path: root/DOCS/client_api_examples/qt
diff options
authorwm4 <wm4@nowhere>2015-01-01 23:07:46 +0100
committerwm4 <wm4@nowhere>2015-01-01 23:08:15 +0100
commitda4f7225796037b814919e79912cfaa7a9ddc113 (patch)
tree74b3ed6bcfdc5648ab03dcd656f67f7720610392 /DOCS/client_api_examples/qt
parent9aa1d711479d4892e7f3c528dd48aad91f8a63de (diff)
DOCS/client_api_examples: move all examples into their own subdirs
Also get rid of shared.h; it actually doesn't have much value. Just copy the tiny function it contained into the 2 files which used it.
Diffstat (limited to 'DOCS/client_api_examples/qt')
3 files changed, 264 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/DOCS/client_api_examples/qt/qtexample.cpp b/DOCS/client_api_examples/qt/qtexample.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..756c206916
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DOCS/client_api_examples/qt/qtexample.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+// This example can be built with: qmake && make
+#include <clocale>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <QtGlobal>
+#include <QFileDialog>
+#include <QStatusBar>
+#include <QMenuBar>
+#include <QMenu>
+#include <QGridLayout>
+#include <QApplication>
+#include <QTextEdit>
+#if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000
+#include <QJsonDocument>
+#include <mpv/qthelper.hpp>
+#include "qtexample.h"
+static void wakeup(void *ctx)
+ // This callback is invoked from any mpv thread (but possibly also
+ // recursively from a thread that is calling the mpv API). Just notify
+ // the Qt GUI thread to wake up (so that it can process events with
+ // mpv_wait_event()), and return as quickly as possible.
+ MainWindow *mainwindow = (MainWindow *)ctx;
+ emit mainwindow->mpv_events();
+MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
+ QMainWindow(parent)
+ setWindowTitle("Qt embedding demo");
+ setMinimumSize(640, 480);
+ QMenu *menu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&File"));
+ QAction *on_open = new QAction(tr("&Open"), this);
+ on_open->setShortcuts(QKeySequence::Open);
+ on_open->setStatusTip(tr("Open a file"));
+ connect(on_open, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::on_file_open);
+ menu->addAction(on_open);
+ statusBar();
+ QMainWindow *log_window = new QMainWindow(this);
+ log = new QTextEdit(log_window);
+ log->setReadOnly(true);
+ log_window->setCentralWidget(log);
+ log_window->setWindowTitle("mpv log window");
+ log_window->setMinimumSize(500, 50);
+ log_window->show();
+ mpv = mpv_create();
+ if (!mpv)
+ throw std::runtime_error("can't create mpv instance");
+ // Create a video child window. Force Qt to create a native window, and
+ // pass the window ID to the mpv wid option. Works on: X11, win32, Cocoa
+ mpv_container = new QWidget(this);
+ setCentralWidget(mpv_container);
+ mpv_container->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DontCreateNativeAncestors);
+ mpv_container->setAttribute(Qt::WA_NativeWindow);
+ // If you have a HWND, use: int64_t wid = (intptr_t)hwnd;
+ int64_t wid = mpv_container->winId();
+ mpv_set_option(mpv, "wid", MPV_FORMAT_INT64, &wid);
+ // Enable default bindings, because we're lazy. Normally, a player using
+ // mpv as backend would implement its own key bindings.
+ mpv_set_option_string(mpv, "input-default-bindings", "yes");
+ // Enable keyboard input on the X11 window. For the messy details, see
+ // --input-vo-keyboard on the manpage.
+ mpv_set_option_string(mpv, "input-vo-keyboard", "yes");
+ // Let us receive property change events with MPV_EVENT_PROPERTY_CHANGE if
+ // this property changes.
+ mpv_observe_property(mpv, 0, "time-pos", MPV_FORMAT_DOUBLE);
+ mpv_observe_property(mpv, 0, "track-list", MPV_FORMAT_NODE);
+ mpv_observe_property(mpv, 0, "chapter-list", MPV_FORMAT_NODE);
+ // Request log messages with level "info" or higher.
+ // They are received as MPV_EVENT_LOG_MESSAGE.
+ mpv_request_log_messages(mpv, "info");
+ // From this point on, the wakeup function will be called. The callback
+ // can come from any thread, so we use the QueuedConnection mechanism to
+ // relay the wakeup in a thread-safe way.
+ connect(this, &MainWindow::mpv_events, this, &MainWindow::on_mpv_events,
+ Qt::QueuedConnection);
+ mpv_set_wakeup_callback(mpv, wakeup, this);
+ if (mpv_initialize(mpv) < 0)
+ throw std::runtime_error("mpv failed to initialize");
+void MainWindow::handle_mpv_event(mpv_event *event)
+ switch (event->event_id) {
+ mpv_event_property *prop = (mpv_event_property *)event->data;
+ if (strcmp(prop->name, "time-pos") == 0) {
+ if (prop->format == MPV_FORMAT_DOUBLE) {
+ double time = *(double *)prop->data;
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "At: " << time;
+ statusBar()->showMessage(QString::fromStdString(ss.str()));
+ } else if (prop->format == MPV_FORMAT_NONE) {
+ // The property is unavailable, which probably means playback
+ // was stopped.
+ statusBar()->showMessage("");
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(prop->name, "chapter-list") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(prop->name, "track-list") == 0)
+ {
+ // Dump the properties as JSON for demo purposes.
+#if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000
+ if (prop->format == MPV_FORMAT_NODE) {
+ QVariant v = mpv::qt::node_to_variant((mpv_node *)prop->data);
+ // Abuse JSON support for easily printing the mpv_node contents.
+ QJsonDocument d = QJsonDocument::fromVariant(v);
+ append_log("Change property " + QString(prop->name) + ":\n");
+ append_log(d.toJson().data());
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // Retrieve the new video size.
+ int64_t w, h;
+ if (mpv_get_property(mpv, "dwidth", MPV_FORMAT_INT64, &w) >= 0 &&
+ mpv_get_property(mpv, "dheight", MPV_FORMAT_INT64, &h) >= 0 &&
+ w > 0 && h > 0)
+ {
+ // Note that the MPV_EVENT_VIDEO_RECONFIG event doesn't necessarily
+ // imply a resize, and you should check yourself if the video
+ // dimensions really changed.
+ // mpv itself will scale/letter box the video to the container size
+ // if the video doesn't fit.
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "Reconfig: " << w << " " << h;
+ statusBar()->showMessage(QString::fromStdString(ss.str()));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ struct mpv_event_log_message *msg = (struct mpv_event_log_message *)event->data;
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "[" << msg->prefix << "] " << msg->level << ": " << msg->text;
+ append_log(QString::fromStdString(ss.str()));
+ break;
+ }
+ mpv_terminate_destroy(mpv);
+ mpv = NULL;
+ break;
+ }
+ default: ;
+ // Ignore uninteresting or unknown events.
+ }
+// This slot is invoked by wakeup() (through the mpv_events signal).
+void MainWindow::on_mpv_events()
+ // Process all events, until the event queue is empty.
+ while (mpv) {
+ mpv_event *event = mpv_wait_event(mpv, 0);
+ if (event->event_id == MPV_EVENT_NONE)
+ break;
+ handle_mpv_event(event);
+ }
+void MainWindow::on_file_open()
+ QString filename = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, "Open file");
+ if (mpv) {
+ const QByteArray c_filename = filename.toUtf8();
+ const char *args[] = {"loadfile",, NULL};
+ mpv_command_async(mpv, 0, args);
+ }
+void MainWindow::append_log(const QString &text)
+ QTextCursor cursor = log->textCursor();
+ cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::End);
+ cursor.insertText(text);
+ log->setTextCursor(cursor);
+ if (mpv)
+ mpv_terminate_destroy(mpv);
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ QApplication a(argc, argv);
+ // Qt sets the locale in the QApplication constructor, but libmpv requires
+ // the LC_NUMERIC category to be set to "C", so change it back.
+ std::setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C");
+ MainWindow w;
+ return a.exec();
diff --git a/DOCS/client_api_examples/qt/qtexample.h b/DOCS/client_api_examples/qt/qtexample.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f59738cfbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DOCS/client_api_examples/qt/qtexample.h
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#ifndef QTEXAMPLE_H
+#define QTEXAMPLE_H
+#include <QMainWindow>
+#include <mpv/client.h>
+class QTextEdit;
+class MainWindow : public QMainWindow
+ explicit MainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0);
+ ~MainWindow();
+private slots:
+ void on_file_open();
+ void on_mpv_events();
+ void mpv_events();
+ QWidget *mpv_container;
+ mpv_handle *mpv;
+ QTextEdit *log;
+ void append_log(const QString &text);
+ void create_player();
+ void handle_mpv_event(mpv_event *event);
+#endif // QTEXAMPLE_H
diff --git a/DOCS/client_api_examples/qt/ b/DOCS/client_api_examples/qt/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..40a4d964e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DOCS/client_api_examples/qt/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+QT += core gui
+greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets
+TARGET = qtexample
+CONFIG += link_pkgconfig debug
+SOURCES += qtexample.cpp
+HEADERS += qtexample.h