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+.. _audio_filters:
+Audio filters allow you to modify the audio stream and its properties. The
+syntax is:
+ Setup a chain of audio filters.
+*NOTE*: To get a full list of available audio filters, see ``--af=help``.
+Audio filters are managed in lists. There are a few commands to manage the
+filter list.
+ Appends the filters given as arguments to the filter list.
+ Prepends the filters given as arguments to the filter list.
+ Deletes the filters at the given indexes. Index numbers start at 0,
+ negative numbers address the end of the list (-1 is the last).
+ Completely empties the filter list.
+Available filters are:
+ Changes the sample rate of the audio stream. Can be used if you have a
+ fixed frequency sound card or if you are stuck with an old sound card that
+ is only capable of max 44.1kHz. This filter is automatically enabled if
+ necessary. It only supports 16-bit integer and float in native-endian
+ format as input.
+ <srate>
+ output sample frequency in Hz. The valid range for this parameter is
+ 8000 to 192000. If the input and output sample frequency are the same
+ or if this parameter is omitted the filter is automatically unloaded.
+ A high sample frequency normally improves the audio quality,
+ especially when used in combination with other filters.
+ <sloppy>
+ Allow (1) or disallow (0) the output frequency to differ slightly from
+ the frequency given by <srate> (default: 1). Can be used if the
+ startup of the playback is extremely slow.
+ <type>
+ Select which resampling method to use.
+ :0: linear interpolation (fast, poor quality especially when
+ upsampling)
+ :1: polyphase filterbank and integer processing
+ :2: polyphase filterbank and floating point processing
+ (slow, best quality)
+ ``mplayer --af=resample=44100:0:0``
+ would set the output frequency of the resample filter to 44100Hz using
+ exact output frequency scaling and linear interpolation.
+ Changes the sample rate of the audio stream to an integer <srate> in Hz.
+ It only supports the 16-bit native-endian format.
+ <srate>
+ the output sample rate
+ <length>
+ length of the filter with respect to the lower sampling rate (default:
+ 16)
+ <linear>
+ if 1 then filters will be linearly interpolated between polyphase
+ entries
+ <count>
+ log2 of the number of polyphase entries (..., 10->1024, 11->2048,
+ 12->4096, ...) (default: 10->1024)
+ <cutoff>
+ cutoff frequency (0.0-1.0), default set depending upon filter length
+ Encode multi-channel audio to AC-3 at runtime using libavcodec. Supports
+ 16-bit native-endian input format, maximum 6 channels. The output is
+ big-endian when outputting a raw AC-3 stream, native-endian when
+ outputting to S/PDIF. The output sample rate of this filter is same with
+ the input sample rate. When input sample rate is 48kHz, 44.1kHz, or 32kHz,
+ this filter directly use it. Otherwise a resampling filter is
+ auto-inserted before this filter to make the input and output sample rate
+ be 48kHz. You need to specify ``--channels=N`` to make the decoder decode
+ audio into N-channel, then the filter can encode the N-channel input to
+ AC-3.
+ <tospdif>
+ Output raw AC-3 stream if zero or not set, output to S/PDIF for
+ passthrough when <tospdif> is set non-zero.
+ <bitrate>
+ The bitrate to encode the AC-3 stream. Set it to either 384 or 384000
+ to get 384kbits.
+ Valid values: 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128,
+ 160, 192, 224, 256, 320, 384, 448, 512, 576, 640.
+ Default bitrate is based on the input channel number:
+ :1ch: 96
+ :2ch: 192
+ :3ch: 224
+ :4ch: 384
+ :5ch: 448
+ :6ch: 448
+ <minchn>
+ If the input channel number is less than <minchn>, the filter will
+ detach itself (default: 5).
+ Produces a sine sweep.
+ <0.0-1.0>
+ Sine function delta, use very low values to hear the sweep.
+ Remove a sine at the specified frequency. Useful to get rid of the 50/60Hz
+ noise on low quality audio equipment. It probably only works on mono input.
+ <freq>
+ The frequency of the sine which should be removed (in Hz) (default:
+ 50)
+ <decay>
+ Controls the adaptivity (a larger value will make the filter adapt to
+ amplitude and phase changes quicker, a smaller value will make the
+ adaptation slower) (default: 0.0001). Reasonable values are around
+ 0.001.
+ Bauer stereophonic to binaural transformation using ``libbs2b``. Improves
+ the headphone listening experience by making the sound similar to that
+ from loudspeakers, allowing each ear to hear both channels and taking into
+ account the distance difference and the head shadowing effect. It is
+ applicable only to 2 channel audio.
+ fcut=<300-1000>
+ Set cut frequency in Hz.
+ feed=<10-150>
+ Set feed level for low frequencies in 0.1*dB.
+ profile=<value>
+ Several profiles are available for convenience:
+ :default: will be used if nothing else was specified (fcut=700,
+ feed=45)
+ :cmoy: Chu Moy circuit implementation (fcut=700, feed=60)
+ :jmeier: Jan Meier circuit implementation (fcut=650, feed=95)
+ If fcut or feed options are specified together with a profile, they will
+ be applied on top of the selected profile.
+ Head-related transfer function: Converts multichannel audio to 2 channel
+ output for headphones, preserving the spatiality of the sound.
+ ==== ===================================
+ Flag Meaning
+ ==== ===================================
+ m matrix decoding of the rear channel
+ s 2-channel matrix decoding
+ 0 no matrix decoding (default)
+ ==== ===================================
+ 10 octave band graphic equalizer, implemented using 10 IIR band pass
+ filters. This means that it works regardless of what type of audio is
+ being played back. The center frequencies for the 10 bands are:
+ === ==========
+ No. frequency
+ === ==========
+ 0 31.25 Hz
+ 1 62.50 Hz
+ 2 125.00 Hz
+ 3 250.00 Hz
+ 4 500.00 Hz
+ 5 1.00 kHz
+ 6 2.00 kHz
+ 7 4.00 kHz
+ 8 8.00 kHz
+ 9 16.00 kHz
+ === ==========
+ If the sample rate of the sound being played is lower than the center
+ frequency for a frequency band, then that band will be disabled. A known
+ bug with this filter is that the characteristics for the uppermost band
+ are not completely symmetric if the sample rate is close to the center
+ frequency of that band. This problem can be worked around by upsampling
+ the sound using the resample filter before it reaches this filter.
+ <g1>:<g2>:<g3>:...:<g10>
+ floating point numbers representing the gain in dB for each frequency
+ band (-12-12)
+ ``mplayer --af=equalizer=11:11:10:5:0:-12:0:5:12:12 media.avi``
+ Would amplify the sound in the upper and lower frequency region while
+ canceling it almost completely around 1kHz.
+ Can be used for adding, removing, routing and copying audio channels. If
+ only <nch> is given the default routing is used, it works as follows: If
+ the number of output channels is bigger than the number of input channels
+ empty channels are inserted (except mixing from mono to stereo, then the
+ mono channel is repeated in both of the output channels). If the number of
+ output channels is smaller than the number of input channels the exceeding
+ channels are truncated.
+ <nch>
+ number of output channels (1-8)
+ <nr>
+ number of routes (1-8)
+ <from1:to1:from2:to2:from3:to3:...>
+ Pairs of numbers between 0 and 7 that define where to route each
+ channel.
+ ``mplayer --af=channels=4:4:0:1:1:0:2:2:3:3 media.avi``
+ Would change the number of channels to 4 and set up 4 routes that swap
+ channel 0 and channel 1 and leave channel 2 and 3 intact. Observe that
+ if media containing two channels was played back, channels 2 and 3
+ would contain silence but 0 and 1 would still be swapped.
+ ``mplayer --af=channels=6:4:0:0:0:1:0:2:0:3 media.avi``
+ Would change the number of channels to 6 and set up 4 routes that copy
+ channel 0 to channels 0 to 3. Channel 4 and 5 will contain silence.
+ Convert between different sample formats. Automatically enabled when
+ needed by the sound card or another filter. See also ``--format``.
+ <format>
+ Sets the desired format. The general form is 'sbe', where 's' denotes
+ the sign (either 's' for signed or 'u' for unsigned), 'b' denotes the
+ number of bits per sample (16, 24 or 32) and 'e' denotes the
+ endianness ('le' means little-endian, 'be' big-endian and 'ne' the
+ endianness of the computer MPlayer is running on). Valid values
+ (amongst others) are: 's16le', 'u32be' and 'u24ne'. Exceptions to this
+ rule that are also valid format specifiers: u8, s8, floatle, floatbe,
+ floatne, mulaw, alaw, mpeg2, ac3 and imaadpcm.
+ Implements software volume control. Use this filter with caution since it
+ can reduce the signal to noise ratio of the sound. In most cases it is
+ best to set the level for the PCM sound to max, leave this filter out and
+ control the output level to your speakers with the master volume control
+ of the mixer. In case your sound card has a digital PCM mixer instead of
+ an analog one, and you hear distortion, use the MASTER mixer instead. If
+ there is an external amplifier connected to the computer (this is almost
+ always the case), the noise level can be minimized by adjusting the master
+ level and the volume knob on the amplifier until the hissing noise in the
+ background is gone.
+ This filter has a second feature: It measures the overall maximum sound
+ level and prints out that level when MPlayer exits. This feature currently
+ only works with floating-point data, use e.g. ``--af-adv=force=5``, or use
+ ``--af=stats``.
+ *NOTE*: This filter is not reentrant and can therefore only be enabled
+ once for every audio stream.
+ <v>
+ Sets the desired gain in dB for all channels in the stream from -200dB
+ to +60dB, where -200dB mutes the sound completely and +60dB equals a
+ gain of 1000 (default: 0).
+ <sc>
+ Turns soft clipping on (1) or off (0). Soft-clipping can make the
+ sound more smooth if very high volume levels are used. Enable this
+ option if the dynamic range of the loudspeakers is very low.
+ *WARNING*: This feature creates distortion and should be considered a
+ last resort.
+ ``mplayer --af=volume=10.1:0 media.avi``
+ Would amplify the sound by 10.1dB and hard-clip if the sound level is
+ too high.
+ Mixes channels arbitrarily. Basically a combination of the volume and the
+ channels filter that can be used to down-mix many channels to only a few,
+ e.g. stereo to mono or vary the "width" of the center speaker in a
+ surround sound system. This filter is hard to use, and will require some
+ tinkering before the desired result is obtained. The number of options for
+ this filter depends on the number of output channels. An example how to
+ downmix a six-channel file to two channels with this filter can be found
+ in the examples section near the end.
+ <n>
+ number of output channels (1-8)
+ <Lij>
+ How much of input channel i is mixed into output channel j (0-1). So
+ in principle you first have n numbers saying what to do with the first
+ input channel, then n numbers that act on the second input channel
+ etc. If you do not specify any numbers for some input channels, 0 is
+ assumed.
+ ``mplayer --af=pan=1:0.5:0.5 media.avi``
+ Would down-mix from stereo to mono.
+ ``mplayer --af=pan=3:1:0:0.5:0:1:0.5 media.avi``
+ Would give 3 channel output leaving channels 0 and 1 intact, and mix
+ channels 0 and 1 into output channel 2 (which could be sent to a
+ subwoofer for example).
+ Adds a subwoofer channel to the audio stream. The audio data used for
+ creating the subwoofer channel is an average of the sound in channel 0 and
+ channel 1. The resulting sound is then low-pass filtered by a 4th order
+ Butterworth filter with a default cutoff frequency of 60Hz and added to a
+ separate channel in the audio stream.
+ *Warning*: Disable this filter when you are playing DVDs with Dolby
+ Digital 5.1 sound, otherwise this filter will disrupt the sound to the
+ subwoofer.
+ <fc>
+ cutoff frequency in Hz for the low-pass filter (20Hz to 300Hz)
+ (default: 60Hz) For the best result try setting the cutoff frequency
+ as low as possible. This will improve the stereo or surround sound
+ experience.
+ <ch>
+ Determines the channel number in which to insert the sub-channel
+ audio. Channel number can be between 0 and 7 (default: 5). Observe
+ that the number of channels will automatically be increased to <ch> if
+ necessary.
+ ``mplayer --af=sub=100:4 --channels=5 media.avi``
+ Would add a sub-woofer channel with a cutoff frequency of 100Hz to
+ output channel 4.
+ Creates a center channel from the front channels. May currently be low
+ quality as it does not implement a high-pass filter for proper extraction
+ yet, but averages and halves the channels instead.
+ <ch>
+ Determines the channel number in which to insert the center channel.
+ Channel number can be between 0 and 7 (default: 5). Observe that the
+ number of channels will automatically be increased to <ch> if
+ necessary.
+ Decoder for matrix encoded surround sound like Dolby Surround. Many files
+ with 2 channel audio actually contain matrixed surround sound. Requires a
+ sound card supporting at least 4 channels.
+ <delay>
+ delay time in ms for the rear speakers (0 to 1000) (default: 20) This
+ delay should be set as follows: If d1 is the distance from the
+ listening position to the front speakers and d2 is the distance from
+ the listening position to the rear speakers, then the delay should be
+ set to 15ms if d1 <= d2 and to 15 + 5*(d1-d2) if d1 > d2.
+ ``mplayer --af=surround=15 --channels=4 media.avi``
+ Would add surround sound decoding with 15ms delay for the sound to the
+ rear speakers.
+ Delays the sound to the loudspeakers such that the sound from the
+ different channels arrives at the listening position simultaneously. It is
+ only useful if you have more than 2 loudspeakers.
+ ch1,ch2,...
+ The delay in ms that should be imposed on each channel (floating point
+ number between 0 and 1000).
+ To calculate the required delay for the different channels do as follows:
+ 1. Measure the distance to the loudspeakers in meters in relation to your
+ listening position, giving you the distances s1 to s5 (for a 5.1
+ system). There is no point in compensating for the subwoofer (you will
+ not hear the difference anyway).
+ 2. Subtract the distances s1 to s5 from the maximum distance, i.e.
+ ``s[i] = max(s) - s[i]; i = 1...5``.
+ 3. Calculate the required delays in ms as ``d[i] = 1000*s[i]/342; i =
+ 1...5``.
+ ``mplayer --af=delay=10.5:10.5:0:0:7:0 media.avi``
+ Would delay front left and right by 10.5ms, the two rear channels and
+ the sub by 0ms and the center channel by 7ms.
+ Exports the incoming signal to other processes using memory mapping
+ (``mmap()``). Memory mapped areas contain a header:
+ | int nch /\* number of channels \*/
+ | int size /\* buffer size \*/
+ | unsigned long long counter /\* Used to keep sync, updated every time new data is exported. \*/
+ The rest is payload (non-interleaved) 16 bit data.
+ <mmapped_file>
+ file to map data to (default: ``~/.mplayer/mplayer-af_export``)
+ <nsamples>
+ number of samples per channel (default: 512)
+ ``mplayer --af=export=/tmp/mplayer-af_export:1024 media.avi``
+ Would export 1024 samples per channel to ``/tmp/mplayer-af_export``.
+ (Linearly) increases the difference between left and right channels which
+ adds some sort of "live" effect to playback.
+ <mul>
+ Sets the difference coefficient (default: 2.5). 0.0 means mono sound
+ (average of both channels), with 1.0 sound will be unchanged, with
+ -1.0 left and right channels will be swapped.
+ Maximizes the volume without distorting the sound.
+ <method>
+ Sets the used method.
+ 1
+ Use a single sample to smooth the variations via the standard
+ weighted mean over past samples (default).
+ 2
+ Use several samples to smooth the variations via the standard
+ weighted mean over past samples.
+ <target>
+ Sets the target amplitude as a fraction of the maximum for the sample
+ type (default: 0.25).
+ Load a LADSPA (Linux Audio Developer's Simple Plugin API) plugin. This
+ filter is reentrant, so multiple LADSPA plugins can be used at once.
+ <file>
+ Specifies the LADSPA plugin library file. If ``LADSPA_PATH`` is set,
+ it searches for the specified file. If it is not set, you must supply
+ a fully specified pathname.
+ <label>
+ Specifies the filter within the library. Some libraries contain only
+ one filter, but others contain many of them. Entering 'help' here,
+ will list all available filters within the specified library, which
+ eliminates the use of 'listplugins' from the LADSPA SDK.
+ <controls>
+ Controls are zero or more floating point values that determine the
+ behavior of the loaded plugin (for example delay, threshold or gain).
+ In verbose mode (add ``-v`` to the MPlayer command line), all
+ available controls and their valid ranges are printed. This eliminates
+ the use of 'analyseplugin' from the LADSPA SDK.
+ Compressor/expander filter usable for microphone input. Prevents artifacts
+ on very loud sound and raises the volume on very low sound. This filter is
+ untested, maybe even unusable.
+ Noise gate filter similar to the comp audio filter. This filter is
+ untested, maybe even unusable.
+ Simple voice removal filter exploiting the fact that voice is usually
+ recorded with mono gear and later 'center' mixed onto the final audio
+ stream. Beware that this filter will turn your signal into mono. Works
+ well for 2 channel tracks; do not bother trying it on anything but 2
+ channel stereo.
+ Scales audio tempo without altering pitch, optionally synced to playback
+ speed (default).
+ This works by playing 'stride' ms of audio at normal speed then consuming
+ 'stride*scale' ms of input audio. It pieces the strides together by
+ blending 'overlap'% of stride with audio following the previous stride. It
+ optionally performs a short statistical analysis on the next 'search' ms
+ of audio to determine the best overlap position.
+ scale=<amount>
+ Nominal amount to scale tempo. Scales this amount in addition to
+ speed. (default: 1.0)
+ stride=<amount>
+ Length in milliseconds to output each stride. Too high of value will
+ cause noticable skips at high scale amounts and an echo at low scale
+ amounts. Very low values will alter pitch. Increasing improves
+ performance. (default: 60)
+ overlap=<percent>
+ Percentage of stride to overlap. Decreasing improves performance.
+ (default: .20)
+ search=<amount>
+ Length in milliseconds to search for best overlap position. Decreasing
+ improves performance greatly. On slow systems, you will probably want
+ to set this very low. (default: 14)
+ speed=<tempo|pitch|both|none>
+ Set response to speed change.
+ tempo
+ Scale tempo in sync with speed (default).
+ pitch
+ Reverses effect of filter. Scales pitch without altering tempo.
+ Add ``[ speed_mult 0.9438743126816935`` and ``] speed_mult
+ 1.059463094352953`` to your ``input.conf`` to step by musical
+ semi-tones.
+ *WARNING*: Loses sync with video.
+ both
+ Scale both tempo and pitch.
+ none
+ Ignore speed changes.
+ ``mplayer --af=scaletempo --speed=1.2 media.ogg``
+ Would playback media at 1.2x normal speed, with audio at normal pitch.
+ Changing playback speed, would change audio tempo to match.
+ ``mplayer --af=scaletempo=scale=1.2:speed=none --speed=1.2 media.ogg``
+ Would playback media at 1.2x normal speed, with audio at normal pitch,
+ but changing playback speed has no effect on audio tempo.
+ ``mplayer --af=scaletempo=stride=30:overlap=.50:search=10 media.ogg``
+ Would tweak the quality and performace parameters.
+ ``mplayer --af=format=floatne,scaletempo media.ogg``
+ Would make scaletempo use float code. Maybe faster on some platforms.
+ ``mplayer --af=scaletempo=scale=1.2:speed=pitch audio.ogg``
+ Would playback audio file at 1.2x normal speed, with audio at normal
+ pitch. Changing playback speed, would change pitch, leaving audio
+ tempo at 1.2x.
+ Collects and prints statistics about the audio stream, especially the
+ volume. These statistics are especially intended to help adjusting the
+ volume while avoiding clipping. The volumes are printed in dB and
+ compatible with the volume audio filter.
diff --git a/DOCS/man/en/ao.rst b/DOCS/man/en/ao.rst
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+.. _audio_outputs:
+Audio output drivers are interfaces to different audio output facilities. The
+syntax is:
+ Specify a priority list of audio output drivers to be used.
+If the list has a trailing ',' MPlayer will fall back on drivers not contained
+in the list. Suboptions are optional and can mostly be omitted.
+*NOTE*: See ``--ao=help`` for a list of compiled-in audio output drivers.
+ - ``--ao=alsa,oss,`` Try the ALSA driver, then the OSS driver, then others.
+ - ``--ao=alsa:noblock:device=hw=0.3`` Sets noblock-mode and the device-name
+ as first card, fourth device.
+Available audio output drivers are:
+ ALSA 0.9/1.x audio output driver
+ noblock
+ Sets noblock-mode.
+ device=<device>
+ Sets the device name. Replace any ',' with '.' and any ':' with '=' in
+ the ALSA device name. For hwac3 output via S/PDIF, use an "iec958" or
+ "spdif" device, unless you really know how to set it correctly.
+ ALSA 0.5 audio output driver
+ OSS audio output driver
+ <dsp-device>
+ Sets the audio output device (default: ``/dev/dsp``).
+ <mixer-device>
+ Sets the audio mixer device (default: ``/dev/mixer``).
+ <mixer-channel>
+ Sets the audio mixer channel (default: pcm).
+sdl (SDL only)
+ highly platform independent SDL (Simple Directmedia Layer) library audio
+ output driver
+ <driver>
+ Explicitly choose the SDL audio driver to use (default: let SDL
+ choose).
+ audio output through JACK (Jack Audio Connection Kit)
+ port=<name>
+ Connects to the ports with the given name (default: physical ports).
+ name=<client
+ Client name that is passed to JACK (default: MPlayer [<PID>]). Useful
+ if you want to have certain connections established automatically.
+ (no-)estimate
+ Estimate the audio delay, supposed to make the video playback smoother
+ (default: enabled).
+ (no-)autostart
+ Automatically start jackd if necessary (default: disabled). Note that
+ this seems unreliable and will spam stdout with server messages.
+ audio output through NAS
+coreaudio (Mac OS X only)
+ native Mac OS X audio output driver
+ device_id=<id>
+ ID of output device to use (0 = default device)
+ help
+ List all available output devices with their IDs.
+ Experimental OpenAL audio output driver
+ PulseAudio audio output driver
+ [<host>][:<output sink>]
+ Specify the host and optionally output sink to use. An empty <host>
+ string uses a local connection, "localhost" uses network transfer
+ (most likely not what you want).
+sun (Sun only)
+ native Sun audio output driver
+ <device>
+ Explicitly choose the audio device to use (default: ``/dev/audio``).
+win32 (Windows only)
+ native Windows waveout audio output driver
+dsound (Windows only)
+ DirectX DirectSound audio output driver
+ device=<devicenum>
+ Sets the device number to use. Playing a file with ``-v`` will show a
+ list of available devices.
+ivtv (IVTV only)
+ IVTV specific MPEG audio output driver. Works with ``--ac=hwmpa`` only.
+v4l2 (requires Linux 2.6.22+ kernel)
+ Audio output driver for V4L2 cards with hardware MPEG decoder.
+mpegpes (DVB only)
+ Audio output driver for DVB cards that writes the output to an MPEG-PES
+ file if no DVB card is installed.
+ card=<1-4>
+ DVB card to use if more than one card is present. If not specified
+ MPlayer will search the first usable card.
+ file=<filename>
+ output filename
+ Produces no audio output but maintains video playback speed. Use
+ ``--nosound`` for benchmarking.
+ raw PCM/wave file writer audio output
+ (no-)waveheader
+ Include or do not include the wave header (default: included). When
+ not included, raw PCM will be generated.
+ file=<filename>
+ Write the sound to <filename> instead of the default
+ ``audiodump.wav``. If nowaveheader is specified, the default is
+ ``audiodump.pcm``.
+ audio output to an RSound daemon
+ host=<name/path>
+ Set the address of the server (default: localhost). Can be either a
+ network hostname for TCP connections or a Unix domain socket path
+ starting with '/'.
+ port=<number>
+ Set the TCP port used for connecting to the server (default: 12345).
+ Not used if connecting to a Unix domain socket.
+ plugin audio output driver
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+mplayer2 manual page
+| **mplayer** [options] [file|URL|playlist|-]
+| **mplayer** [options] file1 [specific options] [file2] [specific options]
+| **mplayer** [options] {group of files and options} [group-specific options]
+| **mplayer** [br]://[title][/device] [options]
+| **mplayer** [dvd|dvdnav]://[title|[start\_title]-end\_title][/device] [options]
+| **mplayer** \vcd://track[/device]
+| **mplayer** \tv://[channel][/input_id] [options]
+| **mplayer** radio://[channel|frequency][/capture] [options]
+| **mplayer** \pvr:// [options]
+| **mplayer** \dvb://[card\_number@]channel [options]
+| **mplayer** \mf://[filemask|\@listfile] [-mf options] [options]
+| **mplayer** [cdda|cddb]://track[-endtrack][:speed][/device] [options]
+| **mplayer** \cue://file[:track] [options]
+| **mplayer** [file|mms[t]|http|http\_proxy|rt[s]p|ftp|udp|unsv|icyx|noicyx|smb]:// [user:pass\@]URL[:port] [options]
+| **mplayer** \sdp://file [options]
+| **mplayer** \mpst://host[:port]/URL [options]
+| **mplayer** \tivo://host/[list|llist|fsid] [options]
+**mplayer** is a movie player for Linux (runs on many other platforms and CPU
+architectures, see the documentation). It supports a wide variety of video
+file formats, audio and video codecs, and subtitle types. Special input URL
+types are available to read input from a variety of sources other than disk
+files. Depending on platform, a variety of different video and audio output
+methods are supported.
+Usage examples to get you started quickly can be found at the end of this man
+MPlayer has a fully configurable, command-driven control layer which allows you
+to control MPlayer using keyboard, mouse, joystick or remote control (with
+LIRC). See the ``--input`` option for ways to customize it.
+keyboard control
+ Seek backward/forward 10 seconds. Shift+arrow does a 1 second exact seek
+ (see ``--hr-seek``; currently modifier keys like shift only work if used in
+ an X output window).
+UP and DOWN
+ Seek forward/backward 1 minute. Shift+arrow does a 5 second exact seek (see
+ ``--hr-seek``; currently modifier keys like shift only work if used in an X
+ output window).
+ Seek forward/backward 10 minutes.
+[ and ]
+ Decrease/increase current playback speed by 10%.
+{ and }
+ Halve/double current playback speed.
+ Reset playback speed to normal.
+< and >
+ Go backward/forward in the playlist.
+ Go forward in the playlist, even over the end.
+ next/previous playtree entry in the parent list
+INS and DEL (ASX playlist only)
+ next/previous alternative source.
+p / SPACE
+ Pause (pressing again unpauses).
+ Step forward. Pressing once will pause movie, every consecutive press will
+ play one frame and then go into pause mode again.
+q / ESC
+ Stop playing and quit.
+ Stop playing (and quit if ``--idle`` is not used).
+\+ and -
+ Adjust audio delay by +/- 0.1 seconds.
+/ and *
+ Decrease/increase volume.
+9 and 0
+ Decrease/increase volume.
+( and )
+ Adjust audio balance in favor of left/right channel.
+ Mute sound.
+\_ (MPEG-TS, AVI and libavformat only)
+ Cycle through the available video tracks.
+\# (DVD, Blu-ray, MPEG, Matroska, AVI and libavformat only)
+ Cycle through the available audio tracks.
+TAB (MPEG-TS and libavformat only)
+ Cycle through the available programs.
+ Toggle fullscreen (see also ``--fs``).
+ Toggle stay-on-top (see also ``--ontop``).
+w and e
+ Decrease/increase pan-and-scan range.
+ Toggle OSD states: none / seek / seek + timer / seek + timer + total time.
+ Toggle frame dropping states: none / skip display / skip decoding (see
+ ``--framedrop`` and ``--hardframedrop``).
+ Toggle subtitle visibility.
+j and J
+ Cycle through the available subtitles.
+y and g
+ Step forward/backward in the subtitle list.
+ Toggle displaying "forced subtitles".
+ Toggle subtitle alignment: top / middle / bottom.
+x and z
+ Adjust subtitle delay by +/- 0.1 seconds.
+ Toggle subtitle VSFilter aspect compatibility mode. See
+ ``--ass-vsfilter-aspect-compat`` for more info.
+C (``--capture`` only)
+ Start/stop capturing the primary stream.
+r and t
+ Move subtitles up/down.
+i (``--edlout`` mode only)
+ Set start or end of an EDL skip and write it out to the given file.
+s (``--vf`` screenshot only)
+ Take a screenshot.
+S (``--vf`` screenshot only)
+ Start/stop taking screenshots.
+ Show filename on the OSD.
+ Show progression bar, elapsed time and total duration on the OSD.
+! and @
+ Seek to the beginning of the previous/next chapter.
+D (``--vo=vdpau``, ``--vf=yadif``, ``--vf=kerndeint`` only)
+ Activate/deactivate deinterlacer.
+ Cycle through the available DVD angles.
+c (currently ``--vo=vdpau`` and ``--vo=xv`` only)
+ Change YUV colorspace.
+(The following keys are valid on