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diff --git a/DOCS/tech/svn-howto.txt b/DOCS/tech/svn-howto.txt
index b40bc5d6c2..8f21ca49fb 100644
--- a/DOCS/tech/svn-howto.txt
+++ b/DOCS/tech/svn-howto.txt
@@ -151,11 +151,42 @@ I. BASICS:
9. Reverting broken commits
- There is no Subversion equivalent of the 'cvs admin -o' command. Instead,
- be very careful about what you commit! If somehow you broke something,
- revert the changes locally and re-commit with a proper commit message.
- You may want to use 'svn cat -r<revision> <filename>' to inspect an older
- revision.
+ There are 2 ways to reverse a change, they differ significantly in what they
+ do to the svn repository
+ The recommit old method:
+ svn merge
+ svn ci <file>
+ This simply changes the file(s) back to their old version localy and then
+ the change is commited as if it is a new change
+ The svn copy method
+ svn rm <file>
+ svn ci <file>
+ svn cp -r<good revision> svn://[<path>/]<file> <file>
+ svn ci <file>
+ This simply removes the file and then copies the last good version with
+ its history over it, this method can only be used to revert the n last
+ commits but not to revert a bad commit in the middle of its history
+ Neither method will change the history, checking out an old version will
+ always return exactly that revision with all its bugs and features. The
+ difference is that with the svn copy method the broken commit will not be
+ part of the directly vissible history of the revisions after the reversal
+ So if the change was completly broken like reindenting a file against the
+ maintainers decission, or a change which mixed functional and cosmetic
+ changes then its better if its not part of the vissible history as it
+ would make it hard to read, review and would also break svn annotate
+ For the example of a change which mixed functional and cosmetic parts they
+ should of course be commited again after the reversal but seperatly, so one
+ change with the functional stuff and one with the cosmetics
+ OTOH if the change which you want to reverse was simply buggy but not
+ totally broken then it should be reversed with svn merge as otherwise
+ the fact that the change was bad would be hidden
+ One method to decide which reversal method is best is to ask yourself
+ if theres any value in seeing the whole bad change and its removial
+ in svn vs. just seeing a comment that says what has been reversed while
+ the actual change does not clutter the immedeatly vissible history and
+ svn annotate.
+ If you are even just slightly uncertain how to revert something then ask on
+ the mplayer-dev mailinglist.
10. Reverting local changes