path: root/DOCS/tech/encoding-tips.txt
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-Some important URLs:
- <- lavc vs. divx5 vs. xvid
- <- lavc benchmarks, options
- <- lavc for win32 :)
- <- a nice tutorial
- <- lavc option comparison
- <- series of benchmarks
- <- free codecs shoutout and recommended encoding settings
-I know this is a popular topic on the list, so I thought I'd share a
-few comments on my experience fixing a/v sync. As everyone seems to
-know, mencoder unfortunately doesn't have a -delay option. But that
-doesn't mean you can't fix a/v sync. There are a couple ways to still
-do it.
-In example 1, we'll suppose you want to re-encode the audio anyway.
-This will be essential if your source audio isn't mp3, e.g. for DVD's
-or nasty avi files with divx/wma audio. This approach makes things
-much easier.
-Step 1: Dump the audio with mplayer -ao pcm -nowaveheader. There are
-various options that can be used to speed this up, most notably -vo
-null, -vc null, and/or -hardframedrop. -benchmark also seemed to help
-in the past. :)
-Step 2: Figure out what -delay value syncs the audio right in mplayer.
-If this number is positive, use a command like the following:
-dd if=audiodump.wav bs=1764 skip=[delay] | lame -x - out.mp3
-where [delay] is replaced by your delay amount in hundredths of a
-second (1/10 the value you use with mplayer). Otherwise, if delay is
-negative, use a command like this:
-( dd if=/dev/zero bs=1764 skip=[delay] ; cat audiodump.wav ) | lame -x - out.mp3
-Don't include the minus (-) sign in delay. Also, keep in mind you'll
-have to change the 1764 number and provide additional options to lame
-if your audio stream isn't 44100/16bit/little-endian/stereo.
-Step 3: Use mencoder to remux your new mp3 file with the movie:
-mencoder -audiofile out.mp3 -oac copy ...
-You can either copy video as-is (with -ovc copy) or re-encode it at
-the same time you merge in the audio like this.
-Finally, as a variation on this method (makes things a good bit faster
-and doesn't use tons of temporary disk space) you can merge steps 1
-and 2 by making a named pipe called "audiodump.wav" (type mkfifo
-audiodump.wav) and have mplayer write the audio to it at the same time
-you're running lame to encode.
-Now for example 2. This time we won't re-encode audio at all. Just
-dump the mp3 stream from the avi file with mplayer -dumpaudio. Then,
-you have to cut and paste the raw mp3 stream a bit...
-If delay is negative, things are easier. Just use lame to encode
-silence for the duration of delay, at the same samplerate and
-samplesize used in your avi file. Then, do something like:
-cat silence.mp3 stream.dump > out.mp3
-mencoder -audiofile out.mp3 -oac copy ...
-On the other hand, if delay is positive, you'll need to crop off part
-of the mp3 from the beginning. If it's (at least roughly) CBR this is
-easy -- just take off the first (bitrate*delay/8) bytes of the file.
-You can use the excellent dd tool, or just your favorite
-binary-friendly text editor to do this. Otherwise, you'll have to
-experiment with cutting off different amounts. You can test with
-mplayer -audiofile before actually spending time remuxing/encoding
-with mencoder to make sure you cut the right amount.
-I hope this has all been informative. If anyone would like to clean
-this message up a bit and make it into part of the docs, feel free. Of
-course mencoder should eventually just get -delay. :)
-Hi everyone.
-Some days ago someone suggested adding some preset options to mencoder.
-At that time I replied 'don't do that', and now I decided to elaborate
-on that.
-Warning: this is rather long, and it involves mathematics. But if you
-don't want to bother with either then why are you encoding in the
-first place? Go do something different!
-The good news is: it's all about the bpp (bits per pixel).
-The bad news is: it's not THAT easy ;)
-This mail is about encoding a DVD to MPEG4. It's about the video
-quality, not (primarily) about the audio quality or some other fancy
-things like subtitles.
-The first step is to encode the audio. Why? Well if you encode the
-audio prior to the video you'll have to make the video fit onto one
-(or two) CD(s). That way you can use oggenc's quality based encoding
-mode which is much more sophisticated than its ABR based mode.
-After encoding the audio you have a certain amount of space left to
-fill with video. Let's assume the audio takes 60M (no problem with
-Vorbis), and you aim at a 700M CD. This leaves you 640M for the video.
-Let's further assume that the video is 100 minutes or 6000 seconds
-long, encoded at 25fps (those nasty NTSC fps values give me
-headaches. Adjust to your needs, of course!). This leaves you with
-a video bitrate of:
- $videosize * 8
-$videobitrate = --------------
- $length * 1000
-$videosize in bytes, $length in seconds, $videobitrate in kbit/s.
-In my example I end up with $videobitrate = 895.
-And now comes the question: how do I chose my encoding parameters
-so that the results will be good? First let's take a look at a
-typical mencoder line:
-mencoder dvd://1 -o /dev/null -oac copy -ovc lavc \
- -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=1000:vhq:vqmin=2:\
- vlelim=-4:vcelim=9:lumi_mask=0.05:dark_mask=0.01:vpass=1 \
- -vf crop=716:572:2:2,scale=640:480
-Phew, all those parameters! Which ones should I change? NEVER leave
-out 'vhq'. Never ever. 'vqmin=2' is always good if you aim for sane
-settings - like 'normal length' movies on one CD, 'very long movies'
-on two CDs and so on. vcodec=mpeg4 is mandatory.
-The 'vlelim=-4:vcelim=9:lumi_mask=0.05:dark_mask=0.01' are parameters
-suggested by D Richard Felker for non-animated movies, and they
-improve quality a bit.
-But the two things that have the most influence on quality are
-vbitate and scale. Why? Because both together tell the codec how
-many bits it may spend on each frame for each bit: and this is
-the 'bpp' value (bits per pixel). It's simply defined as
- $videobitrate * 1000
-$bpp = -----------------------
- $width * $height * $fps
-I've attached a small Perl script that calculates the $bpp for
-a movie. You'll have to give it four parameters:
-a) the cropped but unscaled resolution (use '-vf cropdetect'),
-b) the encoded aspect ratio. All DVDs come at 720x576 but contain
-a flag that tells the player wether it should display the DVD at
-an aspect ratio of 4/3 (1.333) or at 16/9 (1.777). Have a look
-at mplayer's output - there's something about 'prescaling'. That's
-what you are looking for.
-c) the video bitrate in kbit/s and
-d) the fps.
-In my example the command line and's output would look
-like this (warning - long lines ahead):
-mosu@anakin:~$ ./ 720x440 16/9 896 25
-Prescaled picture: 1023x440, AR 2.33
-720x304, diff 5, new AR 2.37, AR error 1.74% scale=720:304 bpp: 0.164
-704x304, diff -1, new AR 2.32, AR error 0.50% scale=704:304 bpp: 0.167
-688x288, diff 8, new AR 2.39, AR error 2.58% scale=688:288 bpp: 0.181
-672x288, diff 1, new AR 2.33, AR error 0.26% scale=672:288 bpp: 0.185
-656x288, diff -6, new AR 2.28, AR error 2.17% scale=656:288 bpp: 0.190
-640x272, diff 3, new AR 2.35, AR error 1.09% scale=640:272 bpp: 0.206
-624x272, diff -4, new AR 2.29, AR error 1.45% scale=624:272 bpp: 0.211
-608x256, diff 5, new AR 2.38, AR error 2.01% scale=608:256 bpp: 0.230
-592x256, diff -2, new AR 2.31, AR error 0.64% scale=592:256 bpp: 0.236
-576x240, diff 8, new AR 2.40, AR error 3.03% scale=576:240 bpp: 0.259
-560x240, diff 1, new AR 2.33, AR error 0.26% scale=560:240 bpp: 0.267
-544x240, diff -6, new AR 2.27, AR error 2.67% scale=544:240 bpp: 0.275
-528x224, diff 3, new AR 2.36, AR error 1.27% scale=528:224 bpp: 0.303
-512x224, diff -4, new AR 2.29, AR error 1.82% scale=512:224 bpp: 0.312
-496x208, diff 5, new AR 2.38, AR error 2.40% scale=496:208 bpp: 0.347
-480x208, diff -2, new AR 2.31, AR error 0.85% scale=480:208 bpp: 0.359
-464x192, diff 7, new AR 2.42, AR error 3.70% scale=464:192 bpp: 0.402
-448x192, diff 1, new AR 2.33, AR error 0.26% scale=448:192 bpp: 0.417
-432x192, diff -6, new AR 2.25, AR error 3.43% scale=432:192 bpp: 0.432
-416x176, diff 3, new AR 2.36, AR error 1.54% scale=416:176 bpp: 0.490
-400x176, diff -4, new AR 2.27, AR error 2.40% scale=400:176 bpp: 0.509
-384x160, diff 5, new AR 2.40, AR error 3.03% scale=384:160 bpp: 0.583
-368x160, diff -2, new AR 2.30, AR error 1.19% scale=368:160 bpp: 0.609
-352x144, diff 7, new AR 2.44, AR error 4.79% scale=352:144 bpp: 0.707
-336x144, diff 0, new AR 2.33, AR error 0.26% scale=336:144 bpp: 0.741
-320x144, diff -6, new AR 2.22, AR error 4.73% scale=320:144 bpp: 0.778
-A word for the $bpp. For a fictional movie which is only black and
-white: if you have a $bpp of 1 then the movie would be stored
-uncompressed :) For a real life movie with 24bit color depth you
-need compression of course. And the $bpp can be used to make the
-decision easier.
-As you can see the resolutions suggested by the script are all
-dividable by 16. This will make the aspect ratio slightly wrong,
-but no one will notice.
-Now if you want to decide which resolution (and scaling parameters)
-to chose you can do that by looking at the $bpp:
-< 0.10: don't do it. Please. I beg you!
-< 0.15: It will look bad.
-< 0.20: You will notice blocks, but it will look ok.
-< 0.25: It will look really good.
-> 0.25: It won't really improve visually.
-> 0.30: Don't do that either - try a bigger resolution instead.
-Of course these values are not absolutes! For movies with really lots
-of black areas 0.15 may look very good. Action movies with only high
-motion scenes on the other hand may not look perfect at 0.25. But these
-values give you a great idea about which resolution to chose.
-I see a lot of people always using 512 for the width and scaling
-the height accordingly. For my (real-world-)example this would be
-simply a waste of bandwidth. The encoder would probably not even
-need the full bitrate, and the resulting file would be smaller
-than my targetted 700M.
-After encoding you'll do your 'quality check'. First fire up the movie
-and see whether it looks good to you or not. But you can also do a
-more 'scientific' analysis. The second Perl script I attached counts
-the quantizers used for the encoding. Simply call it with
- < divx2pass.log
-It will print out which quantizer was used how often. If you see that
-e.g. the lowest quantizer (vqmin=2) gets used for > 95% of the frames
-then you can safely increase your picture size.
-> The "counting the quantesizer"-thing could improve the quality of
-> full automated scripts, as I understand ?
-Yes, the log file analysis can be used be tools to automatically adjust
-the scaling parameters (if you'd do that you'd end up with a three-pass
-encoding for the video only ;)), but it can also provide answers for
-you as a human. From time to time there's a question like 'hey,
-mencoder creates files that are too small! I specified this bitrate and
-the resulting file is 50megs short of the target file size!'. The
-reason is probably that the codec already uses the minimum quantizer
-for nearly all frames so it simply does not need more bits. A quick
-glance at the distribution of the quantizers can be enlightening.
-Another thing is that q=2 and q=3 look really good while the 'bigger'
-quantizers really lose quality. So if your distribution shows the
-majority of quantizers at 4 and above then you should probably decrease
-the resolution (you'll definitly see block artefacts).
-Well... Several people will probably disagree with me on certain
-points here, especially when it comes down to hard values (like the
-$bpp categories and the percentage of the quantizers used). But
-the idea is still valid.
-And that's why I think that there should NOT be presets in mencoder
-like the presets lame knows. 'Good quality' or 'perfect quality' are
-ALWAYS relative. They always depend on a person's personal preferences.
-If you want good quality then spend some time reading and - more
-important - understanding what steps are involved in video encoding.
-You cannot do it without mathematics. Oh well, you can, but you'll
-end up with movies that could certainly look better.
-Now please shoot me if you have any complaints ;)
- ==> Ciao, Mosu (Moritz Bunkus)
-> $videobitrate * 1000
-> $bpp = -----------------------
-> $width * $height * $fps
-Well, I came to similar equation going through different route. Only I
-didn't use bits per pixel, in my case it was bits per block (BPB). The block
-is 16x16 because lots of software depends on video width/height being
-divisable by 16. And because I didn't like this 0.2 bit per pixel, when
-bit is quite atomic ;)
-So the equation was something like:
- bitrate
-bpb = -----------------
- fps * ((width * height) / (16 * 16))
-(width and height are from destination video size, and bitrate is in
-bits (i.e. 900kbps is 900000))
-This way it apeared that the minimum bits per block is ~40, very
-good results are with ~50, and everything above 60 is a waste of bandwidth.
-And what's actually funny is that it was independent of codec used. The
-results were exactly the same, whether I used DIV3 (with tricky nandub's
-magick), ffmpeg odivx, DivX5 on Windows or Xvid.
-Surprisingly there is one advantage of using nandub-DIV3 for bitrate
-starved encoding: ringing almost never apears this way.
-But I also found out, that the quality/BPB isn't constant for
-drastically different resolutions. Smaller picture (like MPEG1 sizes)
-need more BPB to look good than say typical MPEG2 resolutions.
-Sometimes I found that encoding to y-scaled only DVD qualty (ie 704 x
-288 for a 2.85 film) gives better visual quality than a scaled-down
-version even if the quantizers are significantly higher than for the
-scaled-down version.
-Keep in mind that blocs, fuzzy parts and generaly mpeg artefacts in a
-704x288 image will be harder to spot in full-screen mode than on a
-512x208 image. In fact I've see example where the same movie looks
-better compressed to 704x288 with an average weighted quantizer of
-~3 than the same movie scaled to 576x240 with an average weighted
-quantizer of 2.4.
-Btw, a print of the weighted average quantizer would be nice in :)
-Another point in favor of not trying to scale down too much : on hard
-scaled-down movies, the MPEG codec will need to compress relatively
-high frequencies rather than low frequencies and it doesn't like that
-at all. You will see less and less returns while you scale down and
-scale down again in desesperate need of some bandwidth :)
-In my experience, don't try to go below a width of 576 without closely
-watching what's going on.
-That being said, with video you have some tradeoffs you can make. Most
-people seem to encode with really basic options, but if you play with
-single coefficient elimination and luma masking settings, you can save lots
-of bits, resulting in lower quantizers, which means less blockiness and
-less ugly noise (ringing) around sharp borders. The tradeoff, however, is
-that you'll get some "muddiness" in some parts of the image. Play around
-with the settings and see for yourself. The options I typically use for
-(non-animated) movies are:
-If things look too muddy, making the numbers closer to 0. For anime and
-other animation, the above recommendations may not be so good.
-Another option that may be useful is allowing four motion vectors per
-macroblock (v4mv). This will increase encoding time quite a bit, and
-last I checked it wasn't compatible with B frames. AFAIK, specifying
-v4mv should never reduce quality, but it may prevent some old junky
-versions of DivX from decoding it (can anyone conform?). Another issue
-might be increased cpu time needed for decoding (again, can anyone
-To get more fair distribution of bits between low-detail and
-high-detail scenes, you should probably try increasing vqcomp from the
-default (0.5) to something in the range 0.6-0.8.
-Of course you also want to make sure you crop ALL of the black border and
-any half-black pixels at the edge of the image, and make sure the final
-image dimensions after cropping and scaling are multiples of 16. Failing to
-do so will drastically reduce quality.
-Finally, if you can't seem to get good results, you can try scaling the
-movie down a bit smaller or applying a weak gaussian blur to reduce the
-amount of detail.
-Now, my personal success story! I just recently managed to fit a beautiful
-encode of Kundun (well over 2 hours long, but not too many high-motion
-scenes) on one cd at 640x304, with 66 kbit/sec abr ogg audio, using the
-options I described above. So, IMHO it's definitely possible to get very
-good results with libavcodec (certainly MUCH better than all the idiot
-"release groups" using DivX3 make), as long as you take some time to play
-around with the options.
-The l/c in vlelim and vcelim stands for luma (brightness plane) and chroma
-(color planes). These are encoded separately in all mpeg-like algorithms.
-Anyway, the idea behind these options is (at least from what I understand)
-to use some good heuristics to determine when the change in a block is less
-than the threshold you specify, and in such a case, to just encode the
-block as "no change". This saves bits and perhaps speeds up encoding. Using
-a negative value for either one means the same thing as the corresponding
-positive value, but the DC coefficient is also considered. Unfortunately
-I'm not familiar enough with the mpeg terminology to know what this means
-(my first guess would be that it's the constant term from the DCT), but it
-probably makes the encoder less likely to apply single coefficient
-elimination in cases where it would look bad. It's presumably recommended
-to use negative values for luma (which is more noticable) and positive for
-The other options -- lumi_mask and dark_mask -- control how the quantizer
-is adjusted for really dark or bright regions of the picture. You're
-probably already at least a bit familiar with the concept of quantizers
-(qscale, lower = more precision, higher quality, but more bits needed to
-encode). What not everyone seems to know is that the quantizer you see
-(e.g. in the 2pass logs) is just an average for the whole frame, and lower
-or higher quantizers may in fact be used in parts of the picture with more
-or less detail. Increasing the values of lumi_mask and dark_mask will cause
-lavc to aggressively increase the quantizer in very dark or very bright
-regions of the picture (which are presumably not as noticable to the human
-eye) in order to save bits for use elsewhere.
-OK, a quick explanation. The quantizer you set with vqscale=N is the
-per-frame quantizer parameter (aka qp). However, with mpeg4 it's
-allowed (and recommended!) for the encoder to vary the quantizer on a
-per-macroblock (mb) basis (as I understand it, macroblocks are 16x16
-regions composed of 4 8x8 luma blocks and 2 8x8 chroma blocks, u and
-v). To do this, lavc scores each mb with a complexity value and
-weights the quantizer accordingly. However, you can control this
-behavior somewhat with scplx_mask, tcplx_mask, dark_mask, and
-scplx_mask -- raise quantizer on mb's with lots of spacial complexity.
-Spacial complexity is measured by variance of the texture (this is
-just the actual image for I blocks and the difference from the
-previous coded frame for P blocks).
-tcplx_mask -- raise quantizer on mb's with lots of temporal
-complexity. Temporal complexity is measured according to motion
-dark_mask -- raise quantizer on very dark mb's.
-lumi_mask -- raise quantizer on very bright mb's.
-Somewhere around 0-0.15 is a safe range for these values, IMHO. You
-might try as high as 0.25 or 0.3. You should probably never go over
-0.5 or so.
-Now, about naq. When you adjust the quantizers on a per-mb basis like
-this (called adaptive quantization), you might decrease or (more
-likely) increase the average quantizer used, so that it no longer
-matches the requested average quantizer (qp) for the frame. This will
-result in weird things happening with the bitrate, at least from my
-experience. What naq does is "normalize adaptive quantization". That
-is, after the above masking parameters are applied on a per-mb basis,
-the quantizers of all the blocks are rescaled so that the average
-stays fixed at the desired qp.
-So, if I used vqscale=4 with naq and fairly large values for the
-masking parameters, I might be likely to see lots of frames using
-qscale 2,3,4,5,6,7 across different macroblocks as needed, but with
-the average sticking around 4. However, I haven't actually tested such
-a setup yet, so it's just speculation right now.
-Have fun playing around with it.
-I found myself that 4:3 B&W old movies are very hard to compress well. In
-addition to the 4:3 aspect ratio which eats lots of bits, those movies are
-typically very "noisy", which doesn't help at all. Anyway :
-> After a few tries I am
-> still a little bit disappointed with the video quality. Since it is a
-> "dark" movies, there is a lot of black on the pictures, and on the
-> encoded avi I can see a lot of annoying "mpeg squares". I am using
-> avifile codec, but the best I think is to give you the command line I
-> used to encode a preview of the result:
-> First pass:
-> mencoder TITLE01-ANGLE1.VOB -oac copy -ovc lavc -lavcopts
-> vcodec=mpeg4:vhq:vpass=1:vbitrate=800:keyint=48 -ofps 23.976 -npp lb
-> -ss 2:00 -endpos 0:30 -vf scale -zoom -xy 640 -o movie.avi
-1) keyint=48 is way too low. The default value is 250, this is in *frames*
-not seconds. Keyframes are significantly larger than P or B frames, so the
-less keyframes you have, better the overall movie will be. (huh, like Yoda
-I speak ;). Try keyint=300 or 350. Don't go beyond that if you want
-relatively precise seeking.
-2) you may want to play with vlelim and vcelim options. This can gives you
-a significant "quality" boost. Try one of these couples :
-(and yes, there's a minus)
-3) crop & rescale the movie before passing it to the codec. First crop the
-movie to not encode black bars if there's any. For a 1h40mn movie
-compressed to a 700 MB file, I would try something between 512x384 and
-480x320. Don't go below that if you want something relatively sharp when
-viewed fullscreen.
-4) I would recommend using the Ogg Vorbis audio codec with the .ogm
-container format. Ogg Vorbis compress audio better than MP3. On a typical
-old, mono-only audio stream, a 45 kbits/s Vorbis stream is ok. How to
-extract & compress an audio stream from a ripped DVD (mplayer dvd://1
--dumpstream) :
-rm -f audiodump.pcm ; mkfifo -m 600 audiodump.pcm
-mplayer -quiet -vc null -vo null -aid 128 -ao pcm -nowaveheader stream.dump &
-oggenc --raw --raw-bits=16 --raw-chan=2 --raw-rate=48000 -q 1 -o audio-us.ogg
-+audiodump.pcm &
-For a nice set of utilities to manager the .ogm format, see Moritz Bunkus'
-ogmtools (google is your friend).
-5) use the "v4mv" option. This could gives you a few more bits at the
-expense of a slightly longer encoding. This is a "lossless" option, I mean
-with this option you don't throw away some video information, it just
-selects a more precise motion estimation method. Be warned that on some
-very un-typical scenes this option may gives you a longer file than
-without, although it's very rare and on a whole film I think it's always a
-6) you can try the new luminance & darkness masking code. Play
-with the "lumi_mask" and "dark_mask" options. I would recommend using
-something like :
-Be warned that these options are really experimental and the result
-could be very good or very bad depending on your visualization device
-(computer CRT, TV or TFT screen). Don't push too hard these options.
-> Second pass:
-> the same with vpass=2
-7) I've found that lavc gives better results when the first pass is done
-with "vqscale=2" instead of a target bitrate. The statistics collected
-seems to be more precise. YMMV.
-> I am new to mencoder, so please tell me any idea you have even if it
-> obvious. I also tried the "gray" option of lavc, to encode B&W only,
-> but strangely it gives me "pink" squares from time to time.
-Yes, I've seen that too. Playing the resulting file with "-lavdopts gray"
-fix the problem but it's not very nice ...
-> So if you could tell me what option of mencoder or lavc I should be
-> looking at to lower the number of "squares" on the image, it would be
-> great. The version of mencoder i use is 0.90pre8 on a macos x PPC
-> platform. I guess I would have the same problem by encoding anime
-> movies, where there are a lot of region of the image with the same
-> color. So if you managed to solve this problem...
-You could also try the "mpeg_quant" flag. It selects a different set of
-quantizers and produce somewhat sharper pictures and less blocks on large
-zones with the same or similar luminance, at the expense of some bits.
-> This is completely off topic, but do you know how I can create good
-> subtitles from vobsub subtitles ? I checked the -dumpmpsub option of
-> mplayer, but is there a way to do it really fast (ie without having to
-> play the whole movie) ?
-I didn't find a way under *nix to produce reasonably good text subtitles
-from vobsubs. OCR *nix softwares seems either not suited to the task, not
-powerful enough or both. I'm extracting the vobsub subtitles and simply use
-them with the .ogm
-/ .avi :
-1) rip the DVD to harddisk with "mplayer dvd://1 -dumpstream"
-2) mount the DVD and copy the .ifo file
-2) extract all vobsubs to one single file with something like :
-for f in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ; do \
- mencoder -ovc copy -oac copy -o /dev/null -sid $f -vobsubout sous-titres
-+-vobsuboutindex $f -ifo vts_01_0.ifo stream.dump
-(and yes, I've a DVD with 12 subtitles)
-Q: I'm trying to encode Dante's Peak and I'm having problems with clouds,
-fog and smoke: They don't look fine (they look very bad if I watch the
-movie in TV-out). There are some artifacts, white clouds looks as snow
-mountains, there are things likes hip in the colors so one can see frontier
-curves between white and light gray and dark gray ... (I don't know if you
-can understand me, I want to mean that the colors don't change smoothly)
-In particular I'm using vqscale=2:vhq:v4mv
-A: Try adding "vqcomp=0.7:vqblur=0.2:mpeg_quant" to lavcopts.
-Q: I tried your suggestion and it improved the image a little ... but not
-enough. I was playing with different options and I couldn't find the way.
-I suppose that the vob is not so good (watching it in TV trough the
-computer looks better than my encoding, but it isn't a lot of better).
-A: Yes, those scenes with qscale=2 looks terrible :-(
-Try with vqmin=1 in addition to mpeg_quant:vlelim=-4:vcelim=-7 (and maybe
-with "-sws 10 -ssf ls=1" to sharpen a bit the image) and read about vqmin=1
-in DOCS/tech/libavc-options.txt.
-If after the whole movie is encoded you still see the same problem, it will
-means that the second pass didn't picked-up q=1 for this scene. Force q=1
-with the "vrc_override" option.
-Q: By the way, is there a special difficult in encode clouds or smoke?
-A: I would say it depends on the sharpness of these clouds / smokes and the
-fact that they are mostly black/white/grey or colored. The codec will do
-the right thing with vqmin=2 for example on a cigarette smoke (sharp) or on
-a red/yellow cloud (explosion, cloud of fire). But may not with a grey and
-very fuzzy cloud like in the chocolat scene. Note that I don't know exactly
-why ;)
-A = Rémi
-(For the purpose of this explanation, consider "2nd pass" to be any beyond
-the 1st. The algorithm is run only on P-frames; I- and B-frames use QPs
-based on the adjacent P. While x264's 2pass ratecontrol is based on lavc's,
-it has diverged somewhat and not all of this is valid for x264.)
-Consider the default ratecontrol equation in lavc: "tex^qComp".
-At the beginning of the 2nd pass, rc_eq is evaluated for each frame, and
-the result is the number of bits allocated to that frame (multiplied by
-some constant as needed to match the total requested bitrate).
-"tex" is the complexity of a frame, i.e. the estimated number of bits it
-would take to encode at a given quantizer. (If the 1st pass was CQP and
-not turbo, then we know tex exactly. Otherwise it is calculated by
-multiplying the 1st pass's bits by the QP of that frame. But that's not
-why CQP is potentially good; more on that later.)
-"qComp" is just a constant. It has no effect outside the rc_eq, and is
-directly set by the vqcomp parameter.
-If vqcomp=1, then rc_eq=tex^1=tex, so 2pass allocates to each frame the
-number of bits needed to encode them all at the same QP.
-If vqcomp=0, then rc_eq=tex^0=1, so 2pass allocates the same number of
-bits to each frame, i.e. CBR. (Actually, this is worse than 1pass CBR in
-terms of quality; CBR can vary within its allowed buffer size, while
-vqcomp=0 tries to make each frame exactly the same size.)
-If vqcomp=0.5, then rc_eq=sqrt(tex), so the allocation is somewhere
-between CBR and CQP. High complexity frames get somewhat lower quality
-than low complexity, but still more bits.
-While the actual selection of a good value of vqcomp is experimental, the
-following underlying factors determine the result:
-Arguing towards CQP: You want the movie to be somewhere approaching
-constant quality; oscillating quality is even more annoying than constant
-low quality. (However, constant quality does not mean constant PSNR nor
-constant QP. Details are less noticeable in high-motion scenes, so you can
-get away with somewhat higher QP in high-complexity frames for the same
-perceived quality.)
-Arguing towards CBR: You get more quality per bit if you spend those bits
-in frames where motion compensation works well (which tends to be
-correlated with "tex"): A given artifact may stick around several seconds
-in a low-motion scene, and you only have to fix it in one frame to improve
-the quality of the whole sequence.
-Now for why the 1st pass ratecontrol method matters:
-The number of bits at constant quant is as good a measure of complexity as
-any other simple formula for the purpose of allocating bits. But it's not
-perfect for predicting which QP will produce the desired number of bits.
-Bits are approximately inversely proportional to QP, but the exact scaling
-is non-linear, and depends on the amount of detail/noise, the complexity of
-motion, the quality of previous frames, and other stuff not measured by the
-ratecontrol. So it predicts best when the QP used for a given frame in the
-2nd pass is close to the QP used in the 1st pass. When the prediction is
-wrong, lavc needs to distribute the surplus or deficit of bits among future
-frames, which means that they too deviate from the planned distribution.
-Obviously, with vqcomp=1 you can get the 1st pass QPs very close by using
-CQP, and with vqcomp=0 a CBR 1st pass is very close. But with vqcomp=0.5
-it's more ambiguous. The accepted wisdom is that CBR is better for
-vqcomp=0.5, mostly because you then don't have to guess a QP in advance.
-But with vqcomp=0.6 or 0.7, the 2nd pass QPs vary less, so a CQP 1st pass
-(with the right QP) will be a better predictor than CBR.
-To make it more confusing, 1pass CBR uses the same rc_eq with a different
-meaning. In CBR, we don't have a real encode to estimate from, so "tex" is
-calculated from the full-pixel precision motion-compensation residual.
-While the number of bits allocated to a given frame is decided by the rc_eq
-just like in 2nd pass, the target bitrate is constant (instead of being the
-sum of per-frame rc_eq values). So the scaling factor (which is constant in
-2nd pass) now varies in order to keep the local average bitrate near the
-CBR target. So vqcomp does affect CBR, though it only determines the local
-allocation of bits, not the long-term allocation.
---Loren Merritt