path: root/TOOLS/
diff options
authorKovensky <>2012-11-07 11:49:44 -0300
committerwm4 <wm4@nowhere>2012-11-08 00:28:59 +0100
commitfae73079310eef9dce9737f2e37ff4b80c8830ee (patch)
tree4a9c7d9fbc398b237808283df39562e55077a225 /TOOLS/
parent58f821e096392e27994102f6de6f8f76c63e38e1 (diff)
Port several python scripts to Perl and are direct ports. was reimplemented as the Parse::Matroska module in CPAN, and was made a client of Parse::Matroska. A copy of Parse::Matroska is included in TOOLS/lib, and looks there first when trying to load the module. was not ported since I have no means to verify it. Python is always available on OSX though, so there is no harm in removing the check for it on configure.
Diffstat (limited to 'TOOLS/')
1 files changed, 169 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/TOOLS/ b/TOOLS/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..3ab06df6f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TOOLS/
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env perl
+# Generate C definitions for parsing Matroska files.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use FindBin;
+use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
+use Parse::Matroska::Definitions;
+use Parse::Matroska::Reader;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use List::Util qw{max};
+my @global_elem_list = @Parse::Matroska::Definitions::global_elem_list;
+Getopt::Long::Configure(qw{auto_version auto_help});
+my %opt;
+ "generate-header",
+ "generate-definitions",
+ "full",
+ );
+if ($opt{"generate-header"}) {
+ generate_c_header();
+} elsif ($opt{"generate-definitions"}) {
+ generate_c_definitions();
+} else {
+ for (@ARGV) {
+ my $reader = Parse::Matroska::Reader->new($_ eq '-' ? \*STDIN : $_) or die $!;
+ while (my $elem = $reader->read_element($_ eq '-')) {
+ process_elem($elem, $_ eq '-');
+ }
+ }
+# Generate declarations for libmpdemux/ebml_types.h
+sub generate_c_header {
+ print "/* Generated by TOOLS/, do not edit manually */\n\n";
+ # Write a #define for the ElementID of each known element
+ for my $el (@global_elem_list) {
+ printf "#define %-40s 0x%s\n", $el->{definename}, $el->{elid};
+ }
+ print "\n";
+ # Define a struct for each ElementID that has child elements
+ for my $el (@global_elem_list) {
+ next unless $el->{subelements};
+ print "\nstruct $el->{structname} {\n";
+ # Figure out the length of the longest variable name
+ # Used for pretty-printing in the next step
+ my $l = max(map { length $_->{valname} } values %{$el->{subelements}});
+ # Output each variable, with pointers for array (multiple) elements
+ for my $subel (values %{$el->{subelements}}) {
+ printf " %-${l}s %s%s;\n",
+ $subel->{valname}, $subel->{multiple}?'*':' ', $subel->{fieldname};
+ }
+ print "\n";
+ # Output a counter variable for each element
+ # (presence/absence for scalars, item count for arrays)
+ for my $subel (values %{$el->{subelements}}) {
+ print " int n_$subel->{fieldname};\n"
+ }
+ print "};\n";
+ }
+ print "\n";
+ # Output extern references for ebml_elem_desc structs for each of the elements
+ # These are defined by generate_c_definitions
+ for my $el (@global_elem_list) {
+ next unless $el->{subelements};
+ print "extern const struct ebml_elem_desc $el->{structname}_desc;\n";
+ }
+ print "\n";
+ # Output the max number of sub-elements a known element might have
+ printf "#define MAX_EBML_SUBELEMENTS %d\n",
+ max(map { scalar keys %{$_->{subelements}} }
+ grep { $_->{subelements} } @global_elem_list);
+# Generate definitions for libmpdemux/ebml_defs.c
+sub generate_c_definitions {
+ print "/* Generated by TOOLS/, do not edit manually */\n\n";
+ # ebml_defs.c uses macros declared in ebml.c
+ for my $el (@global_elem_list) {
+ print "\n";
+ if ($el->{subelements}) {
+ # set N for the next macros
+ print "#define N $el->{fieldname}\n";
+ # define a struct ebml_$N_desc and gets ready to define fields
+ # this secretly opens two scopes; hence the }}; at the end
+ print "E_S(\"$el->{name}\", ".scalar(keys %{$el->{subelements}}).")\n";
+ # define a field for each subelement
+ # also does lots of macro magic, but doesn't open a scope
+ for my $subel (values %{$el->{subelements}}) {
+ print "F($subel->{definename}, $subel->{fieldname}, ".
+ ($subel->{multiple}?'1':'0').")\n";
+ }
+ # close the struct
+ print "}};\n";
+ # unset N since we've used it
+ print "#undef N\n";
+ } else {
+ print "E(\"$el->{name}\", $el->{fieldname}, $el->{ebmltype})\n";
+ }
+ }
+sub repr {
+ my @ret;
+ foreach (@_) {
+ if (/'/) {
+ s/"/\\"/g;
+ push @ret, "\"$_\"";
+ } else {
+ push @ret, "'$_'";
+ }
+ }
+ return @ret if wantarray;
+ return pop @ret if defined wantarray;
+ return;
+sub process_elem {
+ my ($elem, $read_bin) = @_;
+ unless ($opt{full}) {
+ if ($elem->{name} eq 'Cluster' || $elem->{name} eq 'Cues') {
+ $elem->skip;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ die unless $elem;
+ if ($elem->{type} ne 'skip') {
+ print "$elem->{depth} $elem->{elid} $elem->{name} size: $elem->{content_len} value: ";
+ }
+ if ($elem->{type} eq 'sub') {
+ print "subelements:\n";
+ while (my $chld = $elem->next_child($read_bin)) {
+ process_elem($chld);
+ }
+ } elsif ($elem->{type} eq 'binary') {
+ my $t = "<skipped $elem->{content_len} bytes>";
+ if ($elem->{content_len} < 20) {
+ $t = unpack "H*", $elem->get_value;
+ }
+ print "binary $t\n";
+ delete $elem->{value};
+ } elsif ($elem->{type} eq 'ebml_id') {
+ print "binary $elem->{value}->{elid} (".($elem->{value}->{name}||"UNKNOWN").")\n";
+ } elsif ($elem->{type} eq 'skip') {
+ # skip
+ } elsif ($elem->{type} eq 'str') {
+ print "string ". repr($elem->get_value) . "\n";
+ } else {
+ print "$elem->{type} ". $elem->get_value ."\n";
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file