diff options
authorwm4 <wm4@nowhere>2017-09-18 22:35:37 +0200
committerwm4 <wm4@nowhere>2017-09-18 22:35:37 +0200
commitacb28e922bec72e5901810d53d7746d9978185f1 (patch)
parentf4c80d44021dd917aee64f58b0e2a79f20610057 (diff)
build: use unified dependency expressions instead of weird fields
Instead of "deps", "deps_neg", and "deps_any" fields, just have a single "deps" field, which changes from an array to a string. The string is now an expression, which can contain the operators &&, ||, !, and allows grouping with ( ). It's probably overkill. If it gets a maintenance burden, we can switch to specifiying the dep expressions as ASTs (or maybe eval()-able Python expressions), and we could simplify the code that determines the reason why a dependency is not fulfilled. The latter involves a complicated conversion of the expression AST to DNF. The parser is actually pretty simple, and pretty much follows:
3 files changed, 323 insertions, 132 deletions
diff --git a/waftools/ b/waftools/
index 994e1d10b2..3cef6a3562 100644
--- a/waftools/
+++ b/waftools/
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ from waflib.Errors import ConfigurationError, WafError
from waflib.Configure import conf
from waflib.Build import BuildContext
from waflib.Logs import pprint
+import deps_parser
import inflector
class DependencyError(Exception):
@@ -16,11 +17,9 @@ class Dependency(object):
self.attributes = self.__parse_attributes__(dependency)
- for dep_key in ['deps', 'deps_any', 'deps_neg']:
- if dep_key in self.attributes:
- deps = self.attributes[dep_key]
- self.ctx.ensure_dependency_is_known(*deps)
+ if 'deps' in self.attributes:
+ self.ctx.ensure_dependency_is_known(self.attributes['deps'])
def __parse_attributes__(self, dependency):
if 'os_specific_checks' in dependency:
@@ -36,9 +35,7 @@ class Dependency(object):
- self.check_any_dependencies()
- self.check_negative_dependencies()
except DependencyError:
# No check was run, since the prerequisites of the dependency are
# not satisfied. Make sure the define is 'undefined' so that we
@@ -67,27 +64,12 @@ class Dependency(object):
self.attributes['fmsg'] = "You manually enabled the feature '{0}', but \
the autodetection check failed.".format(self.identifier)
- def check_any_dependencies(self):
- if 'deps_any' in self.attributes:
- deps = set(self.attributes['deps_any'])
- if len(deps & self.satisfied_deps) == 0:
- self.skip("not found any of {0}".format(", ".join(deps)))
- raise DependencyError
def check_dependencies(self):
if 'deps' in self.attributes:
- deps = set(self.attributes['deps'])
- if not deps <= self.satisfied_deps:
- missing_deps = deps - self.satisfied_deps
- self.skip("{0} not found".format(", ".join(missing_deps)))
- raise DependencyError
- def check_negative_dependencies(self):
- if 'deps_neg' in self.attributes:
- deps = set(self.attributes['deps_neg'])
- conflicting_deps = deps & self.satisfied_deps
- if len(conflicting_deps) > 0:
- self.skip("{0} found".format(", ".join(conflicting_deps)), 'CYAN')
+ ok, why = deps_parser.check_dependency_expr(self.attributes['deps'],
+ self.satisfied_deps)
+ if not ok:
+ self.skip(why)
raise DependencyError
def check_autodetect_func(self):
@@ -145,13 +127,19 @@ def configure(ctx):
-def ensure_dependency_is_known(ctx, *depnames):
- deps = set([d for d in depnames if not d.startswith('os-')])
- if not deps <= ctx.known_deps:
- raise ConfigurationError(
- "error in dependencies definition: some dependencies in"
- " {0} are unknown.".format(deps))
+def ensure_dependency_is_known(ctx, depnames):
+ def check(ast):
+ if isinstance(ast, deps_parser.AstSym):
+ if (not'os-')) and not in ctx.known_deps:
+ raise ConfigurationError(
+ "error in dependencies definition: dependency {0} in"
+ " {1} is unknown.".format(, depnames))
+ elif isinstance(ast, deps_parser.AstOp):
+ for sub in ast.sub:
+ check(sub)
+ else:
+ assert False
+ check(deps_parser.parse_expr(depnames))
def mark_satisfied(ctx, dependency_identifier):
@@ -174,7 +162,9 @@ def parse_dependencies(ctx, dependencies):
def dependency_satisfied(ctx, dependency_identifier):
- return dependency_identifier in ctx.satisfied_deps
+ ok, _ = deps_parser.check_dependency_expr(dependency_identifier,
+ ctx.satisfied_deps)
+ return ok
def store_dependencies_lists(ctx):
@@ -194,13 +184,7 @@ def filtered_sources(ctx, sources):
return source
def __check_filter__(dependency):
- if dependency.find('!') == 0:
- dependency = dependency.lstrip('!')
- ctx.ensure_dependency_is_known(dependency)
- return dependency not in ctx.satisfied_deps
- else:
- ctx.ensure_dependency_is_known(dependency)
- return dependency in ctx.satisfied_deps
+ return dependency_satisfied(ctx, dependency)
def __unpack_and_check_filter__(source):
diff --git a/waftools/ b/waftools/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ef7888da30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/waftools/
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+class ParseError(Exception):
+ pass
+class AstOp(object):
+ def __init__(self, op, sub):
+ self.op = op
+ self.sub = sub
+ def __repr__(self):
+ if len(self.sub) == 1:
+ return self.op + str(self.sub[0])
+ return "(" + (" " + self.op + " ").join([str(x) for x in self.sub]) + ")"
+class AstSym(object):
+ def __init__(self, name):
+ assert type(name) is type("")
+ = name
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return
+Arity = { "!": 1, "&&": 2, "||": 2 }
+Precedence = { "!": 3, "&&": 2, "||": 1 }
+Tokens = list(Arity.keys()) + ["(", ")"]
+# return (token, rest), or (None, "") if nothing left
+def read_tok(expr):
+ expr = expr.strip()
+ for t in Tokens:
+ if expr.startswith(t):
+ return (t, expr[len(t):])
+ if expr == "":
+ return (None, "")
+ sym = ""
+ while len(expr) and ((expr[0].lower() >= 'a' and expr[0].lower() <= 'z') or
+ (expr[0] >= '0' and expr[0] <= '9') or
+ (expr[0] in ["_", "-", "."])):
+ sym += expr[0]
+ expr = expr[1:]
+ if len(sym):
+ return sym, expr
+ raise ParseError("unknown token in '%s'" % expr)
+def parse_expr(expr):
+ opstack = []
+ outstack = []
+ def out(sym):
+ if sym in Arity:
+ sub = []
+ for i in range(Arity[sym]):
+ if len(outstack) == 0:
+ raise ParseError("missing operator argument")
+ sub.insert(0, outstack.pop())
+ outstack.append(AstOp(sym, sub))
+ elif sym == "(":
+ raise ParseError("missing closing ')'")
+ elif not isinstance(sym, AstSym):
+ raise ParseError("bogus symbol '%s'" % sym)
+ else:
+ outstack.append(sym)
+ while True:
+ tok, expr = read_tok(expr)
+ if tok is None:
+ break
+ if tok in Arity:
+ while len(opstack) and opstack[-1] != '(' and \
+ Precedence[opstack[-1]] > Precedence[tok]:
+ out(opstack.pop())
+ opstack.append(tok)
+ elif tok == "(":
+ opstack.append(tok)
+ elif tok == ")":
+ while True:
+ if not len(opstack):
+ raise ParseError("missing '(' for ')'")
+ sym = opstack.pop()
+ if sym == "(":
+ break
+ out(sym)
+ else:
+ out(AstSym(tok)) # Assume a terminal
+ while len(opstack):
+ out(opstack.pop())
+ if len(outstack) != 1:
+ raise ParseError("empty expression or extra symbols (%s)" % outstack)
+ return outstack.pop()
+def convert_dnf(ast):
+ # no nested ! (negation normal form)
+ def simplify_negation(ast):
+ if isinstance(ast, AstOp):
+ if ast.op == "!":
+ sub = ast.sub[0]
+ if isinstance(sub, AstOp):
+ if sub.op == "!":
+ return sub.sub[0]
+ elif sub.op in ["&&", "||"]:
+ sub.op = "||" if sub.op == "&&" else "&&"
+ sub.sub = [AstOp("!", [x]) for x in sub.sub]
+ return simplify_negation(sub)
+ else:
+ ast.sub = [simplify_negation(x) for x in ast.sub]
+ return ast
+ # a && (b && c) => a && b && c
+ def flatten(ast):
+ if isinstance(ast, AstOp):
+ can_flatten = ast.op in ["&&", "||"]
+ nsub = []
+ for sub in ast.sub:
+ sub = flatten(sub)
+ if isinstance(sub, AstOp) and sub.op == ast.op and can_flatten:
+ nsub.extend(sub.sub)
+ else:
+ nsub.append(sub)
+ ast.sub = nsub
+ if len(ast.sub) == 1 and can_flatten:
+ return ast.sub[0]
+ return ast
+ # a && (b || c) && d => (a && d && b) || (a && d && c)
+ def redist(ast):
+ def recombine(a, stuff):
+ return AstOp("||", [AstOp("&&", [a, n]) for n in stuff])
+ if isinstance(ast, AstOp):
+ ast.sub = [flatten(redist(x)) for x in ast.sub]
+ if ast.op == "&&":
+ for sub in ast.sub:
+ if isinstance(sub, AstOp) and sub.op == "||":
+ if len(ast.sub) == 1:
+ return redist(sub)
+ other = None
+ for n in ast.sub:
+ if n is not sub:
+ if other is None:
+ other = n
+ else:
+ other = flatten(AstOp("&&", [other, n]))
+ return flatten(redist(recombine(other, sub.sub)))
+ return ast
+ return redist(flatten(simplify_negation(ast)))
+# Returns (success_as_bool, failure_reason_as_string)
+def check_dependency_expr(expr, deps):
+ ast = parse_expr(expr)
+ def eval_ast(ast):
+ if isinstance(ast, AstSym):
+ return in deps
+ elif isinstance(ast, AstOp):
+ vals = [eval_ast(x) for x in ast.sub]
+ if ast.op == "&&":
+ return vals[0] and vals[1]
+ elif ast.op == "||":
+ return vals[0] or vals[1]
+ elif ast.op == "!":
+ return not vals[0]
+ assert False
+ if eval_ast(ast):
+ return True, None
+ # Now the same thing again, but more complicated, and informing what is
+ # missing.
+ ast = convert_dnf(ast)
+ # ast now is a or-combined list of and-combined deps. Each dep can have a
+ # negation (marking a conflict). Each case of and-combined deps is a way
+ # to satisfy the deps expression. Instead of dumping full information,
+ # distinguish the following cases, and only mention the one that applies,
+ # in order:
+ # 1. the first missing dep of a case that has missing deps only
+ # 2. the first conflicting dep at all
+ def do_op(ast, op, cb):
+ if isinstance(ast, AstOp) and ast.op == op:
+ for sub in ast.sub:
+ cb(sub)
+ else:
+ cb(ast)
+ def get_sub_list(node, op):
+ if isinstance(node, AstOp) and node.op == op:
+ return node.sub
+ else:
+ return [node]
+ conflict_dep = None
+ missing_dep = None
+ for group in get_sub_list(ast, "||"):
+ group_conflict = None
+ group_missing_dep = None
+ for elem in get_sub_list(group, "&&"):
+ neg = False
+ if isinstance(elem, AstOp) and elem.op == "!":
+ neg = True
+ elem = elem.sub[0]
+ if not isinstance(elem, AstSym):
+ continue # broken DNF?
+ name =
+ present = name in deps
+ if (not present) and (not neg) and (group_missing_dep is None):
+ group_missing_dep = name
+ if present and neg and (group_conflict is None):
+ group_conflict = name
+ if (missing_dep is None) and (group_conflict is None):
+ missing_dep = group_missing_dep
+ if conflict_dep is None:
+ conflict_dep = group_conflict
+ reason = "unknown"
+ if missing_dep is not None:
+ reason = "%s not found" % (missing_dep)
+ elif conflict_dep is not None:
+ reason = "%s found" % (conflict_dep)
+ return False, reason
diff --git a/wscript b/wscript
index 9fe5b0bc8a..2aa5681641 100644
--- a/wscript
+++ b/wscript
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ c_preproc.standard_includes.append('/usr/local/include')
Dependency identifiers (for win32 vs. Unix):
- wscript / C source meaning
+ wscript / C source meaning
posix / HAVE_POSIX: defined on Linux, OSX, Cygwin
(Cygwin emulates POSIX APIs on Windows)
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ build_options = [
'name': '--libmpv-static',
'desc': 'static library',
'default': 'disable',
- 'deps_neg': [ 'libmpv-shared' ],
+ 'deps': '!libmpv-shared',
'func': check_true
}, {
'name': '--static-build',
@@ -83,8 +83,7 @@ build_options = [
}, {
'name': '--cplugins',
'desc': 'C plugins',
- 'deps': [ 'libdl' ],
- 'deps_neg': [ 'os-win32' ],
+ 'deps': 'libdl && !os-win32',
'func': check_cc(linkflags=['-rdynamic']),
}, {
'name': '--zsh-comp',
@@ -127,7 +126,7 @@ main_dependencies = [
}, {
'name': 'mingw',
'desc': 'MinGW',
- 'deps': [ 'os-win32' ],
+ 'deps': 'os-win32',
'func': check_statement('stdlib.h', 'int x = __MINGW32__;'
'int y = __MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR'),
}, {
@@ -143,7 +142,7 @@ main_dependencies = [
}, {
'name': 'posix-or-mingw',
'desc': 'development environment',
- 'deps_any': [ 'posix', 'mingw' ],
+ 'deps': 'posix || mingw',
'func': check_true,
'req': True,
'fmsg': 'Unable to find either POSIX or MinGW-w64 environment, ' \
@@ -152,20 +151,17 @@ main_dependencies = [
'name': '--uwp',
'desc': 'Universal Windows Platform',
'default': 'disable',
- 'deps': [ 'os-win32', 'mingw' ],
- 'deps_neg': [ 'cplayer' ],
+ 'deps': 'os-win32 && mingw && !cplayer',
'func': check_cc(lib=['windowsapp']),
}, {
'name': 'win32-desktop',
'desc': 'win32 desktop APIs',
- 'deps_any': [ 'os-win32', 'os-cygwin' ],
- 'deps_neg': [ 'uwp' ],
+ 'deps': '(os-win32 || os-cygwin) && !uwp',
'func': check_cc(lib=['winmm', 'gdi32', 'ole32', 'uuid', 'avrt', 'dwmapi']),
}, {
'name': '--win32-internal-pthreads',
'desc': 'internal pthread wrapper for win32 (Vista+)',
- 'deps_neg': [ 'posix' ],
- 'deps': [ 'os-win32' ],
+ 'deps': 'os-win32 && !posix',
'func': check_true,
}, {
'name': 'pthreads',
@@ -189,11 +185,11 @@ main_dependencies = [
'desc': 'stdatomic.h support or slow emulation',
'func': check_true,
'req': True,
- 'deps_any': ['stdatomic', 'gnuc'],
+ 'deps': 'stdatomic || gnuc',
}, {
'name': 'librt',
'desc': 'linking with -lrt',
- 'deps': [ 'pthreads' ],
+ 'deps': 'pthreads',
'func': check_cc(lib='rt')
}, {
'name': '--iconv',
@@ -206,7 +202,7 @@ iconv support use --disable-iconv.",
}, {
'name': 'dos-paths',
'desc': 'w32/dos paths',
- 'deps_any': [ 'os-win32', 'os-cygwin' ],
+ 'deps': 'os-win32 || os-cygwin',
'func': check_true
}, {
'name': '--termios',
@@ -226,28 +222,26 @@ iconv support use --disable-iconv.",
'desc': 'POSIX spawnp()/kill()',
'func': check_statement(['spawn.h', 'signal.h'],
'posix_spawnp(0,0,0,0,0,0); kill(0,0)'),
- 'deps_neg': ['mingw'],
+ 'deps': '!mingw',
}, {
'name': 'win32-pipes',
'desc': 'Windows pipe support',
'func': check_true,
- 'deps': [ 'win32-desktop' ],
- 'deps_neg': [ 'posix' ],
+ 'deps': 'win32-desktop && !posix',
}, {
'name': 'glob-posix',
'desc': 'glob() POSIX support',
- 'deps_neg': [ 'os-win32', 'os-cygwin' ],
+ 'deps': '!(os-win32 || os-cygwin)',
'func': check_statement('glob.h', 'glob("filename", 0, 0, 0)'),
}, {
'name': 'glob-win32',
'desc': 'glob() win32 replacement',
- 'deps_neg': [ 'posix' ],
- 'deps_any': [ 'os-win32', 'os-cygwin' ],
+ 'deps': '!posix && (os-win32 || os-cygwin)',
'func': check_true
}, {
'name': 'glob',
'desc': 'any glob() support',
- 'deps_any': [ 'glob-posix', 'glob-win32' ],
+ 'deps': 'glob-posix || glob-win32',
'func': check_true,
}, {
'name': 'fchmod',
@@ -271,13 +265,13 @@ iconv support use --disable-iconv.",
}, {
'name': 'osx-thread-name',
'desc': 'OSX API for setting thread name',
- 'deps_neg': [ 'glibc-thread-name' ],
+ 'deps': '!glibc-thread-name',
'func': check_statement('pthread.h',
'pthread_setname_np("ducks")', use=['pthreads']),
}, {
'name': 'bsd-thread-name',
'desc': 'BSD API for setting thread name',
- 'deps_neg': [ 'glibc-thread-name', 'osx-thread-name' ],
+ 'deps': '!(glibc-thread-name || osx-thread-name)',
'func': check_statement('pthread.h',
'pthread_set_name_np(pthread_self(), "ducks")',
@@ -289,13 +283,13 @@ iconv support use --disable-iconv.",
}, {
'name': 'linux-fstatfs',
'desc': "Linux's fstatfs()",
- 'deps': [ 'os-linux' ],
+ 'deps': 'os-linux',
'func': check_statement('sys/vfs.h',
'struct statfs fs; fstatfs(0, &fs); fs.f_namelen')
}, {
'name': '--libsmbclient',
'desc': 'Samba support (makes mpv GPLv3)',
- 'deps': [ 'libdl' ],
+ 'deps': 'libdl',
'func': check_pkg_config('smbclient'),
'default': 'disable',
'module': 'input',
@@ -318,12 +312,12 @@ iconv support use --disable-iconv.",
}, {
'name': '--libass-osd',
'desc': 'libass OSD support',
- 'deps': [ 'libass' ],
+ 'deps': 'libass',
'func': check_true,
}, {
'name': 'dummy-osd',
'desc': 'dummy OSD support',
- 'deps_neg': [ 'libass-osd' ],
+ 'deps': '!libass-osd',
'func': check_true,
} , {
'name': '--zlib',
@@ -355,7 +349,7 @@ iconv support use --disable-iconv.",
}, {
'name': 'dvdread-common',
'desc': 'DVD/IFO support',
- 'deps_any': [ 'dvdread', 'dvdnav' ],
+ 'deps': 'dvdread || dvdnav',
'func': check_true,
}, {
'name': '--cdda',
@@ -365,7 +359,7 @@ iconv support use --disable-iconv.",
}, {
'name': '--uchardet',
'desc': 'uchardet support',
- 'deps': [ 'iconv' ],
+ 'deps': 'iconv',
'func': check_pkg_config('uchardet'),
}, {
'name': '--rubberband',
@@ -383,12 +377,12 @@ iconv support use --disable-iconv.",
}, {
'name': '--vapoursynth-lazy',
'desc': 'VapourSynth filter bridge (Lazy Lua)',
- 'deps': ['lua'],
+ 'deps': 'lua',
'func': check_pkg_config('vapoursynth', '>= 24'),
}, {
'name': 'vapoursynth-core',
'desc': 'VapourSynth filter bridge (core)',
- 'deps_any': ['vapoursynth', 'vapoursynth-lazy'],
+ 'deps': 'vapoursynth || vapoursynth-lazy',
'func': check_true,
}, {
'name': '--libarchive',
@@ -454,7 +448,7 @@ libav_dependencies = [
}, {
'name': 'libav',
'desc': 'Libav/FFmpeg library versions',
- 'deps_any': [ 'is_ffmpeg', 'is_libav' ],
+ 'deps': 'is_ffmpeg || is_libav',
'func': check_ffmpeg_or_libav_versions(),
'req': True,
'fmsg': "Unable to find development files for some of the required \
@@ -499,14 +493,14 @@ audio_output_features = [
}, {
'name': '--sdl1',
'desc': 'SDL (1.x)',
- 'deps_neg': [ 'sdl2' ],
+ 'deps': '!sdl2',
'func': check_pkg_config('sdl'),
'default': 'disable'
}, {
'name': '--oss-audio',
'desc': 'OSS',
'func': check_cc(header_name='sys/soundcard.h'),
- 'deps': [ 'posix' ],
+ 'deps': 'posix',
}, {
'name': '--rsound',
'desc': 'RSound audio output',
@@ -547,14 +541,14 @@ audio_output_features = [
}, {
'name': '--audiounit',
'desc': 'AudioUnit output for iOS',
- 'deps': ['atomics'],
+ 'deps': 'atomics',
'func': check_cc(
framework_name=['Foundation', 'AudioToolbox'])
}, {
'name': '--wasapi',
'desc': 'WASAPI audio output',
- 'deps_any': ['os-win32', 'os-cygwin'],
+ 'deps': 'os-win32 || os-cygwin',
'func': check_cc(fragment=load_fragment('wasapi.c')),
@@ -567,12 +561,12 @@ video_output_features = [
}, {
'name': '--drm',
'desc': 'DRM',
- 'deps': [ 'vt.h' ],
+ 'deps': 'vt.h',
'func': check_pkg_config('libdrm'),
}, {
'name': '--gbm',
'desc': 'GBM',
- 'deps': [ 'gbm.h' ],
+ 'deps': 'gbm.h',
'func': check_pkg_config('gbm'),
} , {
'name': '--wayland',
@@ -591,12 +585,12 @@ video_output_features = [
} , {
'name': '--xv',
'desc': 'Xv video output',
- 'deps': [ 'x11' ],
+ 'deps': 'x11',
'func': check_pkg_config('xv'),
} , {
'name': '--gl-cocoa',
'desc': 'OpenGL Cocoa Backend',
- 'deps': [ 'cocoa' ],
+ 'deps': 'cocoa',
'groups': [ 'gl' ],
'func': check_statement('IOSurface/IOSurface.h',
'IOSurfaceRef surface;',
@@ -604,7 +598,7 @@ video_output_features = [
} , {
'name': '--gl-x11',
'desc': 'OpenGL X11 Backend',
- 'deps': [ 'x11' ],
+ 'deps': 'x11',
'groups': [ 'gl' ],
'func': check_libs(['GL', 'GL Xdamage'],
@@ -612,33 +606,33 @@ video_output_features = [
} , {
'name': '--egl-x11',
'desc': 'OpenGL X11 EGL Backend',
- 'deps': [ 'x11' ],
+ 'deps': 'x11',
'groups': [ 'gl' ],
'func': check_pkg_config('egl'),
} , {
'name': '--egl-drm',
'desc': 'OpenGL DRM EGL Backend',
- 'deps': [ 'drm', 'gbm' ],
+ 'deps': 'drm && gbm',
'groups': [ 'gl' ],
'func': check_pkg_config('egl'),
} , {
'name': '--gl-wayland',
'desc': 'OpenGL Wayland Backend',
- 'deps': [ 'wayland' ],
+ 'deps': 'wayland',
'groups': [ 'gl' ],
'func': check_pkg_config('wayland-egl', '>= 9.0.0',
'egl', '>= 9.0.0')
} , {
'name': '--gl-win32',
'desc': 'OpenGL Win32 Backend',
- 'deps': [ 'win32-desktop' ],
+ 'deps': 'win32-desktop',
'groups': [ 'gl' ],
'func': check_statement('windows.h', 'wglCreateContext(0)',
} , {
'name': '--gl-dxinterop',
'desc': 'OpenGL/DirectX Interop Backend',
- 'deps': [ 'gl-win32' ],
+ 'deps': 'gl-win32',
'groups': [ 'gl' ],
'func': compose_checks(
check_statement(['GL/gl.h', 'GL/wglext.h'], 'int i = WGL_ACCESS_WRITE_DISCARD_NV'),
@@ -646,14 +640,14 @@ video_output_features = [
} , {
'name': '--egl-angle',
'desc': 'OpenGL ANGLE headers',
- 'deps_any': [ 'os-win32', 'os-cygwin' ],
+ 'deps': 'os-win32 || os-cygwin',
'groups': [ 'gl' ],
'func': check_statement(['EGL/egl.h', 'EGL/eglext.h'],
} , {
'name': '--egl-angle-lib',
'desc': 'OpenGL Win32 ANGLE Library',
- 'deps': [ 'egl-angle' ],
+ 'deps': 'egl-angle',
'groups': [ 'gl' ],
'func': check_statement(['EGL/egl.h'],
'eglCreateWindowSurface(0, 0, 0, 0)',
@@ -664,54 +658,53 @@ video_output_features = [
}, {
'name': '--egl-angle-win32',
'desc': 'OpenGL Win32 ANGLE Backend',
- 'deps': [ 'egl-angle', 'win32-desktop' ],
+ 'deps': 'egl-angle && win32-desktop',
'groups': [ 'gl' ],
'func': check_true,
} , {
'name': '--vdpau',
'desc': 'VDPAU acceleration',
- 'deps': [ 'x11' ],
+ 'deps': 'x11',
'func': check_pkg_config('vdpau', '>= 0.2'),
} , {
'name': '--vdpau-gl-x11',
'desc': 'VDPAU with OpenGL/X11',
- 'deps': [ 'vdpau', 'gl-x11' ],
+ 'deps': 'vdpau && gl-x11',
'func': check_true,
}, {
'name': '--vaapi',
'desc': 'VAAPI acceleration',
- 'deps': [ 'libdl' ],
- 'deps_any': [ 'x11', 'wayland', 'egl-drm' ],
+ 'deps': 'libdl && (x11 || wayland || egl-drm)',
'func': check_pkg_config('libva', '>= 0.36.0'),
}, {
'name': '--vaapi-x11',
'desc': 'VAAPI (X11 support)',
- 'deps': [ 'vaapi', 'x11' ],
+ 'deps': 'vaapi && x11',
'func': check_pkg_config('libva-x11', '>= 0.36.0'),
}, {
'name': '--vaapi-wayland',
'desc': 'VAAPI (Wayland support)',
- 'deps': [ 'vaapi', 'gl-wayland' ],
+ 'deps': 'vaapi && gl-wayland',
'func': check_pkg_config('libva-wayland', '>= 0.36.0'),
}, {
'name': '--vaapi-drm',
'desc': 'VAAPI (DRM/EGL support)',
- 'deps': [ 'vaapi', 'egl-drm' ],
+ 'deps': 'vaapi && egl-drm',
'func': check_pkg_config('libva-drm', '>= 0.36.0'),
}, {
'name': '--vaapi-glx',
'desc': 'VAAPI GLX',
- 'deps': [ 'vaapi-x11', 'gl-x11' ],
+ 'deps': 'vaapi-x11 && gl-x11',
'func': check_true,
}, {
'name': '--vaapi-x-egl',
'desc': 'VAAPI EGL on X11',
- 'deps': [ 'vaapi-x11', 'egl-x11' ],
+ 'deps': 'vaapi-x11 && egl-x11',
'func': check_true,
}, {
'name': 'vaapi-egl',
'desc': 'VAAPI EGL',
- 'deps_any': [ 'vaapi-x-egl', 'vaapi-wayland' ],
+ 'deps': 'vaapi-x-egl || vaapi-wayland',
'func': check_true,
}, {
'name': '--caca',
@@ -725,7 +718,7 @@ video_output_features = [
}, {
'name': '--direct3d',
'desc': 'Direct3D support',
- 'deps': [ 'win32-desktop' ],
+ 'deps': 'win32-desktop',
'func': check_cc(header_name='d3d9.h'),
}, {
# We need MMAL/bcm_host/dispmanx APIs. Also, most RPI distros require
@@ -754,12 +747,12 @@ video_output_features = [
} , {
'name': '--plain-gl',
'desc': 'OpenGL without platform-specific code (e.g. for libmpv)',
- 'deps_any': [ 'libmpv-shared', 'libmpv-static' ],
+ 'deps': 'libmpv-shared || libmpv-static',
'func': check_true,
}, {
'name': '--mali-fbdev',
'desc': 'MALI via Linux fbdev',
- 'deps': ['libdl'],
+ 'deps': 'libdl',
'func': compose_checks(
check_statement('EGL/fbdev_window.h', 'struct fbdev_window test'),
@@ -768,9 +761,9 @@ video_output_features = [
}, {
'name': '--gl',
'desc': 'OpenGL video outputs',
- 'deps_any': [ 'gl-cocoa', 'gl-x11', 'egl-x11', 'egl-drm',
- 'gl-win32', 'gl-wayland', 'rpi', 'mali-fbdev',
- 'plain-gl' ],
+ 'deps': 'gl-cocoa || gl-x11 || egl-x11 || egl-drm || '
+ + 'gl-win32 || gl-wayland || rpi || mali-fbdev || '
+ + 'plain-gl',
'func': check_true,
'req': True,
'fmsg': "No OpenGL video output found or enabled. " +
@@ -779,8 +772,8 @@ video_output_features = [
}, {
'name': 'egl-helpers',
'desc': 'EGL helper functions',
- 'deps_any': [ 'egl-x11', 'mali-fbdev', 'rpi', 'gl-wayland', 'egl-drm',
- 'egl-angle-win32' ],
+ 'deps': 'egl-x11 || mali-fbdev || rpi || gl-wayland || egl-drm || ' +
+ 'egl-angle-win32',
'func': check_true
@@ -789,7 +782,7 @@ hwaccel_features = [
'name': '--vaapi-hwaccel',
'desc': 'libavcodec VAAPI hwaccel (FFmpeg 3.3 API)',
- 'deps': [ 'vaapi' ],
+ 'deps': 'vaapi',
'func': check_statement('libavcodec/version.h',
'int x[(LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_INT >= AV_VERSION_INT(57, 26, 0) && '
@@ -800,7 +793,7 @@ hwaccel_features = [
}, {
'name': '--videotoolbox-hwaccel-new',
'desc': 'libavcodec videotoolbox hwaccel (new API)',
- 'deps_any': [ 'gl-cocoa', 'ios-gl' ],
+ 'deps': 'gl-cocoa || ios-gl',
'func': check_statement('libavcodec/version.h',
'int x[(LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_INT >= AV_VERSION_INT(57, 96, 100) && '
@@ -809,8 +802,7 @@ hwaccel_features = [
}, {
'name': '--videotoolbox-hwaccel-old',
'desc': 'libavcodec videotoolbox hwaccel (old API)',
- 'deps_any': [ 'gl-cocoa', 'ios-gl' ],
- 'deps_neg': [ 'videotoolbox-hwaccel-new' ],
+ 'deps': '(gl-cocoa || ios-gl) && !videotoolbox-hwaccel-new',
'func': compose_checks(
@@ -819,17 +811,17 @@ hwaccel_features = [
}, {
'name': 'videotoolbox-hwaccel',
'desc': 'libavcodec videotoolbox hwaccel',
- 'deps_any': [ 'videotoolbox-hwaccel-new', 'videotoolbox-hwaccel-old' ],
+ 'deps': 'videotoolbox-hwaccel-new || videotoolbox-hwaccel-old',
'func': check_true,
}, {
'name': '--videotoolbox-gl',
'desc': 'Videotoolbox with OpenGL',
- 'deps': [ 'gl-cocoa', 'videotoolbox-hwaccel' ],
+ 'deps': 'gl-cocoa && videotoolbox-hwaccel',
'func': check_true
}, {
'name': '--vdpau-hwaccel',
'desc': 'libavcodec VDPAU hwaccel (FFmpeg 3.3 API)',
- 'deps': [ 'vdpau' ],
+ 'deps': 'vdpau',
'func': check_statement('libavcodec/version.h',
'int x[(LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_INT >= AV_VERSION_INT(57, 37, 1) && '
@@ -841,7 +833,7 @@ hwaccel_features = [
# (conflated with ANGLE for easier deps)
'name': '--d3d-hwaccel',
'desc': 'D3D11VA hwaccel (plus ANGLE)',
- 'deps': [ 'os-win32', 'egl-angle' ],
+ 'deps': 'os-win32 && egl-angle',
'func': check_true,
}, {
'name': '--d3d-hwaccel-new',
@@ -853,29 +845,28 @@ hwaccel_features = [
' ? 1 : -1]',
- 'deps': [ 'd3d-hwaccel' ],
+ 'deps': 'd3d-hwaccel',
}, {
'name': '--d3d9-hwaccel',
'desc': 'DXVA2 hwaccel (plus ANGLE)',
- 'deps': [ 'd3d-hwaccel', 'egl-angle-win32' ],
+ 'deps': 'd3d-hwaccel && egl-angle-win32',
'func': check_true,
}, {
'name': '--gl-dxinterop-d3d9',
'desc': 'OpenGL/DirectX Interop Backend DXVA2 interop',
- 'deps': [ 'gl-dxinterop', 'd3d9-hwaccel' ],
+ 'deps': 'gl-dxinterop && d3d9-hwaccel',
'groups': [ 'gl' ],
'func': check_true,
}, {
'name': '--cuda-hwaccel',
'desc': 'CUDA hwaccel',
- 'deps': [ 'gl' ],
+ 'deps': 'gl',
'func': check_cc(fragment=load_fragment('cuda.c'),
}, {
'name': 'sse4-intrinsics',
'desc': 'GCC SSE4 intrinsics for GPU memcpy',
- 'deps_any': [ 'd3d-hwaccel' ],
- 'deps_neg': [ 'd3d-hwaccel-new' ],
+ 'deps': 'd3d-hwaccel && !d3d-hwaccel-new',
'func': check_cc(fragment=load_fragment('sse.c')),
@@ -890,28 +881,26 @@ radio_and_tv_features = [
'name': 'sys_videoio_h',
'desc': 'videoio.h',
'func': check_cc(header_name=['sys/time.h', 'sys/videoio.h']),
- 'deps': [ 'tv' ],
+ 'deps': 'tv',
}, {
'name': 'videodev',
'desc': 'videodev2.h',
'func': check_cc(header_name=['sys/time.h', 'linux/videodev2.h']),
- 'deps': [ 'tv' ],
- 'deps_neg': [ 'sys_videoio_h' ],
+ 'deps': 'tv && !sys_videoio_h',
}, {
'name': '--tv-v4l2',
'desc': 'Video4Linux2 TV interface',
- 'deps': [ 'tv' ],
- 'deps_any': [ 'sys_videoio_h', 'videodev' ],
+ 'deps': 'tv && (sys_videoio_h || videodev)',
'func': check_true,
}, {
'name': '--libv4l2',
'desc': 'libv4l2 support',
'func': check_pkg_config('libv4l2'),
- 'deps': [ 'tv-v4l2' ],
+ 'deps': 'tv-v4l2',
}, {
'name': '--audio-input',
'desc': 'audio input support',
- 'deps_any': [ 'tv-v4l2' ],
+ 'deps': 'tv-v4l2',
'func': check_true
} , {
'name': '--dvbin',
@@ -925,17 +914,17 @@ standalone_features = [