path: root/video/out
diff options
authorAkemi <>2018-02-12 12:28:19 +0100
committerKevin Mitchell <>2018-02-12 04:49:15 -0800
commitc5e4538bc4b63f02bf89f62aa25a37b9eb0c0316 (patch)
tree443f47ce1d584bb5fbf4fa30918e7c17cb800016 /video/out
parent235eb60671c899d55b1174043940763b250fa3b8 (diff)
cocoa-cb: initial implementation via opengl-cb API
this is meant to replace the old and not properly working vo_gpu/opengl cocoa backend in the future. the problems are various shortcomings of Apple's opengl implementation and buggy behaviour in certain circumstances that couldn't be properly worked around. there are also certain regressions on newer macOS versions from 10.11 onwards. - awful opengl performance with a none layer backed context - huge amount of dropped frames with an early context flush - flickering of system elements like the dock or volume indicator - double buffering not properly working with a none layer backed context - bad performance in fullscreen because of system optimisations all the problems were caused by using a normal opengl context, that seems somewhat abandoned by apple, and are fixed by using a layer backed opengl context instead. problems that couldn't be fixed could be properly worked around. this has all features our old backend has sans the wid embedding, the possibility to disable the automatic GPU switching and taking screenshots of the window content. the first was deemed unnecessary by me for now, since i just use the libmpv API that others can use anyway. second is technically not possible atm because we have to pre-allocate our opengl context at a time the config isn't read yet, so we can't get the needed property. third one is a bit tricky because of deadlocking and it needed to be in sync, hopefully i can work around that in the future. this also has at least one additional feature or eye-candy. a properly working fullscreen animation with the native fs. also since this is a direct port of the old backend of the parts that could be used, though with adaptions and improvements, this looks a lot cleaner and easier to understand. some credit goes to @pigoz for the initial swift build support which i could improve upon. Fixes: #5478, #5393, #5152, #5151, #4615, #4476, #3978, #3746, #3739, #2392, #2217
Diffstat (limited to 'video/out')
7 files changed, 1492 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/video/out/cocoa-cb/events_view.swift b/video/out/cocoa-cb/events_view.swift
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4cb154c64a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/video/out/cocoa-cb/events_view.swift
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+ * This file is part of mpv.
+ *
+ * mpv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * mpv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with mpv. If not, see <>.
+ */
+import Cocoa
+class EventsView: NSView {
+ weak var cocoaCB: CocoaCB!
+ var mpv: MPVHelper! {
+ get { return cocoaCB == nil ? nil : cocoaCB.mpv }
+ }
+ var tracker: NSTrackingArea?
+ var hasMouseDown: Bool = false
+ override var isFlipped: Bool { return true }
+ override var acceptsFirstResponder: Bool { return true }
+ init(frame frameRect: NSRect, cocoaCB ccb: CocoaCB) {
+ cocoaCB = ccb
+ super.init(frame: frameRect)
+ autoresizingMask = [.viewWidthSizable, .viewHeightSizable]
+ wantsBestResolutionOpenGLSurface = true
+ register(forDraggedTypes: [NSFilenamesPboardType, NSURLPboardType])
+ }
+ required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
+ fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
+ }
+ override func updateTrackingAreas() {
+ if tracker != nil {
+ removeTrackingArea(tracker!)
+ }
+ if mpv != nil && !mpv.getBoolProperty("input-cursor") {
+ return
+ }
+ tracker = NSTrackingArea(rect: self.bounds,
+ options: [.activeAlways, .mouseEnteredAndExited, .mouseMoved, .enabledDuringMouseDrag],
+ owner: self, userInfo: nil)
+ addTrackingArea(tracker!)
+ if containsMouseLocation() {
+ cocoa_put_key_with_modifiers(SWIFT_KEY_MOUSE_LEAVE, 0)
+ }
+ }
+ override func draggingEntered(_ sender: NSDraggingInfo) -> NSDragOperation {
+ guard let types = sender.draggingPasteboard().types else { return [] }
+ if types.contains(NSFilenamesPboardType) || types.contains(NSURLPboardType) {
+ return .copy
+ }
+ return []
+ }
+ override func performDragOperation(_ sender: NSDraggingInfo) -> Bool {
+ let pb = sender.draggingPasteboard()
+ guard let types = sender.draggingPasteboard().types else { return false }
+ if types.contains(NSFilenamesPboardType) {
+ if let files = pb.propertyList(forType: NSFilenamesPboardType) as? [Any] {
+ EventsResponder.sharedInstance().handleFilesArray(files)
+ return true
+ }
+ } else if types.contains(NSURLPboardType) {
+ if let url = pb.propertyList(forType: NSURLPboardType) as? [Any] {
+ EventsResponder.sharedInstance().handleFilesArray(url)
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ return false
+ }
+ override func acceptsFirstMouse(for event: NSEvent?) -> Bool {
+ return mpv.getBoolProperty("input-cursor")
+ }
+ override func becomeFirstResponder() -> Bool {
+ return mpv.getBoolProperty("input-cursor") ||
+ mpv.getBoolProperty("input-vo-keyboard")
+ }
+ override func resignFirstResponder() -> Bool {
+ return true
+ }
+ override func mouseEntered(with event: NSEvent) {
+ if mpv.getBoolProperty("input-cursor") {
+ cocoa_put_key_with_modifiers(SWIFT_KEY_MOUSE_ENTER, 0)
+ }
+ }
+ override func mouseExited(with event: NSEvent) {
+ if mpv.getBoolProperty("input-cursor") {
+ cocoa_put_key_with_modifiers(SWIFT_KEY_MOUSE_LEAVE, 0)
+ }
+ }
+ override func mouseMoved(with event: NSEvent) {
+ if mpv != nil && mpv.getBoolProperty("input-cursor") {
+ signalMouseMovement(event)
+ }
+ }
+ override func mouseDragged(with event: NSEvent) {
+ if mpv.getBoolProperty("input-cursor") {
+ signalMouseMovement(event)
+ }
+ }
+ override func mouseDown(with event: NSEvent) {
+ if mpv.getBoolProperty("input-cursor") {
+ signalMouseDown(event)
+ }
+ }
+ override func mouseUp(with event: NSEvent) {
+ if mpv.getBoolProperty("input-cursor") {
+ signalMouseUp(event)
+ }
+ cocoaCB.window.isMoving = false
+ }
+ override func rightMouseDown(with event: NSEvent) {
+ if mpv.getBoolProperty("input-cursor") {
+ signalMouseDown(event)
+ }
+ }
+ override func rightMouseUp(with event: NSEvent) {
+ if mpv.getBoolProperty("input-cursor") {
+ signalMouseUp(event)
+ }
+ }
+ override func otherMouseDown(with event: NSEvent) {
+ if mpv.getBoolProperty("input-cursor") {
+ signalMouseDown(event)
+ }
+ }
+ override func otherMouseUp(with event: NSEvent) {
+ if mpv.getBoolProperty("input-cursor") {
+ signalMouseUp(event)
+ }
+ }
+ func signalMouseDown(_ event: NSEvent) {
+ signalMouseEvent(event, SWIFT_KEY_STATE_DOWN)
+ if event.clickCount > 1 {
+ signalMouseEvent(event, SWIFT_KEY_STATE_UP)
+ }
+ }
+ func signalMouseUp(_ event: NSEvent) {
+ signalMouseEvent(event, SWIFT_KEY_STATE_UP)
+ }
+ func signalMouseEvent(_ event: NSEvent, _ state: Int32) {
+ hasMouseDown = state == SWIFT_KEY_STATE_DOWN
+ let mpkey = getMpvButton(event)
+ cocoa_put_key_with_modifiers((mpkey | state), Int32(event.modifierFlags.rawValue));
+ }
+ func signalMouseMovement(_ event: NSEvent) {
+ var point = convert(event.locationInWindow, from: nil)
+ point = convertToBacking(point)
+ point.y = -point.y
+ cocoaCB.window.updateMovableBackground(point)
+ if !cocoaCB.window.isMoving {
+ mpv.setMousePosition(point)
+ }
+ }
+ func preciseScroll(_ event: NSEvent) {
+ var delta: Double
+ var cmd: Int32
+ if fabs(event.deltaY) >= fabs(event.deltaX) {
+ delta = Double(event.deltaY) * 0.1;
+ cmd = delta > 0 ? SWIFT_WHEEL_UP : SWIFT_WHEEL_DOWN;
+ } else {
+ delta = Double(event.deltaX) * 0.1;
+ }
+ mpv.putAxis(cmd, delta: fabs(delta))
+ }
+ override func scrollWheel(with event: NSEvent) {
+ if !mpv.getBoolProperty("input-cursor") {
+ return
+ }
+ if event.hasPreciseScrollingDeltas {
+ preciseScroll(event)
+ } else {
+ let modifiers = event.modifierFlags
+ let deltaX = modifiers.contains(.shift) ? event.scrollingDeltaY : event.scrollingDeltaX
+ let deltaY = modifiers.contains(.shift) ? event.scrollingDeltaX : event.scrollingDeltaY
+ var mpkey: Int32
+ if fabs(deltaY) >= fabs(deltaX) {
+ mpkey = deltaY > 0 ? SWIFT_WHEEL_UP : SWIFT_WHEEL_DOWN;
+ } else {
+ mpkey = deltaX > 0 ? SWIFT_WHEEL_RIGHT : SWIFT_WHEEL_LEFT;
+ }
+ cocoa_put_key_with_modifiers(mpkey, Int32(modifiers.rawValue))
+ }
+ }
+ func containsMouseLocation() -> Bool {
+ if cocoaCB == nil { return false }
+ var topMargin: CGFloat = 0.0
+ let menuBarHeight = NSApp.mainMenu!.menuBarHeight
+ if cocoaCB.window.isInFullscreen && (menuBarHeight > 0) {
+ let titleBar = NSWindow.frameRect(forContentRect:, styleMask: .titled)
+ topMargin = titleBar.size.height + 1 + menuBarHeight
+ }
+ var vF = window!.screen!.frame
+ vF.size.height -= topMargin
+ let vFW = window!.convertFromScreen(vF)
+ let vFV = convert(vFW, from: nil)
+ let pt = convert(window!.mouseLocationOutsideOfEventStream, from: nil)
+ let clippedBounds = bounds.intersection(vFV)
+ return clippedBounds.contains(pt)
+ }
+ func canHideCursor() -> Bool {
+ return !hasMouseDown && containsMouseLocation() && window!.isKeyWindow
+ }
+ func getMpvButton(_ event: NSEvent) -> Int32 {
+ let buttonNumber = event.buttonNumber
+ switch (buttonNumber) {
+ case 0: return SWIFT_MBTN_LEFT;
+ case 1: return SWIFT_MBTN_RIGHT;
+ case 2: return SWIFT_MBTN_MID;
+ case 3: return SWIFT_MBTN_BACK;
+ case 4: return SWIFT_MBTN_FORWARD;
+ default: return SWIFT_MBTN9 + Int32(buttonNumber - 5);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/video/out/cocoa-cb/video_layer.swift b/video/out/cocoa-cb/video_layer.swift
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..05f0894159
--- /dev/null
+++ b/video/out/cocoa-cb/video_layer.swift
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+ * This file is part of mpv.
+ *
+ * mpv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * mpv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with mpv. If not, see <>.
+ */
+import Cocoa
+import OpenGL.GL
+import OpenGL.GL3
+class VideoLayer: CAOpenGLLayer {
+ weak var cocoaCB: CocoaCB!
+ var mpv: MPVHelper! {
+ get { return cocoaCB == nil ? nil : cocoaCB.mpv }
+ }
+ let videoLock = NSLock()
+ var hasVideo: Bool = false
+ var neededFlips: Int = 0
+ var cglContext: CGLContextObj? = nil
+ var canDrawOffScreen: Bool = false
+ var lastThread: Thread? = nil
+ var needsICCUpdate: Bool = false {
+ didSet {
+ if needsICCUpdate == true {
+ neededFlips += 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let surfaceLock = NSLock()
+ var surfaceSize: NSSize?
+ var inLiveResize: Bool = false {
+ didSet {
+ if inLiveResize == false {
+ isAsynchronous = false
+ display()
+ } else {
+ surfaceLock.lock()
+ updateSurfaceSize()
+ surfaceLock.unlock()
+ isAsynchronous = true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ init(cocoaCB ccb: CocoaCB) {
+ cocoaCB = ccb
+ super.init()
+ autoresizingMask = [.layerWidthSizable, .layerHeightSizable]
+ backgroundColor =
+ contentsScale = cocoaCB.window.backingScaleFactor
+ }
+ override init(layer: Any) {
+ let oldLayer = layer as! VideoLayer
+ cocoaCB = oldLayer.cocoaCB
+ super.init()
+ }
+ required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
+ fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
+ }
+ func setUpGLCB() {
+ self.mpv.initGLCB()
+ self.mpv.setGLCBUpdateCallback(self.updateCallback, context: self)
+ self.mpv.setGLCBControlCallback(self.cocoaCB.controlCallback, context: self.cocoaCB)
+ }
+ override func canDraw(inCGLContext ctx: CGLContextObj,
+ pixelFormat pf: CGLPixelFormatObj,
+ forLayerTime t: CFTimeInterval,
+ displayTime ts: UnsafePointer<CVTimeStamp>?) -> Bool {
+ return mpv != nil && cocoaCB.backendState == .init
+ }
+ override func draw(inCGLContext ctx: CGLContextObj,
+ pixelFormat pf: CGLPixelFormatObj,
+ forLayerTime t: CFTimeInterval,
+ displayTime ts: UnsafePointer<CVTimeStamp>?) {
+ neededFlips = 0
+ canDrawOffScreen = Thread.current == lastThread
+ lastThread = Thread.current
+ draw(ctx)
+ }
+ func draw(_ ctx: CGLContextObj) {
+ surfaceLock.lock()
+ if inLiveResize == false {
+ updateSurfaceSize()
+ }
+ mpv.drawGLCB(surfaceSize!)
+ surfaceLock.unlock()
+ CGLFlushDrawable(ctx)
+ if needsICCUpdate {
+ needsICCUpdate = false
+ cocoaCB.updateICCProfile()
+ }
+ }
+ func updateSurfaceSize() {
+ surfaceSize = bounds.size
+ surfaceSize!.width *= contentsScale
+ surfaceSize!.height *= contentsScale
+ }
+ override func copyCGLPixelFormat(forDisplayMask mask: UInt32) -> CGLPixelFormatObj {
+ let glVersions: [CGLOpenGLProfile] = [
+ kCGLOGLPVersion_3_2_Core,
+ kCGLOGLPVersion_Legacy
+ ]
+ var pix: CGLPixelFormatObj?
+ var err: CGLError = CGLError(rawValue: 0)
+ var npix: GLint = 0
+ verLoop : for ver in glVersions {
+ var glAttributes: [CGLPixelFormatAttribute] = [
+ kCGLPFAOpenGLProfile, CGLPixelFormatAttribute(ver.rawValue),
+ kCGLPFAAccelerated,
+ kCGLPFADoubleBuffer,
+ kCGLPFABackingStore,
+ kCGLPFAAllowOfflineRenderers,
+ kCGLPFASupportsAutomaticGraphicsSwitching,
+ _CGLPixelFormatAttribute(rawValue: 0)
+ ]
+ for index in stride(from: glAttributes.count-2, through: 4, by: -1) {
+ err = CGLChoosePixelFormat(glAttributes, &pix, &npix)
+ if err == kCGLBadAttribute {
+ glAttributes.remove(at: index)
+ } else {
+ break verLoop
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if err != kCGLNoError {
+ fatalError("Couldn't create CGL pixel format: \(CGLErrorString(err)) (\(err))")
+ }
+ return pix!
+ }
+ override func copyCGLContext(forPixelFormat pf: CGLPixelFormatObj) -> CGLContextObj {
+ let ctx = super.copyCGLContext(forPixelFormat: pf)
+ var i: GLint = 1
+ CGLSetParameter(ctx, kCGLCPSwapInterval, &i)
+ CGLSetCurrentContext(ctx)
+ cglContext = ctx
+ if let app = NSApp as? Application {
+ app.initMPVCore()
+ }
+ return ctx
+ }
+ let updateCallback: mpv_opengl_cb_update_fn = { (ctx) in
+ let layer: VideoLayer = MPVHelper.bridge(ptr: ctx!)
+ layer.neededFlips += 1
+ }
+ override func display() {
+ super.display()
+ if !isAsynchronous {
+ CATransaction.flush()
+ }
+ }
+ func setVideo(_ state: Bool) {
+ videoLock.lock()
+ hasVideo = state
+ neededFlips = 0
+ videoLock.unlock()
+ }
+ func reportFlip() {
+ mpv.reportGLCBFlip()
+ videoLock.lock()
+ if !isAsynchronous && neededFlips > 0 && hasVideo {
+ if !cocoaCB.window.occlusionState.contains(.visible) &&
+ neededFlips > 1 && canDrawOffScreen
+ {
+ draw(cglContext!)
+ display()
+ } else {
+ display()
+ }
+ }
+ videoLock.unlock()
+ }
diff --git a/video/out/cocoa-cb/window.swift b/video/out/cocoa-cb/window.swift
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c93537c03a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/video/out/cocoa-cb/window.swift
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+ * This file is part of mpv.
+ *
+ * mpv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * mpv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with mpv. If not, see <>.
+ */
+import Cocoa
+class Window: NSWindow, NSWindowDelegate {
+ weak var cocoaCB: CocoaCB! = nil
+ var mpv: MPVHelper! {
+ get { return cocoaCB == nil ? nil : cocoaCB.mpv }
+ }
+ var targetScreen: NSScreen?
+ var previousScreen: NSScreen?
+ var currentScreen: NSScreen?
+ var unfScreen: NSScreen?
+ var unfsContentFrame: NSRect?
+ var isInFullscreen: Bool = false
+ var isAnimating: Bool = false
+ var isMoving: Bool = false
+ var forceTargetScreen: Bool = false
+ var keepAspect: Bool = true {
+ didSet {
+ if !isInFullscreen {
+ unfsContentFrame = convertToScreen(contentView!.frame)
+ }
+ if keepAspect {
+ contentAspectRatio = unfsContentFrame!.size
+ } else {
+ resizeIncrements = NSSize(width: 1.0, height: 1.0)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ override var canBecomeKey: Bool { return true }
+ override var canBecomeMain: Bool { return true }
+ override var styleMask: NSWindowStyleMask {
+ get { return super.styleMask }
+ set {
+ let responder = firstResponder
+ let windowTitle = title
+ super.styleMask = newValue
+ makeFirstResponder(responder)
+ title = windowTitle
+ }
+ }
+ convenience init(cocoaCB ccb: CocoaCB) {
+ self.init(contentRect: NSMakeRect(0, 0, 960, 480),
+ styleMask: [.titled, .closable, .miniaturizable, .resizable],
+ backing: .buffered, defer: false, screen: NSScreen.main())
+ cocoaCB = ccb
+ title = "mpv"
+ }
+ convenience init(contentRect: NSRect, styleMask style: NSWindowStyleMask,
+ screen: NSScreen?, cocoaCB ccb: CocoaCB)
+ {
+ self.init(contentRect: contentRect, styleMask: style,
+ backing: .buffered, defer: false, screen: screen)
+ cocoaCB = ccb
+ minSize = NSMakeSize(160, 90)
+ collectionBehavior = .fullScreenPrimary
+ delegate = self
+ unfsContentFrame = convertToScreen(contentView!.frame)
+ targetScreen = screen!
+ currentScreen = screen!
+ unfScreen = screen!
+ if let app = NSApp as? Application {
+ app.menuBar.register(#selector(setHalfWindowSize), for: MPM_H_SIZE)
+ app.menuBar.register(#selector(setNormalWindowSize), for: MPM_N_SIZE)
+ app.menuBar.register(#selector(setDoubleWindowSize), for: MPM_D_SIZE)
+ app.menuBar.register(#selector(performMiniaturize(_:)), for: MPM_MINIMIZE)
+ app.menuBar.register(#selector(performZoom(_:)), for: MPM_ZOOM)
+ }
+ }
+ override func toggleFullScreen(_ sender: Any?) {
+ if isAnimating {
+ return
+ }
+ isAnimating = true
+ targetScreen = cocoaCB.getTargetScreen(forFullscreen: !isInFullscreen)
+ if targetScreen == nil && previousScreen == nil {
+ targetScreen = screen
+ } else if targetScreen == nil {
+ targetScreen = previousScreen
+ previousScreen = nil
+ } else {
+ previousScreen = screen
+ }
+ if !isInFullscreen {
+ unfsContentFrame = convertToScreen(contentView!.frame)
+ unfScreen = screen
+ }
+ // move window to target screen when going to fullscreen
+ if !isInFullscreen && (targetScreen != screen) {
+ let frame = calculateWindowPosition(for: targetScreen!, withoutBounds: false)
+ setFrame(frame, display: true)
+ }
+ if mpv.getBoolProperty("native-fs") {
+ super.toggleFullScreen(sender)
+ } else {
+ if !isInFullscreen {
+ setToFullScreen()
+ }
+ else {
+ setToWindow()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ func customWindowsToEnterFullScreen(for window: NSWindow) -> [NSWindow]? {
+ return [window]
+ }
+ func customWindowsToExitFullScreen(for window: NSWindow) -> [NSWindow]? {
+ return [window]
+ }
+ func window(_ window: NSWindow, startCustomAnimationToEnterFullScreenWithDuration duration: TimeInterval) {
+ var newFrame = targetScreen!.frame
+ let cRect = contentRect(forFrameRect: frame)
+ newFrame.size.height = newFrame.size.height - (frame.size.height - cRect.size.height)
+ let intermediateFrame = aspectFit(rect: cRect, in: newFrame)
+ NSAnimationContext.runAnimationGroup({ (context) -> Void in
+ context.duration = duration-0.1
+ window.animator().setFrame(intermediateFrame, display: true)
+ }, completionHandler: { })
+ }
+ func window(_ window: NSWindow, startCustomAnimationToExitFullScreenWithDuration duration: TimeInterval) {
+ let newFrame = calculateWindowPosition(for: targetScreen!, withoutBounds: targetScreen == screen)
+ let intermediateFrame = aspectFit(rect: newFrame, in: screen!.frame)
+ setFrame(intermediateFrame, display: true)
+ cocoaCB.layer.display()
+ NSAnimationContext.runAnimationGroup({ (context) -> Void in
+ context.duration = duration-0.1
+ window.animator().setFrame(newFrame, display: true)
+ }, completionHandler: { })
+ }
+ func windowDidEnterFullScreen(_ notification: Notification) {
+ isInFullscreen = true
+ cocoaCB.updateCusorVisibility()
+ endAnimation()
+ }
+ func windowDidExitFullScreen(_ notification: Notification) {
+ isInFullscreen = false
+ endAnimation()
+ }
+ func windowDidFailToEnterFullScreen(_ window: NSWindow) {
+ let newFrame = calculateWindowPosition(for: targetScreen!, withoutBounds: targetScreen == screen)
+ setFrame(newFrame, display: true)
+ endAnimation()
+ }
+ func windowDidFailToExitFullScreen(_ window: NSWindow) {
+ let newFrame = targetScreen!.frame
+ setFrame(newFrame, display: true)
+ endAnimation()
+ }
+ func endAnimation() {
+ isAnimating = false
+ cocoaCB.isShuttingDown = false
+ }
+ func setToFullScreen() {
+ styleMask.insert(.fullScreen)
+ NSApp.presentationOptions = [.autoHideMenuBar, .autoHideDock]
+ setFrame(targetScreen!.frame, display: true)
+ endAnimation()
+ isInFullscreen = true
+ cocoaCB.layer.neededFlips += 1
+ }
+ func setToWindow() {
+ let newFrame = calculateWindowPosition(for: targetScreen!, withoutBounds: targetScreen == screen)
+ NSApp.presentationOptions = []
+ setFrame(newFrame, display: true)
+ styleMask.remove(.fullScreen)
+ endAnimation()
+ isInFullscreen = false
+ cocoaCB.layer.neededFlips += 1
+ }
+ func setBorder(_ state: Bool) {
+ if styleMask.contains(.titled) != state {
+ if state {
+ styleMask.remove(.borderless)
+ styleMask.insert(.titled)
+ } else {
+ styleMask.remove(.titled)
+ styleMask.insert(.borderless)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ func setOnTop(_ state: Bool) {
+ if state {
+ let ontopLevel = mpv.getStringProperty("ontop-level") ?? "window"
+ switch ontopLevel {
+ case "window":
+ level = Int(CGWindowLevelForKey(.floatingWindow))
+ case "system":
+ level = Int(CGWindowLevelForKey(.statusWindow))+1
+ default:
+ level = Int(ontopLevel)!
+ }
+ collectionBehavior.remove(.transient)
+ collectionBehavior.insert(.managed)
+ } else {
+ level = Int(CGWindowLevelForKey(.normalWindow))
+ }
+ }
+ func updateMovableBackground(_ pos: NSPoint) {
+ if !isInFullscreen {
+ isMovableByWindowBackground = mpv.canBeDraggedAt(pos)
+ } else {
+ isMovableByWindowBackground = false
+ }
+ }
+ func updateFrame(_ rect: NSRect) {
+ if rect != frame {
+ let cRect = frameRect(forContentRect: rect)
+ setFrame(cRect, display: true)
+ unfsContentFrame = rect
+ }
+ }
+ func updateSize(_ size: NSSize) {
+ if size != contentView!.frame.size {
+ let newContentFrame = centeredContentSize(for: frame, size: size)
+ if !isInFullscreen {
+ updateFrame(newContentFrame)
+ } else {
+ unfsContentFrame = newContentFrame
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ override func setFrame(_ frameRect: NSRect, display flag: Bool) {
+ super.setFrame(frameRect, display: flag)
+ if keepAspect {
+ contentAspectRatio = unfsContentFrame!.size
+ }
+ }
+ func centeredContentSize(for rect: NSRect, size sz: NSSize) -> NSRect {
+ let cRect = contentRect(forFrameRect: rect)
+ let dx = (cRect.size.width - sz.width) / 2
+ let dy = (cRect.size.height - sz.height) / 2
+ return NSInsetRect(cRect, dx, dy)
+ }
+ func aspectFit(rect r: NSRect, in rTarget: NSRect) -> NSRect {
+ var s = rTarget.width / r.width;
+ if r.height*s > rTarget.height {
+ s = rTarget.height / r.height
+ }
+ let w = r.width * s
+ let h = r.height * s
+ return NSRect(x: rTarget.midX - w/2, y: rTarget.midY - h/2, width: w, height: h)
+ }
+ func calculateWindowPosition(for tScreen: NSScreen, withoutBounds: Bool) -> NSRect {
+ var newFrame = frameRect(forContentRect: unfsContentFrame!)
+ let targetFrame = tScreen.frame
+ let targetVisibleFrame = tScreen.visibleFrame
+ let unfsScreenFrame = unfScreen!.frame
+ let visibleWindow = NSIntersectionRect(unfsScreenFrame, newFrame)
+ // calculate visible area of every side
+ let left = newFrame.origin.x - unfsScreenFrame.origin.x
+ let right = unfsScreenFrame.size.width -
+ (newFrame.origin.x - unfsScreenFrame.origin.x + newFrame.size.width)
+ let bottom = newFrame.origin.y - unfsScreenFrame.origin.y
+ let top = unfsScreenFrame.size.height -
+ (newFrame.origin.y - unfsScreenFrame.origin.y + newFrame.size.height)
+ // normalize visible areas, decide which one to take horizontal/vertical
+ var xPer = (unfsScreenFrame.size.width - visibleWindow.size.width)
+ var yPer = (unfsScreenFrame.size.height - visibleWindow.size.height)
+ if xPer != 0 { xPer = (left >= 0 || right < 0 ? left : right) / xPer }
+ if yPer != 0 { yPer = (bottom >= 0 || top < 0 ? bottom : top) / yPer }
+ // calculate visible area for every side for target screen
+ let xNewLeft = targetFrame.origin.x +
+ (targetFrame.size.width - visibleWindow.size.width) * xPer
+ let xNewRight = targetFrame.origin.x + targetFrame.size.width -
+ (targetFrame.size.width - visibleWindow.size.width) * xPer - newFrame.size.width
+ let yNewBottom = targetFrame.origin.y +
+ (targetFrame.size.height - visibleWindow.size.height) * yPer
+ let yNewTop = targetFrame.origin.y + targetFrame.size.height -
+ (targetFrame.size.height - visibleWindow.size.height) * yPer - newFrame.size.height
+ // calculate new coordinates, decide which one to take horizontal/vertical
+ newFrame.origin.x = left >= 0 || right < 0 ? xNewLeft : xNewRight
+ newFrame.origin.y = bottom >= 0 || top < 0 ? yNewBottom : yNewTop
+ // don't place new window on top of a visible menubar
+ let topMar = targetFrame.size.height -
+ (newFrame.origin.y - targetFrame.origin.y + newFrame.size.height)
+ let menuBarHeight = targetFrame.size.height -
+ (targetVisibleFrame.size.height + targetVisibleFrame.origin.y)
+ if topMar < menuBarHeight {
+ newFrame.origin.y -= top - menuBarHeight
+ }
+ if withoutBounds {
+ return newFrame
+ }
+ // screen bounds right and left
+ if newFrame.origin.x + newFrame.size.width > targetFrame.origin.x + targetFrame.size.width {
+ newFrame.origin.x = targetFrame.origin.x + targetFrame.size.width - newFrame.size.width
+ }
+ if newFrame.origin.x < targetFrame.origin.x {
+ newFrame.origin.x = targetFrame.origin.x
+ }
+ // screen bounds top and bottom
+ if newFrame.origin.y + newFrame.size.height > targetFrame.origin.y + targetFrame.size.height {
+ newFrame.origin.y = targetFrame.origin.y + targetFrame.size.height - newFrame.size.height
+ }
+ if newFrame.origin.y < targetFrame.origin.y {
+ newFrame.origin.y = targetFrame.origin.y
+ }
+ return newFrame
+ }
+ override func constrainFrameRect(_ frameRect: NSRect, to tScreen: NSScreen?) -> NSRect {
+ if (isAnimating && !isInFullscreen) || (!isAnimating && isInFullscreen) {
+ return frameRect
+ }
+ var nf: NSRect = frameRect
+ let ts: NSScreen = tScreen ?? screen ?? NSScreen.main()!
+ let of: NSRect = frame
+ let vf: NSRect = (isAnimating ? targetScreen! : ts).visibleFrame
+ let ncf: NSRect = contentRect(forFrameRect: nf)
+ // screen bounds top and bottom
+ if NSMaxY(nf) > NSMaxY(vf) {
+ nf.origin.y = NSMaxY(vf) - NSHeight(nf)
+ }
+ if NSMaxY(ncf) < NSMinY(vf) {
+ nf.origin.y = NSMinY(vf) + NSMinY(ncf) - NSMaxY(ncf)
+ }
+ // screen bounds right and left
+ if NSMinX(nf) > NSMaxX(vf) {
+ nf.origin.x = NSMaxX(vf) - NSWidth(nf)
+ }
+ if NSMaxX(nf) < NSMinX(vf) {
+ nf.origin.x = NSMinX(vf)
+ }
+ if NSHeight(nf) < NSHeight(vf) && NSHeight(of) > NSHeight(vf) && !isInFullscreen {
+ // If the window height is smaller than the visible frame, but it was
+ // bigger previously recenter the smaller window vertically. This is
+ // needed to counter the 'snap to top' behaviour.
+ nf.origin.y = (NSHeight(vf) - NSHeight(nf)) / 2
+ }
+ return nf
+ }
+ func setNormalWindowSize() { setWindowScale(1.0) }
+ func setHalfWindowSize() { setWindowScale(0.5) }
+ func setDoubleWindowSize() { setWindowScale(2.0) }
+ func setWindowScale(_ scale: Double) {
+ mpv.commandAsync(["osd-auto", "set", "window-scale", "\(scale)"])
+ }
+ func windowDidChangeScreen(_ notification: Notification) {
+ if screen == nil {
+ return
+ }
+ if !isAnimating && (currentScreen != screen) {
+ previousScreen = screen
+ }
+ if currentScreen != screen {
+ cocoaCB.updateDisplaylink()
+ }
+ currentScre