# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 # # Keywords for dictionary-assisted ASS fuzzing # For use with AFL++'s -x and libfuzzer's -dict option # # Syntax: # Lines starting with # are ignored. # Keywords are listed as name="keyword", with the alphanumeric # identifier name follooed by = being optional. # Inside the quotes " and \ must be escaped by \" and \\ respectively # and non-printable characters must be escaped as \x. # Some common font names "Arial" "DejaVu Sans" # Various common terminals "yes" "no" "0x" "&H" ";" "," "\x0a" "\x0d\x0a" "+" "-" ":" # Sections "[Script Info]" "[Fonts]" "[V4 Styles]" "[V4+ Styles]" "[V4++ Styles]" "[Events]" # Script Info Headers "ScriptType" "PlayResX" "PlayResY" "Timer" "WrapStyle" "ScaledBorderAndShadow" "YCbCr Matrix" "Kerning" "Language" ## Interesting Script Info Header Values "v4.00" "v4.00+" "v4.00++" "none" "tv.601" "pc.601" "tv.709" "pc.709" "tv.240m" "pc.240m" "tv.fcc" "pc.fcc" # Fonts Section "fontname:" # Styles Section "Style" "Format: " "Name" "FontName" "FontSize" "PrimaryColour" "SecondaryColour" "OutlineColour" "BackColour" "Bold" "Italic" "Underline" "StrikeOut" "ScaleX" "ScaleY" "Spacing" "Angle" "BorderStyle" "Outline" "Shadow" "Alignment" "MarginL" "MarginR" "MarginV" "MarginT" "MarginB" "Encoding" "RelativeTo" "TertiaryColour" "AlphaLevel" # Events Section ## Format Items (only those not already present in the Styles list) "Layer" "Marked" "Text" "Start" "End" "Actor" "Effect" ## Events "Comment:" "Dialogue:" ## Effects "Karaoke;" "Scroll up;" "Scroll down;" "Banner;" # Event Text ## In-Text Escapes (with libass extensions" "\\h" "\\N" "\\n" "\\{" "\\}" ## Override Commands "{" "}" "(" ")" ### Non-Animateable Commands "\\fsc" "\\fn" "\\r" "\\b" "\\i" "\\kf" "\\K" "\\ko" "\\kt" "\\k" "\\s" "\\u" "\\fe" "\\an" "\\a" "\\pbo" "\\p" "\\move" "\\pos" "\\fad" "\\fade" "\\org" "\\t" ### Animateable Commands "\\bord" "\\xbord" "\\ybord" "\\shad" "\\xshad" "\\yshad" "\\be" "\\blur" "\\fscx" "\\fscy" "\\frx" "\\fry" "\\frz" "\\fr" "\\fax" "\\fay" "\\fs" "\\fsp" "\\c" "\\1c" "\\2c" "\\3c" "\\4c" "\\alpha" "\\1a" "\\2a" "\\3a" "\\4a" "\\iclip" "\\clip" ## Drawing Commands "m " "n " "l " "b " "s " "p " "c"