path: root/DOCS/man/osc.rst
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Diffstat (limited to 'DOCS/man/osc.rst')
1 files changed, 111 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/DOCS/man/osc.rst b/DOCS/man/osc.rst
index 8cddaa268c..c375c3075d 100644
--- a/DOCS/man/osc.rst
+++ b/DOCS/man/osc.rst
@@ -43,7 +43,8 @@ pl next
============= ================================================
- | Displays current media-title, filename, or custom title
+ | Displays current media-title, filename, custom title, or target chapter
+ name while hovering the seekbar.
============= ================================================
left-click show playlist position and length and full title
@@ -167,18 +168,46 @@ Configurable Options
Default: bar
- Sets the style of the seekbar, slider (diamond marker), knob (circle
- marker with guide), or bar (fill).
- Default pre-0.21.0 was 'slider'.
+ Sets the style of the playback position marker and overall shape
+ of the seekbar: ``bar``, ``diamond`` or ``knob``.
+ Default: 0.6
+ Size ratio of the seek handle if ``seekbarstyle`` is set to ``dimaond``
+ or ``knob``. This is relative to the full height of the seekbar.
Default: yes
- Controls the mode used to seek when dragging the seekbar. By default,
- keyframes are used. If set to false, exact seeking on mouse drags
- will be used instead. Keyframes are preferred, but exact seeks may be
- useful in cases where keyframes cannot be found. Note that using exact
- seeks can potentially make mouse dragging much slower.
+ Controls the mode used to seek when dragging the seekbar. If set to ``yes``,
+ default seeking mode is used (usually keyframes, but player defaults and
+ heuristics can change it to exact). If set to ``no``, exact seeking on
+ mouse drags will be used instead. Keyframes are preferred, but exact seeks
+ may be useful in cases where keyframes cannot be found. Note that using
+ exact seeks can potentially make mouse dragging much slower.
+ Default: inverted
+ Display seekable ranges on the seekbar. ``bar`` shows them on the full
+ height of the bar, ``line`` as a thick line and ``inverted`` as a thin
+ line that is inverted over playback position markers. ``none`` will hide
+ them. Additionally, ``slider`` will show a permanent handle inside the seekbar
+ with cached ranges marked inside. Note that these will look differently
+ based on the seekbarstyle option. Also, ``slider`` does not work with
+ ``seekbarstyle`` set to ``bar``.
+ Default: yes
+ Controls whether to show line-style seekable ranges on top of the
+ seekbar or separately if ``seekbarstyle`` is set to ``bar``.
+ Default: 200
+ Alpha of the seekable ranges, 0 (opaque) to 255 (fully transparent).
Default: 0.5
@@ -281,11 +310,6 @@ Configurable Options
Display timecodes with milliseconds
- Default: yes
- Display seekable ranges on the seekbar
Default: auto (auto hide/show on mouse move)
@@ -299,6 +323,79 @@ Configurable Options
default is conservative to allow wide fonts to be used without overflow.
However, with many common fonts a bigger number can be used. YMMV.
+ Default: no
+ Whether to overlay the osc over the video (``no``), or to box the video
+ within the areas not covered by the osc (``yes``). If this option is set,
+ the osc may overwrite the ``--video-margin-ratio-*`` options, even if the
+ user has set them. (It will not overwrite them if all of them are set to
+ default values.) Additionally, ``visibility`` must be set to ``always``.
+ Otherwise, this option does nothing.
+ Currently, this is supported for the ``bottombar`` and ``topbar`` layout
+ only. The other layouts do not change if this option is set. Separately,
+ if window controls are present (see below), they will be affected
+ regardless of which osc layout is in use.
+ The border is static and appears even if the OSC is configured to appear
+ only on mouse interaction. If the OSC is invisible, the border is simply
+ filled with the background color (black by default).
+ This currently still makes the OSC overlap with subtitles (if the
+ ``--sub-use-margins`` option is set to ``yes``, the default). This may be
+ fixed later.
+ This does not work correctly with video outputs like ``--vo=xv``, which
+ render OSD into the unscaled video.
+ Default: auto (Show window controls if there is no window border)
+ Whether to show window management controls over the video, and if so,
+ which side of the window to place them. This may be desirable when the
+ window has no decorations, either because they have been explicitly
+ disabled (``border=no``) or because the current platform doesn't support
+ them (eg: gnome-shell with wayland).
+ The set of window controls is fixed, offering ``minimize``, ``maximize``,
+ and ``quit``. Not all platforms implement ``minimize`` and ``maximize``,
+ but ``quit`` will always work.
+ Default: right
+ If window controls are shown, indicates which side should they be aligned
+ to.
+ Supports ``left`` and ``right`` which will place the controls on those
+ respective sides.
+ Default: no
+ Set to ``yes`` to reduce festivity (i.e. disable santa hat in December.)
+ Default: yes
+ Update chapter markers positions on duration changes, e.g. live streams.
+ The updates are unoptimized - consider disabling it on very low-end systems.
+``chapters_osd``, ``playlist_osd``
+ Default: yes
+ Whether to display the chapters/playlist at the OSD when left-clicking the
+ next/previous OSC buttons, respectively.
+ Default: ``Chapter: %s``
+ Template for the chapter-name display when hovering the seekbar.
+ Use ``no`` to disable chapter display on hover. Otherwise it's a lua
+ ``string.format`` template and ``%s`` is replaced with the actual name.
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