path: root/TOOLS/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'TOOLS/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 179 deletions
diff --git a/TOOLS/ b/TOOLS/
deleted file mode 100755
index d06ed0d880..0000000000
--- a/TOOLS/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-# Helper script to ease comparing the PSNR between two video files
-# Copyleft 2005 by Matthias Wieser
-# Copyleft 2005 by Ivo
-# This file comes under GPL, see for more
-# information on its licensing.
-warning_frame_number () {
- echo "Files have differing numbers of frames!"
- echo "$FILE1 has `ls -1 ${TEMPDIR}/FILE1/*ppm | wc -l` frames,"
- echo "$FILE2 has `ls -1 ${TEMPDIR}/FILE2/*ppm | wc -l` frames."
- echo "Processing the first `ls -1 ${TEMPDIR}/FILE2/*ppm | wc -l` frames."
-if [[ `which pnmpsnr 2> /dev/null` = "" ]]
- echo
- echo "To use this script you have to install the program \"pnmpsnr\" which is"
- echo " included in the netpbm package."
- echo
- exit=1
-if [[ `which bc 2> /dev/null` = "" ]]
- echo
- echo "To use this script you have to install the GNU command line calculator \"bc\"."
- echo
- exit=1
-if [ $# -le 1 ]; then
- echo
- echo "Usage: `basename $0` <file1> <file2> [<frames>] [<options1>] [<options2>]"
- echo
- echo " <file1> and <file2> are the files for which the PSNR should be calculated."
- echo " [<frames>] is the number of frames to process, starting from frame 1."
- echo " [<options1>] are additional MPlayer options for <file1>."
- echo " [<options2>] are additional MPlayer options for <file2>."
- echo
- echo " Be aware that `basename $0` needs a lot of temporary space inside /tmp/."
- echo
- echo "Example:"
- echo " ./`basename $0` ./orig.avi ./test.avi 250 \"\" \"-vf pp=ac\""
- echo
- exit=1
-if [ "$exit" -eq 1 ]; then
- exit 1
-if [ $# -ge 3 ]; then
- LastFrame=$3
- echo
- echo "Will process $LastFrame frames."
-if [ $# -ge 4 ]; then
- FILE1_Options=$4
- echo "MPlayer options for ${FILE1}: $FILE1_Options"
-if [ $# -ge 5 ]; then
- FILE2_Options=$5
- echo "MPlayer options for ${FILE2}: $FILE2_Options"
-mkdir -p ${TEMPDIR}/FILE1
-mkdir -p ${TEMPDIR}/FILE2
-### File 1
-echo "############## $FILE1 #################"
-rm -f *ppm
-rm -f *del
-if [ $LastFrame -ge 0 ]; then
- mplayer $FILE1_Options -frames $LastFrame -nosound -vo pnm ${WORKDIR}/$FILE1 > /dev/null
- mplayer $FILE1_Options -nosound -vo pnm ${WORKDIR}/$FILE1 > /dev/null
-### File 2
-echo "############## $FILE2 #################"
-rm -f *ppm
-if [ $LastFrame -ge 0 ]; then
- mplayer $FILE2_Options -frames $LastFrame -nosound -vo pnm ${WORKDIR}/$FILE2 > /dev/null
- mplayer $FILE2_Options -nosound -vo pnm ${WORKDIR}/$FILE2 > /dev/null
-### PSNR
-echo "############## PSNR Calculation #################"
-if [[ `ls -1 ${TEMPDIR}/FILE1/*ppm | wc -l` = `ls -1 ${TEMPDIR}/FILE2/*ppm | wc -l` ]]
- echo
- warning_frame_number
- echo
-#rm ../$OUTFILE
-echo "File;Y;Cb;Cr" > ../$OUTFILE
-echo "0" > $ERRFILE
-for FILE in `ls -1 *.ppm`
- do
- echo $FILE
- echo -n "$FILE" >> ../$OUTFILE
- echo -n ";" >> ../$OUTFILE
- YCBCR=`pnmpsnr ../FILE1/$FILE $FILE 2>&1 | tail -n 3 | cut -f 3 -d ':' | \
- ( read Y X; read CB X; read CR X; echo "$Y;$CB;$CR;")`
- Y=`echo $YCBCR | cut -f 1 -d ';'`
- CB=`echo $YCBCR | cut -f 2 -d ';'`
- CR=`echo $YCBCR | cut -f 3 -d ';'`
- echo $YCBCR >> ../$OUTFILE
- ALL=`echo "(-10)*l((e(-$Y/10*l(10))+e(-$CB/10*l(10))/4+e(-$CR/10*l(10))/4)/1.5)/l(10)" | bc -l`
- echo "$ALL" >> ../$OUTFILE
- ERROR=`echo "scale=30; (e(-1*$Y/10*l(10))+e(-1*$CB/10*l(10))/4+e(-1*$CR/10*l(10))/4)/1.5" | bc -l`
- echo `echo "scale=30; $ERROR + $ERRORSUM" | bc -l` > $ERRFILE
- i=$(($i+1))
- if [[ $i = $LastFrame ]]
- then
- break
- fi
-PSNR=`echo "-10*l($ERRORSUM/$i)/l(10)" | bc -l`
-echo "PSNR:;$PSNR" >> ../$OUTFILE
-cd ..
-if [[ `ls -1 ${TEMPDIR}/FILE1/*ppm | wc -l` = `ls -1 ${TEMPDIR}/FILE2/*ppm | wc -l` ]]
- echo
- warning_frame_number
- echo
-cd ..
-rm -r ${TEMPDIR}
-echo "Created ${WORKDIR}/$OUTFILE"