path: root/gui/mplayer/mw.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gui/mplayer/mw.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 636 deletions
diff --git a/gui/mplayer/mw.c b/gui/mplayer/mw.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e64af3a51..0000000000
--- a/gui/mplayer/mw.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,636 +0,0 @@
- * main window
- *
- * This file is part of MPlayer.
- *
- * MPlayer is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * MPlayer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with MPlayer; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "config.h"
-#include "gmplayer.h"
-#include "gui/app.h"
-#include "gui/skin/font.h"
-#include "gui/skin/skin.h"
-#include "gui/wm/ws.h"
-#include "help_mp.h"
-#include "libvo/x11_common.h"
-#include "libvo/fastmemcpy.h"
-#include "stream/stream.h"
-#include "stream/url.h"
-#include "mixer.h"
-#include "libvo/sub.h"
-#include "access_mpcontext.h"
-#include "libmpdemux/demuxer.h"
-#include "libmpdemux/stheader.h"
-#include "codec-cfg.h"
-#include "m_option.h"
-#include "m_property.h"
-#define GUI_REDRAW_WAIT 375
-#include "play.h"
-#include "widgets.h"
-unsigned int GetTimerMS( void );
-unsigned char * mplDrawBuffer = NULL;
-int mplMainRender = 1;
-int mplMainAutoPlay = 0;
-int mplMiddleMenu = 0;
-int mainVisible = 1;
-int boxMoved = 0;
-int sx = 0,sy = 0;
-int i,pot = 0;
-#include "gui_common.h"
-void mplMainDraw( void )
- if ( appMPlayer.mainWindow.State == wsWindowClosed ) exit_player( MSGTR_Exit_quit );
- if ( appMPlayer.mainWindow.Visible == wsWindowNotVisible ||
- !mainVisible ) return;
-// !appMPlayer.mainWindow.Mapped ) return;
- if ( mplMainRender && appMPlayer.mainWindow.State == wsWindowExpose )
- {
- btnModify( evSetMoviePosition,guiIntfStruct.Position );
- btnModify( evSetVolume,guiIntfStruct.Volume );
- fast_memcpy( mplDrawBuffer,appMPlayer.main.Bitmap.Image,appMPlayer.main.Bitmap.ImageSize );
- Render( &appMPlayer.mainWindow,appMPlayer.Items,appMPlayer.NumberOfItems,mplDrawBuffer,appMPlayer.main.Bitmap.ImageSize );
- mplMainRender=0;
- }
- wsPutImage( &appMPlayer.mainWindow );
-// XFlush( wsDisplay );
-static unsigned last_redraw_time = 0;
-void mplEventHandling( int msg,float param )
- int iparam = (int)param;
- mixer_t *mixer = mpctx_get_mixer(guiIntfStruct.mpcontext);
- switch( msg )
- {
-// --- user events
- case evExit:
- exit_player( "Exit" );
- break;
- case evPlayNetwork:
- gfree( (void **)&guiIntfStruct.Subtitlename );
- gfree( (void **)&guiIntfStruct.AudioFile );
- guiIntfStruct.StreamType=STREAMTYPE_STREAM;
- goto play;
- case evSetURL:
- gtkShow( evPlayNetwork,NULL );
- break;
- case evSetAudio:
- if ( !guiIntfStruct.demuxer || audio_id == iparam ) break;
- audio_id=iparam;
- goto play;
- case evSetVideo:
- if ( !guiIntfStruct.demuxer || video_id == iparam ) break;
- video_id=iparam;
- goto play;
- case evSetSubtitle:
- mp_property_do("sub",M_PROPERTY_SET,&iparam,guiIntfStruct.mpcontext);
- break;
-#ifdef CONFIG_VCD
- case evSetVCDTrack:
- guiIntfStruct.Track=iparam;
- case evPlayVCD:
- gtkSet( gtkClearStruct,0,(void *)guiALL );
- guiIntfStruct.StreamType=STREAMTYPE_VCD;
- goto play;
- case evPlayDVD:
- guiIntfStruct.DVD.current_title=1;
- guiIntfStruct.DVD.current_chapter=1;
- guiIntfStruct.DVD.current_angle=1;
- gtkSet( gtkClearStruct,0,(void *)(guiALL - guiDVD) );
- guiIntfStruct.StreamType=STREAMTYPE_DVD;
- goto play;
- case evPlay:
- case evPlaySwitchToPause:
- if ( ( msg == evPlaySwitchToPause )&&( guiIntfStruct.Playing == 2 ) ) goto NoPause;
- if ( gtkSet( gtkGetCurrPlItem,0,NULL ) &&( guiIntfStruct.StreamType == STREAMTYPE_FILE ) )
- {
- plItem * next = gtkSet( gtkGetCurrPlItem,0,NULL );
- plLastPlayed=next;
- mplSetFileName( next->path,next->name,STREAMTYPE_FILE );
- }
- switch ( guiIntfStruct.StreamType )
- {
- gtkSet( gtkClearStruct,0,(void *)(guiALL - guiFilenames) );
- break;
-#ifdef CONFIG_VCD
- gtkSet( gtkClearStruct,0,(void *)(guiALL - guiVCD - guiFilenames) );
- if ( !cdrom_device ) cdrom_device=gstrdup( DEFAULT_CDROM_DEVICE );
- mplSetFileName( NULL,cdrom_device,STREAMTYPE_VCD );
- if ( guiIntfStruct.Playing != 2 )
- {
- if ( !guiIntfStruct.Track )
- {
- if ( guiIntfStruct.VCDTracks > 1 ) guiIntfStruct.Track=2;
- else guiIntfStruct.Track=1;
- }
- guiIntfStruct.DiskChanged=1;
- }
- break;
- gtkSet( gtkClearStruct,0,(void *)(guiALL - guiDVD - guiFilenames) );
- if ( !dvd_device ) dvd_device=gstrdup( DEFAULT_DVD_DEVICE );
- mplSetFileName( NULL,dvd_device,STREAMTYPE_DVD );
- if ( guiIntfStruct.Playing != 2 )
- {
- guiIntfStruct.Title=guiIntfStruct.DVD.current_title;
- guiIntfStruct.Chapter=guiIntfStruct.DVD.current_chapter;
- guiIntfStruct.Angle=guiIntfStruct.DVD.current_angle;
- guiIntfStruct.DiskChanged=1;
- }
- break;
- }
- guiIntfStruct.NewPlay=1;
- mplPlay();
- break;
- case evSetDVDSubtitle:
- dvdsub_id=iparam;
- goto play_dvd_2;
- break;
- case evSetDVDAudio:
- audio_id=iparam;
- goto play_dvd_2;
- break;
- case evSetDVDChapter:
- guiIntfStruct.DVD.current_chapter=iparam;
- goto play_dvd_2;
- break;
- case evSetDVDTitle:
- guiIntfStruct.DVD.current_title=iparam;
- guiIntfStruct.DVD.current_chapter=1;
- guiIntfStruct.DVD.current_angle=1;
- goto play_dvd_2;
- break;
- case evPause:
- case evPauseSwitchToPlay:
- mplPause();
- break;
- case evStop:
- guiIntfStruct.Playing=guiSetStop;
- mplState();
- guiIntfStruct.NoWindow=False;
- break;
- case evLoadPlay:
- mplMainAutoPlay=1;
-// guiIntfStruct.StreamType=STREAMTYPE_FILE;
- case evLoad:
- gtkSet( gtkDelPl,0,NULL );
- gtkShow( evLoad,NULL );
- break;
- case evLoadSubtitle: gtkShow( evLoadSubtitle,NULL ); break;
- case evDropSubtitle:
- gfree( (void **)&guiIntfStruct.Subtitlename );
- guiLoadSubtitle( NULL );
- break;
- case evLoadAudioFile: gtkShow( evLoadAudioFile,NULL ); break;
- case evPrev: mplPrev(); break;
- case evNext: mplNext(); break;
- case evPlayList: gtkShow( evPlayList,NULL ); break;
- case evSkinBrowser: gtkShow( evSkinBrowser,skinName ); break;
- case evAbout: gtkShow( evAbout,NULL ); break;
- case evPreferences: gtkShow( evPreferences,NULL ); break;
- case evEqualizer: gtkShow( evEqualizer,NULL ); break;
- case evForward10min: mplRelSeek( 600 ); break;
- case evBackward10min: mplRelSeek( -600 );break;
- case evForward1min: mplRelSeek( 60 ); break;
- case evBackward1min: mplRelSeek( -60 ); break;
- case evForward10sec: mplRelSeek( 10 ); break;
- case evBackward10sec: mplRelSeek( -10 ); break;
- case evSetMoviePosition: mplAbsSeek( param ); break;
- case evIncVolume: vo_x11_putkey( wsGrayMul ); break;
- case evDecVolume: vo_x11_putkey( wsGrayDiv ); break;
- case evMute: mixer_mute( mixer ); break;
- case evSetVolume:
- guiIntfStruct.Volume=param;
- goto set_volume;
- case evSetBalance:
- guiIntfStruct.Balance=param;
- {
- float l = guiIntfStruct.Volume * ( ( 100.0 - guiIntfStruct.Balance ) / 50.0 );
- float r = guiIntfStruct.Volume * ( ( guiIntfStruct.Balance ) / 50.0 );
- if ( l > guiIntfStruct.Volume ) l=guiIntfStruct.Volume;
- if ( r > guiIntfStruct.Volume ) r=guiIntfStruct.Volume;
-// printf( "!!! v: %.2f b: %.2f -> %.2f x %.2f\n",guiIntfStruct.Volume,guiIntfStruct.Balance,l,r );
- mixer_setvolume( mixer,l,r );
- }
- if ( osd_level )
- {
- osd_visible=(GetTimerMS() + 1000) | 1;
- vo_osd_progbar_type=OSD_VOLUME;
- vo_osd_progbar_value=( ( guiIntfStruct.Volume ) * 256.0 ) / 100.0;
- vo_osd_changed( OSDTYPE_PROGBAR );
- }
- break;
- case evIconify:
- switch ( iparam )
- {
- case 0: wsIconify( appMPlayer.mainWindow ); break;
- case 1: wsIconify( appMPlayer.subWindow ); break;
- }
- break;
- case evHalfSize:
- btnSet( evFullScreen,btnReleased );
- if ( guiIntfStruct.Playing )
- {
- if ( appMPlayer.subWindow.isFullScreen )
- {
- mplFullScreen();
- }
- wsResizeWindow( &appMPlayer.subWindow, guiIntfStruct.MovieWidth / 2, guiIntfStruct.MovieHeight / 2 );
- wsMoveWindow( &appMPlayer.subWindow, 0,
- ( wsMaxX - guiIntfStruct.MovieWidth/2 )/2 + wsOrgX,
- ( wsMaxY - guiIntfStruct.MovieHeight/2 )/2 + wsOrgY );
- }
- break;
- case evDoubleSize:
- btnSet( evFullScreen,btnReleased );
- if ( guiIntfStruct.Playing )
- {
- if ( appMPlayer.subWindow.isFullScreen )
- {
- mplFullScreen();
- }
- wsResizeWindow( &appMPlayer.subWindow, guiIntfStruct.MovieWidth * 2, guiIntfStruct.MovieHeight * 2 );
- wsMoveWindow( &appMPlayer.subWindow, 0,
- ( wsMaxX - guiIntfStruct.MovieWidth*2 )/2 + wsOrgX,
- ( wsMaxY - guiIntfStruct.MovieHeight*2 )/2 + wsOrgY );
- }
- break;
- case evNormalSize:
- btnSet( evFullScreen,btnReleased );
- if ( guiIntfStruct.Playing )
- {
- if ( appMPlayer.subWindow.isFullScreen )
- {
- mplFullScreen();
- }
- wsResizeWindow( &appMPlayer.subWindow, guiIntfStruct.MovieWidth, guiIntfStruct.MovieHeight );
- wsMoveWindow( &appMPlayer.subWindow, 0,
- ( wsMaxX - guiIntfStruct.MovieWidth )/2 + wsOrgX,
- ( wsMaxY - guiIntfStruct.MovieHeight )/2 + wsOrgY );
- break;
- } else if ( !appMPlayer.subWindow.isFullScreen ) break;
- case evFullScreen:
- if ( !guiIntfStruct.Playing && !gtkShowVideoWindow ) break;
- mplFullScreen();
- if ( appMPlayer.subWindow.isFullScreen ) btnSet( evFullScreen,btnPressed );
- else btnSet( evFullScreen,btnReleased );
- break;
- case evSetAspect:
- switch ( iparam )
- {
- case 2: movie_aspect=16.0f / 9.0f; break;
- case 3: movie_aspect=4.0f / 3.0f; break;
- case 4: movie_aspect=2.35; break;
- case 1:
- default: movie_aspect=-1;
- }
- wsClearWindow( appMPlayer.subWindow );
- if ( guiIntfStruct.StreamType == STREAMTYPE_DVD || guiIntfStruct.StreamType == STREAMTYPE_VCD ) goto play_dvd_2;
- else
- guiIntfStruct.NewPlay=1;
- break;
-// --- timer events
- case evRedraw:
- {
- unsigned now = GetTimerMS();
- extern int mplPBFade;
- if ((now > last_redraw_time) &&
- (now < last_redraw_time + GUI_REDRAW_WAIT) &&
- !mplPBFade)
- break;
- last_redraw_time = now;
- }
- mplMainRender=1;
- wsPostRedisplay( &appMPlayer.mainWindow );
- wsPostRedisplay( &appMPlayer.barWindow );
- break;
-// --- system events
-#ifdef MP_DEBUG
- case evNone:
- mp_msg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_STATUS,"[mw] event none received.\n" );
- break;
- default:
- mp_msg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_STATUS,"[mw] unknown event received ( %d,%.2f ).\n",msg,param );
- break;
- }
-#define itPLMButton (itNULL - 1)
-#define itPRMButton (itNULL - 2)
-void mplMainMouseHandle( int Button,int X,int Y,int RX,int RY )
- static int itemtype = 0;
- int i;
- wItem * item = NULL;
- float value = 0.0f;
- static int SelectedItem = -1;
- int currentselected = -1;
- for ( i=0;i < appMPlayer.NumberOfItems + 1;i++ )
- if ( ( appMPlayer.Items[i].pressed != btnDisabled )&&
- ( wgIsRect( X,Y,appMPlayer.Items[i].x,appMPlayer.Items[i].y,appMPlayer.Items[i].x+appMPlayer.Items[i].width,appMPlayer.Items[i].y+appMPlayer.Items[i].height ) ) )
- { currentselected=i; break; }
- switch ( Button )
- {
- case wsPMMouseButton:
- gtkShow( evHidePopUpMenu,NULL );
- mplShowMenu( RX,RY );
- itemtype=itPRMButton;
- break;
- case wsRMMouseButton:
- mplHideMenu( RX,RY,0 );
- break;
- case wsPLMouseButton:
- gtkShow( evHidePopUpMenu,NULL );
- sx=X; sy=Y; boxMoved=1; itemtype=itPLMButton;
- SelectedItem=currentselected;
- if ( SelectedItem == -1 ) break;
- boxMoved=0;
- item=&appMPlayer.Items[SelectedItem];
- itemtype=item->type;
- item->pressed=btnPressed;
- switch( item->type )
- {
- case itButton:
- if ( ( SelectedItem > -1 ) &&
- ( ( ( item->msg == evPlaySwitchToPause && item->msg == evPauseSwitchToPlay ) ) ||
- ( ( item->msg == evPauseSwitchToPlay && item->msg == evPlaySwitchToPause ) ) ) )
- { item->pressed=btnDisabled; }
- break;
- }
- break;
- case wsRLMouseButton:
- boxMoved=0;
- item=&appMPlayer.Items[SelectedItem];
- item->pressed=btnReleased;
- SelectedItem=-1;
- if ( currentselected == - 1 ) { itemtype=0; break; }
- value=0;
- switch( itemtype )
- {
- case itPotmeter:
- case itHPotmeter:
- btnModify( item->msg,(float)( X - item->x ) / item->width * 100.0f );
- mplEventHandling( item->msg,item->value );
- value=item->value;
- break;
- case itVPotmeter:
- btnModify( item->msg, ( 1. - (float)( Y - item->y ) / item->height) * 100.0f );
- mplEventHandling( item->msg,item->value );
- value=item->value;
- break;
- }
- mplEventHandling( item->msg,value );
- itemtype=0;
- break;
- case wsRRMouseButton:
- gtkShow( evShowPopUpMenu,NULL );
- break;
-// --- rolled mouse ... de szar :)))
- case wsP5MouseButton: value=-2.5f; goto rollerhandled;
- case wsP4MouseButton: value= 2.5f;
- item=&appMPlayer.Items[currentselected];
- if ( ( item->type == itHPotmeter )||( item->type == itVPotmeter )||( item->type == itPotmeter ) )
- {
- item->value+=value;
- btnModify( item->msg,item->value );
- mplEventHandling( item->msg,item->value );
- }
- break;
-// --- moving
- case wsMoveMouse:
- item=&appMPlayer.Items[SelectedItem];
- switch ( itemtype )
- {
- case itPLMButton:
- wsMoveWindow( &appMPlayer.mainWindow,False,RX - abs( sx ),RY - abs( sy ) );
- mplMainRender=0;
- break;
- case itPRMButton:
- mplMenuMouseHandle( X,Y,RX,RY );
- break;
- case itPotmeter:
- item->value=(float)( X - item->x ) / item->width * 100.0f;
- goto potihandled;
- case itVPotmeter:
- item->value=(1. - (float)( Y - item->y ) / item->height) * 100.0f;
- goto potihandled;
- case itHPotmeter:
- item->value=(float)( X - item->x ) / item->width * 100.0f;
- if ( item->value > 100.0f ) item->value=100.0f;
- if ( item->value < 0.0f ) item->value=0.0f;
- mplEventHandling( item->msg,item->value );
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
-int keyPressed = 0;
-void mplMainKeyHandle( int KeyCode,int Type,int Key )
- int msg = evNone;
- if ( Type != wsKeyPressed ) return;
- if ( !Key )
- {
- switch ( KeyCode )
- {
- case wsXFMMPrev: msg=evPrev; break;
- case wsXFMMStop: msg=evStop; break;
- case wsXFMMPlay: msg=evPlaySwitchToPause; break;
- case wsXFMMNext: msg=evNext; break;
- case wsXFMMVolUp: msg=evIncVolume; break;
- case wsXFMMVolDown: msg=evDecVolume; break;
- case wsXFMMMute: msg=evMute; break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- switch ( Key )
- {
- case wsEnter: msg=evPlay; break;
- case wsXF86LowerVolume: msg=evDecVolume; break;
- case wsXF86RaiseVolume: msg=evIncVolume; break;
- case wsXF86Mute: msg=evMute; break;
- case wsXF86Play: msg=evPlaySwitchToPause; break;
- case wsXF86Stop: msg=evStop; break;
- case wsXF86Prev: msg=evPrev; break;
- case wsXF86Next: msg=evNext; break;
- case wsXF86Media: msg=evLoad; break;
- case wsEscape:
- if ( appMPlayer.subWindow.isFullScreen )
- {
- if ( guiIntfStruct.event_struct ) ((XEvent *)guiIntfStruct.event_struct)->type=None;
- mplEventHandling( evNormalSize,0 );
- return;
- }
- default: vo_x11_putkey( Key ); return;
- }
- }
- if ( msg != evNone ) mplEventHandling( msg,0 );
-/* this will be used to handle Drag&Drop files */
-void mplDandDHandler(int num,char** files)
- struct stat buf;
- int f = 0;
- char* subtitles = NULL;
- char* filename = NULL;
- if (num <= 0)
- return;
- /* now fill it with new items */
- for(f=0; f < num; f++){
- char* str = strdup( files[f] );
- plItem* item;
- url_unescape_string(str, files[f]);
- if(stat(str,&buf) == 0 && S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode) == 0) {
- /* this is not a directory so try to play it */
- mp_msg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_V,"Received D&D %s\n",str );
- /* check if it is a subtitle file */
- {
- char* ext = strrchr(str,'.');
- if (ext) {
- static char supported[] = "utf/sub/srt/smi/rt//txt/ssa/aqt/";
- char* type;
- int len;
- if((len=strlen(++ext)) && (type=strstr(supported,ext)) &&\
- (type-supported)%4 == 0 && *(type+len) == '/'){
- /* handle subtitle file */
- gfree((void**)&subtitles);
- subtitles = str;
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- /* clear playlist */
- if (filename == NULL) {
- filename = files[f];
- gtkSet(gtkDelPl,0,NULL);
- }
- item = calloc(1,sizeof(plItem));
- /* FIXME: decompose file name ? */
- /* yes -- Pontscho */
- if ( strrchr( str,'/' ) ) {
- char * s = strrchr( str,'/' ); *s=0; s++;
- item->name = gstrdup( s );
- item->path = gstrdup( str );
- } else {
- item->name = strdup(str);
- item->path = strdup("");
- }
- gtkSet(gtkAddPlItem,0,(void*)item);
- } else {
- mp_msg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_WARN,MSGTR_NotAFile,str );
- }
- free( str );
- }
- if (filename) {
- mplSetFileName( NULL,filename,STREAMTYPE_FILE );
- if ( guiIntfStruct.Playing == 1 ) mplEventHandling( evStop,0 );
- mplEventHandling( evPlay,0 );
- }
- if (subtitles) {
- gfree((void**)&guiIntfStruct.Subtitlename);
- guiIntfStruct.Subtitlename = subtitles;
- guiLoadSubtitle(guiIntfStruct.Subtitlename);
- }