diff options
authorwm4 <wm4@nowhere>2019-07-15 03:20:40 +0200
committerwm4 <wm4@nowhere>2019-09-19 20:37:05 +0200
commit9cfeafa89e2e8cbd67ba60371804e817c72e701a (patch)
parentda612acacdf41a9a72b095fa582a6b37996b0811 (diff)
video: add vf_fingerprint and a skip-logo script
skip-logo.lua is just what I wanted to have. Explanations are on the top of that file. As usual, all documentation threatens to remove this stuff all the time, since this stuff is just for me, and unlike a normal user I can afford the luxuary of hacking the shit directly into the player. vf_fingerprint is needed to support this script. It needs to scale down video frames as part of its operation. For that, it uses zimg. zimg is much faster than libswscale and generates more correct output. (The filter includes a runtime fallback, but it doesn't even work because libswscale fucks up and can't do YUV->Gray with range adjustment.) Note on the algorithm: seems almost too simple, but was suggested to me. It seems to be pretty effective, although long time experience with false positives is missing. At first I wanted to use dHash [1][2], which is also pretty simple and effective, but might actually be worse than the implemented mechanism. dHash has the advantage that the fingerprint is smaller. But exact matching is too unreliable, and you'd still need to determine the number of different bits for fuzzier comparison. So there wasn't really a reason to use it. [1] [2]
7 files changed, 618 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/DOCS/man/vf.rst b/DOCS/man/vf.rst
index 5c576e6bad..6465d305ff 100644
--- a/DOCS/man/vf.rst
+++ b/DOCS/man/vf.rst
@@ -546,3 +546,74 @@ Available mpv-only filters are:
which algorithm is actually selected. ``none`` always falls back. On
most if not all hardware, this option will probably do nothing, because
a video processor usually supports all modes or none.
+ Compute video frame fingerprints and provide them as metadata. Actually, it
+ currently barely deserved to be called ``fingerprint``, because it does not
+ compute "proper" fingerprints, only tiny downscaled images (but which can be
+ used to compute image hashes or for similarity matching).
+ The main purpose of this filter is to support the ``skip-logo.lua`` script.
+ If this script is dropped, or mpv ever gains a way to load user-defined
+ filters (other than VapourSynth), this filter will be removed. Due to the
+ "special" nature of this filter, it will be removed without warning.
+ The intended way to read from the filter is using ``vf-metadata`` (also
+ see ``clear-on-query`` filter parameter). The property will return a list
+ of key/value pairs as follows:
+ ::
+ fp0.pts = 1.2345
+ fp0.hex = 1234abcdef...bcde
+ fp1.pts = 1.4567
+ fp1.hex = abcdef1234...6789
+ ...
+ fpN.pts = ...
+ fpN.hex = ...
+ type = gray-hex-16x16
+ Each ``fp<N>`` entry is for a frame. The ``pts`` entry specifies the
+ timestamp of the frame (within the filter chain; in simple cases this is
+ the same as the display timestamp). The ``hex`` field is the hex encoded
+ fingerprint, whose size and meaning depend on the ``type`` filter option.
+ The ``type`` field has the same value as the option the filter was created
+ with.
+ This returns the frames that were filtered since the last query of the
+ property. If ``clear-on-query=no`` was set, a query doesn't reset the list
+ of frames. In both cases, a maximum of 10 frames is returned. If there are
+ more frames, the oldest frames are discarded. Frames are returned in filter
+ order.
+ (This doesn't return a structured list for the per-frame details because the
+ internals of the ``vf-metadata`` mechanism suck. The returned format may
+ change in the future.)
+ This filter uses zimg for speed and profit. However, it will fallback to
+ libswscale in a number of situations: lesser pixel formats, unaligned data
+ pointers or strides, or if zimg fails to initialize for unknown reasons. In
+ these cases, the filter will use more CPU. Also, it will output different
+ fingerprints, because libswscale cannot perform the full range expansion we
+ normally request from zimg. As a consequence, the filter may be slower and
+ not work correctly in random situations.
+ ``type=...``
+ What fingerprint to compute. Available types are:
+ :gray-hex-8x8: grayscale, 8 bit, 8x8 size
+ :gray-hex-16x16: grayscale, 8 bit, 16x16 size (default)
+ Both types simply remove all colors, downscale the image, concatenate
+ all pixel values to a byte array, and convert the array to a hex string.
+ ``clear-on-query=yes|no``
+ Clear the list of frame fingerprints if the ``vf-metadata`` property for
+ this filter is queried (default: yes). This requires some care by the
+ user. Some types of accesses might query the filter multiple times,
+ which leads to lost frames.
+ ``print=yes|no``
+ Print computed fingerprints the the terminal (default: no). This is
+ mostly for testing and such. Scripts should use ``vf-metadata`` to
+ read information from this filter instead.
diff --git a/TOOLS/lua/skip-logo.lua b/TOOLS/lua/skip-logo.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2c624a04e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TOOLS/lua/skip-logo.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+Automatically skip in files if video frames with pre-supplied fingerprints are
+detected. This will skip ahead by a pre-configured amount of time if a matching
+video frame is detected.
+This requires the vf_fingerprint video filter to be compiled in. Read the
+documentation of this filter for caveats (which will automatically apply to
+this script as well), such as no support for zero-copy hardware decoding.
+You need to manually gather and provide fingerprints for video frames and add
+them to a configuration file in script-opts/skip-logo.conf (the "script-opts"
+directory must be in the mpv configuration directory, typically ~/.config/mpv/).
+Example script-opts/skip-logo.conf:
+ cases = {
+ {
+ -- Skip ahead 10 seconds if a black frame was detected
+ -- Note: this is dangerous non-sense. It's just for demonstration.
+ name = "black frame", -- print if matched
+ skip = 10, -- number of seconds to skip forward
+ score = 0.3, -- required score
+ fingerprint = "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
+ },
+ {
+ -- Skip ahead 20 seconds if a white frame was detected
+ -- Note: this is dangerous non-sense. It's just for demonstration.
+ name = "fun2",
+ skip = 20,
+ fingerprint = "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff",
+ },
+ }
+This is actually a lua file. Lua was chosen because it seemed less of a pain to
+parse. Future versions of this script may change the format.
+The fingerprint is a video frame, converted to "gray" (8 bit per pixels), full
+range, each pixel concatenated into an array, converted to a hex string. You
+can produce these fingerprints by running this manually:
+ mpv --vf=fingerprint:print yourfile.mkv
+This will log the fingerprint of each video frame to the console, along with its
+timestamp. You find the fingerprint of a unique-enough looking frame, and add
+it as entry to skip-logo.conf.
+You can provide a score for "fuzziness". If no score is provided, a default
+value of 0.3 is used. The score is inverse: 0 means exactly the same, while a
+higher score means a higher difference. Currently, the score is computed as
+euclidean distance between the video frame and the pre-provided fingerprint,
+thus the highest score is 16. You probably want a score lower than 1 at least.
+(This algorithm is very primitive, but also simple and fast to compute.)
+There's always the danger of false positives, which might be quite annoying.
+It's up to you what you hate more, the logo, or random skips if false positives
+are detected. Also, it's always active, and might eat too much CPU with files
+that have a high resolution or framerate. To temporarily disable the script,
+having a keybind like this in your input.conf will be helpful:
+ ctrl+k vf toggle @skip-logo
+This will disable/enable the fingerprint filter, which the script automatically
+adds at start.
+Another important caveat is that the script currently disables matching during
+seeking or playback initialization, which means it cannot match the first few
+frames of a video. This could be fixed, but the author was too lazy to do so.
+local utils = require "mp.utils"
+local msg = require "mp.msg"
+local label = "skip-logo"
+local meta_property = string.format("vf-metadata/%s", label)
+local config = {}
+local cases = {}
+local cur_bmp
+-- Convert a hex string to an array. Convert each byte to a [0,1] float by
+-- interpreting it as normalized uint8_t.
+-- The data parameter, if not nil, may be used as storage (avoiding garbage).
+local function hex_to_norm8(hex, data)
+ local size = math.floor(#hex / 2)
+ if #hex ~= size * 2 then
+ return nil
+ end
+ local res
+ if (data ~= nil) and (#data == size) then
+ res = data
+ else
+ res = {}
+ end
+ for i = 1, size do
+ local num = tonumber(hex:sub(i * 2, i * 2 + 1), 16)
+ if num == nil then
+ return nil
+ end
+ res[i] = num / 255.0
+ end
+ return res
+local function compare_bmp(a, b)
+ if #a ~= #b then
+ return nil -- can't compare
+ end
+ local sum = 0
+ for i = 1, #a do
+ local diff = a[i] - b[i]
+ sum = sum + diff * diff
+ end
+ return math.sqrt(sum)
+local function load_config()
+ local conf_file = mp.find_config_file("script-opts/skip-logo.conf")
+ local conf_fn
+ local err = nil
+ if conf_file then
+ if setfenv then
+ conf_fn, err = loadfile(conf_file)
+ if conf_fn then
+ setfenv(conf_fn, config)
+ end
+ else
+ msg.warn("Lua 5.2 was not tested, this might go wrong.")
+ conf_fn, err = loadfile(conf_file, "t", config)
+ end
+ else
+ err = "config file not found"
+ end
+ if conf_fn and (not err) then
+ local ok, err2 = pcall(conf_fn)
+ err = err2
+ end
+ if err then
+ msg.error("Failed to load config file:", err)
+ end
+ if config.cases then
+ for n, case in ipairs(config.cases) do
+ local err = nil
+ case.bitmap = hex_to_norm8(case.fingerprint)
+ if case.bitmap == nil then
+ err = "invalid or missing fingerprint field"
+ end
+ if case.score == nil then
+ case.score = 0.3
+ end
+ if type(case.score) ~= "number" then
+ err = "score field is not a number"
+ end
+ if type(case.skip) ~= "number" then
+ err = "skip field is not a number or missing"
+ end
+ if == nil then
+ = ("Entry %d"):format(n)
+ end
+ if err == nil then
+ cases[#cases + 1] = case
+ else
+ msg.error(("Entry %s: %s, ignoring."):format(, err))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+-- Returns true on match and if something was done.
+local function check_fingerprint(hex, pts)
+ local bmp = hex_to_norm8(hex, cur_bmp)
+ cur_bmp = bmp
+ -- If parsing the filter's result failed (well, it shouldn't).
+ assert(bmp ~= nil, "filter returned nonsense")
+ for _, case in ipairs(cases) do
+ local score = compare_bmp(case.bitmap, bmp)
+ if (score ~= nil) and (score <= case.score) then
+ msg.warn(("Matching %s: score=%f (required: %f) at %s, skipping %f seconds"):
+ format(, score, case.score, mp.format_time(pts), case.skip))
+ mp.commandv("seek", pts + case.skip, "absolute+exact")
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+mp.observe_property(meta_property, "none", function()
+ local result = mp.get_property_native(meta_property)
+ if result == nil then
+ return
+ end
+ -- Disable matching while seeking. This is not always ideal. For example,
+ -- the filter chain may filter frames ahead of where it will resume
+ -- playback (if something prefetches frames). On the other hand, the
+ -- skipping logic shouldn't activate when the user is trying to seek past
+ -- the skip frame anyway. You could be more fancy and here, and store all
+ -- seen frames, then apply the skipping when it's actually displayed (by
+ -- observing the playback time). But for now, the naive and not-always-
+ -- correct way seems to suffice.
+ if mp.get_property_bool("seeking", false) then
+ return
+ end
+ -- Try to get all entries. Out of laziness, assume that there are at most
+ -- 100 entries. (In fact, vf_fingerprint limits it to 10.)
+ for i = 0, 99 do
+ local prefix = string.format("fp%d.", i)
+ local hex = result[prefix .. "hex"]
+ local pts = tonumber(result[prefix .. "pts"])
+ if (hex == nil) or (pts == nil) then
+ break
+ end
+ if check_fingerprint(hex, pts) then
+ break
+ end
+ end
+local filters = mp.get_property_native("option-info/vf/choices", {})
+local found = false
+for _, f in ipairs(filters) do
+ if f == "fingerprint" then
+ found = true
+ break
+ end
+if found then
+ mp.command(("no-osd vf add @%s:fingerprint"):format(label, filter))
+ msg.warn("vf_fingerprint not found")
diff --git a/filters/user_filters.c b/filters/user_filters.c
index e1b7a8bce1..1a4cf3b122 100644
--- a/filters/user_filters.c
+++ b/filters/user_filters.c
@@ -64,6 +64,9 @@ const struct mp_user_filter_entry *vf_list[] = {
+ &vf_fingerprint,
diff --git a/filters/user_filters.h b/filters/user_filters.h
index 88cb859a71..9bf40e248b 100644
--- a/filters/user_filters.h
+++ b/filters/user_filters.h
@@ -33,3 +33,4 @@ extern const struct mp_user_filter_entry vf_format;
extern const struct mp_user_filter_entry vf_vdpaupp;
extern const struct mp_user_filter_entry vf_vavpp;
extern const struct mp_user_filter_entry vf_d3d11vpp;
+extern const struct mp_user_filter_entry vf_fingerprint;
diff --git a/video/filter/vf_fingerprint.c b/video/filter/vf_fingerprint.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3fa2ed6770
--- /dev/null
+++ b/video/filter/vf_fingerprint.c
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+ * This file is part of mpv.
+ *
+ * mpv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * mpv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with mpv. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include <zimg.h>
+#include "common/common.h"
+#include "common/tags.h"
+#include "filters/filter.h"
+#include "filters/filter_internal.h"
+#include "filters/user_filters.h"
+#include "options/m_option.h"
+#include "video/img_format.h"
+#include "video/sws_utils.h"
+#include "osdep/timer.h"
+#define ZIMG_ALIGN 32
+#define PRINT_ENTRY_NUM 10
+struct f_opts {
+ int type;
+ int clear;
+ int print;
+const struct m_opt_choice_alternatives type_names[] = {
+ {"gray-hex-8x8", 8},
+ {"gray-hex-16x16", 16},
+ {0}
+#define OPT_BASE_STRUCT struct f_opts
+static const struct m_option f_opts_list[] = {
+ OPT_CHOICE_C("type", type, 0, type_names),
+ OPT_FLAG("clear-on-query", clear, 0),
+ OPT_FLAG("print", print, 0),
+ {0}
+static const struct f_opts f_opts_def = {
+ .type = 16,
+ .clear = 1,
+struct print_entry {
+ double pts;
+ char *print;
+struct priv {
+ struct f_opts *opts;
+ struct mp_image *scaled;
+ struct mp_sws_context *sws;
+ struct print_entry entries[PRINT_ENTRY_NUM];
+ int num_entries;
+ int last_imgfmt, last_w, last_h;
+ int gray_plane_imgfmt;
+ zimg_filter_graph *zimg_graph;
+ void *zimg_tmp;
+// (Other code internal to this filter also calls this to reset the frame list.)
+static void f_reset(struct mp_filter *f)
+ struct priv *p = f->priv;
+ for (int n = 0; n < p->num_entries; n++)
+ talloc_free(p->entries[n].print);
+ p->num_entries = 0;
+static void reinit_fmt(struct mp_filter *f, struct mp_image *mpi)
+ struct priv *p = f->priv;
+ if (mpi->imgfmt == p->last_imgfmt &&
+ mpi->w == p->last_w &&
+ mpi->h == p->last_h)
+ return;
+ p->last_imgfmt = mpi->imgfmt;
+ p->last_w = mpi->w;
+ p->last_h = mpi->h;
+ free(p->zimg_tmp);
+ p->zimg_tmp = NULL;
+ zimg_filter_graph_free(p->zimg_graph);
+ p->zimg_graph = NULL;
+ if (!(mpi->fmt.flags & (MP_IMGFLAG_YUV_NV | MP_IMGFLAG_YUV_P)))
+ return;
+ zimg_image_format src_fmt, dst_fmt;
+ // Note: we try to pass only the first plane. Formats which do not have
+ // such a luma plane are excluded above.
+ zimg_image_format_default(&src_fmt, ZIMG_API_VERSION);
+ src_fmt.width = mpi->w;
+ src_fmt.height = mpi->h;
+ src_fmt.color_family = ZIMG_COLOR_GREY;
+ src_fmt.pixel_type = ZIMG_PIXEL_BYTE;
+ src_fmt.depth = mpi->fmt.component_bits;
+ src_fmt.pixel_range = mpi->params.color.levels == MP_CSP_LEVELS_PC ?
+ zimg_image_format_default(&dst_fmt, ZIMG_API_VERSION);
+ dst_fmt.width = p->scaled->w;
+ dst_fmt.height = p->scaled->h;
+ dst_fmt.color_family = ZIMG_COLOR_GREY;
+ dst_fmt.pixel_type = ZIMG_PIXEL_BYTE;
+ dst_fmt.depth = 8;
+ dst_fmt.pixel_range = ZIMG_RANGE_FULL;
+ zimg_graph_builder_params params;
+ zimg_graph_builder_params_default(&params, ZIMG_API_VERSION);
+ params.resample_filter = ZIMG_RESIZE_BILINEAR;
+ p->zimg_graph = zimg_filter_graph_build(&src_fmt, &dst_fmt, &params);
+ if (!p->zimg_graph)
+ return;
+ size_t tmp_size;
+ if (!zimg_filter_graph_get_tmp_size(p->zimg_graph, &tmp_size)) {
+ if (posix_memalign(&p->zimg_tmp, ZIMG_ALIGN, tmp_size))
+ p->zimg_tmp = NULL;
+ }
+ if (!p->zimg_tmp) {
+ zimg_filter_graph_free(p->zimg_graph);
+ p->zimg_graph = NULL;
+ }
+static void f_process(struct mp_filter *f)
+ struct priv *p = f->priv;
+ if (!mp_pin_can_transfer_data(f->ppins[1], f->ppins[0]))
+ return;
+ struct mp_frame frame = mp_pin_out_read(f->ppins[0]);
+ if (mp_frame_is_signaling(frame)) {
+ mp_pin_in_write(f->ppins[1], frame);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (frame.type != MP_FRAME_VIDEO)
+ goto error;
+ struct mp_image *mpi =;
+ reinit_fmt(f, mpi);
+ if (p->zimg_graph &&
+ !((uintptr_t)mpi->planes[0] % ZIMG_ALIGN) &&
+ !(mpi->stride[0] % ZIMG_ALIGN))
+ {
+ zimg_image_buffer_const src_buf = {ZIMG_API_VERSION};
+ src_buf.plane[0].data = mpi->planes[0];
+ src_buf.plane[0].stride = mpi->stride[0];
+ src_buf.plane[0].mask = ZIMG_BUFFER_MAX;
+ zimg_image_buffer dst_buf = {ZIMG_API_VERSION};
+ dst_buf.plane[0].data = p->scaled->planes[0];
+ dst_buf.plane[0].stride = p->scaled->stride[0];
+ dst_buf.plane[0].mask = ZIMG_BUFFER_MAX;
+ // (The API promises to succeed if no user callbacks fail, so no need
+ // to check the return value.)
+ zimg_filter_graph_process(p->zimg_graph, &src_buf, &dst_buf,
+ p->zimg_tmp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ } else {
+ if (mp_sws_scale(p->sws, p->scaled, mpi) < 0)
+ goto error;
+ }
+ if (p->num_entries >= PRINT_ENTRY_NUM) {
+ talloc_free(p->entries[0].print);
+ MP_TARRAY_REMOVE_AT(p->entries, p->num_entries, 0);
+ }
+ int size = p->scaled->w;
+ struct print_entry *e = &p->entries[p->num_entries++];
+ e->pts = mpi->pts;
+ e->print = talloc_array(p, char, size * size * 2 + 1);
+ for (int y = 0; y < size; y++) {
+ for (int x = 0; x < size; x++) {
+ char *offs = &e->print[(y * size + x) * 2];
+ uint8_t v = p->scaled->planes[0][y * p->scaled->stride[0] + x];
+ snprintf(offs, 3, "%02x", v);
+ }
+ }
+ if (p->opts->print)
+ MP_INFO(f, "%f: %s\n", e->pts, e->print);
+ mp_pin_in_write(f->ppins[1], frame);
+ return;
+ MP_ERR(f, "unsupported video format\n");
+ mp_pin_in_write(f->ppins[1], frame);
+ mp_filter_internal_mark_failed(f);
+static bool f_command(struct mp_filter *f, struct mp_filter_command *cmd)
+ struct priv *p = f->priv;
+ switch (cmd->type) {
+ struct mp_tags *t = talloc_zero(NULL, struct mp_tags);
+ for (int n = 0; n < p->num_entries; n++) {
+ struct print_entry *e = &p->entries[n];
+ if (e->pts != MP_NOPTS_VALUE) {
+ mp_tags_set_str(t, mp_tprintf(80, "fp%d.pts", n),
+ mp_tprintf(80, "%f", e->pts));
+ }
+ mp_tags_set_str(t, mp_tprintf(80, "fp%d.hex", n), e->print);
+ }
+ mp_tags_set_str(t, "type", m_opt_choice_str(type_names, p->opts->type));
+ if (p->opts->clear)
+ f_reset(f);
+ *(struct mp_tags **)cmd->res = t;
+ return true;
+ }
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+static const struct mp_filter_info filter = {
+ .name = "fingerprint",
+ .process = f_process,
+ .command = f_command,
+ .reset = f_reset,
+ .priv_size = sizeof(struct priv),
+static struct mp_filter *f_create(struct mp_filter *parent, void *options)
+ struct mp_filter *f = mp_filter_create(parent, &filter);
+ if (!f) {
+ talloc_free(options);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ mp_filter_add_pin(f, MP_PIN_IN, "in");
+ mp_filter_add_pin(f, MP_PIN_OUT, "out");
+ struct priv *p = f->priv;
+ p->opts = talloc_steal(p, options);
+ int size = p->opts->type;
+ p->scaled = mp_image_alloc(IMGFMT_Y8, size, size);
+ MP_HANDLE_OOM(p->scaled);
+ talloc_steal(p, p->scaled);
+ p->scaled->params.color.levels = MP_CSP_LEVELS_PC;
+ p->sws = mp_sws_alloc(p);
+ MP_HANDLE_OOM(p->sws);
+ return f;
+const struct mp_user_filter_entry vf_fingerprint = {
+ .desc = {
+ .description = "'Compute video frame fingerprints",
+ .name = "fingerprint",
+ .priv_size = sizeof(OPT_BASE_STRUCT),
+ .priv_defaults = &f_opts_def,
+ .options = f_opts_list,
+ },
+ .create = f_create,
diff --git a/wscript b/wscript
index 736844662a..bcd658e6e2 100644
--- a/wscript
+++ b/wscript
@@ -385,6 +385,10 @@ iconv support use --disable-iconv.",
'deps': 'libaf',
'func': check_pkg_config('rubberband', '>= 1.8.0'),
}, {
+ 'name': '--zimg',
+ 'desc': 'libzimg support (for vf_fingerprint)',
+ 'func': check_pkg_config('zimg', '>= 2.9'),
+ }, {
'name': '--lcms2',
'desc': 'LCMS2 support',
'func': check_pkg_config('lcms2', '>= 2.6'),
diff --git a/ b/
index 56668f1a09..63cd7538ec 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -389,6 +389,7 @@ def build(ctx):
( "video/decode/vd_lavc.c" ),
( "video/filter/refqueue.c" ),
( "video/filter/vf_d3d11vpp.c", "d3d-hwaccel" ),
+ ( "video/filter/vf_fingerprint.c", "zimg" ),
( "video/filter/vf_format.c" ),
( "video/filter/vf_sub.c" ),
( "video/filter/vf_vapoursynth.c", "vapoursynth" ),