path: root/aviheader.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'aviheader.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 241 deletions
diff --git a/aviheader.c b/aviheader.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a3c073185f..0000000000
--- a/aviheader.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include "config.h"
-#include "mp_msg.h"
-#include "stream.h"
-#include "demuxer.h"
-#include "wine/mmreg.h"
-#include "wine/avifmt.h"
-#include "wine/vfw.h"
-#include "codec-cfg.h"
-#include "bswap.h"
-#include "stheader.h"
-#include "aviheader.h"
-#define MIN(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))
-static MainAVIHeader avih;
-extern void print_avih(MainAVIHeader *h);
-extern void print_avih_flags(MainAVIHeader *h);
-extern void print_strh(AVIStreamHeader *h);
-extern void print_wave_header(WAVEFORMATEX *h);
-extern void print_video_header(BITMAPINFOHEADER *h);
-extern void print_index(AVIINDEXENTRY *idx,int idx_size);
-void read_avi_header(demuxer_t *demuxer,int index_mode){
-sh_audio_t *sh_audio=NULL;
-sh_video_t *sh_video=NULL;
-int stream_id=-1;
-int idxfix_videostream=0;
-int idxfix_divx=0;
-avi_priv_t* priv=demuxer->priv;
-//---- AVI header:
- int id=stream_read_dword_le(demuxer->stream);
- int chunksize,size2;
- static int last_fccType=0;
- char* hdr=NULL;
- //
- if(stream_eof(demuxer->stream)) break;
- //
- if(id==mmioFOURCC('L','I','S','T')){
- int len=stream_read_dword_le(demuxer->stream)-4; // list size
- id=stream_read_dword_le(demuxer->stream); // list type
- mp_msg(MSGT_HEADER,MSGL_DBG2,"LIST %.4s len=%d\n",(char *) &id,len);
- if(id==listtypeAVIMOVIE){
- // found MOVI header
- demuxer->movi_start=stream_tell(demuxer->stream);
- demuxer->movi_end=demuxer->movi_start+len;
- mp_msg(MSGT_HEADER,MSGL_V,"Found movie at 0x%X - 0x%X\n",(int)demuxer->movi_start,(int)demuxer->movi_end);
- if(index_mode==-2) break; // reading from non-seekable source (stdin)
- len=(len+1)&(~1);
- stream_skip(demuxer->stream,len);
- }
- continue;
- }
- size2=stream_read_dword_le(demuxer->stream);
- mp_msg(MSGT_HEADER,MSGL_DBG2,"CHUNK %.4s len=%d\n",(char *) &id,size2);
- chunksize=(size2+1)&(~1);
- switch(id){
- case mmioFOURCC('I','S','F','T'): hdr="Software";break;
- case mmioFOURCC('I','N','A','M'): hdr="Name";break;
- case mmioFOURCC('I','S','B','J'): hdr="Title";break;
- case mmioFOURCC('I','A','R','T'): hdr="Author";break;
- case mmioFOURCC('I','C','O','P'): hdr="Copyright";break;
- case mmioFOURCC('I','C','M','T'): hdr="Comment";break;
- case ckidAVIMAINHDR: // read 'avih'
- stream_read(demuxer->stream,(char*) &avih,MIN(size2,sizeof(avih)));
- le2me_MainAVIHeader(&avih); // swap to machine endian
- chunksize-=MIN(size2,sizeof(avih));
- if(verbose) print_avih(&avih); else print_avih_flags(&avih);
- break;
- case ckidSTREAMHEADER: { // read 'strh'
- AVIStreamHeader h;
- stream_read(demuxer->stream,(char*) &h,MIN(size2,sizeof(h)));
- le2me_AVIStreamHeader(&h); // swap to machine endian
- chunksize-=MIN(size2,sizeof(h));
- ++stream_id;
- if(h.fccType==streamtypeVIDEO){
- sh_video=new_sh_video(demuxer,stream_id);
- memcpy(&sh_video->video,&h,sizeof(h));
- } else
- if(h.fccType==streamtypeAUDIO){
- sh_audio=new_sh_audio(demuxer,stream_id);
- memcpy(&sh_audio->audio,&h,sizeof(h));
- }
- last_fccType=h.fccType;
- if(verbose>=1) print_strh(&h);
- break; }
- case ckidSTREAMFORMAT: { // read 'strf'
- if(last_fccType==streamtypeVIDEO){
- sh_video->bih=calloc((chunksize<sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER))?sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER):chunksize,1);
-// sh_video->bih=malloc(chunksize); memset(sh_video->bih,0,chunksize);
- mp_msg(MSGT_HEADER,MSGL_V,"found 'bih', %d bytes of %d\n",chunksize,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
- stream_read(demuxer->stream,(char*) sh_video->bih,chunksize);
- le2me_BITMAPINFOHEADER(sh_video->bih); // swap to machine endian
- if(verbose>=1) print_video_header(sh_video->bih);
- chunksize=0;
-// sh_video->fps=(float)sh_video->video.dwRate/(float)sh_video->video.dwScale;
-// sh_video->frametime=(float)sh_video->video.dwScale/(float)sh_video->video.dwRate;
-// if(demuxer->video->id==-1) demuxer->video->id=stream_id;
- // IdxFix:
- idxfix_videostream=stream_id;
- switch(sh_video->bih->biCompression){
- case mmioFOURCC('D', 'I', 'V', '3'):
- case mmioFOURCC('d', 'i', 'v', '3'):
- case mmioFOURCC('D', 'I', 'V', '4'):
- case mmioFOURCC('d', 'i', 'v', '4'):
- case mmioFOURCC('D', 'I', 'V', '5'):
- case mmioFOURCC('d', 'i', 'v', '5'):
- case mmioFOURCC('D', 'I', 'V', '6'):
- case mmioFOURCC('d', 'i', 'v', '6'):
- case mmioFOURCC('M', 'P', '4', '3'):
- case mmioFOURCC('m', 'p', '4', '3'):
- case mmioFOURCC('M', 'P', '4', '2'):
- case mmioFOURCC('m', 'p', '4', '2'):
- case mmioFOURCC('D', 'I', 'V', '2'):
- case mmioFOURCC('A', 'P', '4', '1'):
- idxfix_divx=1; // we can fix keyframes only for divx coded files!
- }
- } else
- if(last_fccType==streamtypeAUDIO){
- int wf_size = chunksize<sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX)?sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX):chunksize;
- sh_audio->wf=calloc(wf_size,1);
-// sh_audio->wf=malloc(chunksize); memset(sh_audio->wf,0,chunksize);
- mp_msg(MSGT_HEADER,MSGL_V,"found 'wf', %d bytes of %d\n",chunksize,sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX));
- stream_read(demuxer->stream,(char*) sh_audio->wf,chunksize);
- le2me_WAVEFORMATEX(sh_audio->wf);
- if (sh_audio->wf->cbSize != 0 &&
- wf_size < sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX)+sh_audio->wf->cbSize) {
- sh_audio->wf=realloc(sh_audio->wf, sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX)+sh_audio->wf->cbSize);
- }
- chunksize=0;
- if(verbose>=1) print_wave_header(sh_audio->wf);
-// if(demuxer->audio->id==-1) demuxer->audio->id=stream_id;
- }
- break;
- }
- case ckidAVINEWINDEX: if(index_mode){
- int i;
- priv->idx_size=size2>>4;
- mp_msg(MSGT_HEADER,MSGL_V,"Reading INDEX block, %d chunks for %ld frames\n",
- priv->idx_size,avih.dwTotalFrames);
- priv->idx=malloc(priv->idx_size<<4);
- stream_read(demuxer->stream,(char*)priv->idx,priv->idx_size<<4);
- for (i = 0; i < priv->idx_size; i++) // swap index to machine endian
- le2me_AVIINDEXENTRY((AVIINDEXENTRY*)priv->idx + i);
- chunksize-=priv->idx_size<<4;
- if(verbose>=2) print_index(priv->idx,priv->idx_size);
- break;
- }
- }
- if(hdr){
- char buf[256];
- int len=(size2<250)?size2:250;
- stream_read(demuxer->stream,buf,len);
- chunksize-=len;
- buf[len]=0;
- mp_msg(MSGT_HEADER,MSGL_V,"%-10s: %s\n",hdr,buf);
- }
- if(chunksize>0) stream_skip(demuxer->stream,chunksize); else
- if(chunksize<0) mp_msg(MSGT_HEADER,MSGL_WARN,"chunksize=%d (id=%.4s)\n",chunksize,(char *) &id);
-if(index_mode>=2 || (priv->idx_size==0 && index_mode==1)){
- // build index for file:
- stream_reset(demuxer->stream);
- stream_seek(demuxer->stream,demuxer->movi_start);
- priv->idx_pos=0;
- priv->idx_size=0;
- priv->idx=NULL;
- while(1){
- int id,len,skip;
- unsigned char c;
- demuxer->filepos=stream_tell(demuxer->stream);
- if(demuxer->filepos>=demuxer->movi_end) break;
- id=stream_read_dword_le(demuxer->stream);
- len=stream_read_dword_le(demuxer->stream);
- if(id==mmioFOURCC('L','I','S','T')){
- id=stream_read_dword_le(demuxer->stream); // list type
- continue;
- }
- if(stream_eof(demuxer->stream)) break;
- if(!id || avi_stream_id(id)==100) goto skip_chunk; // bad ID (or padding?)
- if(priv->idx_pos>=priv->idx_size){
-// priv->idx_size+=32;
- priv->idx_size+=1024; // +16kB
- priv->idx=realloc(priv->idx,priv->idx_size*sizeof(AVIINDEXENTRY));
- if(!priv->idx){priv->idx_pos=0; break;} // error!
- }
- idx=&((AVIINDEXENTRY *)priv->idx)[priv->idx_pos++];
- idx->ckid=id;
- idx->dwFlags=AVIIF_KEYFRAME; // FIXME
- idx->dwChunkOffset=demuxer->filepos;
- idx->dwChunkLength=len;
- c=stream_read_char(demuxer->stream);
- // Fix keyframes for DivX files:
- if(idxfix_divx)
- if(avi_stream_id(id)==idxfix_videostream){
- if(c&0x40) idx->dwFlags=0;
- }
- mp_dbg(MSGT_HEADER,MSGL_DBG2,"%08X %08X %.4s %02X %X\n",demuxer->filepos,id,(char *) &id,c,(unsigned int) idx->dwFlags);
-#if 0
- { unsigned char tmp[64];
- int i;
- stream_read(demuxer->stream,tmp,64);
- printf("%.4s",&id);
- for(i=0;i<64;i++) printf(" %02X",tmp[i]);
- printf("\n");
- }
- skip=(len+1)&(~1); // total bytes in this chunk
- stream_seek(demuxer->stream,8+demuxer->filepos+skip);
- }
- priv->idx_size=priv->idx_pos;
- mp_msg(MSGT_HEADER,MSGL_INFO,"AVI: Generated index table for %d chunks!\n",priv->idx_size);
-#undef MIN