/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Stephan Vedder * * This file is part of libass. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #define COBJMACROS #include "config.h" #include "ass_compat.h" #include #include #include "dwrite_c.h" #include "ass_directwrite.h" #include "ass_utils.h" #define FALLBACK_DEFAULT_FONT L"Arial" static const ASS_FontMapping font_substitutions[] = { {"sans-serif", "Arial"}, {"serif", "Times New Roman"}, {"monospace", "Courier New"} }; typedef struct ASS_SharedHDC ASS_SharedHDC; #if ASS_WINAPI_DESKTOP struct ASS_SharedHDC { HDC hdc; unsigned ref_count; }; static ASS_SharedHDC *hdc_retain(ASS_SharedHDC *shared_hdc) { shared_hdc->ref_count++; return shared_hdc; } static void hdc_release(ASS_SharedHDC *shared_hdc) { if (!--shared_hdc->ref_count) { DeleteDC(shared_hdc->hdc); free(shared_hdc); } } #endif /* * The private data stored for every font, detected by this backend. */ typedef struct { #if ASS_WINAPI_DESKTOP ASS_SharedHDC *shared_hdc; #endif IDWriteFont *font; IDWriteFontFace *face; IDWriteFontFileStream *stream; } FontPrivate; typedef struct { #if ASS_WINAPI_DESKTOP HMODULE directwrite_lib; #endif IDWriteFactory *factory; IDWriteGdiInterop *gdi_interop; } ProviderPrivate; /** * Custom text renderer class for logging the fonts used. It does not * actually render anything or do anything apart from that. */ typedef struct FallbackLogTextRenderer { IDWriteTextRenderer iface; IDWriteTextRendererVtbl vtbl; IDWriteFactory *dw_factory; LONG ref_count; } FallbackLogTextRenderer; static HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE FallbackLogTextRenderer_IsPixelSnappingDisabled( IDWriteTextRenderer *This, void* clientDrawingContext, BOOL* isDisabled ) { *isDisabled = true; return S_OK; } static HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE FallbackLogTextRenderer_GetCurrentTransform( IDWriteTextRenderer *This, void* clientDrawingContext, DWRITE_MATRIX* transform ) { return E_NOTIMPL; } static HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE FallbackLogTextRenderer_GetPixelsPerDip( IDWriteTextRenderer *This, void* clientDrawingContext, FLOAT* pixelsPerDip ) { return E_NOTIMPL; } static HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE FallbackLogTextRenderer_DrawGlyphRun( IDWriteTextRenderer *This, void* clientDrawingContext, FLOAT baselineOriginX, FLOAT baselineOriginY, DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE measuringMode, DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN const* glyphRun, DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN_DESCRIPTION const* glyphRunDescription, IUnknown* clientDrawingEffect ) { FallbackLogTextRenderer *this = (FallbackLogTextRenderer *)This; HRESULT hr; IDWriteFontCollection *font_coll = NULL; IDWriteFont **font = (IDWriteFont **)clientDrawingContext; hr = IDWriteFactory_GetSystemFontCollection(this->dw_factory, &font_coll, FALSE); if (FAILED(hr)) return E_FAIL; hr = IDWriteFontCollection_GetFontFromFontFace(font_coll, glyphRun->fontFace, font); if (FAILED(hr)) return E_FAIL; return S_OK; } static HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE FallbackLogTextRenderer_DrawUnderline( IDWriteTextRenderer *This, void* clientDrawingContext, FLOAT baselineOriginX, FLOAT baselineOriginY, DWRITE_UNDERLINE const* underline, IUnknown* clientDrawingEffect ) { return S_OK; } static HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE FallbackLogTextRenderer_DrawStrikethrough( IDWriteTextRenderer *This, void* clientDrawingContext, FLOAT baselineOriginX, FLOAT baselineOriginY, DWRITE_STRIKETHROUGH const* strikethrough, IUnknown* clientDrawingEffect ) { return S_OK; } static HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE FallbackLogTextRenderer_DrawInlineObject( IDWriteTextRenderer *This, void *clientDrawingContext, FLOAT originX, FLOAT originY, IDWriteInlineObject *inlineObject, BOOL isSideways, BOOL isRightToLeft, IUnknown *clientDrawingEffect ) { return S_OK; } // IUnknown methods static ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE FallbackLogTextRenderer_AddRef( IDWriteTextRenderer *This ) { FallbackLogTextRenderer *this = (FallbackLogTextRenderer *)This; return InterlockedIncrement(&this->ref_count); } static ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE FallbackLogTextRenderer_Release( IDWriteTextRenderer *This ) { FallbackLogTextRenderer *this = (FallbackLogTextRenderer *)This; unsigned long new_count = InterlockedDecrement(&this->ref_count); if (new_count == 0) { free(this); return 0; } return new_count; } static HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE FallbackLogTextRenderer_QueryInterface( IDWriteTextRenderer *This, REFIID riid, void **ppvObject ) { if (IsEqualGUID(riid, &IID_IDWriteTextRenderer) || IsEqualGUID(riid, &IID_IDWritePixelSnapping) || IsEqualGUID(riid, &IID_IUnknown)) { *ppvObject = This; } else { *ppvObject = NULL; return E_FAIL; } This->lpVtbl->AddRef(This); return S_OK; } static void init_FallbackLogTextRenderer(FallbackLogTextRenderer *r, IDWriteFactory *factory) { *r = (FallbackLogTextRenderer) { .iface = { .lpVtbl = &r->vtbl, }, .vtbl = { FallbackLogTextRenderer_QueryInterface, FallbackLogTextRenderer_AddRef, FallbackLogTextRenderer_Release, FallbackLogTextRenderer_IsPixelSnappingDisabled, FallbackLogTextRenderer_GetCurrentTransform, FallbackLogTextRenderer_GetPixelsPerDip, FallbackLogTextRenderer_DrawGlyphRun, FallbackLogTextRenderer_DrawUnderline, FallbackLogTextRenderer_DrawStrikethrough, FallbackLogTextRenderer_DrawInlineObject, }, .dw_factory = factory, }; } /* * This function is called whenever a font is accessed for the * first time. It will create a FontFace for metadata access and * memory reading, which will be stored within the private data. */ static bool init_font_private_face(FontPrivate *priv) { HRESULT hr; IDWriteFontFace *face; if (priv->face != NULL) return true; hr = IDWriteFont_CreateFontFace(priv->font, &face); if (FAILED(hr) || !face) return false; priv->face = face; return true; } /* * This function is called whenever a font is used for the first * time. It will create a FontStream for memory reading, which * will be stored within the private data. */ static bool init_font_private_stream(FontPrivate *priv) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IDWriteFontFile *file = NULL; IDWriteFontFileStream *stream = NULL; IDWriteFontFileLoader *loader = NULL; UINT32 n_files = 1; const void *refKey = NULL; UINT32 keySize = 0; if (priv->stream != NULL) return true; if (!init_font_private_face(priv)) return false; /* DirectWrite only supports one file per face */ hr = IDWriteFontFace_GetFiles(priv->face, &n_files, &file); if (FAILED(hr) || !file) return false; hr = IDWriteFontFile_GetReferenceKey(file, &refKey, &keySize); if (FAILED(hr)) { IDWriteFontFile_Release(file); return false; } hr = IDWriteFontFile_GetLoader(file, &loader); if (FAILED(hr) || !loader) { IDWriteFontFile_Release(file); return false; } hr = IDWriteFontFileLoader_CreateStreamFromKey(loader, refKey, keySize, &stream); if (FAILED(hr) || !stream) { IDWriteFontFile_Release(file); return false; } priv->stream = stream; IDWriteFontFile_Release(file); return true; } /* * Read a specified part of a fontfile into memory. * If the font wasn't used before first creates a * FontStream and save it into the private data for later usage. * If the parameter "buf" is NULL libass wants to know the * size of the Fontfile */ static size_t get_data(void *data, unsigned char *buf, size_t offset, size_t length) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; FontPrivate *priv = (FontPrivate *) data; const void *fileBuf = NULL; void *fragContext = NULL; if (!init_font_private_stream(priv)) return 0; if (buf == NULL) { UINT64 fileSize; hr = IDWriteFontFileStream_GetFileSize(priv->stream, &fileSize); if (FAILED(hr)) return 0; return fileSize; } hr = IDWriteFontFileStream_ReadFileFragment(priv->stream, &fileBuf, offset, length, &fragContext); if (FAILED(hr) || !fileBuf) return 0; memcpy(buf, fileBuf, length); IDWriteFontFileStream_ReleaseFileFragment(priv->stream, fragContext); return length; } /* * Check whether the font contains PostScript outlines. */ static bool check_postscript(void *data) { FontPrivate *priv = (FontPrivate *) data; if (!init_font_private_face(priv)) return false; DWRITE_FONT_FACE_TYPE type = IDWriteFontFace_GetType(priv->face); return type == DWRITE_FONT_FACE_TYPE_CFF || type == DWRITE_FONT_FACE_TYPE_RAW_CFF || type == DWRITE_FONT_FACE_TYPE_TYPE1; } /* * Lazily return index of font. It requires the FontFace to be present, which is expensive to initialize. */ static unsigned get_font_index(void *data) { FontPrivate *priv = (FontPrivate *)data; if (!init_font_private_face(priv)) return 0; return IDWriteFontFace_GetIndex(priv->face); } /* * Check if the passed font has a specific unicode character. */ static bool check_glyph(void *data, uint32_t code) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; FontPrivate *priv = (FontPrivate *) data; BOOL exists = FALSE; if (code == 0) return true; if (priv->font) { hr = IDWriteFont_HasCharacter(priv->font, code, &exists); if (FAILED(hr)) return false; } else { uint16_t glyph_index; hr = IDWriteFontFace_GetGlyphIndices(priv->face, &code, 1, &glyph_index); if (FAILED(hr)) return false; exists = !!glyph_index; } return exists; } /* * This will release the directwrite backend */ static void destroy_provider(void *priv) { ProviderPrivate *provider_priv = (ProviderPrivate *)priv; provider_priv->gdi_interop->lpVtbl->Release(provider_priv->gdi_interop); provider_priv->factory->lpVtbl->Release(provider_priv->factory); #if ASS_WINAPI_DESKTOP FreeLibrary(provider_priv->directwrite_lib); #endif free(provider_priv); } /* * This will destroy a specific font and it's * Fontstream (in case it does exist) */ static void destroy_font(void *data) { FontPrivate *priv = (FontPrivate *) data; if (priv->font != NULL) IDWriteFont_Release(priv->font); if (priv->face != NULL) IDWriteFontFace_Release(priv->face); if (priv->stream != NULL) IDWriteFontFileStream_Release(priv->stream); #if ASS_WINAPI_DESKTOP hdc_release(priv->shared_hdc); #endif free(priv); } static int encode_utf16(wchar_t *chars, uint32_t codepoint) { if (codepoint < 0x10000) { chars[0] = codepoint; return 1; } else { chars[0] = (codepoint >> 10) + 0xD7C0; chars[1] = (codepoint & 0x3FF) + 0xDC00; return 2; } } static char *get_utf8_name(IDWriteLocalizedStrings *names, int k) { wchar_t *temp_name = NULL; char *mbName = NULL; UINT32 length; HRESULT hr = IDWriteLocalizedStrings_GetStringLength(names, k, &length); if (FAILED(hr)) goto cleanup; if (length >= (UINT32) -1 || length + (size_t) 1 > SIZE_MAX / sizeof(wchar_t)) goto cleanup; temp_name = malloc((length + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); if (!temp_name) goto cleanup; hr = IDWriteLocalizedStrings_GetString(names, k, temp_name, length + 1); if (FAILED(hr)) goto cleanup; int size_needed = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, temp_name, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); if (!size_needed) goto cleanup; mbName = malloc(size_needed); if (!mbName) goto cleanup; WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, temp_name, -1, mbName, size_needed, NULL, NULL); cleanup: free(temp_name); return mbName; } static char *get_fallback(void *priv, ASS_Library *lib, const char *base, uint32_t codepoint) { HRESULT hr; ProviderPrivate *provider_priv = (ProviderPrivate *)priv; IDWriteFactory *dw_factory = provider_priv->factory; IDWriteTextFormat *text_format = NULL; IDWriteTextLayout *text_layout = NULL; FallbackLogTextRenderer renderer; init_FallbackLogTextRenderer(&renderer, dw_factory); hr = IDWriteFactory_CreateTextFormat(dw_factory, FALLBACK_DEFAULT_FONT, NULL, DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT_MEDIUM, DWRITE_FONT_STYLE_NORMAL, DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH_NORMAL, 1.0f, L"", &text_format); if (FAILED(hr)) { return NULL; } // Encode codepoint as UTF-16 wchar_t char_string[2]; int char_len = encode_utf16(char_string, codepoint); // Create a text_layout, a high-level text rendering facility, using // the given codepoint and dummy format. hr = IDWriteFactory_CreateTextLayout(dw_factory, char_string, char_len, text_format, 0.0f, 0.0f, &text_layout); if (FAILED(hr)) { IDWriteTextFormat_Release(text_format); return NULL; } // Draw the layout with a dummy renderer, which logs the // font used and stores it. IDWriteFont *font = NULL; hr = IDWriteTextLayout_Draw(text_layout, &font, &renderer.iface, 0.0f, 0.0f); if (FAILED(hr) || font == NULL) { IDWriteTextLayout_Release(text_layout); IDWriteTextFormat_Release(text_format); return NULL; } // We're done with these now IDWriteTextLayout_Release(text_layout); IDWriteTextFormat_Release(text_format); // DirectWrite may not have found a valid fallback, so check that // the selected font actually has the requested glyph. BOOL exists = FALSE; if (codepoint > 0) { hr = IDWriteFont_HasCharacter(font, codepoint, &exists); if (FAILED(hr) || !exists) { IDWriteFont_Release(font); return NULL; } } // Now, just extract the first family name IDWriteLocalizedStrings *familyNames = NULL; hr = IDWriteFont_GetInformationalStrings(font, DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_WIN32_FAMILY_NAMES, &familyNames, &exists); if (FAILED(hr) || !exists) { IDWriteFont_Release(font); return NULL; } char *family = get_utf8_name(familyNames, 0); IDWriteLocalizedStrings_Release(familyNames); IDWriteFont_Release(font); return family; } static int map_width(enum DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH stretch) { switch (stretch) { case DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH_ULTRA_CONDENSED: return 50; case DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH_EXTRA_CONDENSED: return 63; case DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH_CONDENSED: return FONT_WIDTH_CONDENSED; case DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH_SEMI_CONDENSED: return 88; case DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH_MEDIUM: return FONT_WIDTH_NORMAL; case DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH_SEMI_EXPANDED: return 113; case DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH_EXPANDED: return FONT_WIDTH_EXPANDED; case DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH_EXTRA_EXPANDED: return 150; case DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH_ULTRA_EXPANDED: return 200; default: return FONT_WIDTH_NORMAL; } } #define FONT_TYPE IDWriteFontFace3 #include "ass_directwrite_info_template.h" #undef FONT_TYPE static void add_font_face(IDWriteFontFace *face, ASS_FontProvider *provider, ASS_SharedHDC *shared_hdc) { ASS_FontProviderMetaData meta = {0}; IDWriteFontFace3 *face3; HRESULT hr = IDWriteFontFace_QueryInterface(face, &IID_IDWriteFontFace3, (void **) &face3); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && face3) { bool success = get_font_info_IDWriteFontFace3(face3, &meta); IDWriteFontFace3_Release(face3); if (!success) goto cleanup; } FontPrivate *font_priv = calloc(1, sizeof(*font_priv)); if (!font_priv) goto cleanup; font_priv->face = face; face = NULL; #if ASS_WINAPI_DESKTOP font_priv->shared_hdc = hdc_retain(shared_hdc); #endif ass_font_provider_add_font(provider, &meta, NULL, 0, font_priv); cleanup: if (meta.families) { for (int k = 0; k < meta.n_family; k++) free(meta.families[k]); free(meta.families); } if (meta.fullnames) { for (int k = 0; k < meta.n_fullname; k++) free(meta.fullnames[k]); free(meta.fullnames); } free(meta.postscript_name); if (face) IDWriteFontFace_Release(face); } #if ASS_WINAPI_DESKTOP struct font_enum_priv { ASS_FontProvider *provider; IDWriteGdiInterop *gdi_interop; ASS_SharedHDC *shared_hdc; }; /* * Windows has three similar functions: EnumFonts, EnumFontFamilies * and EnumFontFamiliesEx, which were introduced at different times. * Each takes a callback, and the declared callback type is the same * for all three. However, the actual arguments passed to the callback * have also changed over time. Some changes match the introduction * of new EnumFont... variants, and some don't. Documentation has * changed over the years, too, so it can be hard to figure out what * types, and when, are safe for the callback to take. * * In the header files, FONTENUMPROC is declared to take: * CONST LOGFONT *, CONST TEXTMETRIC * * These are the baseline structs dating back to 16-bit Windows EnumFont. * * As of 2021, current versions of Microsoft's docs * for the EnumFontFamiliesEx callback use the same: * const LOGFONT *, const TEXTMETRIC * * and for the EnumFontFamilies callback use: * ENUMLOGFONT *, NEWTEXTMETRIC * * and mention that the first "can be cast as" ENUMLOGFONTEX or ENUMLOGFONTEXDV * while the second "can be an ENUMTEXTMETRIC structure" but for * non-TrueType fonts "is a pointer to a TEXTMETRIC structure". * * Docs from the 2000s (which include Win95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP details) use * ENUMLOGFONTEX *, NEWTEXTMETRICEX * * in the EnumFontFamiliesEx callback's definition: * https://web.archive.org/web/20050907052149 * /http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/gdi/fontext_9rmr.asp * and highlight these two extended struct types as advantages over * the EnumFontFamilies callback, suggesting that the actual arguments * to the EnumFontFamiliesEx callback have always been these two extended * structs. This is also reflected in the callback's parameter names * (which have stayed unchanged in the current docs). * EnumFontFamiliesEx itself was added in Windows NT 4.0 and 95. * * Similarly, the EnumFontFamilies callback's parameter names support * the idea that they have always used ENUMLOGFONT and NEWTEXTMETRIC. * * It seems the extra fields in NEWTEXTMETRIC[EX] compared to TEXTMETRIC * are merely zero-filled when they are irrelevant, rather than nonexistent * or inaccessible. This is further supported by the fact the later-still * struct ENUMTEXTMETRIC extends NEWTEXTMETRICEX even though the former * is/was (upon introduction) relevant only to PostScript fonts * while the latter is (supposedly) relevant only to TrueType fonts. * * Docs from the 2000s for ENUMLOGFONTEXDV and ENUMTEXTMETRIC: * https://web.archive.org/web/20050306200105 * /http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/gdi/fontext_15gy.asp * seem to assert that the callback receives these two further-extended * structs *if and only if* running on Windows 2000 or newer. * We don't need them, but if we did, we'd have to check (or assume) * Windows version, because this extension does not seem to have * an associated feature check. Moreover, these structs are given * to the callbacks of all three EnumFont... function variants. * So even EnumFonts actually uses the extended structs in 21st-century * Windows, but the declared callback type can no longer be changed * without breaking existing C++ code due to its strongly-typed pointers. * When targeting modern Windows, though, it seems safe for consumer * code to take the newest structs and cast the function pointer * to the declared callback type. */ static int CALLBACK font_enum_proc(const ENUMLOGFONTW *lpelf, const NEWTEXTMETRICW *lpntm, DWORD FontType, LPARAM lParam) { struct font_enum_priv *priv = (struct font_enum_priv *) lParam; HFONT hFont = NULL; HRESULT hr; if (FontType & RASTER_FONTTYPE) goto cleanup; hFont = CreateFontIndirectW(&lpelf->elfLogFont); if (!hFont) goto cleanup; HDC hdc = priv->shared_hdc->hdc; if (!SelectObject(hdc, hFont)) goto cleanup; wchar_t selected_name[LF_FACESIZE]; if (!GetTextFaceW(hdc, LF_FACESIZE, selected_name)) goto cleanup; if (wcsncmp(selected_name, lpelf->elfLogFont.lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE)) { // A different font was selected. This can happen if the requested // name is subject to charset-specific font substitution while // EnumFont... enumerates additional charsets contained in the font. // Alternatively, the font may have disappeared in the meantime. // Either way, there's no use looking at this font any further. goto cleanup; } // For single-font files, we could also use GetFontData, but for font // collection files, GDI does not expose the current font index. // CreateFontFaceFromHdc is able to find it out using a private API; // and it may also be more efficient if it doesn't copy the data. // The downside is that we must keep the HDC alive, at least on Windows 7, // to prevent the font from being deleted and breaking the IDWriteFontFace. IDWriteFontFace *face = NULL; hr = IDWriteGdiInterop_CreateFontFaceFromHdc(priv->gdi_interop, hdc, &face); if (FAILED(hr) || !face) goto cleanup; add_font_face(face, priv->provider, priv->shared_hdc); cleanup: if (hFont) DeleteObject(hFont); return 1 /* continue enumerating */; } #else static void add_font_set(IDWriteFontSet *fontSet, ASS_FontProvider *provider) { UINT32 n = IDWriteFontSet_GetFontCount(fontSet); for (UINT32 i = 0; i < n; i++) { HRESULT hr; IDWriteFontFaceReference *faceRef; hr = IDWriteFontSet_GetFontFaceReference(fontSet, i, &faceRef); if (FAILED(hr) || !faceRef) continue; if (IDWriteFontFaceReference_GetLocality(faceRef) != DWRITE_LOCALITY_LOCAL) goto cleanup; // Simulations for bold or oblique are sometimes synthesized by // DirectWrite. We are only interested in physical fonts. if (IDWriteFontFaceReference_GetSimulations(faceRef) != 0) goto cleanup; IDWriteFontFace3 *face; hr = IDWriteFontFaceReference_CreateFontFace(faceRef, &face); if (FAILED(hr) || !face) goto cleanup; add_font_face((IDWriteFontFace *) face, provider, NULL); cleanup: IDWriteFontFaceReference_Release(faceRef); } } #define FONT_TYPE IDWriteFont #define FAMILY_AS_ARG #include "ass_directwrite_info_template.h" #undef FONT_TYPE #undef FAMILY_AS_ARG static void add_font(IDWriteFont *font, IDWriteFontFamily *fontFamily, ASS_FontProvider *provider) { ASS_FontProviderMetaData meta = {0}; if (!get_font_info_IDWriteFont(font, fontFamily, &meta)) goto cleanup; FontPrivate *font_priv = calloc(1, sizeof(*font_priv)); if (!font_priv) goto cleanup; font_priv->font = font; font = NULL; ass_font_provider_add_font(provider, &meta, NULL, 0, font_priv); cleanup: if (meta.families) { for (int k = 0; k < meta.n_family; k++) free(meta.families[k]); free(meta.families); } if (meta.fullnames) { for (int k = 0; k < meta.n_fullname; k++) free(meta.fullnames[k]); free(meta.fullnames); } free(meta.postscript_name); if (font) IDWriteFont_Release(font); } #endif /* * When a new font name is requested, called to load that font from Windows */ static void match_fonts(void *priv, ASS_Library *lib, ASS_FontProvider *provider, char *name) { ProviderPrivate *provider_priv = (ProviderPrivate *)priv; LOGFONTW lf = {0}; // lfFaceName can hold up to LF_FACESIZE wchars; truncate longer names MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, name, -1, lf.lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE-1); #if ASS_WINAPI_DESKTOP struct font_enum_priv enum_priv; enum_priv.shared_hdc = calloc(1, sizeof(ASS_SharedHDC)); if (!enum_priv.shared_hdc) return; // Keep this HDC alive to keep the fonts alive. This seems to be necessary // on Windows 7, where the fonts can't be deleted as long as the DC lives // and where the converted IDWriteFontFaces only work as long as the fonts // aren't deleted, although not on Windows 10, where fonts can be deleted // even if the DC still lives but IDWriteFontFaces keep working even if // the fonts are deleted. // // But beware of threading: docs say CreateCompatibleDC(NULL) creates a DC // that is bound to the current thread and is deleted when the thread dies. // It's not forbidden to call libass functions from multiple threads // over the lifetime of a font provider, so this doesn't work for us. // Practical tests suggest that the docs are wrong and the DC actually // persists after its creating thread dies, but let's not rely on that. // The workaround is to do a longer dance that is effectively equivalent to // CreateCompatibleDC(NULL) but isn't specifically CreateCompatibleDC(NULL). HDC screen_dc = GetDC(NULL); if (!screen_dc) { free(enum_priv.shared_hdc); return; } HDC hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(screen_dc); ReleaseDC(NULL, screen_dc); if (!hdc) { free(enum_priv.shared_hdc); return; } enum_priv.provider = provider; enum_priv.gdi_interop = provider_priv->gdi_interop; enum_priv.shared_hdc->hdc = hdc; enum_priv.shared_hdc->ref_count = 1; // EnumFontFamilies gives each font once, plus repeats for charset-specific // aliases. EnumFontFamiliesEx gives each charset of each font separately, // so it repeats each font as many times as it has charsets, regardless // of whether they have aliases. Other than this, the two functions are // equivalent. There's no reliable way to distinguish when two items // enumerated by either function refer to the same font (but different // aliases or charsets) or actually distinct fonts, so we add every item // as a separate font to our database and simply prefer the enumeration // function that tends to give fewer duplicates. Generally, many fonts // cover multiple charsets while very few have aliases, so we prefer // EnumFontFamilies. // // Furthermore, the requested name might be an empty string. In this case, // EnumFontFamilies will give us only fonts with empty names, whereas // EnumFontFamiliesEx would give us a list of all installed font families. EnumFontFamiliesW(hdc, lf.lfFaceName, (FONTENUMPROCW) font_enum_proc, (LPARAM) &enum_priv); hdc_release(enum_priv.shared_hdc); #else HRESULT hr; IDWriteFactory3 *factory3; hr = IDWriteFactory_QueryInterface(provider_priv->factory, &IID_IDWriteFactory3, (void **) &factory3); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && factory3) { IDWriteFontSet *fontSet; hr = IDWriteFactory3_GetSystemFontSet(factory3, &fontSet); IDWriteFactory3_Release(factory3); if (FAILED(hr) || !fontSet) return; DWRITE_FONT_PROPERTY_ID property_ids[] = { DWRITE_FONT_PROPERTY_ID_WIN32_FAMILY_NAME, DWRITE_FONT_PROPERTY_ID_FULL_NAME, DWRITE_FONT_PROPERTY_ID_POSTSCRIPT_NAME, }; for (int i = 0; i < sizeof property_ids / sizeof *property_ids; i++) { DWRITE_FONT_PROPERTY property = { property_ids[i], lf.lfFaceName, L"", }; IDWriteFontSet *filteredSet; hr = IDWriteFontSet_GetMatchingFonts(fontSet, &property, 1, &filteredSet); if (FAILED(hr) || !filteredSet) continue; add_font_set(filteredSet, provider); IDWriteFontSet_Release(filteredSet); } IDWriteFontSet_Release(fontSet); } else { // We must be in Windows 8 WinRT. IDWriteFontSet is not yet // supported, but GDI calls are forbidden. Our only options are // FindFamilyName, CreateFontFromLOGFONT, and eager preloading // of all fonts. The two lazy options are similar, with the // difference that FindFamilyName searches by WWS_FAMILY_NAME // whereas CreateFontFromLOGFONT searches by WIN32_FAMILY_NAME. // The latter is what GDI uses, so pick that. In at least some // versions of Windows, it also searches by FULL_NAME, which is // even better, but it's unclear whether this includes Windows 8. // It never searches by POSTSCRIPT_NAME. This means we won't // find CFF-outline fonts by their PostScript name and may not // find TrueType fonts by their full name; but we can't fix this // without loading the entire font list. lf.lfWeight = FW_DONTCARE; lf.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET; lf.lfOutPrecision = OUT_TT_PRECIS; lf.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS; lf.lfQuality = ANTIALIASED_QUALITY; lf.lfPitchAndFamily = DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE; IDWriteFont *font = NULL; hr = IDWriteGdiInterop_CreateFontFromLOGFONT(provider_priv->gdi_interop, &lf, &font); if (FAILED(hr) || !font) return; IDWriteFontFamily *fontFamily = NULL; hr = IDWriteFont_GetFontFamily(font, &fontFamily); IDWriteFont_Release(font); if (FAILED(hr) || !fontFamily) return; UINT32 n = IDWriteFontFamily_GetFontCount(fontFamily); for (UINT32 i = 0; i < n; i++) { hr = IDWriteFontFamily_GetFont(fontFamily, i, &font); if (FAILED(hr)) continue; // Simulations for bold or oblique are sometimes synthesized by // DirectWrite. We are only interested in physical fonts. if (IDWriteFont_GetSimulations(font) != 0) { IDWriteFont_Release(font); continue; } add_font(font, fontFamily, provider); } IDWriteFontFamily_Release(fontFamily); } #endif } static void get_substitutions(void *priv, const char *name, ASS_FontProviderMetaData *meta) { const int n = sizeof(font_substitutions) / sizeof(font_substitutions[0]); ass_map_font(font_substitutions, n, name, meta); } /* * Called by libass when the provider should perform the * specified task */ static ASS_FontProviderFuncs directwrite_callbacks = { .get_data = get_data, .check_postscript = check_postscript, .check_glyph = check_glyph, .destroy_font = destroy_font, .destroy_provider = destroy_provider, .match_fonts = match_fonts, .get_substitutions = get_substitutions, .get_fallback = get_fallback, .get_font_index = get_font_index, }; #if ASS_WINAPI_DESKTOP typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *DWriteCreateFactoryFn) #else // LoadLibrary is forbidden in WinRT/UWP apps, so use DirectWrite directly. // These apps cannot run on older Windows that lacks DirectWrite, // so we lose nothing. HRESULT WINAPI DWriteCreateFactory #endif ( DWRITE_FACTORY_TYPE factoryType, REFIID iid, IUnknown **factory ); /* * Register the directwrite provider. Upon registering * scans all system fonts. The private data for this * provider is IDWriteFactory * On failure returns NULL */ ASS_FontProvider *ass_directwrite_add_provider(ASS_Library *lib, ASS_FontSelector *selector, const char *config, FT_Library ftlib) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IDWriteFactory *dwFactory = NULL; IDWriteGdiInterop *dwGdiInterop = NULL; ASS_FontProvider *provider = NULL; ProviderPrivate *priv = NULL; #if ASS_WINAPI_DESKTOP HMODULE directwrite_lib = LoadLibraryW(L"Dwrite.dll"); if (!directwrite_lib) goto cleanup; DWriteCreateFactoryFn DWriteCreateFactory = (DWriteCreateFactoryFn)(void *)GetProcAddress(directwrite_lib, "DWriteCreateFactory"); if (!DWriteCreateFactory) goto cleanup; #endif hr = DWriteCreateFactory(DWRITE_FACTORY_TYPE_SHARED, &IID_IDWriteFactory, (IUnknown **) (&dwFactory)); if (FAILED(hr) || !dwFactory) { ass_msg(lib, MSGL_WARN, "Failed to initialize directwrite."); dwFactory = NULL; goto cleanup; } hr = IDWriteFactory_GetGdiInterop(dwFactory, &dwGdiInterop); if (FAILED(hr) || !dwGdiInterop) { ass_msg(lib, MSGL_WARN, "Failed to get IDWriteGdiInterop."); dwGdiInterop = NULL; goto cleanup; } priv = calloc(sizeof(*priv), 1); if (!priv) goto cleanup; #if ASS_WINAPI_DESKTOP priv->directwrite_lib = directwrite_lib; #endif priv->factory = dwFactory; priv->gdi_interop = dwGdiInterop; provider = ass_font_provider_new(selector, &directwrite_callbacks, priv); if (!provider) goto cleanup; return provider; cleanup: free(priv); if (dwGdiInterop) dwGdiInterop->lpVtbl->Release(dwGdiInterop); if (dwFactory) dwFactory->lpVtbl->Release(dwFactory); #if ASS_WINAPI_DESKTOP if (directwrite_lib) FreeLibrary(directwrite_lib); #endif return NULL; }