path: root/waftools/checks/
diff options
authorStefano Pigozzi <>2013-07-16 13:28:28 +0200
committerStefano Pigozzi <>2013-11-21 21:22:36 +0100
commit7e2edad8efea55e8df1faa695d1389ef4e326d7c (patch)
treef9662620b8ecaf50f6c67804dd0d99d00d85fe5b /waftools/checks/
parent0cb9227a73f03a6ecdf71e837c7c33c823b194b4 (diff)
switch the build system to waf
This commit adds a new build system based on waf. configure and Makefile are deprecated effective immediately and someday in the future they will be removed (they are still available by running ./old-configure). You can find how the choice for waf came to be in `DOCS/waf-buildsystem.rst`. TL;DR: we couldn't get the same level of abstraction and customization with other build systems we tried (CMake and autotools). For guidance on how to build the software now, take a look at and the cross compilation guide. CREDITS: This is a squash of ~250 commits. Some of them are not by me, so here is the deserved attribution: - @wm4 contributed some Windows fixes, renamed configure to old-configure and contributed to the bootstrap script. Also, GNU/Linux testing. - @lachs0r contributed some Windows fixes and the bootstrap script. - @Nikoli contributed a lot of testing and discovered many bugs. - @CrimsonVoid contributed changes to the bootstrap script.
Diffstat (limited to 'waftools/checks/')
1 files changed, 119 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/waftools/checks/ b/waftools/checks/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d2da024037
--- /dev/null
+++ b/waftools/checks/
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+from waftools.checks.generic import *
+__all__ = ["check_pthreads", "check_iconv", "check_lua", "check_oss"]
+pthreads_program = load_fragment('pthreads.c')
+def check_pthreads(ctx, dependency_identifier):
+ platform_cflags = {
+ 'linux': '-D_REENTRANT',
+ 'freebsd': '-D_THREAD_SAFE',
+ 'netbsd': '-D_THREAD_SAFE',
+ 'openbsd': '-D_THREAD_SAFE',
+ 'win32': '-DPTW32_STATIC_LIB',
+ }.get(ctx.env.DEST_OS, '')
+ libs = ['pthreadGC2', 'pthread']
+ checkfn = check_cc(fragment=pthreads_program, cflags=platform_cflags)
+ return check_libs(libs, checkfn)(ctx, dependency_identifier)
+def check_iconv(ctx, dependency_identifier):
+ iconv_program = load_fragment('iconv.c')
+ libdliconv = " ".join(ctx.env.LIB_LIBDL + ['iconv'])
+ libs = ['iconv', libdliconv]
+ checkfn = check_cc(fragment=iconv_program)
+ return check_libs(libs, checkfn)(ctx, dependency_identifier)
+def check_lua(ctx, dependency_identifier):
+ if 'libquvi4' in ctx.env.satisfied_deps:
+ additional_lua_test_header = '#include <quvi/quvi.h>'
+ additional_lua_test_code = load_fragment('lua_libquvi4.c')
+ elif 'libquvi9' in ctx.env.satisfied_deps:
+ additional_lua_test_header = '#include <quvi.h>'
+ additional_lua_test_code = load_fragment('lua_libquvi9.c')
+ else:
+ additional_lua_test_header = ''
+ additional_lua_test_code = ''
+ fragment = load_fragment('lua.c').format(
+ additional_lua_test_header='',
+ additional_lua_test_code='')
+ lua_versions = [
+ ( '51', 'lua >= 5.1.0 lua < 5.2.0'),
+ ( '51deb', 'lua5.1 >= 5.1.0'), # debian
+ ( 'luajit', 'luajit >= 2.0.0' ),
+ # assume all our dependencies (libquvi in particular) link with 5.1
+ ( '52', 'lua >= 5.2.0' ),
+ ( '52deb', 'lua5.2 >= 5.2.0'), # debian
+ ]
+ if ctx.options.LUA_VER:
+ lua_versions = \
+ [lv for lv in lua_versions if lv[0] == ctx.options.LUA_VER]
+ for lua_version, pkgconfig_query in lua_versions:
+ if compose_checks(
+ check_pkg_config(pkgconfig_query, uselib_store=lua_version),
+ check_cc(fragment=fragment, use=lua_version))\
+ (ctx, dependency_identifier):
+ # XXX: this is a bit of a hack, ask waf developers if I can copy
+ # the uselib_store to 'lua'
+ ctx.mark_satisfied(lua_version)
+ ctx.add_optional_message(dependency_identifier,
+ 'version found: ' + lua_version)
+ return True
+ return False
+# from here on there is the OSS check.. just stop reading here unless you want
+# to die inside a little
+def __fail_oss_check__(ctx):
+ ctx.define('PATH_DEV_DSP', '')
+ ctx.define('PATH_DEV_MIXER', '')
+ return False
+def __get_osslibdir__():
+ try:
+ cmd = ['sh', '-c', "'source /etc/oss.conf && echo $OSSLIBDIR'"]
+ p = Utils.subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=Utils.subprocess.PIPE,
+ stdout=Utils.subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=Utils.subprocess.PIPE)
+ return p.communicate()[0]
+ except Exception:
+ return ""
+def __check_oss_headers__(ctx, dependency_identifier):
+ import os
+ real_oss = ctx.check_cc(fragment=load_fragment('oss_audio_header.c'),
+ use='soundcard')
+ if real_oss:
+ if os.path.exists('/etc/oss.conf'):
+ osslibdir = __get_osslibdir__()
+ ossincdir = os.path.join(osslibdir, 'include')
+ soundcard_h = os.path.join(ossincdir, 'sys', 'soundcard.h')
+ if os.path.exists(soundcard_h):
+ ctx.env.CFLAGS.append('-I{0}'.format(ossincdir))
+ return True
+def __check_oss_bsd__(ctxdependency_identifier):
+ # add the oss audio library through a check
+ ctx.define('PATH_DEV_DSP', '/dev/sound')
+ if check_cc(lib='ossaudio')(ctx, dependency_identifier):
+ return True
+ else:
+ return __fail_oss_check__(ctx)
+def check_oss(ctx, dependency_identifier):
+ func = check_cc(fragment=load_fragment('oss_audio.c'), use='soundcard')
+ if func(ctx, dependency_identifier):
+ ctx.define('PATH_DEV_DSP', '/dev/dsp')
+ ctx.define('PATH_DEV_MIXER', '/dev/mixer')
+ if ctx.env.DEST_OS in ['openbsd', 'netbsd']:
+ return __check_oss_bsd_library__(ctx, dependency_identifier)
+ else:
+ return __check_oss_headers__(ctx, dependency_identifier)
+ return __fail_oss_check__(ctx)