProfileInclusionTooDeep "WARNING: Profile inclusion too deep.\n"
-#define MSGTR_NoProfileDefined "No profiles have been defined.\n"
-#define MSGTR_AvailableProfiles "Available profiles:\n"
-#define MSGTR_UnknownProfile "Unknown profile '%s'.\n"
-#define MSGTR_Profile "Profile %s: %s\n"
-// m_property.c
-#define MSGTR_PropertyListHeader "\n Name Type Min Max\n\n"
-#define MSGTR_TotalProperties "\nTotal: %d properties\n"
-// loader/ldt_keeper.c
-#define MSGTR_LOADER_DYLD_Warning "WARNING: Attempting to use DLL codecs but environment variable\n DYLD_BIND_AT_LAUNCH not set. This will likely crash.\n"
-// ====================== GUI messages/buttons ========================
-// --- labels ---
-#define MSGTR_About "About"
-#define MSGTR_FileSelect "Select file..."
-#define MSGTR_SubtitleSelect "Select subtitle..."
-#define MSGTR_OtherSelect "Select..."
-#define MSGTR_AudioFileSelect "Select external audio channel..."
-#define MSGTR_FontSelect "Select font..."
-// Note: If you change MSGTR_PlayList please see if it still fits MSGTR_MENU_PlayList
-#define MSGTR_PlayList "Playlist"
-#define MSGTR_Equalizer "Equalizer"
-#define MSGTR_ConfigureEqualizer "Configure Equalizer"
-#define MSGTR_SkinBrowser "Skin Browser"
-#define MSGTR_Network "Network streaming..."
-// Note: If you change MSGTR_Preferences please see if it still fits MSGTR_MENU_Preferences
-#define MSGTR_Preferences "Preferences"
-#define MSGTR_AudioPreferences "Audio driver configuration"
-#define MSGTR_NoMediaOpened "No media opened."
-#define MSGTR_VCDTrack "VCD track %d"
-#define MSGTR_NoChapter "No chapter"
-#define MSGTR_Chapter "Chapter %d"
-#define MSGTR_NoFileLoaded "No file loaded."
-// --- buttons ---
-#define MSGTR_Ok "OK"
-#define MSGTR_Cancel "Cancel"
-#define MSGTR_Add "Add"
-#define MSGTR_Remove "Remove"
-#define MSGTR_Clear "Clear"
-#define MSGTR_Config "Config"
-#define MSGTR_ConfigDriver "Configure driver"
-#define MSGTR_Browse "Browse"
-// --- error messages ---
-#define MSGTR_NEMDB "Sorry, not enough memory to draw buffer."
-#define MSGTR_NEMFMR "Sorry, not enough memory for menu rendering."
-#define MSGTR_IDFGCVD "Sorry, I did not find a GUI-compatible video output driver."
-#define MSGTR_NEEDLAVC "Sorry, you cannot play non-MPEG files with your DXR3/H+ device without reencoding.\nPlease enable lavc in the DXR3/H+ configuration box."
-#define MSGTR_UNKNOWNWINDOWTYPE "Unknown window type found ..."
-// --- skin loader error messages
-#define MSGTR_SKIN_ERRORMESSAGE "[skin] error in skin config file on line %d: %s"
-#define MSGTR_SKIN_WARNING1 "[skin] warning: in config file line %d:\nwidget (%s) found but no \"section\" found before"
-#define MSGTR_SKIN_WARNING2 "[skin] warning: in config file line %d:\nwidget (%s) found but no \"subsection\" found before"
-#define MSGTR_SKIN_WARNING3 "[skin] warning: in config file line %d:\nthis subsection is not supported by widget (%s)"
-#define MSGTR_SKIN_SkinFileNotFound "[skin] file ( %s ) not found.\n"
-#define MSGTR_SKIN_SkinFileNotReadable "[skin] file ( %s ) not readable.\n"
-#define MSGTR_SKIN_BITMAP_16bit "Bitmaps of 16 bits or less depth not supported (%s).\n"
-#define MSGTR_SKIN_BITMAP_FileNotFound "File not found (%s)\n"
-#define MSGTR_SKIN_BITMAP_BMPReadError "BMP read error (%s)\n"
-#define MSGTR_SKIN_BITMAP_TGAReadError "TGA read error (%s)\n"
-#define MSGTR_SKIN_BITMAP_PNGReadError "PNG read error (%s)\n"
-#define MSGTR_SKIN_BITMAP_RLENotSupported "RLE packed TGA not supported (%s)\n"
-#define MSGTR_SKIN_BITMAP_UnknownFileType "unknown file type (%s)\n"
-#define MSGTR_SKIN_BITMAP_ConversionError "24 bit to 32 bit conversion error (%s)\n"
-#define MSGTR_SKIN_BITMAP_UnknownMessage "unknown message: %s\n"
-#define MSGTR_SKIN_FONT_NotEnoughtMemory "not enough memory\n"
-#define MSGTR_SKIN_FONT_TooManyFontsDeclared "Too many fonts declared.\n"
-#define MSGTR_SKIN_FONT_FontFileNotFound "Font file not found.\n"
-#define MSGTR_SKIN_FONT_FontImageNotFound "Font image file not found.\n"
-#define MSGTR_SKIN_FONT_NonExistentFontID "non-existent font identifier (%s)\n"
-#define MSGTR_SKIN_UnknownParameter "unknown parameter (%s)\n"
-#define MSGTR_SKIN_SKINCFG_SkinNotFound "Skin not found (%s).\n"
-#define MSGTR_SKIN_SKINCFG_SelectedSkinNotFound "Selected skin ( %s ) not found, trying 'default'...\n"
-#define MSGTR_SKIN_SKINCFG_SkinCfgReadError "skin config file read error (%s)\n"
-#define MSGTR_SKIN_LABEL "Skins:"
-// --- GTK menus
-#define MSGTR_MENU_AboutMPlayer "About MPlayer"
-#define MSGTR_MENU_Open "Open..."
-#define MSGTR_MENU_PlayFile "Play file..."
-#define MSGTR_MENU_PlayVCD "Play VCD..."
-#define MSGTR_MENU_PlayDVD "Play DVD..."
-#define MSGTR_MENU_PlayURL "Play URL..."
-#define MSGTR_MENU_LoadSubtitle "Load subtitle..."
-#define MSGTR_MENU_DropSubtitle "Drop subtitle..."
-#define MSGTR_MENU_LoadExternAudioFile "Load external audio file..."
-#define MSGTR_MENU_Playing "Playing"
-#define MSGTR_MENU_Play "Play"
-#define MSGTR_MENU_Pause "Pause"
-#define MSGTR_MENU_Stop "Stop"
-#define MSGTR_MENU_NextStream "Next stream"
-#define MSGTR_MENU_PrevStream "Prev stream"
-#define MSGTR_MENU_Size "Size"
-#define MSGTR_MENU_HalfSize "Half size"
-#define MSGTR_MENU_NormalSize "Normal size"
-#define MSGTR_MENU_DoubleSize "Double size"
-#define MSGTR_MENU_FullScreen "Fullscreen"
-#define MSGTR_MENU_PlayDisc "Open disc..."
-#define MSGTR_MENU_ShowDVDMenu "Show DVD menu"
-#define MSGTR_MENU_Titles "Titles"
-#define MSGTR_MENU_Title "Title %2d"
-#define MSGTR_MENU_None "(none)"
-#define MSGTR_MENU_Chapters "Chapters"
-#define MSGTR_MENU_Chapter "Chapter %2d"
-#define MSGTR_MENU_AudioLanguages "Audio languages"
-#define MSGTR_MENU_SubtitleLanguages "Subtitle languages"
-#define MSGTR_MENU_PlayList MSGTR_PlayList
-#define MSGTR_MENU_SkinBrowser "Skin browser"
-#define MSGTR_MENU_Preferences MSGTR_Preferences
-#define MSGTR_MENU_Exit "Exit..."
-#define MSGTR_MENU_Mute "Mute"
-#define MSGTR_MENU_Original "Original"
-#define MSGTR_MENU_AspectRatio "Aspect ratio"
-#define MSGTR_MENU_AudioTrack "Audio track"
-#define MSGTR_MENU_Track "Track %d"
-#define MSGTR_MENU_VideoTrack "Video track"
-#define MSGTR_MENU_Subtitles "Subtitles"
-// --- equalizer
-// Note: If you change MSGTR_EQU_Audio please see if it still fits MSGTR_PREFERENCES_Audio
-#define MSGTR_EQU_Audio "Audio"
-// Note: If you change MSGTR_EQU_Video please see if it still fits MSGTR_PREFERENCES_Video
-#define MSGTR_EQU_Video "Video"
-#define MSGTR_EQU_Contrast "Contrast: "
-#define MSGTR_EQU_Brightness "Brightness: "
-#define MSGTR_EQU_Hue "Hue: "
-#define MSGTR_EQU_Saturation "Saturation: "
-#define MSGTR_EQU_Front_Left "Front Left"
-#define MSGTR_EQU_Front_Right "Front Right"
-#define MSGTR_EQU_Back_Left "Rear Left"
-#define MSGTR_EQU_Back_Right "Rear Right"
-#define MSGTR_EQU_Center "Center"
-#define MSGTR_EQU_Bass "Bass"
-#define MSGTR_EQU_All "All"
-#define MSGTR_EQU_Channel1 "Channel 1:"
-#define MSGTR_EQU_Channel2 "Channel 2:"
-#define MSGTR_EQU_Channel3 "Channel 3:"
-#define MSGTR_EQU_Channel4 "Channel 4:"
-#define MSGTR_EQU_Channel5 "Channel 5:"
-#define MSGTR_EQU_Channel6 "Channel 6:"
-// --- playlist
-#define MSGTR_PLAYLIST_Path "Path"
-#define MSGTR_PLAYLIST_Selected "Selected files"
-#define MSGTR_PLAYLIST_Files "Files"
-#define MSGTR_PLAYLIST_DirectoryTree "Directory tree"
-// --- preferences
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_SubtitleOSD "Subtitles & OSD"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_Codecs "Codecs & demuxer"
-// Note: If you change MSGTR_PREFERENCES_Misc see if it still fits MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FRAME_Misc
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_Misc "Misc"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_None "None"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_DriverDefault "driver default"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_AvailableDrivers "Available drivers:"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_DoNotPlaySound "Do not play sound"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_NormalizeSound "Normalize sound"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_EnableEqualizer "Enable equalizer"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_SoftwareMixer "Enable Software Mixer"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_ExtraStereo "Enable extra stereo"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_Coefficient "Coefficient:"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_AudioDelay "Audio delay"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_DoubleBuffer "Enable double buffering"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_DirectRender "Enable direct rendering"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FrameDrop "Enable frame dropping"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_HFrameDrop "Enable HARD frame dropping (dangerous)"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_Flip "Flip image upside down"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_Panscan "Panscan: "
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_OSDTimer "Timer and indicators"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_OSDProgress "Progressbars only"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_OSDTimerPercentageTotalTime "Timer, percentage and total time"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_Subtitle "Subtitle:"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_SUB_Delay "Delay: "
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_SUB_POS "Position: "
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_SUB_AutoLoad "Disable subtitle autoloading"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_SUB_Unicode "Unicode subtitle"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_SUB_MPSUB "Convert the given subtitle to MPlayer's subtitle format"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_SUB_SRT "Convert the given subtitle to the time based SubViewer (SRT) format"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_SUB_Overlap "Toggle subtitle overlapping"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_SUB_USE_ASS "SSA/ASS subtitle rendering"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_Font "Font:"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontFactor "Font factor:"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_PostProcess "Enable postprocessing"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_AutoQuality "Auto quality: "
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_NI "Use non-interleaved AVI parser"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_IDX "Rebuild index table, if needed"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_VideoCodecFamily "Video codec family:"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_AudioCodecFamily "Audio codec family:"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FRAME_Subtitle "Subtitle"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FRAME_PostProcess "Postprocessing"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FRAME_CodecDemuxer "Codec & demuxer"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FRAME_Cache "Cache"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_Audio_Device "Device:"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_Audio_Mixer "Mixer:"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_Audio_MixerChannel "Mixer channel:"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_Message "Please remember that you need to restart playback for some options to take effect!"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_DXR3_VENC "Video encoder:"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontEncoding1 "Unicode"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontEncoding2 "Western European Languages (ISO-8859-1)"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontEncoding3 "Western European Languages with Euro (ISO-8859-15)"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontEncoding4 "Slavic/Central European Languages (ISO-8859-2)"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontEncoding5 "Esperanto, Galician, Maltese, Turkish (ISO-8859-3)"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontEncoding6 "Old Baltic charset (ISO-8859-4)"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontEncoding7 "Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontEncoding8 "Arabic (ISO-8859-6)"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontEncoding9 "Modern Greek (ISO-8859-7)"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontEncoding10 "Turkish (ISO-8859-9)"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontEncoding11 "Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontEncoding12 "Celtic (ISO-8859-14)"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontEncoding13 "Hebrew charsets (ISO-8859-8)"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontEncoding14 "Russian (KOI8-R)"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontEncoding15 "Ukrainian, Belarusian (KOI8-U/RU)"
-#define MSGTR_PREFERENCES_FontEncoding16 "Simplified Chinese charset (CP936)"