path: root/osdep/terminal-win.c
diff options
authorJames Ross-Gowan <>2020-05-27 22:52:25 +1000
committerJames Ross-Gowan <>2020-05-29 19:48:51 +1000
commit102a083171478c69a8d2dd7de7c40d7687a9e809 (patch)
tree8fc36e0fa3de1f1206ffbe69b35a1bef15fb7251 /osdep/terminal-win.c
parent27e41c69aa4f18c226d0975ddb82799e2e5ea565 (diff)
terminal-win: handle 'Change Window Title' OSC sequence
This should make --term-title work in Windows 8.1 and below. OSC sequences are defined in ECMA-48. The 'Change Window Title' command, as far as I can tell, is a de-facto standard defined by xterm[1]. In either case, this code is probably still not standards-compliant. This also changes mp_write_console_ansi to convert to UTF-16 before parsing control sequences, because that made it easier to pass the OSC param to SetConsoleTitleW. I think it's also more correct to do it this way, even though it doesn't really matter much for our limited terminal parsing. As a side-effect of this, mp_write_console_ansi no longer mutates its argument. [1]:
Diffstat (limited to 'osdep/terminal-win.c')
1 files changed, 131 insertions, 99 deletions
diff --git a/osdep/terminal-win.c b/osdep/terminal-win.c
index e19f7dbe96..ad7631f9da 100644
--- a/osdep/terminal-win.c
+++ b/osdep/terminal-win.c
@@ -204,121 +204,153 @@ bool terminal_in_background(void)
return false;
-static void write_console_text(HANDLE wstream, char *buf)
- wchar_t *out = mp_from_utf8(NULL, buf);
- size_t out_len = wcslen(out);
- WriteConsoleW(wstream, out, out_len, NULL, NULL);
- talloc_free(out);
-// Mutates the input argument (buf), because we're evil.
void mp_write_console_ansi(HANDLE wstream, char *buf)
- while (*buf) {
+ wchar_t *wbuf = mp_from_utf8(NULL, buf);
+ wchar_t *pos = wbuf;
+ while (*pos) {
if (is_native_out_vt(wstream)) {
- write_console_text(wstream, buf);
+ WriteConsoleW(wstream, pos, wcslen(pos), NULL, NULL);
- char *next = strchr(buf, '\033');
+ wchar_t *next = wcschr(pos, '\033');
if (!next) {
- write_console_text(wstream, buf);
+ WriteConsoleW(wstream, pos, wcslen(pos), NULL, NULL);
- next[0] = '\0'; // mutate input for fun and profit
- write_console_text(wstream, buf);
- if (next[1] != '[') {
- write_console_text(wstream, "\033");
- buf = next;
- continue;
- }
- next += 2;
- // ANSI codes generally follow this syntax:
- // "\033[" [ <i> (';' <i> )* ] <c>
- // where <i> are integers, and <c> a single char command code.
- // Also see:
- int params[16]; // 'm' might be unlimited; ignore that
- int num_params = 0;
- while (num_params < MP_ARRAY_SIZE(params)) {
- char *end = next;
- long p = strtol(next, &end, 10);
- if (end == next)
+ next[0] = '\0';
+ WriteConsoleW(wstream, pos, wcslen(pos), NULL, NULL);
+ if (next[1] == '[') {
+ // CSI - Control Sequence Introducer
+ next += 2;
+ // CSI codes generally follow this syntax:
+ // "\033[" [ <i> (';' <i> )* ] <c>
+ // where <i> are integers, and <c> a single char command code.
+ // Also see:
+ int params[16]; // 'm' might be unlimited; ignore that
+ int num_params = 0;
+ while (num_params < MP_ARRAY_SIZE(params)) {
+ wchar_t *end = next;
+ long p = wcstol(next, &end, 10);
+ if (end == next)
+ break;
+ next = end;
+ params[num_params++] = p;
+ if (next[0] != ';' || !next[0])
+ break;
+ next += 1;
+ }
+ wchar_t code = next[0];
+ if (code)
+ next += 1;
+ GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(wstream, &info);
+ switch (code) {
+ case 'K': { // erase to end of line
+ COORD at = info.dwCursorPosition;
+ int len = info.dwSize.X - at.X;
+ FillConsoleOutputCharacterW(wstream, ' ', len, at, &(DWORD){0});
+ SetConsoleCursorPosition(wstream, at);
- next = end;
- params[num_params++] = p;
- if (next[0] != ';' || !next[0])
+ }
+ case 'A': { // cursor up
+ info.dwCursorPosition.Y -= 1;
+ SetConsoleCursorPosition(wstream, info.dwCursorPosition);
- next += 1;
- }
- char code = next[0];
- if (code)
- next += 1;
- GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(wstream, &info);
- switch (code) {
- case 'K': { // erase to end of line
- COORD at = info.dwCursorPosition;
- int len = info.dwSize.X - at.X;
- FillConsoleOutputCharacterW(wstream, ' ', len, at, &(DWORD){0});
- SetConsoleCursorPosition(wstream, at);
- break;
- }
- case 'A': { // cursor up
- info.dwCursorPosition.Y -= 1;
- SetConsoleCursorPosition(wstream, info.dwCursorPosition);
- break;
- }
- case 'm': { // "SGR"
- short attr = info.wAttributes;
- if (num_params == 0) // reset
- params[num_params++] = 0;
- // we don't emulate italic, reverse/underline don't always work
- for (int n = 0; n < num_params; n++) {
- int p = params[n];
- if (p == 0) {
- attr = stdoutAttrs;
- } else if (p == 1) {
- } else if (p == 22) {
- } else if (p == 4) {
- } else if (p == 24) {
- } else if (p == 7) {
- } else if (p == 27) {
- } else if (p >= 30 && p <= 37) {
- attr &= ~FOREGROUND_ALL;
- attr |= ansi2win32[p - 30];
- } else if (p == 39) {
- attr &= ~FOREGROUND_ALL;
- attr |= stdoutAttrs & FOREGROUND_ALL;
- } else if (p >= 40 && p <= 47) {
- attr &= ~BACKGROUND_ALL;
- attr |= ansi2win32bg[p - 40];
- } else if (p == 49) {
- attr &= ~BACKGROUND_ALL;
- attr |= stdoutAttrs & BACKGROUND_ALL;
- } else if (p == 38 || p == 48) { // ignore and skip sub-values
- // 256 colors: <38/48>;5;N true colors: <38/48>;2;R;G;B
- if (n+1 < num_params) {
- n += params[n+1] == 5 ? 2
- : params[n+1] == 2 ? 4
- : num_params; /* unrecognized -> the rest */
+ }
+ case 'm': { // "SGR"
+ short attr = info.wAttributes;
+ if (num_params == 0) // reset
+ params[num_params++] = 0;
+ // we don't emulate italic, reverse/underline don't always work
+ for (int n = 0; n < num_params; n++) {
+ int p = params[n];
+ if (p == 0) {
+ attr = stdoutAttrs;
+ } else if (p == 1) {
+ } else if (p == 22) {
+ } else if (p == 4) {
+ } else if (p == 24) {
+ } else if (p == 7) {
+ } else if (p == 27) {
+ } else if (p >= 30 && p <= 37) {
+ attr &= ~FOREGROUND_ALL;
+ attr |= ansi2win32[p - 30];
+ } else if (p == 39) {
+ attr &= ~FOREGROUND_ALL;
+ attr |= stdoutAttrs & FOREGROUND_ALL;
+ } else if (p >= 40 && p <= 47) {
+ attr &= ~BACKGROUND_ALL;
+ attr |= ansi2win32bg[p - 40];
+ } else if (p == 49) {
+ attr &= ~BACKGROUND_ALL;
+ attr |= stdoutAttrs & BACKGROUND_ALL;
+ } else if (p == 38 || p == 48) { // ignore and skip sub-values
+ // 256 colors: <38/48>;5;N true colors: <38/48>;2;R;G;B
+ if (n+1 < num_params) {
+ n += params[n+1] == 5 ? 2
+ : params[n+1] == 2 ? 4
+ : num_params; /* unrecognized -> the rest */
+ }
+ if (attr != info.wAttributes)
+ SetConsoleTextAttribute(wstream, attr);
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if (next[1] == ']') {
+ // OSC - Operating System Commands
+ next += 2;
- if (attr != info.wAttributes)
- SetConsoleTextAttribute(wstream, attr);
- break;
- }
+ // OSC sequences generally follow this syntax:
+ // "\033]" <command> ST
+ // Where <command> is a string command
+ wchar_t *cmd = next;
+ while (next[0]) {
+ // BEL can be used instead of ST in xterm
+ if (next[0] == '\007' || next[0] == 0x9c) {
+ next[0] = '\0';
+ next += 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (next[0] == '\033' && next[1] == '\\') {
+ next[0] = '\0';
+ next += 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ next += 1;
+ }
+ // Handle xterm-style OSC commands
+ if (cmd[0] && cmd[1] == ';') {
+ wchar_t code = cmd[0];
+ wchar_t *param = cmd + 2;
+ switch (code) {
+ case '0': // Change Icon Name and Window Title
+ case '2': // Change Window Title
+ SetConsoleTitleW(param);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ WriteConsoleW(wstream, L"\033", 1, NULL, NULL);
- buf = next;
+ pos = next;
+ talloc_free(wbuf);
static bool is_a_console(HANDLE h)