/* * Copyright (C) 2006 Evgeniy Stepanov * * This file is part of libass. * * libass is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * libass is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with libass; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include FT_FREETYPE_H #include FT_GLYPH_H #include #include "ass_utils.h" #include "ass.h" #include "ass_fontconfig.h" #include "ass_font.h" #include "ass_bitmap.h" #include "ass_cache.h" #define FNV1_32A_INIT (unsigned)0x811c9dc5 static inline unsigned fnv_32a_buf(void *buf, size_t len, unsigned hval) { unsigned char *bp = buf; unsigned char *be = bp + len; while (bp < be) { hval ^= (unsigned) *bp++; hval += (hval << 1) + (hval << 4) + (hval << 7) + (hval << 8) + (hval << 24); } return hval; } static inline unsigned fnv_32a_str(char *str, unsigned hval) { unsigned char *s = (unsigned char *) str; while (*s) { hval ^= (unsigned) *s++; hval += (hval << 1) + (hval << 4) + (hval << 7) + (hval << 8) + (hval << 24); } return hval; } static unsigned hashmap_hash(void *buf, size_t len) { return fnv_32a_buf(buf, len, FNV1_32A_INIT); } static int hashmap_key_compare(void *a, void *b, size_t size) { return memcmp(a, b, size) == 0; } static void hashmap_item_dtor(void *key, size_t key_size, void *value, size_t value_size) { free(key); free(value); } hashmap_t *hashmap_init(size_t key_size, size_t value_size, int nbuckets, hashmap_item_dtor_t item_dtor, hashmap_key_compare_t key_compare, hashmap_hash_t hash) { hashmap_t *map = calloc(1, sizeof(hashmap_t)); map->nbuckets = nbuckets; map->key_size = key_size; map->value_size = value_size; map->root = calloc(nbuckets, sizeof(hashmap_item_p)); map->item_dtor = item_dtor ? item_dtor : hashmap_item_dtor; map->key_compare = key_compare ? key_compare : hashmap_key_compare; map->hash = hash ? hash : hashmap_hash; return map; } void hashmap_done(hashmap_t *map) { int i; // print stats if (map->count > 0 || map->hit_count + map->miss_count > 0) ass_msg(MSGL_V, "cache statistics: \n total accesses: %d\n hits: %d\n misses: %d\n object count: %d\n", map->hit_count + map->miss_count, map->hit_count, map->miss_count, map->count); for (i = 0; i < map->nbuckets; ++i) { hashmap_item_t *item = map->root[i]; while (item) { hashmap_item_t *next = item->next; map->item_dtor(item->key, map->key_size, item->value, map->value_size); free(item); item = next; } } free(map->root); free(map); } // does nothing if key already exists void *hashmap_insert(hashmap_t *map, void *key, void *value) { unsigned hash = map->hash(key, map->key_size); hashmap_item_t **next = map->root + (hash % map->nbuckets); while (*next) { if (map->key_compare(key, (*next)->key, map->key_size)) return (*next)->value; next = &((*next)->next); assert(next); } (*next) = malloc(sizeof(hashmap_item_t)); (*next)->key = malloc(map->key_size); (*next)->value = malloc(map->value_size); memcpy((*next)->key, key, map->key_size); memcpy((*next)->value, value, map->value_size); (*next)->next = 0; map->count++; return (*next)->value; } void *hashmap_find(hashmap_t *map, void *key) { unsigned hash = map->hash(key, map->key_size); hashmap_item_t *item = map->root[hash % map->nbuckets]; while (item) { if (map->key_compare(key, item->key, map->key_size)) { map->hit_count++; return item->value; } item = item->next; } map->miss_count++; return 0; } //--------------------------------- // font cache static unsigned font_desc_hash(void *buf, size_t len) { ass_font_desc_t *desc = buf; unsigned hval; hval = fnv_32a_str(desc->family, FNV1_32A_INIT); hval = fnv_32a_buf(&desc->bold, sizeof(desc->bold), hval); hval = fnv_32a_buf(&desc->italic, sizeof(desc->italic), hval); return hval; } static int font_compare(void *key1, void *key2, size_t key_size) { ass_font_desc_t *a = key1; ass_font_desc_t *b = key2; if (strcmp(a->family, b->family) != 0) return 0; if (a->bold != b->bold) return 0; if (a->italic != b->italic) return 0; if (a->treat_family_as_pattern != b->treat_family_as_pattern) return 0; return 1; } static void font_hash_dtor(void *key, size_t key_size, void *value, size_t value_size) { ass_font_free(value); free(key); } ass_font_t *ass_font_cache_find(hashmap_t *font_cache, ass_font_desc_t *desc) { return hashmap_find(font_cache, desc); } /** * \brief Add a face struct to cache. * \param font font struct */ void *ass_font_cache_add(hashmap_t *font_cache, ass_font_t *font) { return hashmap_insert(font_cache, &(font->desc), font); } hashmap_t *ass_font_cache_init(void) { hashmap_t *font_cache; font_cache = hashmap_init(sizeof(ass_font_desc_t), sizeof(ass_font_t), 1000, font_hash_dtor, font_compare, font_desc_hash); return font_cache; } void ass_font_cache_done(hashmap_t *font_cache) { hashmap_done(font_cache); } // Create hash/compare functions for bitmap and glyph #define CREATE_HASH_FUNCTIONS #include "ass_cache_template.c" #define CREATE_COMPARISON_FUNCTIONS #include "ass_cache_template.c" //--------------------------------- // bitmap cache static void bitmap_hash_dtor(void *key, size_t key_size, void *value, size_t value_size) { bitmap_hash_val_t *v = value; if (v->bm) ass_free_bitmap(v->bm); if (v->bm_o) ass_free_bitmap(v->bm_o); if (v->bm_s) ass_free_bitmap(v->bm_s); free(key); free(value); } void *cache_add_bitmap(hashmap_t *bitmap_cache, bitmap_hash_key_t *key, bitmap_hash_val_t *val) { return hashmap_insert(bitmap_cache, key, val); } /** * \brief Get a bitmap from bitmap cache. * \param key hash key * \return requested hash val or 0 if not found */ bitmap_hash_val_t *cache_find_bitmap(hashmap_t *bitmap_cache, bitmap_hash_key_t *key) { return hashmap_find(bitmap_cache, key); } hashmap_t *ass_bitmap_cache_init(void) { hashmap_t *bitmap_cache; bitmap_cache = hashmap_init(sizeof(bitmap_hash_key_t), sizeof(bitmap_hash_val_t), 0xFFFF + 13, bitmap_hash_dtor, bitmap_compare, bitmap_hash); return bitmap_cache; } void ass_bitmap_cache_done(hashmap_t *bitmap_cache) { hashmap_done(bitmap_cache); } hashmap_t *ass_bitmap_cache_reset(hashmap_t *bitmap_cache) { ass_bitmap_cache_done(bitmap_cache); return ass_bitmap_cache_init(); } //--------------------------------- // glyph cache static void glyph_hash_dtor(void *key, size_t key_size, void *value, size_t value_size) { glyph_hash_val_t *v = value; if (v->glyph) FT_Done_Glyph(v->glyph); if (v->outline_glyph) FT_Done_Glyph(v->outline_glyph); free(key); free(value); } void *cache_add_glyph(hashmap_t *glyph_cache, glyph_hash_key_t *key, glyph_hash_val_t *val) { return hashmap_insert(glyph_cache, key, val); } /** * \brief Get a glyph from glyph cache. * \param key hash key * \return requested hash val or 0 if not found */ glyph_hash_val_t *cache_find_glyph(hashmap_t *glyph_cache, glyph_hash_key_t *key) { return hashmap_find(glyph_cache, key); } hashmap_t *ass_glyph_cache_init(void) { hashmap_t *glyph_cache; glyph_cache = hashmap_init(sizeof(glyph_hash_key_t), sizeof(glyph_hash_val_t), 0xFFFF + 13, glyph_hash_dtor, glyph_compare, glyph_hash); return glyph_cache; } void ass_glyph_cache_done(hashmap_t *glyph_cache) { hashmap_done(glyph_cache); } hashmap_t *ass_glyph_cache_reset(hashmap_t *glyph_cache) { ass_glyph_cache_done(glyph_cache); return ass_glyph_cache_init(); } //--------------------------------- // composite cache static void composite_hash_dtor(void *key, size_t key_size, void *value, size_t value_size) { composite_hash_val_t *v = value; free(v->a); free(v->b); free(key); free(value); } void *cache_add_composite(hashmap_t *composite_cache, composite_hash_key_t *key, composite_hash_val_t *val) { return hashmap_insert(composite_cache, key, val); } /** * \brief Get a composite bitmap from composite cache. * \param key hash key * \return requested hash val or 0 if not found */ composite_hash_val_t *cache_find_composite(hashmap_t *composite_cache, composite_hash_key_t *key) { return hashmap_find(composite_cache, key); } hashmap_t *ass_composite_cache_init(void) { hashmap_t *composite_cache; composite_cache = hashmap_init(sizeof(composite_hash_key_t), sizeof(composite_hash_val_t), 0xFFFF + 13, composite_hash_dtor, composite_compare, composite_hash); return composite_cache; } void ass_composite_cache_done(hashmap_t *composite_cache) { hashmap_done(composite_cache); } hashmap_t *ass_composite_cache_reset(hashmap_t *composite_cache) { ass_composite_cache_done(composite_cache); return ass_composite_cache_init(); }