path: root/DOCS/xml/xsl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'DOCS/xml/xsl')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 300 deletions
diff --git a/DOCS/xml/xsl/ldp-html-chunk.xsl b/DOCS/xml/xsl/ldp-html-chunk.xsl
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f8aca728a..0000000000
--- a/DOCS/xml/xsl/ldp-html-chunk.xsl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0'?>
-<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""
- version='1.0'
- xmlns=""
- exclude-result-prefixes="#default">
-<!-- $Id$ -->
-<!-- This stylesheet calls Norman Walsh's 'docbook.xsl' stylesheet
- and therefore generates MULTIPLE HTML FILES as output. -->
-<!-- Note the the *order* of the import statements below is important and
- should not be changed. -->
-<!-- Change this to the path to where you have installed Norman
- Walsh's XSL stylesheets -->
-<xsl:import href="/usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets-1.60.1/html/chunk.xsl"/>
-<!-- Imports the common LDP customization layer. -->
-<xsl:import href="ldp-html-common.xsl"/>
-<!-- If there was some reason to override 'ldp-html-common.xsl' or to
- perform any other customizations that affect *only* the generation
- of multiple HTML files, those templates or parameters could be
- entered here. -->
diff --git a/DOCS/xml/xsl/ldp-html-common.xsl b/DOCS/xml/xsl/ldp-html-common.xsl
deleted file mode 100644
index f51405db27..0000000000
--- a/DOCS/xml/xsl/ldp-html-common.xsl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0'?>
-<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""
- version='1.0'
- xmlns=""
- exclude-result-prefixes="#default">
-<!-- $Id -->
-<!-- Experimental stylesheet by Dan York
- This is an attempt to replicate the customizations done in ldp.dsl
- Each customization in ldp.dsl is listed in the order in which it
- appears (in ldp.dsl) with the corresponding XSLT template or setting
- below it. Where there is no XSLT code below an item, that particular
- customization of ldp.dsl is not yet supported here. Some additional
- options and features have been added and are noted as not being in
- ldp.dsl. The work on this stylesheet began 5 Jul 2001. -->
-<!-- Note that this file, 'ldp-html-common.xsl', is NOT intended to be
- called directly. Instead, you should call either of two stylesheets:
- 'ldp-html.xsl' or 'ldp-html-chunk.xsl'. The former generates a SINGLE
- HTML file, while the latter performs "chunking" to generate MULTIPLE
- HTML files. Both of those files import the appropriate Norman Walsh
- stylesheet and then import this customization layer. -->
-<!-- NOT IN LDP.DSL - This stylesheet supports the additional use of the
- "role" and "condition" attributes to the <author> tag. The XSLT template
- is listed later in the stylesheet, but the text lables are listed
- here in order to make localization of the stylesheet easier. Note
- that spaces *are* significant in the value, so you should have a
- space after the colon. -->
-<xsl:variable name="maintainerlabel">Maintainer: </xsl:variable>
-<xsl:variable name="authorlabel">Author: </xsl:variable>
- Creates header content in all generated HTML files -->
-<xsl:template name="user.head.content">
- <xsl:param name="node" select="."/>
- <meta name="generator" content="Experimental LDP.XSL $Revision$"/>
- <xsl:text>
- </xsl:text>
- <xsl:comment> Generated by LDP XSLT customization layer
- based on Norman Walsh's DocBook XSL stylesheets.
- More information at </xsl:comment>
- <xsl:text>
- </xsl:text>
-<!-- declare-characteristic preserve-sdata?
- No longer appears necessary as it is a JadeTex issue. -->
-<!-- generate-legalnotice-link?
- Not currently supported in Norm's XSL stylesheets. Logged
- at SourceForge as a bug. -->
-<!-- Should graphics be used for admonitions (notes, warnings)? 0 or 1 -->
-<xsl:param name="" select="0"/>
-<!-- If using admon graphics (1 above), what is path to graphics?
- Should be the path relative to your document and MUST end with
- a trailing slash. Also, this parameter needs to be on a
- single line. -->
-<xsl:param name="">images/</xsl:param>
-<!-- Make funcsynopsis look pretty -->
-<xsl:param name="funcsynopsis.decoration" select="1" doc:type="boolean"/>
-<!-- Extension for HTML files -->
-<xsl:param name="html.ext" select="'.html'"/>
-<!-- Generate TOCs for book, article, part -->
-<xsl:param name="" select="1" doc:type="boolean"/>
-<xsl:param name="generate.article.toc" select="1" doc:type="boolean"/>
-<xsl:param name="generate.part.toc" select="1" doc:type="boolean"/>
-<!-- generate-book-titlepage -->
-<!-- generate-article-titlepage -->
-<!-- Equivalent to chunk-skip-first-element-list - forces TOC on separate page
- If 0, first sect is on page for chapter or article -->
-<xsl:param name="chunk.first.sections" select="'1'"/>
-<!-- NOT IN LDP.DSL -->
-<!-- Create chunks for top-level sections. If 0, chunks will only be
- created for chapters/appendixes, and NOT for sectx elements -->
-<xsl:param name="chunk.sections" select="'1'"/>
-<!-- list-element-list - NO LONGER NEEDED - bug fix -->
-<!-- Filename for the root chunk -->
-<xsl:param name="root.filename" select="'index'"/>
-<!-- shade-verbatim
- I have created a function below that shades the verbatim sections.
- logic would need to be added to check if this is set.
- Norm has added parameters to his 1.44 stylesheets that support
- shading verbatim sections. However, it looks like it requires
- an attribute to a table to have verbatim shading. Needs to be
- explored further. -->
-<!-- When chunking, use id attribute as filename? 0 or 1 -->
-<xsl:param name="" select="1"/>
-<!-- graphic-extensions - NO LONGER NEEDED?? -->
-<!-- default graphic filename extension -->
-<xsl:param name="graphic.default.extension" select="'.gif'" doc:type="string"/>
-<!-- Should chapters be labeled? 0 or 1 -->
-<xsl:param name="chapter.autolabel" select="1"/>
-<!-- Should sections be labeled? 0 or 1 -->
-<xsl:param name="section.autolabel" select="1"/>
-<!-- Related to section labels, should those labels include the chapter
- number in them (i.e., 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 )-->
-<xsl:param name="section.label.includes.component.label" select="1" doc:type="boolean"/>
-<!-- To what depth (in sections) should the TOC go? -->
-<xsl:param name="toc.section.depth" select="2"/>
-<!-- Custom 'emphasis' template to allow 'role="strong"' to
- also produce a bold item. -->
-<xsl:template match="emphasis">
- <xsl:choose>
- <xsl:when test="(@role='strong') or (@role='bold')">
- <xsl:call-template name="inline.boldseq"/>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>
- <xsl:call-template name="inline.italicseq"/>
- </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
-<!-- book-titlepage-recto-elements
- article-titlepage-recto-elements
- article-titlepage-recto-mode
- article-title
- - Customizing these elements (for instance, to list what is on the
- title page) involves writing a layer for html/titlepage.templates.xml and the
- other files html/titlepage.xsl and html/titlepage.templates.xsl - Norm
- is doing something funky here and I haven't fully figured it out. -->
-<!-- The remainder of ldp.dsl deals with changing the foreground and
- background colors of verbatim elements although in reading through the
- DSSSL it doesn't look like it actually changed the foreground colors.
- The changing of the background shading can be done at two locations
- (one numbered, one not) in the template below. -->
-<!-- Custom template for programlisting, screen and synopsis to generate a gray
- background to the item. -->
-<xsl:template match="programlisting|screen|synopsis">
- <xsl:param name="suppress-numbers" select="'0'"/>
- <xsl:variable name="vendor" select="system-property('xsl:vendor')"/>
- <xsl:variable name="id"><xsl:call-template name=""/></xsl:variable>
- <xsl:if test="@id">
- <a href="{$id}"/>
- </xsl:if>
- <xsl:choose>
- <xsl:when test="$suppress-numbers = '0'
- and @linenumbering = 'numbered'
- and $use.extensions != '0'
- and $linenumbering.extension != '0'">
- <xsl:variable name="rtf">
- <xsl:apply-templates/>
- </xsl:variable>
- <!-- Change the color bacground color in the line below. -->
- <table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="90%">
- <tr><td>
- <pre class="{name(.)}">
- <xsl:call-template name="number.rtf.lines">
- <xsl:with-param name="rtf" select="$rtf"/>
- </xsl:call-template>
- </pre>
- </td></tr></table>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>
- <!-- Change the color bacground color in the line below. -->
- <table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="90%">
- <tr><td>
- <pre class="{name(.)}">
- <xsl:apply-templates/>
- </pre>
- </td></tr></table>
- </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
-<!-- NOT IN LDP.DSL. Custom template to allow Maintainer to be a role in
- the Author element. It also checks for a "condition" attribute
- to the <author> element. If it finds the condition attribute, it
- copies VERBATIM the value of the attribute to be in front of the
- word Author or Maintainer. This is done to allow maximum flexibility.
- Note that an <xsl:text> element was necessary to put the space
- between the condition and the word Author or Maintainer. -->
-<xsl:template match="author" mode="titlepage.mode">
- <h3 class="{name(.)}">
- <!-- If there is a condition attribute, print it VERBATIM first -->
- <xsl:if test="@condition"><i><xsl:value-of select="@condition"/></i>
- <xsl:text> </xsl:text></xsl:if>
- <!-- Test to see if there is a role. If maintainer, print that. If not,
- assume it is an author. -->
- <xsl:choose>
- <xsl:when test="@role='maintainer'">
- <i><xsl:value-of select="$maintainerlabel"/></i>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>
- <i><xsl:value-of select="$authorlabel"/></i>
- </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- <xsl:call-template name=""/>
- </h3>
- <xsl:apply-templates mode="titlepage.mode" select="./contrib"/>
- <xsl:apply-templates mode="titlepage.mode" select="./affiliation"/>
diff --git a/DOCS/xml/xsl/ldp-html.xsl b/DOCS/xml/xsl/ldp-html.xsl
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bd0d2045e..0000000000
--- a/DOCS/xml/xsl/ldp-html.xsl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0'?>
-<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""
- version='1.0'
- xmlns=""
- exclude-result-prefixes="#default">
-<!-- $Id$ -->
-<!-- This stylesheet calls Norman Walsh's 'docbook.xsl' stylesheet
- and therefore generates a SINGLE HTML FILE as output. -->
-<!-- Note the the *order* of the import statements below is important and
- should not be changed. -->
-<!-- Change this to the path to where you have installed Norman
- Walsh's XSL stylesheets. -->
-<xsl:import href="/usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets-1.60.1/html/docbook.xsl"/>
-<!-- Imports the common LDP customization layer. -->
-<xsl:import href="/home/n/xml/xsl/ldp-html-common.xsl"/>
-<!-- If there was some reason to override 'ldp-html-common.xsl' or to
- perform any other customizations that affect *only* the generation
- of a single HTML file, those templates or parameters could be
- entered here. -->
diff --git a/DOCS/xml/xsl/ldp-print.xsl b/DOCS/xml/xsl/ldp-print.xsl
deleted file mode 100644
index b631bc8ed4..0000000000
--- a/DOCS/xml/xsl/ldp-print.xsl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0'?>
-<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""
- version='1.0'
- xmlns=""
- exclude-result-prefixes="#default">
-<!-- $Id$ -->
-<!-- This stylesheet will eventually include print customizations
- from LDP.DSL. At the current time, it has not been developed.-->
-<!-- Change this to the path to where you have installed Norman
- Walsh's XSL stylesheets. -->
-<xsl:import href="/usr/share/sgml/docbook/docbook-xsl-1.41/fo/docbook.xsl"/>
-<!-- Customized parameters and templates go here. -->