/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Vabishchevich Nikolay * * This file is part of libass. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include "ass_utils.h" #include "ass_rasterizer.h" #include #ifdef _MSC_VER #include #pragma intrinsic(_BitScanReverse) #endif static inline int ilog2(uint32_t n) // XXX: different compilers { #ifdef __GNUC__ return __builtin_clz(n) ^ 31; #elif defined(_MSC_VER) int res; _BitScanReverse(&res, n); return res; #else int res = 0; for (int ord = 16; ord; ord /= 2) if (n >= ((uint32_t)1 << ord)) { res += ord; n >>= ord; } return res; #endif } void rasterizer_init(ASS_Rasterizer *rst) { rst->linebuf[0] = rst->linebuf[1] = NULL; rst->size[0] = rst->capacity[0] = 0; rst->size[1] = rst->capacity[1] = 0; } /** * \brief Ensure sufficient buffer size (allocate if necessary) * \param index index (0 or 1) of the input segment buffer (rst->linebuf) * \param delta requested size increase * \return zero on error */ static inline int check_capacity(ASS_Rasterizer *rst, int index, size_t delta) { delta += rst->size[index]; if (rst->capacity[index] >= delta) return 1; size_t capacity = FFMAX(2 * rst->capacity[index], 64); while (capacity < delta) capacity *= 2; void *ptr = realloc(rst->linebuf[index], sizeof(struct segment) * capacity); if (!ptr) return 0; rst->linebuf[index] = (struct segment *)ptr; rst->capacity[index] = capacity; return 1; } void rasterizer_done(ASS_Rasterizer *rst) { free(rst->linebuf[0]); free(rst->linebuf[1]); } typedef struct { int32_t x, y; } OutlinePoint; // Helper struct for spline split decision typedef struct { OutlinePoint r; int64_t r2, er; } OutlineSegment; static inline void segment_init(OutlineSegment *seg, OutlinePoint beg, OutlinePoint end, int32_t outline_error) { int32_t x = end.x - beg.x; int32_t y = end.y - beg.y; int32_t abs_x = x < 0 ? -x : x; int32_t abs_y = y < 0 ? -y : y; seg->r.x = x; seg->r.y = y; seg->r2 = x * (int64_t)x + y * (int64_t)y; seg->er = outline_error * (int64_t)FFMAX(abs_x, abs_y); } static inline int segment_subdivide(const OutlineSegment *seg, OutlinePoint beg, OutlinePoint pt) { int32_t x = pt.x - beg.x; int32_t y = pt.y - beg.y; int64_t pdr = seg->r.x * (int64_t)x + seg->r.y * (int64_t)y; int64_t pcr = seg->r.x * (int64_t)y - seg->r.y * (int64_t)x; return pdr < -seg->er || pdr > seg->r2 + seg->er || (pcr < 0 ? -pcr : pcr) > seg->er; } /** * \brief Add new segment to polyline */ static inline int add_line(ASS_Rasterizer *rst, OutlinePoint pt0, OutlinePoint pt1) { int32_t x = pt1.x - pt0.x; int32_t y = pt1.y - pt0.y; if (!x && !y) return 1; if (!check_capacity(rst, 0, 1)) return 0; struct segment *line = rst->linebuf[0] + rst->size[0]; ++rst->size[0]; line->flags = SEGFLAG_EXACT_LEFT | SEGFLAG_EXACT_RIGHT | SEGFLAG_EXACT_TOP | SEGFLAG_EXACT_BOTTOM; if (x < 0) line->flags ^= SEGFLAG_UL_DR; if (y >= 0) line->flags ^= SEGFLAG_DN | SEGFLAG_UL_DR; line->x_min = FFMIN(pt0.x, pt1.x); line->x_max = FFMAX(pt0.x, pt1.x); line->y_min = FFMIN(pt0.y, pt1.y); line->y_max = FFMAX(pt0.y, pt1.y); line->a = y; line->b = -x; line->c = y * (int64_t)pt0.x - x * (int64_t)pt0.y; // halfplane normalization int32_t abs_x = x < 0 ? -x : x; int32_t abs_y = y < 0 ? -y : y; uint32_t max_ab = (abs_x > abs_y ? abs_x : abs_y); int shift = 30 - ilog2(max_ab); max_ab <<= shift + 1; line->a *= 1 << shift; line->b *= 1 << shift; line->c *= 1 << shift; line->scale = (uint64_t)0x53333333 * (uint32_t)(max_ab * (uint64_t)max_ab >> 32) >> 32; line->scale += 0x8810624D - (0xBBC6A7EF * (uint64_t)max_ab >> 32); //line->scale = ((uint64_t)1 << 61) / max_ab; return 1; } /** * \brief Add quadratic spline to polyline * Preforms recursive subdivision if necessary. */ static int add_quadratic(ASS_Rasterizer *rst, OutlinePoint pt0, OutlinePoint pt1, OutlinePoint pt2) { OutlineSegment seg; segment_init(&seg, pt0, pt2, rst->outline_error); if (!segment_subdivide(&seg, pt0, pt1)) return add_line(rst, pt0, pt2); OutlinePoint p01, p12, c; // XXX: overflow? p01.x = pt0.x + pt1.x; p01.y = pt0.y + pt1.y; p12.x = pt1.x + pt2.x; p12.y = pt1.y + pt2.y; c.x = (p01.x + p12.x + 2) >> 2; c.y = (p01.y + p12.y + 2) >> 2; p01.x >>= 1; p01.y >>= 1; p12.x >>= 1; p12.y >>= 1; return add_quadratic(rst, pt0, p01, c) && add_quadratic(rst, c, p12, pt2); } /** * \brief Add cubic spline to polyline * Preforms recursive subdivision if necessary. */ static int add_cubic(ASS_Rasterizer *rst, OutlinePoint pt0, OutlinePoint pt1, OutlinePoint pt2, OutlinePoint pt3) { OutlineSegment seg; segment_init(&seg, pt0, pt3, rst->outline_error); if (!segment_subdivide(&seg, pt0, pt1) && !segment_subdivide(&seg, pt0, pt2)) return add_line(rst, pt0, pt3); OutlinePoint p01, p12, p23, p012, p123, c; // XXX: overflow? p01.x = pt0.x + pt1.x; p01.y = pt0.y + pt1.y; p12.x = pt1.x + pt2.x + 2; p12.y = pt1.y + pt2.y + 2; p23.x = pt2.x + pt3.x; p23.y = pt2.y + pt3.y; p012.x = p01.x + p12.x; p012.y = p01.y + p12.y; p123.x = p12.x + p23.x; p123.y = p12.y + p23.y; c.x = (p012.x + p123.x - 1) >> 3; c.y = (p012.y + p123.y - 1) >> 3; p01.x >>= 1; p01.y >>= 1; p012.x >>= 2; p012.y >>= 2; p123.x >>= 2; p123.y >>= 2; p23.x >>= 1; p23.y >>= 1; return add_cubic(rst, pt0, p01, p012, c) && add_cubic(rst, c, p123, p23, pt3); } int rasterizer_set_outline(ASS_Rasterizer *rst, const ASS_Outline *path) { enum Status { S_ON, S_Q, S_C1, S_C2 }; size_t i, j = 0; rst->size[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < path->n_contours; ++i) { OutlinePoint start, p[4]; int process_end = 1; enum Status st; int last = path->contours[i]; if (j > last) return 0; switch (FT_CURVE_TAG(path->tags[j])) { case FT_CURVE_TAG_ON: p[0].x = path->points[j].x; p[0].y = -path->points[j].y; start = p[0]; st = S_ON; break; case FT_CURVE_TAG_CONIC: switch (FT_CURVE_TAG(path->tags[last])) { case FT_CURVE_TAG_ON: p[0].x = path->points[last].x; p[0].y = -path->points[last].y; p[1].x = path->points[j].x; p[1].y = -path->points[j].y; process_end = 0; st = S_Q; break; case FT_CURVE_TAG_CONIC: p[1].x = path->points[j].x; p[1].y = -path->points[j].y; p[0].x = (p[1].x + path->points[last].x) >> 1; p[0].y = (p[1].y - path->points[last].y) >> 1; start = p[0]; st = S_Q; break; default: return 0; } break; default: return 0; } for (j++; j <= last; ++j) switch (FT_CURVE_TAG(path->tags[j])) { case FT_CURVE_TAG_ON: switch (st) { case S_ON: p[1].x = path->points[j].x; p[1].y = -path->points[j].y; if (!add_line(rst, p[0], p[1])) return 0; p[0] = p[1]; break; case S_Q: p[2].x = path->points[j].x; p[2].y = -path->points[j].y; if (!add_quadratic(rst, p[0], p[1], p[2])) return 0; p[0] = p[2]; st = S_ON; break; case S_C2: p[3].x = path->points[j].x; p[3].y = -path->points[j].y; if (!add_cubic(rst, p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3])) return 0; p[0] = p[3]; st = S_ON; break; default: return 0; } break; case FT_CURVE_TAG_CONIC: switch (st) { case S_ON: p[1].x = path->points[j].x; p[1].y = -path->points[j].y; st = S_Q; break; case S_Q: p[3].x = path->points[j].x; p[3].y = -path->points[j].y; p[2].x = (p[1].x + p[3].x) >> 1; p[2].y = (p[1].y + p[3].y) >> 1; if (!add_quadratic(rst, p[0], p[1], p[2])) return 0; p[0] = p[2]; p[1] = p[3]; break; default: return 0; } break; case FT_CURVE_TAG_CUBIC: switch (st) { case S_ON: p[1].x = path->points[j].x; p[1].y = -path->points[j].y; st = S_C1; break; case S_C1: p[2].x = path->points[j].x; p[2].y = -path->points[j].y; st = S_C2; break; default: return 0; } break; default: return 0; } if (process_end) switch (st) { case S_ON: if (!add_line(rst, p[0], start)) return 0; break; case S_Q: if (!add_quadratic(rst, p[0], p[1], start)) return 0; break; case S_C2: if (!add_cubic(rst, p[0], p[1], p[2], start)) return 0; break; default: return 0; } } size_t k; rst->x_min = rst->y_min = 0x7FFFFFFF; rst->x_max = rst->y_max = 0x80000000; for (k = 0; k < rst->size[0]; ++k) { rst->x_min = FFMIN(rst->x_min, rst->linebuf[0][k].x_min); rst->x_max = FFMAX(rst->x_max, rst->linebuf[0][k].x_max); rst->y_min = FFMIN(rst->y_min, rst->linebuf[0][k].y_min); rst->y_max = FFMAX(rst->y_max, rst->linebuf[0][k].y_max); } return 1; } static void segment_move_x(struct segment *line, int32_t x) { line->x_min -= x; line->x_max -= x; line->x_min = FFMAX(line->x_min, 0); line->c -= line->a * (int64_t)x; static const int test = SEGFLAG_EXACT_LEFT | SEGFLAG_UL_DR; if (!line->x_min && (line->flags & test) == test) line->flags &= ~SEGFLAG_EXACT_TOP; } static void segment_move_y(struct segment *line, int32_t y) { line->y_min -= y; line->y_max -= y; line->y_min = FFMAX(line->y_min, 0); line->c -= line->b * (int64_t)y; static const int test = SEGFLAG_EXACT_TOP | SEGFLAG_UL_DR; if (!line->y_min && (line->flags & test) == test) line->flags &= ~SEGFLAG_EXACT_LEFT; } static void segment_split_horz(struct segment *line, struct segment *next, int32_t x) { assert(x > line->x_min && x < line->x_max); *next = *line; next->c -= line->a * (int64_t)x; next->x_min = 0; next->x_max -= x; line->x_max = x; line->flags &= ~SEGFLAG_EXACT_TOP; next->flags &= ~SEGFLAG_EXACT_BOTTOM; if (line->flags & SEGFLAG_UL_DR) { int32_t tmp = line->flags; line->flags = next->flags; next->flags = tmp; } line->flags |= SEGFLAG_EXACT_RIGHT; next->flags |= SEGFLAG_EXACT_LEFT; } static void segment_split_vert(struct segment *line, struct segment *next, int32_t y) { assert(y > line->y_min && y < line->y_max); *next = *line; next->c -= line->b * (int64_t)y; next->y_min = 0; next->y_max -= y; line->y_max = y; line->flags &= ~SEGFLAG_EXACT_LEFT; next->flags &= ~SEGFLAG_EXACT_RIGHT; if (line->flags & SEGFLAG_UL_DR) { int32_t tmp = line->flags; line->flags = next->flags; next->flags = tmp; } line->flags |= SEGFLAG_EXACT_BOTTOM; next->flags |= SEGFLAG_EXACT_TOP; } static inline int segment_check_left(const struct segment *line, int32_t x) { if (line->flags & SEGFLAG_EXACT_LEFT) return line->x_min >= x; int64_t cc = line->c - line->a * (int64_t)x - line->b * (int64_t)(line->flags & SEGFLAG_UL_DR ? line->y_min : line->y_max); if (line->a < 0) cc = -cc; return cc >= 0; } static inline int segment_check_right(const struct segment *line, int32_t x) { if (line->flags & SEGFLAG_EXACT_RIGHT) return line->x_max <= x; int64_t cc = line->c - line->a * (int64_t)x - line->b * (int64_t)(line->flags & SEGFLAG_UL_DR ? line->y_max : line->y_min); if (line->a > 0) cc = -cc; return cc >= 0; } static inline int segment_check_top(const struct segment *line, int32_t y) { if (line->flags & SEGFLAG_EXACT_TOP) return line->y_min >= y; int64_t cc = line->c - line->b * (int64_t)y - line->a * (int64_t)(line->flags & SEGFLAG_UL_DR ? line->x_min : line->x_max); if (line->b < 0) cc = -cc; return cc >= 0; } static inline int segment_check_bottom(const struct segment *line, int32_t y) { if (line->flags & SEGFLAG_EXACT_BOTTOM) return line->y_max <= y; int64_t cc = line->c - line->b * (int64_t)y - line->a * (int64_t)(line->flags & SEGFLAG_UL_DR ? line->x_max : line->x_min); if (line->b > 0) cc = -cc; return cc >= 0; } /** * \brief Split list of segments horizontally * \param src in: input array, can coincide with *dst0 or *dst1 * \param n_src in: input array size * \param dst0, dst1 out: pointers to output arrays of at least n_src size * \param x in: split coordinate * \return winding difference between bottom-split and bottom-left points */ static int polyline_split_horz(const struct segment *src, size_t n_src, struct segment **dst0, struct segment **dst1, int32_t x) { int winding = 0; const struct segment *end = src + n_src; for (; src != end; ++src) { int delta = 0; if (!src->y_min && (src->flags & SEGFLAG_EXACT_TOP)) delta = src->a < 0 ? 1 : -1; if (segment_check_right(src, x)) { winding += delta; if (src->x_min >= x) continue; **dst0 = *src; (*dst0)->x_max = FFMIN((*dst0)->x_max, x); ++(*dst0); continue; } if (segment_check_left(src, x)) { **dst1 = *src; segment_move_x(*dst1, x); ++(*dst1); continue; } if (src->flags & SEGFLAG_UL_DR) winding += delta; **dst0 = *src; segment_split_horz(*dst0, *dst1, x); ++(*dst0); ++(*dst1); } return winding; } /** * \brief Split list of segments vertically */ static int polyline_split_vert(const struct segment *src, size_t n_src, struct segment **dst0, struct segment **dst1, int32_t y) { int winding = 0; const struct segment *end = src + n_src; for (; src != end; ++src) { int delta = 0; if (!src->x_min && (src->flags & SEGFLAG_EXACT_LEFT)) delta = src->b < 0 ? 1 : -1; if (segment_check_bottom(src, y)) { winding += delta; if (src->y_min >= y) continue; **dst0 = *src; (*dst0)->y_max = (*dst0)->y_max < y ? (*dst0)->y_max : y; ++(*dst0); continue; } if (segment_check_top(src, y)) { **dst1 = *src; segment_move_y(*dst1, y); ++(*dst1); continue; } if (src->flags & SEGFLAG_UL_DR) winding += delta; **dst0 = *src; segment_split_vert(*dst0, *dst1, y); ++(*dst0); ++(*dst1); } return winding; } static inline void rasterizer_fill_solid(ASS_Rasterizer *rst, uint8_t *buf, int width, int height, ptrdiff_t stride) { assert(!(width & ((1 << rst->tile_order) - 1))); assert(!(height & ((1 << rst->tile_order) - 1))); int i, j; ptrdiff_t step = 1 << rst->tile_order; ptrdiff_t tile_stride = stride * (1 << rst->tile_order); width >>= rst->tile_order; height >>= rst->tile_order; for (j = 0; j < height; ++j) { for (i = 0; i < width; ++i) rst->fill_solid(buf + i * step, stride); buf += tile_stride; } } static inline void rasterizer_fill_halfplane(ASS_Rasterizer *rst, uint8_t *buf, int width, int height, ptrdiff_t stride, int32_t a, int32_t b, int64_t c, int32_t scale) { assert(!(width & ((1 << rst->tile_order) - 1))); assert(!(height & ((1 << rst->tile_order) - 1))); if (width == 1 << rst->tile_order && height == 1 << rst->tile_order) { rst->fill_halfplane(buf, stride, a, b, c, scale); return; } uint32_t abs_a = a < 0 ? -a : a; uint32_t abs_b = b < 0 ? -b : b; int64_t size = (int64_t)(abs_a + abs_b) << (rst->tile_order + 5); int64_t offs = ((int64_t)a + b) * (1 << (rst->tile_order + 5)); int i, j; ptrdiff_t step = 1 << rst->tile_order; ptrdiff_t tile_stride = stride * (1 << rst->tile_order); width >>= rst->tile_order; height >>= rst->tile_order; for (j = 0; j < height; ++j) { for (i = 0; i < width; ++i) { int64_t cc = c - (a * (int64_t)i + b * (int64_t)j) * (1 << (rst->tile_order + 6)); int64_t offs_c = offs - cc; int64_t abs_c = offs_c < 0 ? -offs_c : offs_c; if (abs_c < size) rst->fill_halfplane(buf + i * step, stride, a, b, cc, scale); else if (((uint32_t)(offs_c >> 32) ^ scale) & 0x80000000) rst->fill_solid(buf + i * step, stride); } buf += tile_stride; } } /** * \brief Main quad-tree filling function * \param index index (0 or 1) of the input segment buffer (rst->linebuf) * \param offs current offset from the beginning of the buffer * \param winding bottom-left winding value * \return zero on error * Rasterizes (possibly recursive) one quad-tree level. * Truncates used input buffer. */ static int rasterizer_fill_level(ASS_Rasterizer *rst, uint8_t *buf, int width, int height, ptrdiff_t stride, int index, size_t offs, int winding) { assert(width > 0 && height > 0); assert((unsigned)index < 2u && offs <= rst->size[index]); assert(!(width & ((1 << rst->tile_order) - 1))); assert(!(height & ((1 << rst->tile_order) - 1))); size_t n = rst->size[index] - offs; struct segment *line = rst->linebuf[index] + offs; if (!n) { if (winding) rasterizer_fill_solid(rst, buf, width, height, stride); return 1; } if (n == 1) { int flag = 0; if (line->c < 0)winding++; if (winding) flag ^= 1; if (winding - 1) flag ^= 3; if (flag & 1) rasterizer_fill_halfplane(rst, buf, width, height, stride, line->a, line->b, line->c, flag & 2 ? -line->scale : line->scale); else if (flag & 2) rasterizer_fill_solid(rst, buf, width, height, stride); rst->size[index] = offs; return 1; } if (width == 1 << rst->tile_order && height == 1 << rst->tile_order) { rst->fill_generic(buf, stride, line, rst->size[index] - offs, winding); rst->size[index] = offs; return 1; } size_t offs1 = rst->size[index ^ 1]; if (!check_capacity(rst, index ^ 1, n)) return 0; struct segment *dst0 = line; struct segment *dst1 = rst->linebuf[index ^ 1] + offs1; int winding1 = winding; uint8_t *buf1 = buf; int width1 = width; int height1 = height; if (width > height) { width = 1 << ilog2(width - 1); width1 -= width; buf1 += width; winding1 += polyline_split_horz(line, n, &dst0, &dst1, (int32_t)width << 6); } else { height = 1 << ilog2(height - 1); height1 -= height; buf1 += height * stride; winding1 += polyline_split_vert(line, n, &dst0, &dst1, (int32_t)height << 6); } rst->size[index ^ 0] = dst0 - rst->linebuf[index ^ 0]; rst->size[index ^ 1] = dst1 - rst->linebuf[index ^ 1]; if (!rasterizer_fill_level(rst, buf, width, height, stride, index ^ 0, offs, winding)) return 0; assert(rst->size[index ^ 0] == offs); if (!rasterizer_fill_level(rst, buf1, width1, height1, stride, index ^ 1, offs1, winding1)) return 0; assert(rst->size[index ^ 1] == offs1); return 1; } int rasterizer_fill(ASS_Rasterizer *rst, uint8_t *buf, int x0, int y0, int width, int height, ptrdiff_t stride) { assert(width > 0 && height > 0); assert(!(width & ((1 << rst->tile_order) - 1))); assert(!(height & ((1 << rst->tile_order) - 1))); x0 *= 1 << 6; y0 *= 1 << 6; size_t n = rst->size[0]; struct segment *line = rst->linebuf[0]; struct segment *end = line + n; for (; line != end; ++line) { line->x_min -= x0; line->x_max -= x0; line->y_min -= y0; line->y_max -= y0; line->c -= line->a * (int64_t)x0 + line->b * (int64_t)y0; } rst->x_min -= x0; rst->x_max -= x0; rst->y_min -= y0; rst->y_max -= y0; int index = 0; int winding = 0; if (!check_capacity(rst, 1, rst->size[0])) return 0; int32_t size_x = (int32_t)width << 6; int32_t size_y = (int32_t)height << 6; if (rst->x_max >= size_x) { struct segment *dst0 = rst->linebuf[index]; struct segment *dst1 = rst->linebuf[index ^ 1]; polyline_split_horz(rst->linebuf[index], n, &dst0, &dst1, size_x); n = dst0 - rst->linebuf[index]; } if (rst->y_max >= size_y) { struct segment *dst0 = rst->linebuf[index]; struct segment *dst1 = rst->linebuf[index ^ 1]; polyline_split_vert(rst->linebuf[index], n, &dst0, &dst1, size_y); n = dst0 - rst->linebuf[index]; } if (rst->x_min <= 0) { struct segment *dst0 = rst->linebuf[index]; struct segment *dst1 = rst->linebuf[index ^ 1]; polyline_split_horz(rst->linebuf[index], n, &dst0, &dst1, 0); index ^= 1; n = dst1 - rst->linebuf[index]; } if (rst->y_min <= 0) { struct segment *dst0 = rst->linebuf[index]; struct segment *dst1 = rst->linebuf[index ^ 1]; winding = polyline_split_vert(rst->linebuf[index], n, &dst0, &dst1, 0); index ^= 1; n = dst1 - rst->linebuf[index]; } rst->size[index] = n; rst->size[index ^ 1] = 0; return rasterizer_fill_level(rst, buf, width, height, stride, index, 0, winding); }