path: root/DOCS/man/en/lua.rst
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authorwm4 <wm4@nowhere>2014-06-20 23:01:12 +0200
committerwm4 <wm4@nowhere>2014-06-20 23:01:12 +0200
commitf5e175647515b5e34c265dadad524e83c695cc93 (patch)
tree3a8b79e8182dc53a5763d7bb37af0c5b283b8e82 /DOCS/man/en/lua.rst
parent199e3b27630ae45cd396b8af4fbb5bcccf0e2456 (diff)
DOCS: remove en/ sub-directory
This additional sub-directory doesn't serve any purpose anymore. Get rid of it.
Diffstat (limited to 'DOCS/man/en/lua.rst')
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diff --git a/DOCS/man/en/lua.rst b/DOCS/man/en/lua.rst
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index 80467f8f8c..0000000000
--- a/DOCS/man/en/lua.rst
+++ /dev/null
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-mpv can load Lua scripts. Scripts in ``~/.mpv/lua/`` will be loaded on program
-start, or if passed to ``--lua``. mpv provides the builtin module ``mp``, which
-provides functions to send commands to the mpv core and to retrieve information
-about playback state, user settings, file information, and so on.
-These scripts can be used to control mpv in a similar way to slave mode.
-Technically, the Lua code uses the client API internally.
-A script which leaves fullscreen mode when the player is paused:
- function on_pause()
- mp.set_property("fullscreen", "no")
- end
- mp.register_event("pause", on_pause)
-This script provides a pretty weird feature, but Lua scripting was made to
-allow users implement features which are not going to be added to the mpv core.
-Mode of operation
-Your script will be loaded by the player at program start from ``~/.mpv/lua/``,
-or ``--lua``, or in some cases, internally (like ``--osc``). Each script runs
-in its own thread. Your script is first run "as is", and once that is done,
-the event loop is entered. This event loop will dispatch events received by mpv
-and call your own event handlers which you have registered with
-``mp.register_event``, or timers added with ``mp.add_timeout`` or similar.
-When the player quits, all scripts will be asked to terminate. This happens via
-a ``shutdown`` event, which by default will make the event loop return. If your
-script got into an endless loop, mpv will probably behave fine during playback
-(unless the player is suspended, see ``mp.suspend``), but it won't terminate
-when quitting, because it's waiting on your script.
-Internally, the C code will call the Lua function ``mp_event_loop`` after
-loading a Lua script. This function is normally defined by the default prelude
-loaded before your script (see ``player/lua/defaults.lua`` in the mpv sources).
-The event loop will wait for events and dispatch events registered with
-``mp.register_event``. It will also handle timers added with ``mp.add_timeout``
-and similar (by waiting with a timeout).
-mp functions
-The ``mp`` module is preloaded, although it can be loaded manually with
-``require 'mp'``. It provides the core client API.
- Run the given command. This is similar to the commands used in input.conf.
- See `List of Input Commands`_.
- Returns ``true`` on success, or ``nil, error`` on error.
-``mp.commandv(arg1, arg2, ...)``
- Similar to ``mp.command``, but pass each command argument as separate
- parameter. This has the advantage that you don't have to care about
- quoting and escaping in some cases.
- Example:
- ::
- mp.command("loadfile " .. filename .. " append")
- mp.commandv("loadfile", filename, "append")
- These two commands are equivalent, except that the first version breaks
- if the filename contains spaces or certain special characters.
-``mp.get_property(name [,def])``
- Return the value of the given property as string. These are the same
- properties as used in input.conf. See `Properties`_ for a list of
- properties. The returned string is formatted similar to ``${=name}``
- (see `Property Expansion`_).
- Returns the string on success, or ``def, error`` on error. ``def`` is the
- second parameter provided to the function, and is nil if it's missing.
-``mp.get_property_osd(name [,def])``
- Similar to ``mp.get_property``, but return the property value formatted for
- OSD. This is the same string as printed with ``${name}`` when used in
- input.conf.
- Returns the string on success, or ``def, error`` on error. ``def`` is the
- second parameter provided to the function, and is an empty string if it's
- missing. Unlike ``get_property()``, assigning the return value to a variable
- will always result in a string.
-``mp.get_property_bool(name [,def])``
- Similar to ``mp.get_property``, but return the property value as boolean.
- Returns a boolean on success, or ``def, error`` on error.
-``mp.get_property_number(name [,def])``
- Similar to ``mp.get_property``, but return the property value as number.
- Note that while Lua does not distinguish between integers and floats,
- mpv internals do. This function simply request a double float from mpv,
- and mpv will usually convert integer property values to float.
- Returns a number on success, or ``def, error`` on error.
-``mp.get_property_native(name [,def])``
- Similar to ``mp.get_property``, but return the property value using the best
- Lua type for the property. Most time, this will return a string, boolean,
- or number. Some properties (for example ``chapter-list``) are returned as
- tables.
- Returns a value on success, or ``def, error`` on error. Note that ``nil``
- might be a possible, valid value too in some corner cases.
-``mp.set_property(name, value)``
- Set the given property to the given string value. See ``mp.get_property``
- and `Properties`_ for more information about properties.
- Returns true on success, or ``nil, error`` on error.
-``mp.set_property_bool(name, value)``
- Similar to ``mp.set_property``, but set the given property to the given
- boolean value.
-``mp.set_property_number(name, value)``
- Similar to ``mp.set_property``, but set the given property to the given
- numeric value.
- Note that while Lua does not distinguish between integers and floats,
- mpv internals do. This function will test whether the number can be
- represented as integer, and if so, it will pass an integer value to mpv,
- otherwise a double float.
-``mp.set_property_native(name, value)``
- Similar to ``mp.set_property``, but set the given property using its native
- type.
- Since there are several data types which can not represented natively in
- Lua, this might not always work as expected. For example, while the Lua
- wrapper can do some guesswork to decide whether a Lua table is an array
- or a map, this would fail with empty tables. Also, there are not many
- properties for which it makes sense to use this, instead of
- ``set_property``, ``set_property_bool``, ``set_property_number``.
- For these reasons, this function should probably be avoided for now, except
- for properties that use tables natively.
- Return the current mpv internal time in seconds as a number. This is
- basically the system time, with an arbitrary offset.
-``mp.add_key_binding(key, name|fn [,fn])``
- Register callback to be run on a key binding. The binding will be mapped to
- the given ``key``, which is a string describing the physical key. This uses
- the same key names as in input.conf, and also allows combinations
- (e.g. ``ctrl+a``).
- After calling this function, key presses will cause the function ``fn`` to
- be called (unless the user overmapped the key with another binding).
- The ``name`` argument should be a short symbolic string. It allows the user
- to remap the key binding via input.conf using the ``script_message``
- command, and the name of the key binding (see below for
- an example). The name should be unique across other bindings in the same
- script - if not, the previous binding with the same name will be
- overwritten. You can omit the name, in which case a random name is generated
- internally.
- Internally, key bindings are dispatched via the ``script_message_to`` input
- command and ``mp.register_script_message``.
- Trying to map multiple commands to a key will essentially prefer a random
- binding, while the other bindings are not called. It is guaranteed that
- user defined bindings in the central input.conf are preferred over bindings
- added with this function (but see ``mp.add_forced_key_binding``).
- Example:
- ::
- function something_handler()
- print("the key was pressed")
- end
- mp.add_key_binding("x", "something", something_handler)
- This will print the message ``the key was pressed`` when ``x`` was pressed.
- The user can remap these key bindings. Then the user has to put the
- following into his input.conf to remap the command to the ``y`` key:
- ::
- y script_message something
- This will print the message when the key ``y`` is pressed. (``x`` will
- still work, unless the user overmaps it.)
- You can also explicitly send a message to a named script only. Assume the
- above script was using the filename ``fooscript.lua``:
- ::
- y script_message_to fooscript something
- This works almost the same as ``mp.add_key_binding``, but registers the
- key binding in a way that will overwrite the user's custom bindings in his
- input.conf. (``mp.add_key_binding`` overwrites default key bindings only,
- but not those by the user's input.conf.)
- Remove a key binding added with ``mp.add_key_binding`` or
- ``mp.add_forced_key_binding``. Use the same name as you used when adding
- the bindings. It's not possible to remove bindings for which you omitted
- the name.
-``mp.register_event(name, fn)``
- Call a specific function when an event happens. The event name is a string,
- and the function fn is a Lua function value.
- Some events have associated data. This is put into a Lua table and passed
- as argument to fn. The Lua table by default contains a ``name`` field,
- which is a string containing the event name. If the event has an error
- associated, the ``error`` field is set to a string describing the error,
- on success it's not set.
- If multiple functions are registered for the same event, they are run in
- registration order, which the first registered function running before all
- the other ones.
- Returns true if such an event exists, false otherwise.
- See `Events`_ and `List of events`_ for details.
- Undo ``mp.register_event(..., fn)``. This removes all event handlers that
- are equal to the ``fn`` parameter. This uses normal Lua ``==`` comparison,
- so be careful when dealing with closures.
-``mp.observe_property(name, type, fn)``
- Watch a property for changes. If the property ``name`` is changed, then
- the function ``fn(name)`` will be called. ``type`` can be ``nil``, or be
- set to one of ``none``, ``native``, ``bool``, ``string``, or ``number``.
- ``none`` is the same as ``nil``. For all other values, the new value of
- the property will be passed as second argument to ``fn``, using
- ``mp.get_property_<type>`` to retrieve it. This means if ``type`` is for
- example ``string``, ``fn`` is roughly called as in
- ``fn(name, mp.get_property_string(name))``.
- If possible, change events are coalesced. If a property is changed a bunch
- of times in a row, only the last change triggers the change function. (The
- exact behavior depends on timing and other things.)
- In some cases the function is not called even if the property changes.
- Whether this can happen depends on the property.
- If the ``type`` is ``none`` or ``nil``, sporadic property change events are
- possible. This means the change function ``fn`` can be called even if the
- property doesn't actually change.
- Undo ``mp.observe_property(..., fn)``. This removes all property handlers
- that are equal to the ``fn`` parameter. This uses normal Lua ``==``
- comparison, so be careful when dealing with closures.
-``mp.add_timeout(seconds, fn)``
- Call the given function fn when the given number of seconds has elapsed.
- Note that the number of seconds can be fractional. For now, the timer's
- resolution may be as low as 50 ms, although this will be improved in the
- future.
- This is a one-shot timer: it will be removed when it's fired.
- Returns a timer object. See ``mp.add_periodic_timer`` for details.
-``mp.add_periodic_timer(seconds, fn)``
- Call the given function periodically. This is like ``mp.add_timeout``, but
- the timer is re-added after the function fn is run.
- Returns a timer object. The timer object provides the following methods:
- ``stop()``
- Disable the timer. Does nothing if the timer is already disabled.
- This will remember the current elapsed time when stopping, so that
- ``resume()`` essentially unpauses the timer.
- ``kill()``
- Disable the timer. Resets the elapsed time. ``resume()`` will
- restart the timer.
- ``resume()``
- Restart the timer. If the timer was disabled with ``stop()``, this
- will resume at the time it was stopped. If the timer was disabled
- with ``kill()``, or if it's a previously fired one-shot timer (added
- with ``add_timeout()``), this starts the timer from the beginning,
- using the initially configured timeout.
- Return a setting from the ``--lua-opts`` option. It's up to the user and
- the script how this mechanism is used. Currently, all scripts can access
- this equally, so you should be careful about collisions.
- Return the name of the current script. The name is usually made of the
- filename of the script, with directory and file extension removed. If
- there are several script which would have the same name, it's made unique
- by appending a number.
- .. admonition:: Example
- The script ``/path/to/fooscript.lua`` becomes ``fooscript``.
-``mp.osd_message(text [,duration])``
- Show an OSD message on the screen. ``duration`` is in seconds, and is
- optional (uses ``--osd-duration`` by default).
-Advanced mp functions
-These also live in the ``mp`` module, but are documented separately as they
-are useful only in special situations.
- Suspend the mpv main loop. There is a long-winded explanation of this in
- the C API function ``mpv_suspend()``. In short, this prevents the player
- from displaying the next video frame, so that you don't get blocked when
- trying to access the player.
- This is automatically called by the event handler.
- Undo one ``mp.suspend()`` call. ``mp.suspend()`` increments an internal
- counter, and ``mp.resume()`` decrements it. When 0 is reached, the player
- is actually resumed.
- This resets the internal suspend counter and resumes the player. (It's
- like calling ``mp.resume()`` until the player is actually resumed.)
- You might want to call this if you're about to do something that takes a
- long time, but doesn't really need access to the player (like a network
- operation). Note that you still can access the player at any time.
- Calls ``mpv_get_wakeup_pipe()`` and returns the read end of the wakeup
- pipe. (See ``client.h`` for details.)
- Return the relative time in seconds when the next timer (``mp.add_timeout``
- and similar) expires. If there is no timer, return ``nil``.
- This can be used to run custom event loops. If you want to have direct
- control what the Lua script does (instead of being called by the default
- event loop), you can set the global variable ``mp_event_loop`` to your
- own function running the event loop. From your event loop, you should call
- ``mp.dispatch_events()`` to unqueue and dispatch mpv events.
- If the ``allow_wait`` parameter is set to ``true``, the function will block
- until the next event is received or the next timer expires. Otherwise (and
- this is the default behavior), it returns as soon as the event loop is
- emptied. It's strongly recommended to use ``mp.get_next_timeout()`` and
- ``mp.get_wakeup_pipe()`` if you're interested in properly working
- notification of new events and working timers.
- This function calls ``mp.suspend()`` and ``mp.resume_all()`` on its own.
- Set the minimum log level of which mpv message output to receive. These
- messages are normally printed to the terminal. By calling this function,
- you can set the minimum log level of messages which should be received with
- the ``log-message`` event. See the description of this event for details.
- The level is a string, see ``msg.log`` for allowed log levels.
-``mp.register_script_message(name, fn)``
- This is a helper to dispatch ``script_message`` or ``script_message_to``
- invocations to Lua functions. ``fn`` is called if ``script_message`` or
- ``script_message_to`` (with this script as destination) is run
- with ``name`` as first parameter. The other parameters are passed to ``fn``.
- If a message with the given name is already registered, it's overwritten.
- Used by ``mp.add_key_binding``, so be careful about name collisions.
- Undo a previous registration with ``mp.register_script_message``. Does
- nothing if the ``name`` wasn't registered.
-mp.msg functions
-This module allows outputting messages to the terminal, and can be loaded
-with ``require 'mp.msg'``.
-``msg.log(level, ...)``
- The level parameter is the message priority. It's a string and one of
- ``fatal``, ``error``, ``warn``, ``info``, ``v``, ``debug``. The user's
- settings will determine which of these messages will be visible. Normally,
- all messages are visible, except ``v`` and ``debug``.
- The parameters after that are all converted to strings. Spaces are inserted
- to separate multiple parameters.
- You don't need to add newlines.
-``msg.fatal(...)``, ``msg.error(...)``, ``msg.warn(...)``, ````, ``msg.verbose(...)``, ``msg.debug(...)``
- All of these are shortcuts and equivalent to the corresponding
- ``msg.log(level, ...)`` call.
-mp.options functions
-mpv comes with a built-in module to manage options from config-files and the
-command-line. All you have to do is to supply a table with default options to
-the read_options function. The function will overwrite the default values
-with values found in the config-file and the command-line (in that order).
-``options.read_options(table [, identifier])``
- A ``table`` with key-value pairs. The type of the default values is
- important for converting the values read from the config file or
- command-line back. Do not use ``nil`` as a default value!
- The ``identifier`` is used to identify the config-file and the command-line
- options. These needs to unique to avoid collisions with other scripts.
- Defaults to ``mp.get_script_name()``.
-Example implementation::
- require 'mp.options'
- local options = {
- optionA = "defaultvalueA",
- optionB = -0.5,
- optionC = true,
- }
- options.read_options(options, "myscript")
- print(option.optionA)
-The config file will be stored in ``lua-settings/identifier.conf`` in mpv's user
-folder. Comment lines can be started with # and stray spaces are not removed.
-Boolean values will be represented with yes/no.
-Example config::
- # comment
- optionA=Hello World
- optionB=9999
- optionC=no
-Command-line options are read from the ``--lua-opts`` parameter. To avoid
-collisions, all keys have to be prefixed with ``identifier-``.
-Example command-line::
- --lua-opts=myscript-optionA=TEST:myscript-optionB=0:myscript-optionC=yes
-mp.utils options
-This built-in module provides generic helper functions for Lua, and have
-strictly speaking nothing to do with mpv or video/audio playback. They are
-provided for convenience. Most compensate for Lua's scarce standard library.
-``utils.readdir(path [, filter])``
- Enumerate all entries at the given path on the filesystem, and return them
- as array. Each entry is a directory entry (without the path).
- The list is unsorted (in whatever order the operating system returns it).
- If the ``filter`` argument is given, it must be one of the following
- strings:
- ``files``
- List regular files only. This excludes directories, special files
- (like UNIX device files or FIFOs), and dead symlinks. It includes
- UNIX symlinks to regular files.
- ``dirs``
- List directories only, or symlinks to directories. ``.`` and ``..``
- are not included.
- ``normal``
- Include the results of both ``files`` and ``dirs``. (This is the
- default.)
- ``all``
- List all entries, even device files, dead symlinks, FIFOs, and the
- ``.`` and ``..`` entries.
- On error, ``nil, error`` is returned.
- Split a path into directory component and filename component, and return
- them. The first return value is always the directory. The second return
- value is the trailing part of the path, the directory entry.
-``utils.join_path(p1, p2)``
- Return the concatenation of the 2 paths. Tries to be clever. For example,
- if ```p2`` is an absolute path, p2 is returned without change.
-Events are notifications from player core to scripts. You can register an
-event handler with ``mp.register_event``.
-Note that all scripts (and other parts of the player) receive events equally,
-and there's no such thing as blocking other scripts from receiving events.
- function my_fn(event)
- print("start of playback!")
- end
- mp.register_event("playback-start", my_fn)
-List of events
- Happens right before a new file is loaded. When you receive this, the
- player is loading the file (or possibly already done with it).
- Happens after a file was unloaded. Typically, the player will load the
- next file right away, or quit if this was the last file.
- Happens after a file was loaded and begins playback.
- Happens on seeking (including ordered chapter segment changes).
- Start of playback after seek or after file was loaded.
- The list of video/audio/sub tracks was updated. (This happens on playback
- start, and very rarely during playback.)
- A video/audio/subtitle track was switched on or off. This usually happens
- when the user (or a script) changes the subtitle track and so on.
- Idle mode is entered. This happens when playback ended, and the player was
- started with ``--idle`` or ``--force-window``. This mode is implicitly ended
- when the ``start-file`` or ``shutdown`` events happen.
- Playback was paused. This also happens when for example the player is
- paused on low network cache. Then the event type indicates the pause state
- (like the property "pause" as opposed to the "core-idle" property), and you
- might receive multiple ``pause`` events in a row.
- Playback was unpaused. See above for details.
- Called after a video frame was displayed. This is a hack, and you should
- avoid using it. Use timers instead and maybe watch pausing/unpausing events
- to avoid wasting CPU when the player is paused.
- Sent when the player quits, and the script should terminate. Normally
- handled automatically. See `Mode of operation`_.
- Receives messages enabled with ``mp.enable_messages``. The message data
- is contained in the table passed as first parameter to the event handler.
- The table contains, in addition to the default event fields, the following
- fields:
- ``prefix``
- The module prefix, identifies the sender of the message. This is what
- the terminal player puts in front of the message text when using the
- ``--v`` option, and is also what is used for ``--msg-level``.
- ``level``
- The log level as string. See ``msg.log`` for possible log level names.
- Note that later versions of mpv might add new levels or remove
- (undocumented) existing ones.
- ``text``
- The log message. Note that this is the direct output of a printf()
- style output API. The text will contain embedded newlines, and it's
- possible that a single message contains multiple lines, or that a
- message contains a partial line.
- It's safe to display messages only if they end with a newline character,
- and to buffer them otherwise.
- Keep in mind that these messages are meant to be hints for humans. You
- should not parse them, and prefix/level/text of messages might change
- any time.
- Undocumented (not useful for Lua scripts).
- Undocumented (not useful for Lua scripts).
- Undocumented (not useful for Lua scripts).
- Undocumented (used internally).
- Undocumented (used internally).
- Happens on video output or filter reconfig.
- Happens on audio output or filter reconfig.
- Metadata (like file tags) was updated.
- The current chapter possibly changed.