path: root/demux/demux_disc.c
diff options
authorwm4 <wm4@nowhere>2019-10-03 00:22:18 +0200
committerwm4 <wm4@nowhere>2019-10-03 00:22:18 +0200
commit1c63869d0ae01fd8e720353719e4c8b8da12e0b5 (patch)
tree942771789b91389636d2d65baa1238ab9b992a86 /demux/demux_disc.c
parent8c58375dbd968fff22c9ef5a473c456657c5fc78 (diff)
demux: restore some of the DVD/BD/CDDA interaction layers
This partially reverts commit a9d83eac40c94f44d19fab7b6955331f10efe301 ("Remove optical disc fancification layers"). Mostly due to the timestamp crap, this was never really going to work. The playback layer is sensitive to timestamps, and derives the playback time directly from the low level packet timestamps. DVD/BD works differently, and libdvdnav/libbluray do not make it easy at all to compensate for this. Which is why it never worked well, but not doing it at all is even more awful. demux_disc.c tried this and rewrote packet timestamps from low level TS to playback time. So restore demux_disc.c, which should bring behavior back to the old often non-working but slightly better state. I did not revert anything that affects components above the demuxer layer. For example, the properties for switching DVD angles or listing disc titles are still gone. (Disc titles could be reimplemented as editions. But not by me.) This commit modifies the reverted code a bit; this can't be avoided, because the internal API changed quite a bit. The old seek resync in demux_lavf.c (which was a hack) is replaced with a hack. SEEK_FORCE and demux_params.external_stream are new additions. Some of this could/should be further cleaned up. If you don't want "proper" DVD/BD support to disappear, you should probably volunteer. Now why am I wasting my time for this? Just because some idiot users are too lazy to rip their ever-wearing out shitty physical discs? Then why should I not be lazy and drop support completely? They won't even be thankful for me maintaining this horrible garbage for no compensation.
Diffstat (limited to 'demux/demux_disc.c')
1 files changed, 359 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/demux/demux_disc.c b/demux/demux_disc.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..13e73caa39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demux/demux_disc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+ * This file is part of mpv.
+ *
+ * mpv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * mpv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with mpv. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include <string.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "common/common.h"
+#include "common/msg.h"
+#include "stream/stream.h"
+#include "video/mp_image.h"
+#include "demux.h"
+#include "stheader.h"
+#include "video/csputils.h"
+struct priv {
+ struct demuxer *slave;
+ // streams[slave_stream_index] == our_stream
+ struct sh_stream **streams;
+ int num_streams;
+ // This contains each DVD sub stream, or NULL. Needed because DVD packets
+ // can come arbitrarily late in the MPEG stream, so the slave demuxer
+ // might add the streams only later.
+ struct sh_stream *dvd_subs[32];
+ // Used to rewrite the raw MPEG timestamps to playback time.
+ double base_time; // playback display start time of current segment
+ double base_dts; // packet DTS that maps to base_time
+ double last_dts; // DTS of previously demuxed packet
+ bool seek_reinit; // needs reinit after seek
+ bool is_dvd, is_cdda;
+// If the timestamp difference between subsequent packets is this big, assume
+// a reset. It should be big enough to account for 1. low video framerates and
+// large audio frames, and 2. bad interleaving.
+static void reselect_streams(demuxer_t *demuxer)
+ struct priv *p = demuxer->priv;
+ int num_slave = demux_get_num_stream(p->slave);
+ for (int n = 0; n < MPMIN(num_slave, p->num_streams); n++) {
+ if (p->streams[n]) {
+ demuxer_select_track(p->slave, demux_get_stream(p->slave, n),
+ MP_NOPTS_VALUE, demux_stream_is_selected(p->streams[n]));
+ }
+ }
+static void get_disc_lang(struct stream *stream, struct sh_stream *sh, bool dvd)
+ struct stream_lang_req req = {.type = sh->type, .id = sh->demuxer_id};
+ if (dvd && sh->type == STREAM_SUB)
+ = & 0x1F; // mpeg ID to index
+ stream_control(stream, STREAM_CTRL_GET_LANG, &req);
+ if ([0])
+ sh->lang = talloc_strdup(sh,;
+static void add_dvd_streams(demuxer_t *demuxer)
+ struct priv *p = demuxer->priv;
+ struct stream *stream = demuxer->stream;
+ if (!p->is_dvd)
+ return;
+ struct stream_dvd_info_req info;
+ if (stream_control(stream, STREAM_CTRL_GET_DVD_INFO, &info) > 0) {
+ for (int n = 0; n < MPMIN(32, info.num_subs); n++) {
+ struct sh_stream *sh = demux_alloc_sh_stream(STREAM_SUB);
+ sh->demuxer_id = n + 0x20;
+ sh->codec->codec = "dvd_subtitle";
+ get_disc_lang(stream, sh, true);
+ // p->streams _must_ match with p->slave->streams, so we can't add
+ // it yet - it has to be done when the real stream appears, which
+ // could be right on start, or any time later.
+ p->dvd_subs[n] = sh;
+ // emulate the extradata
+ struct mp_csp_params csp = MP_CSP_PARAMS_DEFAULTS;
+ struct mp_cmat cmatrix;
+ mp_get_csp_matrix(&csp, &cmatrix);
+ char *s = talloc_strdup(sh, "");
+ s = talloc_asprintf_append(s, "palette: ");
+ for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
+ int color = info.palette[i];
+ int y[3] = {(color >> 16) & 0xff, (color >> 8) & 0xff, color & 0xff};
+ int c[3];
+ mp_map_fixp_color(&cmatrix, 8, y, 8, c);
+ color = (c[2] << 16) | (c[1] << 8) | c[0];
+ if (i != 0)
+ s = talloc_asprintf_append(s, ", ");
+ s = talloc_asprintf_append(s, "%06x", color);
+ }
+ s = talloc_asprintf_append(s, "\n");
+ sh->codec->extradata = s;
+ sh->codec->extradata_size = strlen(s);
+ demux_add_sh_stream(demuxer, sh);
+ }
+ }
+static void add_streams(demuxer_t *demuxer)
+ struct priv *p = demuxer->priv;
+ for (int n = p->num_streams; n < demux_get_num_stream(p->slave); n++) {
+ struct sh_stream *src = demux_get_stream(p->slave, n);
+ if (src->type == STREAM_SUB) {
+ struct sh_stream *sub = NULL;
+ if (src->demuxer_id >= 0x20 && src->demuxer_id <= 0x3F)
+ sub = p->dvd_subs[src->demuxer_id - 0x20];
+ if (sub) {
+ assert(p->num_streams == n); // directly mapped
+ MP_TARRAY_APPEND(p, p->streams, p->num_streams, sub);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ struct sh_stream *sh = demux_alloc_sh_stream(src->type);
+ assert(p->num_streams == n); // directly mapped
+ MP_TARRAY_APPEND(p, p->streams, p->num_streams, sh);
+ // Copy all stream fields that might be relevant
+ *sh->codec = *src->codec;
+ sh->demuxer_id = src->demuxer_id;
+ if (src->type == STREAM_VIDEO) {
+ double ar;
+ if (stream_control(demuxer->stream, STREAM_CTRL_GET_ASPECT_RATIO, &ar)
+ {
+ struct mp_image_params f = {.w = src->codec->disp_w,
+ .h = src->codec->disp_h};
+ mp_image_params_set_dsize(&f, 1728 * ar, 1728);
+ sh->codec->par_w = f.p_w;
+ sh->codec->par_h = f.p_h;
+ }
+ }
+ get_disc_lang(demuxer->stream, sh, p->is_dvd);
+ demux_add_sh_stream(demuxer, sh);
+ }
+ reselect_streams(demuxer);
+static void d_seek(demuxer_t *demuxer, double seek_pts, int flags)
+ struct priv *p = demuxer->priv;
+ if (p->is_cdda) {
+ demux_seek(p->slave, seek_pts, flags);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (flags & SEEK_FACTOR) {
+ double tmp = 0;
+ stream_control(demuxer->stream, STREAM_CTRL_GET_TIME_LENGTH, &tmp);
+ seek_pts *= tmp;
+ }
+ MP_VERBOSE(demuxer, "seek to: %f\n", seek_pts);
+ // Supposed to induce a seek reset. Does it even work? I don't know.
+ // It will log some bogus error messages, since the demuxer will try a
+ // low level seek, which will obviously not work. But it will probably
+ // clear its internal buffers.
+ demux_seek(p->slave, 0, SEEK_FACTOR | SEEK_FORCE);
+ stream_drop_buffers(demuxer->stream);
+ double seek_arg[] = {seek_pts, flags};
+ stream_control(demuxer->stream, STREAM_CTRL_SEEK_TO_TIME, seek_arg);
+ p->seek_reinit = true;
+static void reset_pts(demuxer_t *demuxer)
+ struct priv *p = demuxer->priv;
+ double base;
+ if (stream_control(demuxer->stream, STREAM_CTRL_GET_CURRENT_TIME, &base) < 1)
+ base = 0;
+ MP_VERBOSE(demuxer, "reset to time: %f\n", base);
+ p->base_dts = p->last_dts = MP_NOPTS_VALUE;
+ p->base_time = base;
+ p->seek_reinit = false;
+static bool d_read_packet(struct demuxer *demuxer, struct demux_packet **out_pkt)
+ struct priv *p = demuxer->priv;
+ struct demux_packet *pkt = demux_read_any_packet(p->slave);
+ if (!pkt)
+ return false;
+ demux_update(p->slave, MP_NOPTS_VALUE);
+ if (p->seek_reinit)
+ reset_pts(demuxer);
+ add_streams(demuxer);
+ if (pkt->stream >= p->num_streams) { // out of memory?
+ talloc_free(pkt);
+ return true;
+ }
+ struct sh_stream *sh = p->streams[pkt->stream];
+ if (!demux_stream_is_selected(sh)) {
+ talloc_free(pkt);
+ return true;
+ }
+ pkt->stream = sh->index;
+ if (p->is_cdda) {
+ *out_pkt = pkt;
+ return true;
+ }
+ MP_TRACE(demuxer, "ipts: %d %f %f\n", sh->type, pkt->pts, pkt->dts);
+ if (sh->type == STREAM_SUB) {
+ if (p->base_dts == MP_NOPTS_VALUE)
+ MP_WARN(demuxer, "subtitle packet along PTS reset\n");
+ } else if (pkt->dts != MP_NOPTS_VALUE) {
+ // Use the very first DTS to rebase the start time of the MPEG stream
+ // to the playback time.
+ if (p->base_dts == MP_NOPTS_VALUE)
+ p->base_dts = pkt->dts;
+ if (p->last_dts == MP_NOPTS_VALUE)
+ p->last_dts = pkt->dts;
+ if (fabs(p->last_dts - pkt->dts) >= DTS_RESET_THRESHOLD) {
+ MP_WARN(demuxer, "PTS discontinuity: %f->%f\n", p->last_dts, pkt->dts);
+ p->base_time += p->last_dts - p->base_dts;
+ p->base_dts = pkt->dts - pkt->duration;
+ }
+ p->last_dts = pkt->dts;
+ }
+ if (p->base_dts != MP_NOPTS_VALUE) {
+ double delta = -p->base_dts + p->base_time;
+ if (pkt->pts != MP_NOPTS_VALUE)
+ pkt->pts += delta;
+ if (pkt->dts != MP_NOPTS_VALUE)
+ pkt->dts += delta;
+ }
+ MP_TRACE(demuxer, "opts: %d %f %f\n", sh->type, pkt->pts, pkt->dts);
+ *out_pkt = pkt;
+ return 1;
+static void add_stream_chapters(struct demuxer *demuxer)
+ int num = 0;
+ if (stream_control(demuxer->stream, STREAM_CTRL_GET_NUM_CHAPTERS, &num) < 1)
+ return;
+ for (int n = 0; n < num; n++) {
+ double p = n;
+ if (stream_control(demuxer->stream, STREAM_CTRL_GET_CHAPTER_TIME, &p) < 1)
+ continue;
+ demuxer_add_chapter(demuxer, "", p, 0);
+ }
+static int d_open(demuxer_t *demuxer, enum demux_check check)
+ struct priv *p = demuxer->priv = talloc_zero(demuxer, struct priv);
+ if (check != DEMUX_CHECK_FORCE)
+ return -1;
+ struct demuxer_params params = {
+ .force_format = "+lavf",
+ .external_stream = demuxer->stream,
+ };
+ struct stream *cur = demuxer->stream;
+ const char *sname = "";
+ if (cur->info)
+ sname = cur->info->name;
+ p->is_cdda = strcmp(sname, "cdda") == 0;
+ p->is_dvd = strcmp(sname, "dvd") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(sname, "ifo") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(sname, "dvdnav") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(sname, "ifo_dvdnav") == 0;
+ if (p->is_cdda)
+ params.force_format = "+rawaudio";
+ char *t = NULL;
+ stream_control(demuxer->stream, STREAM_CTRL_GET_DISC_NAME, &t);
+ if (t) {
+ mp_tags_set_str(demuxer->metadata, "TITLE", t);
+ talloc_free(t);
+ }
+ // Initialize the playback time. We need to read _some_ data to get the
+ // correct stream-layer time (at least with libdvdnav).
+ stream_peek(demuxer->stream, 1);
+ reset_pts(demuxer);
+ p->slave = demux_open_url("-", &params, demuxer->cancel, demuxer->global);
+ if (!p->slave)
+ return -1;
+ // Can be seekable even if the stream isn't.
+ demuxer->seekable = true;
+ add_dvd_streams(demuxer);
+ add_streams(demuxer);
+ add_stream_chapters(demuxer);
+ double len;
+ if (stream_control(demuxer->stream, STREAM_CTRL_GET_TIME_LENGTH, &len) >= 1)
+ demuxer->duration = len;
+ return 0;
+static void d_close(demuxer_t *demuxer)
+ struct priv *p = demuxer->priv;
+ demux_free(p->slave);
+const demuxer_desc_t demuxer_desc_disc = {
+ .name = "disc",
+ .desc = "CD/DVD/BD wrapper",
+ .read_packet = d_read_packet,
+ .open = d_open,
+ .close = d_close,
+ .seek = d_seek,
+ .switched_tracks = reselect_streams,